A Bittersweet Mystreet

By Miuushi

7.1K 310 557

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of these characters! All of them belong to Aphmau. The cover image isn't mine eit... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}

{Chapter 7}

315 14 18
By Miuushi


A few days had passed since the new neighbors on Mystreet officially moved into their homes. Boxes neatly packed away into storage, cursed to never see the light of day again for at least several years. Meals consisting of the full food pyramid now thanks to a fully stocked fridge instead of daily takeout. With the house settled in and stomachs full, the new neighbors could rest their heads on their fully made beds without any worry. Unfortunately, peace was only a temporary feeling.

Garroth and Laurance scrambled past one another, each holding a varying array of cleaning equipment and trash bags. Was it cleaning day? Not necessarily. Laurance gathered up every Chinese, pizza, and frozen meal takeout box and haphazardly shoved them into a bag. He paid extra attention to the living room, where remnants of a late-night movie with the guys were strewn about the place. Bowls of kernels from homemade popcorn, empty bottles of Poopsi, and tissues for all the tears they shed during The Notebook. The smell of extremely burnt popcorn was still in the air from a small mishap from last night... but that was a problem that the guys were hoping some spray would fix.

When the bag was full, he ran into the garage and threw it in the air in the hopes of it landing in their large trash bin. The trash instead hit the side of the trashcan, knocking it over and spilling its contents. The contents then knocked over the recycling bin, which emptied all the contents in that container as well. Laurance stood there and sighed.


Garroth, on the other hand, had a nice time frantically spraying every surface he came upon to make everything squeaky clean. Of course, he had to spend a little bit of time checking himself out in every mirror he came across. It's important to make sure his looks haven't spoiled in the last five minutes.

What could have caused these two dorks to go into such a panic? Girls. More specifically, Aphmau, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan were coming over for a house tour. Despite Aphmau telling them that she didn't mind a mess since their own house was just as messy, Garroth and Laurance were determined to spiffy up their house.

The two met up in the living room to check through everything they had done so far.

"Did you get rid of the trash?" Garroth asked, completely out of breath.

"Yes! Did you spray down everything?" Laurance asked with frantic eyes.


"Did you put all the toilet seats down?"

The color drained from Garroth's face, and his eyes widened.

"Oh no! I forgot!" Garroth exclaimed as he put both of his hands in his hair. Laurance slapped his hands onto both sides of Garroth's face as he began to lightly shake him.

"Garroth, they are going to be here any minute now! What if Aphmau needs to go to the bathroom and falls in? She's short; she will never recover from such a trauma!" Laurance shouted.

"I know, and I'm sorry!" Garroth wailed as he placed his own hands over Laurance's, trying to pry them off.

"What are you guys yelling about?" Dante asked as he came out of his room. He stared at Garroth and Laurance, more specifically at the position the two were in. "Oh no, not again. You guys can't be wanting to play gay chicken now."

At Dante's statement, the two stepped back from one another, confused at Dante's implication and shocked at his bold assumption.

"Wait- What? No! Dante for the last time, we aren't dating!" Laurance defended himself, putting his hands out in front of him.

"Uh-huh," Dante hummed, unconvinced, "and I don't have 10 fingers." Even though he wasn't there for the aftermath of their "gay chicken" fiasco, he was never going to let those two live that down. Kiss or no kiss, there was something going on between those two.

"We're just nervous about Aphmau coming over," Garroth explained.

"Well, if that's the case, then you two should just calm down. She already said she didn't mind a mess, so you two have nothing to worry about. Plus, I doubt that doing all of this is going to make her fall in love with either of you," Dante admitted.

"It's not just about love, Dante. It's about making a good impression that we are respectable, civilized members of society. Besides, you're terrible with women, so how would you know?" Laurance questioned him accusingly.

Before Dante could answer, the doorbell rang. Garroth let out a nervous yelp; the moment of truth had arrived.

"Get it together, Garroth! Look, I'll go see them inside. You go and calm down," Laurance demanded. Garroth and Dante walked back to their rooms while Laurance went to let the girls in.

Laurance smiled and greeted the three of them as he motioned for them to come inside. The girls smiled back at him. Except for Katelyn, she never smiles.

"I'm so excited to finally get a look at your house!" Aphmau admitted it excitedly. She was holding a box of cake in her hands, but before she could hand it off to him, Kawaii~Chan stepped in front of her.

