Villain with a Heart (Todorok...

By Prickle_Prackle

469K 17.5K 15.5K

•Soulmate! and Villain! AU• (Follows manga timeline but I change some things! It also focuses more on Midoryi... More

A New Beginning
All Might's head
A Boy Named Shoto Todoroki
Times Change And So Do People
Journal No.14
Man With the Blue Hair
Burnt Roses
Villain with a Heart
Soulmate Mark
Unexpected Visitor
Class 1-A
"Lord Of The Flies"
Ochako Uraraka
Lunch Buddies
Vulnerable Boy
USJ Incident (1/2)
USJ Incident (2/2)
After the incident
Movie Marathons and Uber Drivers
Boba Tea
A l o n e
The Box
-Lullaby For A Newfound Crush-
UA Sports Festival 1/3
UA Sports Festival 2/3
UA Sports Festival 3/3
Teal Eyes
Hero Names
Pro Hero: "Magi"
Hero Killer: "Stain"
Hand Crusher
Toga and Dabi
Glowing Eyes
His Voice
Marbled Students
The Cleaning
Candy Apples And Art
Grand Theft Auto 2.0
Declaration of War
Himiko Toga and Twice
Memory Rooms
I Pass Out Too Much
First Snowfall
Warm Embrace
Chocolate Strawberries
New Room
Too Many Close Calls
Where You Go, I Go
Third Hostage
No Time For Grief
Lovers Entwined

Safe House

3.8K 191 264
By Prickle_Prackle


Me and Todoroki were at the police station waiting for answers. Where's my mom? Who's the stalker? What do they want? Is my mom safe? What's going to happen to me?
Millions of questions flooded my mind before I shook my head violently to stop them, though  it didn't really work.

Someone turned on the TV hanging on the wall. The reporter had been talking about some pro hero stopping a robbery in a small rural spot nearby, before switching over to another reporter standing in front of my house. My mind practically shut down at that point.

I know these people do this kind of reporting to the public for a living, but this wasn't okay this time. They can't just earn money from a story this horrifying.

I turned my head around to look at the bicolor-haired boy sitting next to me. His face as stoic as ever, but a hint of anger and uneasiness. He seemed to have been thinking the same things as me.

I glanced back at the TV screen to see what they had to say.

"-It's something straight out of a horror movie! Whoever did this is some horrid villain with a crush on the young man that lives here. His mom is also apparently missing too, so if you see this woman anywhere, please call the police." A photo of my mom showed up on the screen. "The police said that inside the box delivered to the boy, were human remains along with laminated photos of the boy doing daily things, like: eating breakfast, dressing, studying, going to school, etcetera. Quite the stalker he got. The box was full of blood on the inside, and the human remain was that of a person's heart. A laminated paper with the words "I love you Izu-Kun." Written on it in black marker."

The image of this scene replayed in my head, leaving me a bit nauseous. The heart didn't bother me, and the blood didn't either. It was the images and the way the person set it up. It was the way it all happened so fast. It was the way of how anxious it left me to know if that heart belonged to someone I knew personally.

Like my mom.

Like a colleague.

Like a friend.

I glanced back at Todoroki, who I had dragged into this whole mess. A punch to my heart, when I realized how traumatic this whole thing must've been for him. A bystander.

"Todoroki-kun...?" I said with a shaky voice.
He looked at me slowly, not saying anything.
It really broke my heart to see him like this.

"I'm sorry..." I yelled on accident, holding back tears to no avail.

His face shifted to one of concern. "M-Midoriya-"

I grabbed his shirt and clutched it with my hands, my knuckles going white. "I SHOULDNT HAVE ASKED YOU TO COME OVER!" I was mad at myself.

He gripped my hands on his shirt, trying to make me let go. I quickly did so, leaving me to feel embarrassed. I dug my nails into my arms causing me to flinch a bit from the pain. I did this sometimes when I felt angry, anxious, or even sad. A bad habit.

He stopped me and gave me a small smile.
I felt like shit.

A police officer came over and offered a safe house for me to stay in near Yuuei Highschool so that I'm safe from my stalker. I thanked the officer for the offer and agreed to go stay there for a while. He also offered Todoroki to stay at the safe house for the time being with me. He didn't answer but said he would have to ask his dad for permission.

I knew about his dad, and I'm sure there was a 40% chance that Endeavor could agree to the proposition.

"You should stay considering that you could've been spotted by this weirdo. They could hurt you." I stated with concern.

He pondered the idea and agreed.

"Alright then, we'll be leaving in five minutes." The Officer then turned around and walked away into what I assumed to be his office.

There was an awkward silence between me and the bicolored-haired boy. It wasn't too bad, we just didn't know what to do or say.

I then remembered I had yet to inform Shigaraki of what happened, though I'm sure he saw the news. Doubt he wasn't too concerned about me, but concerned for how this would affect his plan.

I stared at my hand that were still shaking. I made them into a fist, slightly digging my nails on my palm.


We were in a police car being driven to the safe house the police suggested we stay at.
My eyes felt heavy, as all the stress was kind of taking a toll on me as well as the times I stayed out too late training or at the league's hideout.
I didn't even notice I had fallen asleep until a soft tap on my cheek woke me up. "H-Huh...?" I groggily said as I sat up straight. "Are we there already?" Todoroki nods and exits the car. I let out a yawn and take off my seatbelt before I step out of the vehicle as well.

