The Knight of Azur Lane

By ZFGalahad

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This story is based on the Anime/Game Azur Lane (story takes place after the anime) After a decisive win by A... More

Chapter 1: Fallen Memory
Chapter 2: Briefing
Chapter 3: Arrival
Chapter 4: Meeting
Chapter 5: Tea Party
Chapter 6: The Letter
Chapter 7: Court Martialing a Pervert
Chapter 9: The Knight Galahad
Chapter 10: The Date
Chapter 11: The Awakening
Chapter 12: Reunion
Chapter 13: Together
Author Note

Chapter 8: Royal Ball

793 10 7
By ZFGalahad

1 week later: Galahad's Study

A week has passed since that inciden't. Im also a little bit concious now aday's that the Siren's haden't been attacking or making any move's. I hope it stay's that way. I sighed and continued to do some paper work. Then someone knocked on my door, "G-galahad?" i then recognized her voice and let
her in. "So there's some paper's here that i can't quite make out" she said dissapointedly, "let me take a look" she gave me the paper's and we started on working on it together.

"Um Galahad im sorry for being unhelpful" Hood said apologetically as i just raised an eyebrow while working on the other paper's. "Hood let me be honest" she listened "Even though sometime's you can't get any of these, you still make my work easier in every way, i appreciate it even if it's just a small amount of help so don't be sorry alright?". At first she just stared, she was also blushing. "U-um t-thank you" she said shyly as i just smiled reassuringly to her. "Oh right Galahad here" she said giving me an invitational letter, i raised an eyebrow and read the letter inside.

Royal Navy
Annual Ball

You are invited to the Annual Ball hosted by non other than the Royal Navy, Please where a proper formal attire. Our Ball this year will be held at the same place, the Hall. It will start at 6:00pm and last up to 12:00am, by the time this letter is sent the ball will happen on next week, hope to see you there!.

I set the letter down, "thankfully i don't have much to do next week" i said "Great!" Hood exclaimed then immidiately blushed "um yeah" i said awkwardly. We stayed quiet for a few "So Galahad...anyone you like?" honestly i got caught off guard with that question. How will i answer that when the one i like is in this room at this moment!, better not make it too obvious.

"Um whell i have someone in mind" i saw her get a little down when i said my answer. Wait...did she misunderstood that i liked someone else, which mean's. "But nevermind about that alright" i said reassuringly as she just smiled and nodded. As we continued our work.

1 week Later: Galahad's House: 5:00pm

"Better hurry up", i said to myself as i hurried fixing up my suit, after that i then wore my Officer's Coat (Commodore Uniform/ch.7) and also my officer's hat.

Yeah since before i've been very concious about the time, even though the Hall is on the island which was just less than 10 minute's drive i still have this feeling that i should go early, but don't mistake me for an early bird.

I also brang my gun and umbrella as usual. I then hopped into my car and casually drove to the island.

As i parked my car in front of the Hall i can see a lot of girl's coming in, i decided to wait inside the car for a while. After a few more minute's i decided to enter the Hall. I was met by Belfast and Edinburgh in their gown's "Sr. Galahad welcome" they both bowed as i nodded "you look quite dashing tonight" i said to Belfast as i saw her blush a little "t-thank you Sr. will be seated with her majesty, Ms. Warspite, Ms. Wale's,
Ms. George, Ms. Illustrious, Unicorn, and Ms. Hood.

I nodded and started going through the crowd. "Ara~Ara~fancy meeting you here Galahad-sa~ma~" every phrase that Akagi said was just overly seductive "u-uh nice seeing you again Akagi" i said awkwardly as i really wanted to avoid a conversation with her "Onee-chan must you disturb Galahad-sama" Kaga then came, phew good thing Kaga saw us "Galahad-sama please excuse my dear sister well we'll be off to our table" she then bowed and pulled Akagi away, with Akagi winking seductively at me as she went on with Kaga. Seriously that Akagi really give's me the creep's. I still can't find their table as i really underestimated the size of this Hall. "Oh Mr. Galahad!" i recognized that cute voice, i turned around and saw Zeppy waving at me "oh hi Zeppy...what are you up to?" she smiled, she just smiled that's so cute.
"Me, Unicorn, and Akagi-chan are gonna go outside and have fun!" oh i didn't see Unicorn there but i understand that being shy she really doesn't wan't to show herself. I just waved and smiled at Unicorn trying to be a little friendly to her. I also smiled at Akagi-chan but like her older sister smirked seductively at me which made me a little uncomfortable as well.
Unicorn finally peeked and smiled a little, yes finally. "Well do be careful alright?" they nodded
happily. But after they left i felt something odd like something bad's gonna happen, luckily i saw Ark Royal seated at her table with the other cruiser's and her expression showed it all.