"Kawaii~Chan got this for you," KC said as she pushed an item wrapped in tissue-paper into his hands.

"Oh!" Laurance exclaimed, looking down at it. He never expected Kawaii~Chan to give him a gift personally. He didn't know if he should be excited or scared.

"Open it," Kawaii~Chan demanded. Both Aphmau and Katelyn looked at the gift in Laurance's hand with raised brows. They didn't even know what it was. Laurance unwrapped the gift and stared at the article of clothing in his hands. It was a plain red t-shirt.

"Um...thanks? Why did you give me a gift?" he asked, looking back up at Kawaii~Chan.

"Because red and blue equal a loving gay relationship, obviously," Kawaii~Chan explained. Everyone around her looked confused for a moment before remembering back to the conversation they had about the color scheme at lunch a couple of days ago.

Oh. My. Irene.

Kawaii~Chan was shipping Garroth and Laurance together.

Aphmau immediately felt sorry for the two of them since she was also a victim of Kawaii~Chan's crazy shipping. Especially since they clearly liked her and not each other. Now wouldn't that be a weird trope? Two guys start pinning after one girl, and after countless years, the two men find out that they didn't actually like the girl, but each other. They were only going after the girl because they wanted to get closer to each other. Too bad that wasn't the case...

"Laurance~Kun isn't straight, is he?" KC asked him, although it sounded like a demand. Everyone froze at her words. Aphmau saw both Katelyn's and KC's mouths open again. Katelyn was probably about to start yelling, and Kawaii~Chan was most likely going to continue digging into Laurance's love life. Quickly, Aphmau put the cake down and slapped her hands over both of her roommates' mouths.

"O-Okay," Aphmau laughed loudly and nervously, "how about that house tour?" Aphmau was beyond embarrassed, especially when KC started licking her hand to get it off of her face.

Laurance could only nod, too embarrassed to say anything. His mind went back to the conversation he had with his parents about his sexuality. "Why is all of this coming up now?" he thought to himself.

Aphmau bent down and picked up the cake.

"So, where should I put this?" she asked, trying to lessen the awkward atmosphere around them. Laurance brought Aphmau to the kitchen, leaving Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan alone. Katelyn looked at the pink Meif'wa with a cold glare.

"Kawaii~Chan, you can't just go up and ask someone about their sexuality," Katelyn scolded.

"But why not?" KC pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. "When Kawaii~Chan asked you, you didn't hesitate to tell her."

"That's because I knew you well enough to share that kind of information with you. Not everyone is comfortable telling others about their sexuality. Not only that, but you're doing the same thing you did to Aphmau and Aaron! You can't just demand to know someone's sexuality."

Kawaii~Chan put her head down. Even if Laurance wasn't straight, he may not be comfortable telling everyone about his sexuality. She shouldn't have put him in the spotlight like that.

"K-Kawaii~Chan is sorry," she apologized.

Katelyn sighed. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."

KC nodded and walked into the kitchen.

"Laurance, why are there scorch marks on your stove?" Aphmau asked as she pointed at the very noticeable marks. Laurance's face turned bright red, recalling last night's small mishap. A mishap involving the boy's leaving a tin of homemade popcorn unattended on the stove before promptly going boom.

"Um, don't worry about it," he laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. The laughter died down when Kawaii~Chan walked into the kitchen.

"Laurance~Kun, Kawaii~Chan is sorry for trying to out you like that in front of everyone. Even if you're actually straight, she's really sorry," KC apologized, her cheeks flushing a light pink. Laurance smiled and forgave her. He was honestly just shocked more by her confidence to ask that question than by the question itself. Kawaii~Chan and Laurance talked for a bit, leaving Katelyn and Aphmau to talk to each other.

"You know," Aphmau started, "I kinda heard what you said back there to Kawaii~Chan. Just know that you're not off the hook either. You almost outed Garroth a few times in front of others."

"Yeah, yeah, don't remind me. I've already apologized to him about it, and it won't happen again," Katelyn scoffed, looking away.

Soon, Garroth walked in, a lot calmer than he was before the girls arrived, and started to strike up conversations with everyone. He eventually ended up inviting everyone to the movie night he and the guys were having that night. Despite their little mishap yesterday, they weren't deterred from movie nights, just popcorn. Unfortunately, Aphmau quickly declined the moment Garroth mentioned pizza.

