The new year

By dropsofrain24

12.5K 301 120

Penny, brain and her unique uncle are on a special mission to West Africa, to stop mad from stealing a precio... More

You need what now?
Go go gadget, guide of what to do in Liberia!
Just more mishief
Authors note,
Night of the ball part 1
Night of the ball part 2
A/N(What happened?)
New year revelations part 1
New year revelations part 2
Questions & Missions
.....Uncle Gadget, No!
Seeing through the blur
Put the 'new' in New year!
Extravagant A/N πŸ’Žβœ¨πŸ’…πŸ½
~ EPILOGUE ~...!!!

Madness in the Mad lair

717 19 5
By dropsofrain24

Talon POV

I can't believe THAT just happened....!!! I did it! I-I finally told pretty Penny how I really feel and SHE LIKES ME BACK! Awesome🥰! Not forgetting our magical and totally unforgettable first kiss my heart beats like crazy just thinking about it.......It was sooooo perfect for a first kiss and hopefully........It WONT be the last.........*cough* *cough*😚😳😅

Anywhooo😁, I wonder how missions will be like from now on???🤔 Because this changes EVERYTHING! Do we still do our usual kungfu tango? Or are we gonna be all 'Lovey-Dovey' during the whole mission? Oh whatever, I'll figure out that part with Penny later but what I know for sure is that the whole arch nemesis thing is history, we dont really hate eachother anymore. In fact, we never hated eachother in the first place. Alot of people would tell us we like eachother, there was Kayla, Pasha, Dr Von Slickstein and Dr...whatever his name was who made that hover train Mad tried stealing.

We were both in denial, but secretly my heart flattered every time someone mentioned it. With my acting skills; you could think I didn't care but honestly.. I did but I thought Penny didn't......... so I guess that's why I never really brought up the topic.

But thank goodness I was wrong!😁 Because my crush would crush me, literally! But she likes- No- LOVES me back; well I hope so cuz I don't really know about that. But I'm just happy that she really cares about me.

Anywho I'm off to the Mad lair and much to my displeasure, there's a shark tank with my name on it. The Mad-copter is taking off to leave for Metro city soon but I don't think Uncle Claw is gonna be all that pleased to see me.

I sneakily go to my room in the Liberian Mad lair and take all my stuff including the the huge flat screen TV. What? If I'm going to be severely punished at the main Mad lair back at home then I might as well have some fun afterwards. Everything is packed in the Mad-copter ready for takeoff and I start wondering where Uncle Claw and his overweight annoying Mad cat are?

"I was waiting for you, Talon" A familiar voice says in a sinister manner.

"Uncle Claw!!! I didn't see you there! I guess we're all set to go back to Metro city then, he he" I say nervously scratching the back of my neck.

"I suppose.....But without the jewel of kru!!! Thanks to some good for nothing Mad agent!!!" He says while eye rolling. And hey! That's my thing! Ugh, Whatever I dont have time for this.

"Whatever Uncle Claw can we just go home now? We can discuss this later"

Mad cat snickers and after him laughing with Mad cat, at my failure, he finally takes off.

Whatever, those two fools can laugh all they want. At least I have a lady in my life now; Unlike them(guy for Mad cat). And I smile to myself and can't help but laugh although I know Mad cat and Uncle Claw are obviously confused as to why I'd laugh after being laughed at.

~ Time skip to arrival at Metro city ~

Aaah! Sweet Metro city air! Liberia was cool and all, but you know what they say. There's no place better than home. Even though you may have a crazy Uncle who comes up with the craziest plans which often lead to it's destruction *sigh and eye roll*, Its still home sweet home. Kinda can't wait to get back to main Mad lair, Even though the toilet issues are not yet resolved and has Mad cats hairballs all over the place it still ends up being called what I call home. Oooo! And I can try talking to Penny as my actual self for once. How cool could that be!