She's bored as hell hahah.

"Ark Royal" she looked up and immidiately stood up and saluted me, i smiled happily and let her at ease.
"Sr. Galahad what can i do for you?" she asked waiting for order's, I mean i could give order's to them but doing it frequently make's me a little uncomfortable.

"Ah me a favor and watch the children outside." her face then lit up with happiness and also i saw her nose bled a little. "My pleasure!" she said as she immidiately walked but i stopped her " not do anything...
unappropriate that's an order alright?" she nodded and ran off outside. I sighed "now that's settled i should focus on finding..." i was cut off when someone was calling me "Galahad over here" i then saw Wale's waving at me as i saw everyone else in my table waiting for me. I then walked up to them and taking my seat, but i was a little bit shy about one thing. Is it just coincidence or are they realling teasing me by placing Hood beside me. "So you are the Galahad that the other's have been speeking all about eh?" i shifted my attention to Wale's sister King George the V. "Ah nice to meet you Ms. George and yes i am Galahad" she nodded. "Everyone may i have your attention" Warspite spoke on the stage up front, "thank you Warspite" Queen said as she took to the podium as Warspite sat down.

"Well everyone thank you all for coming yet again to our annual Ball and let this be a memorable one as Sakura Empire and Iron Blood are finally joining in our annual festivity now let us all have fun and enjoy the night" she then got off the podium as everyone clapped.

After that all the girl's started to have fun. Iron Blood's drinking, Sakura's teasing, Eagle's having more fun, while the Royal's pretty much chat.

"The Dance will now commence!" Queen announced from our table as everyone started picking their partner's as they headed to the center where everyone is dancing and having fun.
I honestly have little experience in dancing or waltz. Thank's to my brother i even learn't a few move's but dancing isn't really in my radar. I remained seated in my chair enjoying the night and drinking the wine, "Galahad?" i turned around and saw Hood. Even though i've been seated next to her for a couple of minute's it was just now i realized how gorgeous she is tonight. I felt myself blush again and just stared at her mesmerizing blue eye's. "Y-yes?" she was blushing as well, i can tell she is emberassed. "Mind if you dance with me?" she asked
"of course" i replied as she showed a somewhat 'happily satisfied' look.
I then escorted her to the center, everyone looked at us.

They really had weird expression's on them. And Akagi is looking at me again with that 'i have a plan~' face.

Then the music turned from pop song's to Waltz music. One by one, fewer and fewer people was dancing in the center until it was just me and Hood. Everyone had some anticipated face's or excited face's. "Shall we start" i asked as i offered my hand and she gladly accepted it. We started dancing, we first started with a few step's then started waltz. Her beautiful blue and red dress, her signature hat, and her blonde hair still had the same beautiful style, her beauty is just speechless. "So Hood you really are good at dancing" she blushed with my compliment as i just smiled "well a lady must be elegant, but they must also seize the initiative toward's the target of their own affection". I...realized the meaning of what she just said, i looked at her, she showed me a smiling blushing face.
"I..i" i struggled to utter the word's in my head,

I would never thought Hood saw me in that speechless.

But before i can reply, we heard a large explosion that demolished the facade of the Hall, we all turned around and as the dust cleared away we all saw in horror, shock, or fear of what has just appeared. Dozen's of Siren's mostly high class one's, and..."Arbiter" i said menacingly that made everyone more tense but that wasn't all. "Help!" we all had surprised look's as a Siren was holding Zeppy, Unicorn, and Akagi-chan with her tentacle's. That made me more angrier, then another Siren appeared and tossed Ark Royal to us as she grunt in pain. I have to take action now. "So Azur Lane we finally meet...i am Arbiter the Empress of the Siren's" she said menacingly.

What will i do?!, i can't defeat all of them. I could but that mean's..., damnit what's important is the live's of the girl's and the kid's being held hostage.