Everyone, except for KC, looked at her confused until she and Kawaii~Chan begrudgingly explained what had happened a few nights ago. Kawaii~Chan, of course, was quick to defend herself when she gave Reese the wrong cookie. Katelyn's jaw dropped as she realized that the thud she heard on her phone call with Travis was actually Reese's body collapsing on the ground.

"Wow," Garroth said, wide-eyed. "Alright, I see your point. Maybe another time, then. It's a shame, though; Reese is a really nice guy. He didn't deserve to be tricked like that." Laurance nodded in agreement. Aphmau looked between the two of them before asking what their relationship was with Reese. It turned out they'd known him for a while! Since they seemed to know a lot about him, Aphmau was itching for an answer to her question.

"So then, why is Reese pink?"

Katelyn gave out a little startled noise. "Aphmau, you can't just ask people why they're pink!" she scolded, but Garroth just laughed and explained that Reese was from a candy dimension. Obviously.

KC's heart started to swoon. He was perfect.

"Anyways, let me show you guys around." Garroth motioned with his hands for the girls to come and follow him, while Laurance stayed behind to put away the cake. Laurance watched as his friends left before he went to put the cake in the fridge. Before he left to catch up, he froze before slowly turning his head to look at the stove. The scorch marks. Oh no...

Lucky for him, while everyone was in the kitchen, he managed to maneuver himself to cover the marks. He knew that if Katelyn or Kawaii~Chan saw it, they would immediately seek out the story behind it. He was only lucky that Aphmau left it alone, but he knew that even she was curious. They all knew that Laurance was a pretty good cook, so to have scorch marks on a fairly new stove raises some questions.

Laurance had to get the scorch marks off before the girls saw the stove again. The last thing he ever wanted to do was have to explain what happened the previous day. Dante still wouldn't let Garroth and Laurance live it down, and they didn't need the girls to do the same. He ducked down behind the counter when he saw Garroth leading the girls outside and toward the hot tub. Perfect.

He pulled out his phone to look up the best way to get the job done. After scrolling through MeTube, he found a video. Once he watched through it, he declared himself a pro and hopped straight to it.

"This is gonna be easy!" Laurance said to himself out loud, confidence dripping from his voice.


"History repeats itself."

That is the saying Laurance thought to himself as he watched the stove burn in front of his eyes once again.

This was not going to be easy.

Laurance whipped his head to look outside the window, praying that the girls didn't see this disaster. Thankfully, Aphmau seemed to be rambling on and on about something that had completely captured everyone's attention. He just needed to-

"Laurance, what the heck did you do?" Dante yelled as he walked into the kitchen. Startled, Laurance turned around and yelled,

"This isn't what it looks like!"

"That's what you're supposed to yell when you're caught making out with Garroth, not when you're standing in front of a stove that's on fire!"

Laurance just shrugged his shoulders sheepishly.

"I mean... The fire isn't even that big."

Dante glared at his friend before rubbing a hand over his face.

"Look," Dante sighed, "I don't wanna have to deal with this, so while you pour some baking soda over this mess, I'll go get Garroth to help you out."

Without waiting for Laurance's approval, Dante went outside. Laurance just stood there and stared out the window. He just moved into this house; how was he supposed to know where the baking soda was? Dante started whispering something to Garroth and discreetly pointed at the window. Thankfully, Aphmau was still rambling, with KC and Katelyn paying close attention to her words. Garroth looked over at Laurance and dropped his jaw. Laurance just smiled and waved at his friend, the fire still ablaze behind him.

"How could he look so happy when he's standing next to a fire?" Garroth thought to himself. Quickly, Dante replaced Garroth and watched the blonde run into the house and scramble to find some baking soda. Watching the two argue as Garroth put out the fire made Dante think they were some sort of old married couple. Garroth and Laurance huddled over a phone to watch the video more properly this time. He didn't get to watch them get the job done because the girls finally noticed that Garroth was no longer with them.

"Imagine if we all got together and took a dip in this hot tub in the winter. It would be so cute, and I love cute things! That would be so-" Aphmau looked up at Dante with her brows furrowed- "Dante? Where's Garroth?"