But I still have to face the wrath of my Uncle Claw cuz I failed one of his craziest missions yet but at least it was a really smart one and could've been beneficial to everyone, at Mad that is, but thanks to Mr. 'Go go go Gadget this', 'go go go Gadget that', It was a no show. I wish he'd go go go Gadgeted somewhere else for once; so I had completed this mission cuz apart from the other perks, I really just wanted to make Uncle Claw proud. There's no pleasing that fool but completing that mission was my key in doing that and to show him how unappreciative he is of all the amazing villainous things I do for him. I've done so many missions for him, some more successful than others; I even lost count! But what I can't forget is the reason why everyone of them fails; Penny's brain, the dog brain who try's to protect Gadget and through some oddly repetitive luck 'a go go Gadget!' Saves the day. I never show the sensitive side I have deep down, but Uncle C really triggers it by not appreciating the nephew who sometimes risks his life for him.

Maybe I should stop trying to please the guy, but It would be really sweet if I did and he made me first in command of Mad after he retires or something, Or if they ever send him to jail; but doubt that happening. We Claws have a talent of escaping and never being captured.

Speaking of my 'caring' Uncle he informs me that we're home and I should unload my stuff so I can get straight into my punishment. Yippie! Can't wait for it! *for clarity, insert a sarcastic eyeroll here*

It's about to get Mad in the Mad lair, Cuz he looks pretty Mad, probably cuz he owns Mad, how Madder can things get.....................Oh boy, I'm going Mad.

(Enough with the Mad puns Talon😠😅)

"TALON!!!?? Get your sorry butt over hear RIGHT NOW!!!!" The evil psycho yells which practically BOOMS through out the whole Mad lair.

I carefully place the flat screen TV in it's safe hiding spot and everything's just about packed when I yell back a "I'm Coming!" And quick dash out of my Mad bedroom which is soon to be even more awesome with the TV I got.

I'm running through the hallway to my uncertain doom and I'm secretly hoping Uncle C isn't too hard on me; not to mention whack crazy! But both seem to be his middle name or something, because his punishments are beyond far from the normal punishments that a regular human being could give.

I make it to the main room and Uncle C smirks evily at me like he finally has a victim to torture and play around with. I can't see the slightest of sympathy in his face and I just hang my head in defeat about to face my fate.

"Let's get this party started-" he starts. There is nothing good about this 'party' believe me.

"So since you failed on such a special mission, I will of course, punish you in a special way..." I don't like where this is going, but at least he stopped shouting.

"If u'd done the mission properly, we could have afforded to squeeze money in for a plumber for that busted toilet, but since you didn't; you will do the plumbing" he says while throwing a plunger at me, and he smirks while Mad cat snickers beside him.

"Uncle C?! That is so not fair! Not to mention disgusting. You just can't stoop that low??!!

"Yes I can, I'm evil." He says blankly.

I resist the urge to eyeroll cuz that could make things a whole lot worse.

"Have you seen the blocked toilet?! It's unbearable to even look at! The conditions are the definition of unsanitary! and the air is reeking with stench and humidity. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT THAT COULD DO TO MY HAIR ??!!!!" I say basically losing it, to my Uncle's unfair actions.

"Don't know, don't care. That's not it though. You then have to clean the lair from all of Mad cat's hairballs and empty her ever so pleasant litter box and of course, before those three lets start with a personal favourite.." He says smirking yet again.

Before I even have time to protest, he presses a button and I'm lunged straight into the floor. Sharks! Gaaah! Dang it, I should have totally seen that one coming! this will officially be one of the worst days of my life.

~Skip to after all the chores are finally completed😪😓😌~

"And that's the last of it.." I breathlessly say as I dump the last bag of Mad cat's kitty litter in the trash bin.

It's been a LONG day and I have never felt so tired before, my muscles are killing me and I definitely need to relax them after this immobilizing punishment.

Dealt with the sharks as usual, Dealt with the hairballs after what seemed like FOREVER, The kitty litter was gross; but I managed. Dont even ask about the toilet *barf* though I managed to keep my hair safe from the stench and humid air, I've lost my appetite for eating any sort of food for the rest of the day.

I take a quick shower and collapse on my bed looking back at everything. Boy, if I knew this punishment would be this bad, I would have tried twice as much to do it successfully. But thanks to Gadget, Penny and that mutt brain. I should stop obsessing though, it's not like this is the first time we've been defeated. And what's done is done; I can't change it but move on. And besides I can't stay mad at Penny forever. Speaking about Penny, an awesome idea re-pops back up into my head.