An idea then poped into my head that made me smirk "let me guess Arbiter, you'll release the three if i come with you is that correct?" i announced as everyone turned their attention to me. Arbiter then smirked "smart guess that's exactly what i came for...Balance Type....the sole remaining" she said proudly, at that point i was pissed of so much. "Alright then why not release them and we'll go out to sea to settle this?" i offered.

I can see how worried Graf, Illustrious, Akagi and Kaga as there little sister's are in grave danger. I myself as well, even though i didn't had time to spend much time with those kid's, nontheless they are still children, who has there friend's and their big sibling's. That's more than enough for me to look after them.

Arbiter grinned at me as she ordered the release of the kid's. Rather than going to their older sister's they all running toward's me crying
"Mr. Galahad don't go!" they all said in unison as i just smiled and hugged all three of them "it's alright i'll be right back just before you know it alright?" i said reassuringly whils't smiling as all three of them nodded and wen't to there big sister's. "Sheffield, Edinburgh please tend to Ark Royal" i said as both maid's were standing close to our table. They nodded and proceeded with what i said.

"Arbiter!" she looked at me grinning "after we deal't with our buisness leave this base at once" she then commanded all the other Siren's to get out of the Hall. Probably to the ocean. "Better not make me wait" she said as she headed to the ocean, "Galahad" i turned back and looked at Hood as her head was looking down and i can feel she was really worried. I sighed and hugged her, i can feel that she was taken by surprise and hugged me back. "Don't worry i can handle myself alright?" she nodded, i can feel tear's dropping to my coat. "Beside's, after i comeback i'll tell you my answer" i whispered in her ear's, i then broke our hug and winked at her. "Everyone i'll be back, before that please make sure that the base is secure and look after one another alright? i don't wan't anyone getting injured...and one more thing don't help me unless i fire a flare" i announced as all of them nodded and started to go out, i then removed my officer's uniform and glanced one more time at Hood and the other's as they all gave me a nod as i returned one as well. I then took off to the ocean.

3rd POV

As Galahad came into open water about a few kilometer's from the base, he encountered dozen's of humanoid Siren's whils't he can see Arbiter watching from a distance. "It's time to join your brethren Balance Type" she said menacingly as she commanded the Siren's to attack Galahad.

Everyone at the base gathered at the beach where they can hardly see the battle, due to it's night and the only thing they could see is the bright light's emmited by the Siren's on the horizon.

"Well i guess i have no choice" Galahad muttered "you gave me no choice Siren's" he said menacingly,

"I will use thy power bestowed upon me" Arbiter recalled the following event's that will happen after a Balance Type say those phrase's, she immidiately ordered the Siren's to attack. But as they attacked they were consumed in some kind of transparent bubble wherein time slow's down drastically giving Galahad enough time. "Now Siren's feel my wrath!" Galahad shouted as he readied himself


Galahad screamed from the top of his lung's, what he said was so loud that even the girl's watching the fiasco even heard it. As for that the girl's had mixed reaction's as to what they heard, but the Royal Navy girl's can't believe at what they just heard.

"What?! Excalibur?! the legendary sword?!" Queen exclaimed as everyone was shocked, "so this is what he was talking about back at our first tea party with him" Wale's said as they all continued to watch. But Hood, only paying attention to the horizon and only had one thing one her mind

please come back...please.

"Tsk...attack!" Arbiter commanded as the Siren's were sceptical about attacking him, they were afraid. Afraid of the legendary sword and it's wielder. It could easily slice through a Siren and permenantly killing it, and it is one of the 8 legendary weapon's that is more than equal to the abilitie's of Arbiter the Siren's Empress.

Those were, The legendary Katana and Naginata of Hokkaido and Shikishima. The Twin legendary Axe and Mace of the North of Ulrich and Gotz.
The Pheonix's Crossbow and The Flintlock of the West of Montana and Ohio. Lastly the Twin Legendary Holy Sword's the Caliburn and Excalibur belonging to Lancelot and Galahad.

It is also said in the Legend of the Balance that was created by the Balance Type's decade's ago, that when all 8 Legendary Weapon's combined, the binded weapon will not only have the capabilitie's of all 8 but can also destroy entire world's. That weapon is named 'Dominus Pestifer Mundi'. Which translate's to

'Destroyer of World's'

That is the reason behind the Siren ambush on the Balance Type's. To eradicate all 8 weapon's, luckily the Holy Sword Excalibur and it's wielder Galahad are now facing their first mass battle.

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