"He needed to use the bathroom," Dante lied smoothly, shrugging his shoulders casually. He peeked over her head, which was easy considering how short she was, and looked inside the house. Garroth and Laurance weren't in the kitchen anymore. This meant that they either went somewhere to make out or they got the job done. He was going to have to guess on the latter.

Dante talked to the three girls until both Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn had to leave. Kawaii~Chan had some cookies in the oven, and someone had called Katelyn. Judging by how Katelyn talked to the person on the other end, which mostly consisted of yelling, it was most likely Travis. He escorted the girls back through the house and toward the front door. In the midst of Katelyn's conversation with Travis, she turned her head to the kitchen.

"Nice kitchen," she commented before going back into her conversation. Mission successful.

The two girls said their goodbyes before leaving. Aphmau was about to leave too before Dante stopped her. Contrary to the cannon belief, Dante doesn't like Aphmau in this book, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to be a good friend of hers. They don't tend to hang out often, but the moments they did were nice.

"Hey Aphmau, you mentioned you liked cute things, right?" Dante asked.

"Correction, Dante," she lilted. "I love them."

"Oh, my apologies," Dante joked as he gave a little bow. Aphmau covered her mouth with her hand to try to stifle a laugh. "In that case, I have something to show you." Aphmau raised her brow with peaked interest and followed Dante inside.

As the two were walking to Dante's room, they heard Garroth and Laurance arguing in the bathroom.

"Garroth, stop rubbing it like that!" Laurance moaned in annoyance.

"Well, it's not my fault! Just put it on already," Garroth commanded.

"Fine. Just take off your shirt and hold still."

It went quiet in the bathroom after that. The only sound was the rustling of clothes.

Aphmau and Dante shared a horrified look before Dante sighed.

"Young love..."

Aphmau laughed out loud. She knew that they probably weren't getting frisky in there, but she also knew that Dante sure thought so. Once in Dante's room, the blue haired man told Aphmau to close her eyes. She heard him rummage through his drawers before he said, "Alright, feast your eyes on... this!"

Aphmau opened her eyes and came face to face with Dante's baby photos.

"Oh my Irene!" Aphmau exclaimed as she looked wide-eyed at the photos. A large smile bloomed on her face. "Wook at you! You're so wittle!" she cooed.

"I know. I was a handsome baby," Dante remarked.

Aphmau started cooing about how cute Dante was and how much she wanted to pinch his cheeks and kiss his little face. Unbeknownst to the two, Garroth and Laurance had left the bathroom and were now listening to their friends on the other side of the door. Of course, they took it the wrong way and immediately opened the door.

Aphmau and Dante's eyes quickly went from the baby photos to the partially naked Garroth and Laurance. Garroth was only in his boxers, while Laurance was shirtless.

Everyone stood in an awkward silence. Aphmau was slowly starting to believe Dante's point of view on the bathroom situation, while the two closeted boys realized that Aphmau and Dante were not, in fact, about to make out. After a quick awkward conversation and several disappointed looks, Aphmau excused herself to the bathroom. All was silent until Garroth gasped,

"Oh no! The toilet seats!"

It was too late.

A big splash could be heard from the bathroom, and not a second later, Aphmau yelled,

"Ah! Guys, help! I fell in the toilet! I'm stuck and don't have the strength to lift myself out!"

The guys busted out in laughter, grabbing onto any nearby object to support themselves. This put the whole miscommunication behind them, for sure!

No one helped Aphmau out of the toilet, though.


As KC and Katelyn walked back to the house, they could make out a figure sitting on their front steps. After closer inspection, they realized who it was.

"Travis?" Katelyn was surprised. "You actually came?" Travis just smiled at her.

"When I said I left a surprise on your front porch, what else could it be?" He flirted. Katelyn was about to retort with an insult until Kawaii~Chan greeted Travis and bypassed the two of them to get into the house. Katelyn sighed,

"What do you want?"

Travis got up on his feet.

"Why, a house tour, of course!" he answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Katelyn declined and walked into the house, but she didn't shut the door on him. Travis happily walked into the house. Before he could say anything, Katelyn whipped around and pointed a finger at him.

"No flirting the entire time, or else I'm kicking you out," she demanded. Travis stood and gave her a salute.

"Aye! Aye! Captain!"

"...and no Spongebob references."

Travis just nodded, and thus began their tour. Katelyn was a very efficient tour guide.