I rush to my computer and quickly click on to my spy place. Perfect! She's online! I couldn't speak to her as myself at first because of the arch nemesis thing but now I actually have a shot, here goes nothing.

"Hey Penny! It's Talon, Howz it goin' 😉" I type and with a boost in confidence press send.

I wait eagerly for her reply, not gonna lie; I'm a little nervous but I hope this all goes well.....

Yes! She answered my text!

P = Hie Talon😊, I didn't know this #     
following me was u.......sooo wassup?

T = I'm so happy ur cul with this! U've no idea how many tyms I've talked 2 u as some random stranger😂

P = Really?😅 wow, wierd, but I should hv known. How's ur first day back at Metro city been like

T= Terrible! Uncle Claw punished me by dealing with Mad cat's kitty litter and hairballs! Of course there was the sharks but don't even get me started on plumbing duty!🙄😒😒😒

P = Oh Wow😅😂! If I knew it wz going 2 be THAT BAD I would hv jxt practically stolen the jewel FOR u😂

T = Har har Pen😒, u wouldn't do that in a million yrs😏

P = well u got that ryt😌

T = I assume u had a much better day🤷🏻‍♂️?

P = Are u kidding me?😵 Kayla basically couldn't stop yapping at me to tell her all about...........😳

T = About wat?

P =............

T = Penny?

T = Pen?

T = Come on pretty P, don't leave me hanging😥

P =  About you......

T= what😳

P = She came thru the G-portal and saw me holding the gift u gave me; made connections.....and yh u get it 4m there😅🤦🏼‍♀️

T = I see😅 but totally not my fault🤷🏻‍♂️

P = Yh, watever, but she bugged me about it the WHOLE day😩 my mouth is so tired from talking!😪

T = I guess we both had it tough😅😂

P = Tell me about it😄

P= Shoot! Uncle Gadget's calling me 4 dinner, I hv 2 go🙁

T = Oh😕 its cul, but quick question!

P = Ok?🤨, ask away

T= wat tym do head to bed after dinner?😬

P = Any time B4 10, why?

T = No reason, Later!

P =Watever wierdo

T = who's also dangerously handsome 😏

P = No tym 4 ur ridiculous flirts😂 I really hv 2 go

T= K, bye Pen

P= Bye Talon

That was awesome! I didn't think texting her could be this fun! But who says its ending here? Before 10 right? Its 7 right now, so got I some time.

After a short nap, I'll pay someone a short visit. Time to catch a few Zzzzs after this stressful day.

I shut my eyes and soon all I see is black.

Penny POV

After my short convo with Talon. I head over to the kitchen and hope for the best with my Uncle's, Umm, mad cooking skills......

Speaking of Mad, everything's been out of the ordinary today. I spent most of the day with what could be the world's longest convo which lasted for hours! cuz Kayla wanted every little detail of my hectic New year with Talon. It was sweet but I have never seen Kayla THIS crazy about Talenny! I shouldn't blame her though, the ship she's so gaga about did sail....kinda? I dont know. But what really makes today Mad (both senses of the word) is the fact that Talon texted me! I can't believe he's been following me the whole time! Just that I didn't know it was him. I dont know what this means for our relationship during missions though.........Oh, I'll worry about that later cause the lasagna Uncle G has made looks surprisingly pretty good, and I cant wait to dig in!

~After muching some dinner~

That  was  some good lasagna! Which is probably due to the fact that Uncle G followed the recipe this time. After a short rest, I take a shower and change into my Pjs! I head out to the balcony to get my usual gaze at the stars and while using my codex I update my account on my spy place with a few pictures. Not that I'm stalking or anything but Talon is oddly offline, weird......Anywhooo

Wait, what! Oh boy, he's starting to rub off on me....Anyways, I check the time and it's half past 9, I should go to bed; dont wanna sleep too late.

I get in my covers and before I can shut my eyes, I can see something like a flash of purple lurking around on my balcony! I internally freak out, what the heck was that! I slowly get out of my covers and head out to see what it is. I'm kind of scared to know that there is something out there but I ain't scared to give it a taste of my fists!

When I get out there, I carefully look around and I feel something touch my shoulder, I punch it in the face. It groans and looks hurt, but it's a person and that's when I hear...

