Out Of The Ordinary

By ThatNerdyChickx

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(Sequel to "From Simple To Strange") She was gone, kidnapped for four months without knowing where she was a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Question/Survey Thingy!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Finale!)

Chapter 27

56 7 4
By ThatNerdyChickx

Not too bad... I know it's short but hey, yet another update early AND there's a twist in here... :P

Everything was fine until the explosion. From there, it all went haywire.

            Most of Jared's men had scattered, those who weren't caught in the explosion. A large mushroom cloud appeared in the distance, just over where the men had made camp. I could only assume Travis and Kade had done their duty.

            "Kiera, c'mon, we need to go," Alex pestered me. I just stared off. They were dead. I'd gotten both of them mixed into this and now they were dead. It was worse a feeling than knowing we might possibly lose. 

            In the end, Alex just grabbed my hand and pulled me away. In too much of a daze to protest, I went along with it. Alex would get me out of here.

            Suddenly everyone was running, pushing and shoving past us in a frenzy. Distantly I heard Alex say something but then there was fire in front of us and we were both down. The last thing I remember was Alex's hand being ripped from mine.

*     *     *

            Chuckling woke me up. It wasn't the funny, ha ha kind of chuckle. No, it was more the sadistic kind. The thing that really shook me was that it sounded… familiar.

            I kept my eyes shut, hoping the person would go away while I assessed what was wrong. There'd been another explosion, one quite close to Alex and I. I had no clue where he was, whether he was okay or not, but all I knew was that I was fine. Sure, the rocky ground wasn't the best, but I'd manage.

            But for now I just had to find out who was in front of me. It was eating at me, like there was something in the back of my min that was  just scratching to get out,

            So I opened my eyes. My curiosity was too much. For a second I didn't see anyone… but then he stepped through the dust and rocks. He was all I could focus on while I tried to make out who he was.

            And then I gasped. There were rumors that he really was here, that he would come into battle, but I never thought those rumors were true. For a second I was too stunned to do anything but then, as he came closer, I stood up. Who knows what he would do to me if I was that vulnerable. Assuming he was on Jared's side of course.

            And then I spoke, my voice completely void of emotion. "You're alive," I stated plainly, giving him a once over. He hadn't changed a bit, still the same old light brown hair, shining blue eyes, everything.

            Except Matt's eyes had gone dark. There was no more spark. That's when I knew that I was just talking to one of Jared's minions, not my brother.

            With a smirk, Matt opened his mouth. "Yeah, sorry, had to get into this the hard way. Do you know how difficult it is to fake your own death?" I grimaced at that and he noticed.

            With every step he took towards me, I took one back, my eyes never leaving his. Finally he just jumped forward and grabbed me by the shoulders so I couldn't move.

            And suddenly we were back to the day of my parents' funeral. We had stood in this exactly position while I cried into his shoulder. I was just a little kid, and he had seemed just as heartbroken as me, his face blank as he looked at the grave. Only this time, his expression was more sadistic, dangerous. I seemed to still be the scared little girl but he'd completely changed…

            His smile was more dark, sinister. "You know, I always knew you were different. My suspicions turned out to be completely right. You're a monster and I don't how Mom and Dad didn't see that."

            "Matt-" I started, my voice shaky. I was slowly losing confidence. But I couldn't do that, not now. Not when it mattered the most.

            "Nope, nope." He held a finger to my lips but I didn't do anything to shake it. "No, you're gonna listen to me  now. I've waited this long, I don't think I can wait any longer."

            "I never really loved you," he sneered, looking me straight in the eye as he said every word. Each one struck me at the heart but I was still, waiting for my chance to speak.

            And finally it came as he was silent, looking at m expectantly for my response. "

            "What happened, Matt?" I asked softly, taking a completely different approach. Gosh, if Alex could see me now, I'd be dead. This was completely against everything I'd been taught. But Matt was family, even though he'd gone dark side. He was just Jared's 'product' and I was going to try my hardest to get my brother back.

            "This isn't you," I continued, my eyes never leaving his. A spark of delight appeared in me as I saw his eyes softening. I spoke again, so close to breaking through with him. "Whatever Jared said to you, it's wrong. All of it. He's just trying to turn you away from me… do you really want him to succeed?"

            And the connection snapped. Matt's eyes went hard again and in a split second, he had a knife in his hands while I stood in front him, completely defenceless.

            "No, I know he's right." Matt took a stab but I managed to jump back, only by surprise, though. I never thought he would go to hurt me, ever. He was completely gone. The Matt I knew was taken from me.

            But I was still trying. If I could just help him…

            "I'm different!" Matt yelled, anger in his eyes as he took another swing. "I hate you, I always have!"

            I tried to counteract his moves but it was too hard on the rocky ground. I fell. There Matt stood over me, about to deliver the killing blow. The look in his eyes was enough to kill  me, though. He was scared. Yes, there was anger in there, determination, but there was also fear. That's when I knew that my Matt was still in there.

            And so I laid there with my eyes shut tight, ready for the strike to happen. The only thig was that it never happened and I didn't open my eyes until I heard a thump on the ground.

            There stood Alex with a bloodied knife in his hands. He was just staring at the body on the ground that lay motionless… my brother.

            Despite everything, I still thought that Matt was in there. No matter what he did, he was still my brother and it broke my heart to see him down,

            And so I crawled over, Ice cold to the touch, I pulled back out of surprise but then went closer. He was definitely dead.

            But instead of leaving, I curled up beside him, my arms around the body as I cried into his still shoulder. My brother was dead, just I had finally gotten him back. Yet another thing Jared''s taken from me.

*      *      *

            Alex stayed a few feet away, never interrupting or pulling me back from my brother while I cried. But finally, and I knew the time had to come, he stepped forward.

            "Kiera, I'm sorry, it had-"

            "Yeah, I know," I said, standing up and wiping my tears. I couldn't look him in the eye even though I knew he was right. Matt would've killed me and we couldn't have that. So Alex had done the job for me. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew it had to be done.

            "Kiera," Alex suddenly said in concern. I didn't look at him, just kept walking. I couldn't do anything about my sadness. Gosh, I even felt guilty that I was sad. Matt was the enemy. He would've killed me. Who cares that he was my brother, the one who had supposedly been there for me… forever?

            "Kiera, I'm serious, stop… Hey, a little help!" Alex suddenly yelled. Despite the quickly dimming light, I saw a figure running towards us. The pain in my arm flared for a second and all I could see was black. It began to spread into the center of my vision until it was all that was there. And then I hit the ground.


I know, not a lot of time on the twist BUT if you guys wanna read a little more in Matt's POV, I miiiigggghhhhtttt make an epilogue... but ONLY if I get some comments! If not, too bad for you.

So yeah.. I'm pretty happy. I have a week left of school and I'm done until January fifth! But I have, like, 2 tests on one day. So that really sucks... But it's a half day today so I can study! (You can only imagine how heavy my backpack is with 2 binders, a laptop and five books.)





-Follow me!

Thanks, guys! :P

-Me x

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