wingate gardens -got7 ✓

By xoxopjy

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𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐉𝐈𝐍 COMPLETED/ if you live in wingate gardens, you are the lowest of the low. mark finds himself... More

0- teaser
1- entrance
2- darkness
3- room seven
4- call my name
5- honestly
6- the boss
7- an explanation
8- new friends
9- the grand tour
10- secrets untold
11- origins
12- last call
13- pool of blood
14- rescue
15- maybe he's nice
16- jinyoung
17- insistent
18- glock
19- traitor
20- too late
21- slumber party
22- sick bug
23- american hell
24- signing in
25- the tongue
26- lies
27- i don't know
28- conviction
29- we have to go
30- please
31- visitor from the past
32- broke my heart
33- don't go
34- aftermath
35- the party
36- mark's list
38- american hell pt2
39- endless arguing
40- 3 weeks
41- the plan
42- finally
43- bleary confusion
44- what happened
45- gamechanger
46- finale
thanks lads
eek me again

37- checkmate

224 12 26
By xoxopjy

it was one of those nights, where no matter how still jinyoung lay or how comfortable he was, his brain just wouldn't allow him to fall asleep. it was almost as though it could sense what was about to happen, like it knew that at exactly 3am, someone would be knocking on his door.

in truth, perhaps the reason he couldn't sleep was the absence of mark. half a week had passed, 3 days, with absolutely no contact from him at all. he was silent... angry, or sad, maybe both. either way, he hadn't bothered to pick up a single one of jinyoung's desperate calls.

was it because of that brief shred of an argument? jinyoung had shrugged it off as nerves on mark's part and lonliness on his, but maybe mark really was angry at him.

he sure had looked it when he'd stormed back into the bar that night. jinyoung had never seen his eyes clouded with so much frustration. but that was to be expected, he hadn't been in a good place.

so why had he not even sent a text to jinyoung to say that he was safe and that he hadn't murdered youngjae yet? hell, he hadn't even logged onto instagram to complain to jinyoung about youngjae - and mark loved to complain.

something, just as jinyoung had said, felt wrong.

and this overthinking, his insane fear that he may never see mark again, was what led him to stay awake, and what led to the events that occurred after the person knocked on his door.

he would regret it for the rest of time, but he was so blinded by his fear he hadn't exactly been thinking straight.

the knock, of course, had been unexpected. who would want him at 3am? certainly not bambam, jackson or yugyeom- they still treated him weirdly, and wouldn't dream of knocking on his door ever, let alone in the night. and it couldn't be mark either, for obvious reasons.

perhaps it was another red, like solar, but he couldn't see any need for her to be awake at that time, let alone knocking.

in fact, the person behind the door was the person he had least expected. he was sure it would be impossible, illegal.... definitely illegal.

but, as jinyoung dragged himself from his bed which had grown so uncomfortable throughout the night, he swore his heart nearly stopped beating when he saw the darkened face behind the door.

the darkened face of lim jaebeom.

jinyoung had wanted to slam the door right then and there, but curiosity got the better of him- as it always did when jaebeom was around, and he allowed the man to speak.

he looked the same, almost. his hair was still night black, and slicked back so severely it looked wet, his face was still sharp and harsh, though it lacked the many piercings that had been scattered across it. no doubt they weren't allowed in prison, which is where jaebeom was meant to be.

"jinyoungie..." he spoke, his voice low and taking on a tone that could only be described as growling, "aren't you gonna welcome me back?"

jinyoung didn't say anything.

how could he? he was scared out of his mind.

he wouldn't let jaebeom know that though, that would be the worst thing he could possibly do.

so, simply, he shrugged, "no."

jaebeom laughed and elbowed his way into the room, "fine." he said, looking back at jinyoung. his eyes. they were definitely still the same. evil.

"how are you here jaebeom? you're meant to be in prison."

he knew that his fear was causing his voice to shake, but he ignored it, aware that jaebeom knew he had the upper hand anyway.

the element of surprise.
jinyoung's love.

jaebeom was destined to come out on top in any interaction they had.

the man scoffed, "does a magician share his secrets? no."

jinyoung quietly shut the door.