"Oww!!! My perfect nose! That damn hurt! You almost hit the doo too!" The words say it all, theres only one person this could be.

"TALON??!!! OH MY GOSH, What are you doing here!!! And I'm SO SORRY, I didn't mean to hurt you!" I say shocked and hurriedly apologizing.

"Geeez Pen.., If I knew you where gonna be this fiesty, I would have just stayed at home." he says while rubbing his nose.

I smile awkwardly and mouth another 'sorry' while laughing nervously. I'm a super junior agent, what did he expect?

"What are you doing here anyways" I say crossing my arms.

"Oh c'mon Pen, dont act as if you're not happy to see me.." He says cooing and giving me that famous smirk of his.

I just roll my eyes.

"What do you want, Talon?" I say squinting my eyes a bit.

"Ouch Pen, It almost sounds like I'm not wanted here. I just came by to chill with a certain junior agent cuz I happen to know the location of her home. But if theres something wrong, I could just leave." He says while turning on his rocket  boots.

"Uggghh, Fine. Get in but no funny business!"  I say while pointing a finger at him as a warning.

"I knew you were happy to see this handsome face again" He says while turning off his boots and walking into my room like he owns the place.

I wonder if this was a good idea. I mean, I dont think my room will be able to contain his big ego........

"Nice place Pen, but it could use some work. The decos are a bit off and I mean your taste in hair products is absolutely unbearable!" He says while looking around the room and looking at my dresser with the 'unbearable products'.

"Though your hair looks a bit better than it should  with this awful brand-" he says picking up the bottle " I could give you some recommendations if you like, which btwz, are a thousand times better" He says looking up and down at both the bottle then at me.

That about does it😡....I give him a threatening death stare and he visibly flinches.

"Ok, Suit yourself! but I was just trying to give you some advice" He says leaving the bottle back on the dresser and throwing his arms up in defense.

"I'll pass" I blanky say.

He smirks and goes to sit on my bed.

"Your bed is comfy, though. I could really enjoy some sleep in this." He says laying on his back.

I walk over and sit beside him "You finally said something sensible tonight" I say slyly.

"Hey, I'm always sensible!" He says getting back up.

"Say, what you want to say. But the truth is otherwise" I say.

"Says who?" He says.

"Says me"I reply.

"Your opinion doesn't matter Pen" he says while pouting.

"Your immaturity is so predictable" I say playfully rolling my eyes.

"Oh yeah? Did you predict this!" He says while attacking me by surprise with a tickle attack pushing me onto my back.

"Hey!*giggle* TALON!*giggle giggle* quit it! *giggle giggle laugh* Its not fu- ha ha ha, FUNNY!" I say breathlessly.

"I thought you predicted everything, huh? You couldn't predict this, could ya!?" He mocks me.

"Haaaa- No,please! Hahaha-Talon??!!!I beg yooooouu- hahahaha-I can't...ha-feel my ribs!!!" I started feeling really tired of all this forced laughing. I knew Talon was evil but not this tickle monster evil! He has such a strong grip on me; I'm unable to break free,  I didnt know he could be this muscular.... now's not the time to time to think about that Penny!

In my tickle misery I glance at his face and he looks so determined and thrilled, He must be having so much fun making me suffer. Come to think of it, I dont remember the last time I saw him this happy! He gets a bit distracted when he notices I'm staring at his cute little face. I take advantage of the situation.

In one swift move, I'm able to use his strong grip against him to flip me over and get him on his own back and with all the strength left in me to hold him down and give him some sweet tickle revenge time.

His face has a shocked expression but he soon breaks down in laughter after I tickle him back and I have not the slightest of sympathy for him after what he put me through! I can't help but notice how adorable he is as he squirms and laughs hysterically. He tries to get out if my grip but I don't let him! and continue to make him PAY. His face is too much for me to handle, I almost feel bad for doing this to him, ALMOST. Eventually, I get tired and decide to let him go and he just lies there on my bed; obviously defeated.

I smile to myself  "Looks like we're even then, Talon" I say smirking and glancing at the Mad boy whose laying on my bed.

He looks so weak but makes a small smile before crossing his arms and sticking his tongue out at me.