The officer look at us both before leading us into the building. We got inside a small elevator that brought us to the third floor. The metal doors opened to a red carpeted hallway with beige wallpaper and a few mirrors or paintings here-and-there.

The man walked down the hall with us trailing behind before he stopped at a door with a metal plaque on it that read "338". He turned to face us. "This will be where you're staying. Don't do anything to the place. I'm right next door if you need anything. It's already stocked with your daily necessities such as food and such, meaning there's no need for you to go outside to buy anything. As I said earlier, if you need anything just tell me." He then took out a pair of keys from his pocket and used them to unlock the door.

Todoroki and me entered, examining the place. It was small, but very cozy to say the least. The police man bid his goodbye before leaving to his own place. Before he exited though, he placed the key on a small key-holder on the wall.

Me and Todoroki walked around the place to get to know where everything was at.
The walls were painted white, and had wooden floors unlike the walls and floor of the hallway. If you were to step into the place, you'd be greeted with a small living room connected to a kitchen. The kitchen was full of appliances you'd use on a daily basis or from time-to-time. There was a small wooden table between the living room and the kitchen that was adorned with a vase full of flowers. They seemed to be real.

If you walk further down, there's a small door that leads to a pretty big bedroom. The walls there are still painted white and the floors are the same as the ones I mentioned earlier. There was a huge king sized bed and two nightstands on each side of it. There was only one window in the room.

A gray door led to the bathroom, and there was no closet. Only furniture with empty drawers to put your clothes in.

We looked around the small place for a second bedroom, but there was only one.
"If you want, I can sleep on the couch." I suggested.

Todoroki looked at me a bit confused. "Why?"

"Well... T-There's only one bed and I'm sure you'd feel uncomfortable if we slept in the same bed, y-you know?" I did my usual habit of scratching the back of my head.

His expression changed from confusion to completely dumbfounded. "I wouldn't though?" He seemed to stop and shuffle his weight onto his other foot. "I used to sleep with my siblings on their bed a lot as a kid. It never bothered me to have company when I slept. Why would I bother me now?" He questioned.

"O-Oh..." Was all I said before we argued for a while about it. We both agreed to sleep on the same bed in the end since it wouldn't hurt, and the bed was rather big.

Nighttime was nearing and I had been feeling way too exhausted for my own good even after my nap on the ride here. I called my mother on the phone for the millionth time again, and no one answered. It was very infuriating.

"I'm gonna make some instant ramen, you want some Todoroki?" I asked him in a tired tone.

"Sure." He replied from the couch where he sat looking through new articles about what had happened earlier.

"Okay." I started to heat the water up with the stove and leaned on the counter. I wanted to drift off into a time when life was easier and even happy. Maybe a time when I was still friends with Kaachan and none of us had quirks. Those times were great.

When the water was heated enough, I poured it into each individual plastic container and let it soften the noodles. "Ready." I called out.
I took out some chopsticks and placed them on the bowls.

Todoroki walked over and thanked me.

"Itadakimasu" we both said before digging in.

There was a long silence that felt rather uncomfortable. It seemed to bother him more than me so he cut in and asked me if I had met my soulmate yet.

"No..." I looked at the noodles. "I wanna meet them soon though. The first thing I want to do when I meet them is hug them and... I guess kiss them? I feel like they'd be the greatest source of comfort for me." I rambled. "Oh! Sorry! I was rambling wasn't I?"

"It's fine." He gave me a small smile. "It doesn't bother me."

"R-Really?" I asked, a big embarrassed. "Usually people are very uncomfortable when I mumble or ramble on about stuff, so I tend to try to stop myself and apologize."

"It doesn't bother me." He repeated.

"How about you? Have you met them?" I asked him.

"Not yet. If I did, I would probably never realize until a long time of knowing them."

"Same. What's the point of having soulmate marks, if we'll never know who our significant other is! How are we supposed to know when we know them?!" I threw my hands up and leant back on my chair. "It's so frustrating!"

He chuckled a bit at my annoyance towards the subject. "You're right."

"Now that I think about it... I don't think you ever told me what your soulmate mark is?" I stated out of the blue.

He tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Neither have you. People usually go around showing them to others in case they can tell that the mark represents them." He sighed. "But sometimes the marks are too vague to tell."

I agreed.

"You wanna see anyways?" I asked. "Maybe we can see if we can help each other out to find our soulmates in the future." I laughed.

"I actually have a bit of a confession to make Midoryia..." He said with a bit of sadness laced in his tone.

I grew concerned and asked him what was wrong. He didn't break his gaze with his, now, empty plate. "I think I know who my soulmate is..."

I looked at him expectantly. "Who?"

He looked back up at me with worry in his eyes. "Do you promise not to tell anyone?" He was being completely serious, more than usual.

I nodded. "I swear on my life. You can trust me."

"Do you remember the USJ attack?"


CLIFFHANGER!!! Mwahahahaha!!!!!

THANKS FOR 150K READS!!!!!! 🎉 🥳

I hope you enjoyed the chapter that was long awaited-ish (it's actually longer than I intended it to be.)


I also wrote a BNHA X Reader store here if you guys wanna check it out ig 👉👈😳

Finals are this week and I'm gonna fail so have this update ig.

Have a great day!!!
-Your dead Author

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