"Hallway," she said, pointing at the area around them. She took a couple of steps in another direction.

"Living room," she said, pointing into the living room. Basically, that's what the entire house tour was. She should become a realtor. When Katelyn reached the basement, she held the door open for Travis. Travis went down a few steps before he heard the door close and lock behind him.

"Have fun. I'll be back in five minutes," Katelyn announced, setting a timer on her phone.

"Oh boy..." Travis gulped as he looked back down into the basement. There must be something so traumatic, so horrifying, that not even Katelyn could come down with him! Drawing inner strength from his big ego, Travis mustered up the courage to walk down into the abyss.


Kawaii~Chan had just finished placing the cookies on the cooling rack when she heard the doorbell ring. As she walked to the door, she saw Katelyn lounging on the couch, playing games on her phone.

"Katelyn~Sama, where's Travis~Kun?" KC asked.

"Around," Katelyn answered vaguely. Kawaii~Chan was about to ask Katelyn more questions before she heard the doorbell ring again. "You should get that."

KC huffed at Katelyn before going to open the door.

Zane stood outside the door with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Pink girl," he said, "just the person I was looking for."

"Her name is Kawaii~Chan," she snapped. What was Zane doing here? Didn't he want nothing to do with them?

"I had gotten a call a few days ago because someone claimed that you knocked out a pizza guy. Care to explain yourself?"

Kawaii~Chan's face paled. She thought no one had seen her that night. Who could have seen them? Zane took her silence as a means to continue.

"I've come by every day since the call, but each day your blue haired roommate wouldn't let me in and kept telling me to go away."

"Whoops," the girl in question unapologetically said from her spot on the couch. Zane ignored her and continued looking at Kawaii~Chan.

"I need to know exactly what happened to see whether or not charges will be filed," Zane admitted. Could the neighborhood watch even do such a thing? Zane was just some emo guy. An emo guy who could possibly have connections.

"What? But Reese~Senpai didn't press any charges against her," KC yelled. This couldn't be happening to her. She's too young and pretty to have a criminal record. Besides, Aarmau isn't even cannon yet!

"I'm not talking about him. It would be a shame if the witness decided to charge you for giving them trauma by making them see something so tragic~" he chuckled evilly. Kawaii~Chan gulped and hesitantly told him everything. She had a feeling that charges were going to be filed either way because, well... it's Zane. On top of that, Kawaii~Chan wasn't really that good at lying, so she didn't know if Zane would buy the whole "Reese passed out on his own'' story.

By the end of her explanation, Zane was eerily quiet. In fact, throughout the story, the only time he showed any interest was when she mentioned the cookies. A timer went off in the living room. The two heard Katelyn groan as she got up and walked to the basement door.

"Travis, you can come out now," Katelyn called to him, not bothering to go and get him herself.

"Katelyn, you will never guess what I found down here!" Travis called from the basement.

"If it's the shipping shrine, I already know about it. Come up here already!"

"No. No. No. It's Travlyn fanfiction, and boy are there some spicy ones in here!"

Katelyn shot a nasty look at Kawaii~Chan before storming into the basement after Travis.

Zane cleared his throat to get Kawaii~Chan's attention.

"Unfortunately, I don't buy your story. I guess that poor old witness is going to press charges after all~"

Kawaii~Chan's eyes started to water. This can't be happening to her, right? Zane snapped her out of her thoughts.

"But I think we can find a compromise. Are you selling those sleeping cookies?" he asked.

Kawaii~Chan looked at him, surprised. Did he actually want to buy her cookies? Of course he would; he's Zane!

"Kawaii~Chan may or may not have a small business...," she said slyly. She wanted her products to be used for good, not for whatever Zane was up to. Then again, most people who sell their potions or products can't really know whether they are being used with good intentions.

"How much are you selling a half dozen for?"

"Six dollars."

"Alright, well, here's the thing. I don't have any money on me right now, but if you give it to me for free, I'll let this entire incident go and no charges will be filed. What do you say?"

Kawaii~Chan paused for a moment. Was she really about to give this man sleeping cookies to have a clean record? She was definitely going to have to tell Aphmau about this when she came back home. Before Kawaii~Chan could respond, Katelyn came back upstairs, dragging Travis along with her.

"Kawaii~Chan, you are so dead," Katelyn threatened, glaring at the Meif'wa. Travis looked over at her and noticed Zane behind her.