Some people never change.......

He shuts his eyes and just relaxes there, I take the opportunity to just look at him lay there. He looks so peaceful..... I get my whole body on the bed, removing my shoes, and look at face still as peaceful as ever. This opportunity has made me to notice just how handsome Talon really is. It's not like I didn't notice before; the boy says it on almost every mission! But I can see clearly every feature on his face now and he is a real cutie....His hair looks perfect too, as usual, and being this close I can really smell that beloved fresh hair gell of his. I try putting my hand through a few of his bangs; but I immediately regret the action.

His eyes fly open and he quickly jerks up in what seemed like a split second.

"NO TOUCHING THE HAIR PEN!!, Do you know how sensitive it is! You know better than this! The doo is off limits!" He rambles and he looks so violated,  it's-it's almost funny, but the look on his face says this is no laughing matter.

He pulls out a mirror out of no where and puts everything back to place and I just watch amused by this. He's right, I really SHOULD have known better; I've made the same mistake before but at least I still got a chance to touch his hair again.

I laugh nervously before saying "Sorry, I couldn't help it, it's just so....perfect, you know?" I say while shrugging.

His face lights up and I think he took the compliment very well.

"Well, Can't argue with you there. But next time don't touch the doo without my consent, K? Cuz I dont even know if your hands were sanitary enough to go through my bangs!" He says, I find myself eyerolling again.

"Aye aye, captain 'loves his hair so much ' I won't violate you that way ever again" I say while smiling and giving him a pirate salute.

It was his turn to eyeroll.

"Anywhooo, There's something I've been wondering about " He says sitting next to me again.

"What?" I say raising a brow at him.

"You know how we're supposed to be like arch enemies and all, and fight eachother on missions?" He says.

"Yeah?" I say blankly not exactly liking where this is going.

"Well..., since we like, you know, don't really hate eachother. Do we still have to do our kung fu tango on missions?" He says all seriously.

I've been thinking about the same thing today and still don't know how to entirely answer that question.

"Um..., well, If we don't then HQ and your uncle will definitely notice something's off" I begin.

"Well, yeah-" he says "But you can't just beat up someone you don't hate, can you." He argues.

My heart feels flattered that he doesn't have the energy to beat me up anymore, he really does care.

"Who's says we have to REALLY fight! We could just pretend to fight on missions, careful not to hurt eachother too badly but just enough so they won't suspect anything." I say to him.

"I guess that could work..." he says.Yes! I say to myself. Hopefully this will all work out.

"But does this mean you'll let me win on missions?" He asks.

"Absolutely NOT!" I say to him.

"Oh, C'mon Pen, since we're not really fighting we could at least take turns at winning!" He argues again, he's gotta be kidding me!

"Nah! It's still a competition in that sense; the better agent will win, fair and square" I fold my arms while saying that.

He pouts and folds his arms too "Fine, have it your way, but you're no fun"

I started giggling and he laughs a little too and soon we're both laughing our faces off at how ridiculous the conversation became.

When the laughter dies down, we stop to look at eachother and I notice he's really staring intently at me. I blush out of a little embarrassment but staring back at him somehow seems so right. When he notices he's been staring for too long he quickly looks away and blushes a little too himself.

"Uhhh.... what are you staring at?" I ask him quietly because I'm really puzzled why.

"Penny can I ask you something?" He says facing me but nervously scratches the back of his neck.

He didn't even bother to answer my question!? But I'm not mad; I'm actually more curious to know what he has to ask himself.

"Ummm...., Yes..?" I say responding to him to ask away. He shuffles a bit but gets back to composure and with an honest look, he looks at me in the eye and says

"Will you be my girlfriend...?"

Who knows what she's gonna say next?😱 It's been a while guys but I hope it was worth the wait.

Namely two things slowed me down.

1. School
2. A little writer's block

But I have overcame the two obstacles, because I'm an overcomer! And I'll see you gadgetors soon!, as the next chapter is in production and I'm sure everyone likes a little drama in the future for our characters, Yes? No? Ok, we'll see and don't forget to pop in some ideas if any, it is OUR story after all but even if not; the storyline couldn't be smoother if you asked me😉


And I'll see y'all very soon


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