"all that matters is that i'm here jinyoungie...." his voice became deeper, "and i know you want me."

jinyoung would be lying if he said his heart didn't beat just a little bit quicker at the words, and the sultry look in jaebeom's eyes. it drove him insane, always had, and always would he was sure.

"why are you here? what do you want?"

he tried his best to ignore his brain screaming for affection. he tried to remember mark, sweet, curious mark.

but jaebeom was right there.

how was jaebeom right there?
something wasn't right.

this was only confirmed when jaebeom answered his question, "i want you, jinyoung. i want you so bad. you're all i thought about in prison."

"no no no..." jinyoung didn't know he had breathed those words aloud, "you're meant to still be in prison... jaebeom.. what are you... how are you..."

"so what? i pulled some strings and got out early? that's not a crime is it?"

jinyoung shook his head, eyes wandering to that place. he swallowed desperately trying to prevent his heart from betraying him.


but mark wasn't talking to him.
and jaebeom had come all this way to see him....

"what do you say?" jaebeom spoke again, "i know i messed things up- i know i was a pyschopath."

he smiled. the smile jinyoung was used to, back in those brief moments when wingate had been calm, and nice, and he and jaebeom had been on top of the world.

maybe he'd reflected in prison, worn out his power hungry nature... or maybe jinyoung just wished he had, so that he could justify the feelings he was having.

he knew how much it would hurt mark to know that he was still in love with jaebeom, but he knew it was the truth when he looked into those gorgeous eyes.

he would never stop loving him. that was simply impossible.

"you can't change that easily." jinyoung breathed, breath caught in the whirlwind of emotions pouring from him.

jaebeom smirked, "but i have.. and i love you jinyoung... i always will."

jinyoung was too blinded to notice what jaebeom had been doing when he said those words. as jinyoung stared deeply into his eyes, he had leant onto jinyoung's desk and placed a tracker, so small it was almost invisible, on the bottom of his phone. it had been carelessly laid on the desk, jinyoung hadn't been expecting anybody.

"you do? you love me?" jinyoung's heart soared, not even mark could make him feel so blissfully in love.


now wasn't the time for mark. not when jaebeom was right in front of him, lust pouring off him, dripping.

"i do. oh fuck jinyoung, i wish i could take everything back just so we could stay together, i can't believe i let power get the better of me. you're all that matters now."

and that was it.


jaebeom had won.

mark was nothing but a forgotten thought now, a person who was ignoring jinyoung, not the person who had supported him through his worst moments.

not the person who had helped him become himself again.

no, he was just a small glitch. a spanner in the works.

but now jaebeom was back, now jaebeom was back in love with him.

and that trumped everything. even mark, even the perfection he felt with mark.

he launched himself to jaebeom, still unaware of the tracking device, still unaware that it was all a trick.

their lips touched and it was like fire, jinyoung exploded into love, overcome by it, it flooded him like a tidal wave.

he had missed jaebeom so much.

how had he lied in court?
how had he let mark make him do that?

in this moment, he had never regretted anything more. in later moments, he would have a whole lot more to regret.

jaebeom kissed back with a smirk, tangling his fingers in jinyoung's bed head, running them through the strands so gracefully. every touch they made was perfection.

everything about jaebeom was perfection.

he forgot about mark.
he forgot about moving out of wingate.
he forgot about bambam, and yugyeom and jackson.

he forgot about youngjae and america and his fears over mark, how he worried something was wrong, how he feared he would never see him again.

and he swore, he felt his love for mark ebb away, perhaps it had only been a mirage the whole time.

and he had no idea.

no fucking clue that mark was struggling more than imaginable, that he was right, that something awful was happening in america, and that the pair might never see each other again.

all that was in his thoughts was jaebeom




told u.

also look at me, i actually wrote a thing (did not check it tho srry ladz)

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