Sweet'N Low [Tweek x Clyde]

By st_op_cry_ing

16.3K 484 373

Clyde develops feelings for his best friend's EX. More

Plain Black Coffee (chapter 1)
"Loca Moca" (chapter 3)
Versace (chapter 4)
Go Cows! (chapter 5)
The Green Shirt (chapter 6)
Friday Sunset (chapter 7)
Feel at Home (chapter 8)
After the Game(chapter 9)
Unknown Number(chapter 10)
The Hat (chapter 11)
A Night With Bebe(chapter 12)
It's a Date? (chapter 13)
Get Away!(chapter 14)
Night at Token's (chapter 15)
What's Your Deal?(chapter 16)
Chocolate Chip Cookies (chapter 17)
Smirnoff (chapter 18)
Green Letterman (chapter 19)
We're a "Thing" (chapter 20)

Blondie (chapter 2)

1.1K 35 23
By st_op_cry_ing


Clyde sat in his pick-up truck after school. He rested his forehead on the steering wheel for a few minutes, and thought about the argument he'd had with Craig during lunch.
"What the fuck!" He yelled, pushing himself off the wheel and on to the seat. He felt a vibration in his pocket, and reached for his phone rubbing his watery eyes in the process, it was a text from Token. God knows what he'd want to tell him after the shit that went down. Clyde knew for sure he wasn't gonna open the message to find out.
He slammed the car key in, and started the engine "What the fuck are you doing Clyde?" He asked himself as he reversed his truck out of the parking slot.

He drove around the school slowly scanning the pools of teenagers leaking out, then he spotted it. the green flannel, spastic blondie "bingo.." he thought to himself.
He pulled up next to the side walk Tweek was coming from and rolled down his window
"get in the truck, blondie." He smiled at the twitchy boy. "I'll give you a ride." He said to Tweek, with a dumbass smirk plastered on his face. Tweek started shaking at the sight "Cl-Clyde why are you talking to me??" Tweek said with concern in his voice "Are you going to hurt me!?"
Clyde bounced out of the truck knowing exactly where Tweek was going with this. "heh...relax buddy.." he put his arms around Tweek trying to calm him down like he'd seen Craig do. "There there, Tweek~"
he whispered in Tweek's ear.
"I've just missed hanging out dude."
Clyde played with Tweek's light blond hair.
"I was wondering if you'd like to hang out today?" Clyde whispered while still holding a twitching blonde. Tweek started tearing up, and clawed at Clyde's back while digging his face into Clyde's chest.
"I th-thought, you guy's d-didn't want to hang out with me anymore since the thing with Craig..." Tweek said with tears rolling down his face and on to Clyde's shirt. Clyde felt like crying himself. Clyde is pretty emotional, and seeing Tweek like this made him sad, and not to mention angry at whatever the fuck Craig must've told Tweek to get him like this. Clyde helped Tweek into the passenger seat of his GMC 2019 pickup. "Me, and Token are still your friends Tweek." Clyde said then got into the driver's side. He laid his hand on Tweek's knee and rubbed it in a comforting way. Tweek chuckled cutely rubbing the last tears from his eyes. "I feel better now Clyde~"
he said with a shy smile on his face. Clyde smiled and started driving away from the school
"what do you say we hang out at my place? We can watch Hulu, and make coffee?"
Tweek's eyes lit up
"have y-you seen Gravity Falls??" Tweek said excitedly. Clyde looked over at Tweek, and felt something light up inside of him.
"G-Gravity Falls?" He stuttered, and looked forward at the road to hide his slight blush. Tweek went on, and on about all the cartoons he loves to watch. Clyde thought it was really cute.
"Since when did Tweek act so cute??" Clyde asked himself.

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