Soul Ties

By spookyy43

458K 20.6K 9.6K

Just read. More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six

chapter twenty

8.9K 460 28
By spookyy43

A'Zharia || Zee
" Trust is a hard thing to build back up. "

" So did you get it? " Zoie asked me. I smiled as I got back into the car.

" What do you think? "

" OKAYYYYY! " He cheered. I decided to get me a job. I think it'll help ease my mind from everything that's going on in my life right now. I just had an interview at Victoria Secret and I got the job on the spot.

" Okay take me to get something to eat. " I huffed as I started to grow hungry.

" And how many months are you? " Zoie asked smirking at me.

" Haha very funny. I have an appointment later. "

" You told the father yet? "

I ignored him as I looked down my as it buzzed. It was a message from Nau'Jour.

Nau'Jour: you really wrong for this shit bro

Me: meet me at my house at 6

I didn't bother to see what he replied. It wasn't that I want to do him wrong it's just that I'm lost. I never had a boyfriend nor dealt with a dude on a relationship level.

" I plan to tell him later. " I spoke looking up from my phone.

Zoie nodded and kept quiet. That night I went over his house he held me as I cried. He told me whatever I do he would be behind me one hundred percent.

It felt good to have the reminder of his love. Just when I felt all alone.

Zoie took me to get some Taco Bell since I wanted a skittles slushy. After, he took me hole so I could take my car to my appointment.

I looked down at my phone as I got in my car to check the time. My appointment was at 2:30 and it was 2:15. I shuffled through my playlist as I found the right song to play before I pulled off.

I played " Back from the Dead " by Nau'Jour. I'll never stop supporting his dreams.

I soon pulled into the parking lot of the doctors office. I made sure I had my phone on silent before I went in.

" Hi how are you? " The receptionist asked me.

" Alright. "

" Are you a new patient? "

" Yes. " I nodded as she smiled and got some papers.

" Fill these out and we'll get you right on back. " She told me. I thanked her and went and sat down to fill out the papers.

It took me about five minutes. Once I was done I gave her back the forms and she led me on towards the back.

" Sit tight and the doctor will be in with you shortly. " She smiled as she closed the door.

I looked around and thought about how my life is about to change drastically. A baby is literally growing inside of me. I didn't think I would be having a child this early.

" Hi I'm Dr.Nettles, and you are A'Zharia right? " The doctor came in, smiling at me.

" Yes ma'am. " I smiled as she shook my hand.

" Okay so you know for sure you're pregnant. " She said looking at my chart.

" Let's take a blood test anyway, that's cool? " I nodded.

She got a butterfly needle and sole gloves out to get my blood. Once she got the tube I looked away.

" Shots fear? " She laughed.

" Every since I was little. " I laughed looking at the wall.

" Quick and easy. "'She said sticking me in my arm. I jumped at the little bit of pain.

" Alright. This shouldn't take no more than five minutes. " She told as she gave me a bandaid. She walked out with my blood and I sighed in relief.

I don't know what I was being relieved from. I guess this is a lot for me to grasp right now. A few minutes later the doctor came back in.

" Alrighty you are in deed pregnant and now I just want to take a look at the baby. Make sure everything is alright. " Dr.Nettles smiled at me.

" Okay. " I told her as I laid back.

" Just lift up your shirt. The gel is gonna be cold. " She warned me. I shivered as she placed the gel on my stomach.

" Where's daddy? " She asked me.

" He had to work. " I lied.

" Oh I know he's happy right? "

" Yes ma'am. " I laughed a bit.

" Well there's the little baby righg there. My report says you're seven weeks which is almost two months. "

I looked confused as ever. This whole time I been chilling with Nau'Jour and shit my ass been knocked up.

She wiped my stomach off anf began to inform me on what I should start doing.

" Here's the vitamins you take everyday and eat healthy. Not saying you can't eat what you want, but still try to eat healthy. " She told me. I nodded and took the vitamins from her.

" You can set an appointment for next month if you'd like or wait until the fourth month mark to find out the gender as well. "

" Alright thank you so much. " I told her as I got ready to go.

" You're welcome love. "

I headed towards the receptionist desk to set an appointment for next month. Afterwards it was only 3 o'clock going on four.

I decided to get something else to eat and chill to kill time until Nau'Jour comes over.

A couple of hours later....

I heard a couple knocks at the door making me jump up to open it. I looked out the peephole and saw Nau'Jour.

" Hi. " I spoke as I stepped towards the side and let him in.

" Wassup. " He said walking into the living room. I locked the door behind him and followed. Before he sat down he hugged me tightly before sighing and letting go.

" Sooooo... " I dragged sitting on the couch in front of him.

" I didn't do it. She set me up. She justvmad because I'm with you and not her. " Nau'Jour explained. I didn't even notice how stressed he looked.

" Why would she do that? "

He shrugged. " The bitch crazy. I really miss you and wish you would've at least heard me out at first. "

" Well what did you expect me to do? I was confused. I never dealt with relationship problems before. "

" I know but still man. What we finna do? " He asked looking dead at me.

" What you mean? "

" Our relationship is what I mean. "

" Can we just take things slowly again? " I asked him. He nodded and got up and sat by me.

I wiggled a bit at how close he got before I cleared my thoart to talk.

" I'm pregnant. " I blurted out and looked the over way.

" Yo what? " Nau'Jour laughed at bit.

" You heard me. "

He grabbed my face and looked me dead in the eyes. " Say sike right now. " I laughed.

" Nigga this not a joke. " I said pulling the pictures I got today from underneath the pillow behind me.

" YOOOOOOOOOOOO! " Nau'Jour jumped up cheering.

" My son finna be too lit. "

" No my daughter. " I said snatching my pictures back from him.

" When you found out? "

" Same day yo girlfriend exposed you. "

" Haha you got jokes. " He said hoovering over me. He kissed me once. Then twice. Then a third time.

" I missed your touch. " He whispered in my ear. It sent chills down my spine.

" Too bad we aren't doing any of that. " I said pushing him up, making him smack his lips and sigh. I laughed as I went to the kitchen to get something to drink.

Trust is a hard thing to build back up.

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