The Battle of the Bands ✓

By ButteryBreadsticks

2.2K 67 26

He took a step closer, the smirk not leaving his face as he could sense my irritation. "I've been looking fo... More

The Battle of the Bands | Introduction
The Battle of the Bands | 1
The Battle of the Bands | 2
The Battle of the Bands | 3
The Battle of the Bands | 4
The Battle of the Bands | 5
The Battle of the Bands | 6
The Battle of the Bands | 7
The Battle of the Bands | 8
The Battle of the Bands | 9
The Battle of the Bands | 10
The Battle of the Bands | 11
The Battle of the Bands | 12
The Battle of the Bands | 13
The Battle of the Bands | 14
The Battle of the Bands | 15
The Battle of the Bands | 17
The Battle of the Bands | 18
The Battle of the Bands | 19
The Battle of the Bands | 20
The Battle of the Bands | 21
The Battle of the Bands | 22
The Battle of the Bands | 23
The Battle of the Bands | 24

The Battle of the Bands | 16

53 3 0
By ButteryBreadsticks

When I awoke the next morning, I heard whispering from the hallway, though I tried my best to ignore it as I cuddled up to the pillow I was using. It took me a solid two minutes to realize that I wasn't cuddling a pillow, but in fact, Maxwell's bare chest.

My eyes widened in realization and before I had the chance to move, I heard the click of someone's phone camera, causing me to let out a groan.

Kenzie would never let me live this down.

I slowly peeled myself away from Maxwell, who was still sleeping peacefully. His resting bitch face was gone as he slept, replaced with a relaxed expression. I smiled slightly as I watched him, then quickly moved as I realized how creepy it was to just watch someone sleep.

Once I was sure I wouldn't wake up Maxwell, I slowly stepped out of bed, creeping out into the hallway. I was a little surprised to see Trevor instead of Kenzie, who I thought was the culprit that'd been taking pictures of us.

"Look at this gem I captured," Trevor smirked, showcasing the picture of me cuddled up to Maxwell. My cheeks instantly heated in embarrassment and I slapped Trevor upside the head, hurrying to the bathroom.

I was far too embarrassed to face anyone right now.

Once I'd made it to the bathroom I quickly brushed my teeth, setting my toothbrush aside and examining myself in the mirror. My hair was tangly and I looked as if I'd just woken up from hibernation.

I rummaged through some drawers until I finally found a hairbrush, quickly running it through my luscious locks.

After I deemed myself to be a little presentable, I left the bathroom and went back to Maxwell's room. He was now sitting up in bed, running a hand through his hair, and doing something on his phone.

I chose to ignore him for the time being and grabbed my clothes, hurrying back to the bathroom so I could change and get the hell out of here. Once I'd completely changed, I went back to Maxwell's room and returned his hoodie, then began my search for Mackenzie.

I knew she'd slept in the guest room with Seth, and I was a little scared to see what I'd walk in on when I opened the bedroom door.

Mustering up some courage, I swung the door open and was relieved to see that the two were only cuddling. I slowly crept over to the side of the bed Kenzie was on, then leaned in towards her ear, yelling, "MACKENZIE, IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!"

She instantly jolted awake, screaming something and falling to the floor with a thud.

I let out an amused laugh, glancing up at Seth, who was now awake and also laughing.

"Fuck you guys," she grumbled, pulling herself off the floor and mumbling incoherent sentences under her breath. I stumbled out of the guest room and headed downstairs, searching for my phone and my keys, both of which I'd left in the living room.

"Good morning," Trevor smirked, leaning on the kitchen island, "How was the sex last night?"

I did a double-take on what he said and turned, narrowing my eyes at the brunette.

"First of all, ew, that's you're best friend. And second, hell to the no. If I was sleeping with someone as easy as Maxwell then I'd at least make him buy me a drink first."

Trevor laughed out loud, shaking his head in amusement.

"Man, you're so much better than anyone else Max's gotten with. You're much funnier, and everything that comes out of your mouth is unpredictable..." Trevor grinned, moving from his position behind the island and standing next to me, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"What's really gonna be unpredictable is when I nut-tap you so hard that you're puking your guts up on the floor," I replied, slapping his hand away.

"Yikes, don't do that. It reminds me of this one time that Max did that to me in the Chick-fil-A parking lot and I threw up behind the building," Trevor grimaced, shaking his head at the memory.

"But enough about me, I wanna hear about you. How'd someone like you settle for someone like Max?" Trevor asked, clearly amused by the situation. "I mean, Max isn't a bad guy or anything, but let's be honest. You're hot as fuck and could easily pull someone as good looking as myself." He smirked, flexing his muscles to prove his point.

I shook my head slightly, closing my eyes.

"I can't believe I even try to hold a conversation with you. Every sentence you say is stupider than the last." I sighed, "but actually, I'm sure you'd get along with my good friends Nick and Jack. You seem right up their alley."

"Ooh, I wanna meet these friends of yours! If they hang out with you then they must be just as witty and entertaining." he grinned, leaning against the island again.

"Well, witty and entertaining is one way to put it, I suppose," I laughed, glancing up as I heard footsteps. Kenzie was now making her way downstairs, Charlie, Seth, and Maxwell following closely behind.

"Wow, you guys look like hell," Trevor mused, a smirk tugging at his lips.

Charlie grumbled something along the lines of 'shut the hell up', stumbling towards the fridge and grabbing some orange juice.

"I hope you didn't just brush your teeth because that is disgusting." I shook my head at Charlie, who was now taking a big swig of O.J., straight out of the carton.

He grinned once he'd chugged half the carton, setting it aside and wiping his mouth.

"That's almost as nasty as the time Max shared an ice cream cone with a stray dog," Trevor grinned when Maxwell glared at him, causing me to smile slightly.

Their friendship was literally goals.

"C'mon, man, I was twelve. Get over it!" Maxwell sighed, heading into the kitchen and grabbing a box of cereal from the cabinet.

"Are you gonna eat cat food and marshmallows, known to children as Lucky Charms?" Trevor laughed as Maxwell smacked him in the shoulder.

"Do you ever shut the hell up?" Maxwell sighed, reaching into the fridge to retrieve the milk.

"Can't say that I do," Trevor replied with an easy smile.

"I'm about to make you shut the hell up," Charlie threatened, holding his fist up at Trevor.

"Aw, c'mon Charlie. You love me!" Trevor batted his eyelashes, trying to prove his innocence. Charlie smacked him in the forehead in return, putting the orange juice back in the fridge.

"You guys should get a show on MTV or something, this shit is entertaining," I laughed, shaking my head as the three of them continued bickering.

"Hey Kylie, you left your phone in here!" A voice called from the living room. I turned and realized that Kenzie and Seth were gone, then headed to the living room to see what they were up to and to grab my stuff.

The two of them sat on the couch, with Kenzie sitting on Seth's lap as they watched TikToks on Kenz's phone. I shook my head slightly in amusement.

Those two really were something.

Remembering what I came in here for, I quickly grabbed my phone and keys, noticing that I had a new text. My eyes narrowed as I saw the name, realizing exactly who it was; Carter Jacobs.

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