"Hey, I remember you! You're still as emo as ever, Zane. How have you been?" Travis asked him. Katelyn just tugged on his arm and dragged him upstairs.

"Ignore the angsty teen," Katelyn advised Travis. "Come on, the tour isn't finished yet."

Once those two were out of earshot, Kawaii~Chan turned back to Zane.

"It's a deal."

Kawaii~Chan left and came back with six sleeping cookies, as requested. Zane took them from her and said,

"Pleasure doing business with you."

With that, Zane walked away with his cookies, leaving KC standing there wondering what she had just gotten herself into.

"Kawaii~Chan hates him," she said to herself. "A man like that can never change."

She slammed the door shut.


"And finally, my room," Katelyn announced as she led Travis into her room. "Alright, now that you've seen everything, you can leave now."

Travis ignored her and looked around her room in awe. When his eyes reached the closet, Katelyn threatened to hit him where it hurt if he dared to touch it. Travis put his hands up in surrender before flopping onto her bed. Katelyn was irritated and was about to start yelling at him before her eyes met her laptop. It had a video playing meditation music, which was now paused. The tea next to her laptop had probably gone cold by now too. She took a deep breath.

"Travis," she started slowly, "can you not lay down on my bed like that, please?"

Travis, thankfully, obliged and slowly got out of his "draw me like one of your French girls pose" and positioned himself at the edge of her bed. His eyes noticed the meditation set up at her desk. A small smile grew on his face.

"It's nice to see that you're meditating," he commented. Katelyn only hummed in response as she sat down in her chair.

For a while, the two did their own thing. Travis looked around Katelyn's room while Katelyn was typing away at her computer. Eventually, Travis spoke up.

"What are you writing?"

Katelyn blushed a bit, embarrassed, as she minimized the tab.

"Nothing," she muttered, taking a sip from her cold cup of tea.

"Aww, come on, don't be embarrassed! I won't judge you," he cooed.

"Travis, I swear to Irene..."

Travis immediately gave her puppy-dog eyes. Did they always work on Katelyn? Sometimes. She either caved in reluctantly or punched him in the face. There was no in between. Katelyn sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"You promise not to tell anyone?" she asked, keeping her eyes closed. Travis nodded before realizing that she couldn't see him, so he then gave a verbal response. Katelyn looked at him to make sure he was telling the truth before she maximized the previously closed tab. On the screen was a modernized script of Romeo and Juliet, unfinished. So, this was what Katelyn was so embarrassed about?

"Do...you mind if I read it?" Travis asked quietly. He could already tell that she wasn't too keen on letting him see what she was writing in the first place. Maybe asking her to read it was pushing it, but surprisingly, she got out of the chair to let him sit and read. She then went to get situated on her bed. Katelyn laid down on her bed and put her headphones on. It was going to take Travis a while to read through all of that, so she decided to meditate in the meantime.

About thirty minutes had passed before Katelyn felt light taps on her shoulder. She opened one eye to see Travis standing over her. He had a smile on his face and looked somewhat...proud.

"Katelyn, that was really good!" he complemented. Katelyn's face became dusted with a light shade of pink. She looked away as she sat up on her bed. "Have you thought about putting this script into action?"

"You really think it's that good?" Katelyn mocked. Despite her cold exterior, the blush on her cheeks showed how nervous she was about his response.

"Of course! I bet it's gonna look even better when it's finished!" Travis lilted. Then his voice became calm as his expression softened. "Thank you for showing me this."

Katelyn's face turned a deeper shade of pink.

"Y-yeah," she responded. She took a deep breath to calm down a bit. "Welp, your tour is over. You should leave now."

Travis got up from the chair and walked to her door. When he opened it, he turned back and smiled.

"Bye, Katelyn!"

For once in Katelyn's adult life, she smiled back at Travis. It was a tiny one, but a smile nonetheless.

"Bye, Travis."

{A/N: I'M SO SORRY I FORGOT THIS BOOK EXISTED NGL. My friend actually found this book and kept teasing me about it, and when they did it again I completely forgot that I hadn't written anything in several days. I promise I'm not gonna ditch you guys! If you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a comment and a kudos! Because I left you guys for longer than I should have, I'll upload the next chapter in 4 days, see you then. Bye!}

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