Kuroko No Basket [O/L]

By SimplyRina_

1.3K 303 114

Read to find out where your destinies with these cuties lie! Will it be a happily ever after? Or a heart-br... More

Intro // β™‘ Author's Note β™‘
Requestsγ€Š OPEN 》
β€’ (O) Kagami Taiga x Bullied!Reader
β€’ (O) Akashi Seijuro x Reader
β€’ (O) Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader
β€’ (O) Kise Ryouta x Idol!Reader
β€’ (O) Aomine Daiki x Reader
β€’ (L) Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader
β€’ (O) Midorima Shintaro x Reader
β€’ (O) Kuroko Tetsuya x Clingy!Reader
β€’ (O) Akashi Seijuro x Pregnant!Reader
β€’ (O) Hanamiya Makoto x Reader

β€’ (O) Murisakibara Atsushi x Reader

97 25 15
By SimplyRina_


Word Count: 2672


Your POV

"You excited for the beach, Sushi-chan?" You smile at your boyfriend, taking a sip from your lemonade drink.

The purple-haired titan was currently driving, his eyes lazily watching the road. You were sitting in the passenger seat of his truck, leaning back and enjoying the cool summer breeze flowing in through your open window.

Murasakibara didn't want to drive, but he had to since he lost a bet to you. It probably wasn't the best idea to let one of the laziest people alive drive, but the summer heat made you slow and heavy, so you didn't want to drive either. One of you had to drive since you and your friends, the GOM, Kagami, Momoi, and Riko, were all meeting up at the beach, and it was way too far to walk. If you could have car-pooled, you would have, but these were the circumstances you were stuck with for the time being.

The mention of the beach seemed to sour Murasakibara's mood even further. He was already sour enough from losing the bet, which put him in the position of designated driver.

"No.." He frowned.

You looked at him, "What? How come? I thought you'd be excited since there are so many ice cream stands there in this heat."

Murisakibara shakes his head, still frowning.

You take his free hand resting on his right thigh, "What's on your mind, Sushi-chan?"

He glances at you before looking back at the road, his frown deepening, "People are gonna be looking at my Reader-chin.." He grumbles, and you giggle at him.

"Is that all?" You sigh, smiling up at him.

"And the ice cream there is going to melt because it's so hot," he added, still frowning as he stopped in front of a red light.

You lean up and quickly steal a kiss from him, "Stop worrying so much, Sushi-chan. You know I only love you. Besides, you'd probably finish your ice cream before it melts, so don't let the heat bother you. It's already hot enough without you being so hot-headed." You smile at him.


When you two arrive at the beach, you hop out of the truck, walk over to the back, and grab the things you two brought. You packed many things since you loved being prepared for everything. You brought a picnic blanket, a large umbrella, folding chairs, bags of food, a cooler, extra clothes, extra towels, and everything else you thought you would need. There was a lot, so you figured you could ask the rest of the guys to help you and Murasakibara unload.

You struggled with the cooler since Murasakibara packed it full of sweets, so he took it from you, patting your head gently.

"I got this one, Reader-chin. It's heavy." He says, and you smile at him.

"Thanks, Sushi-chan~" You grab the bag with your swimsuit and a couple bags full of food.

You made a lot since you knew how Murasakibara gets when he's hungry, and you didn't want to risk an angry titan. Besides, the others may not have brought food themselves, so you were prepared in case they were hungry. You only need to prepare for if Murasakibara decides not to share.

"Reader-cchi!! Mura-cchi!! Over here!!"

You look around at the sound of your name being called. You smiled when you spotted Kise, waving back to him as he greeted you both.

You walk over to him with Murasakibara, "Hey guys! Sorry, we're late."

"As usual." Akashi sighs, shaking his head with a smile.

"I'm not surprised, nanodayo." Midorima adds, pushing up his glasses.

You pout at them, "Stop being such punctuality police! It's summer! We can be late if we want to be."

"Even I was here on time. Tch. Get a damn watch, maybe." Aomine grins at you, and you stick your tongue out at him.

"Either way, I'm glad you both made it." Kuroko says from behind you, making you jump a bit.

You sigh softly and smile at him, hugging him, "Thanks for the invite again, Kuroko. That was really nice of you."

"Oi Reader! The waves look great today. You wanna go for it?" Kagami calls out to you, and you shake your head.

Kagami was one of your closest friends. He taught you how to surf when you were both in elementary school. Surfing was surprisingly fun, and you made it a hobby.

"Maybe not today, Taiga. Kinda—"

"Reader!" You smile as you are engulfed in a hug by Momoi.

She lifted you up and began twirling around with you still in her arms.

"You're finally here! Come on, we gotta get you changed so we can swim!" She says excitedly.

"E-Ehh? Wait a minute, Satsuki! I just got here!" You squirm around in her arms.

"Best not to fight it, Reader. She's been waiting for you." Riko says, picking up your bikini from your bag.


The guys all watch as Momoi and Riko drag you off to the public changing rooms.


When you returned, you wore a white string bikini that showed off your surprisingly curvy body. Despite being in great shape, you weren't really the type to show off your body, so when you returned with the girls, the guys were all staring at you.

"Wow, I didn't know you were a girl, Reader! Damn!" Aomine commented.

You grab your rubber slipper and throw it at his face, making him fall off the chair he was sitting on, "Shut the hell up, Ahomine!"

"Thank you for packing such a big blanket, Reader. It's great not to sit on the hot sand." Kuroko said, sitting beside Kise as Nigou slept on his lap.

Everything you brought was already set up. The blanket you brought was big enough for everyone to sit on. In the middle was a table. Right in the center of the table was a hole where the huge umbrella sat. It was the ultimate setup, and you were proud of it.

"What did you expect? It's Reader. I wouldn't be surprised if she brought her entire house, nanodayo." Midorima said as he pushed his glasses up.

You grin at him, "Ehh, is that your way of saying thank you, Mido-chan?" You sit directly beside him, slowly leaning closer to him while you stare into his eyes.

Midorima's cheeks heat up almost instantly, especially since you were in a bikini, "N-No! Hey! B-Back off, nanodayo!" He shouts, and you laugh at him.

Murisakibara glares at the guys as you chat and mingle with them, his bag of chips exploding in his hand. The pop made everyone look at him, and you sighed softly, smiling at him.

'Oh Sushi-chan, such a hot head..'

You get up and walk over to him, "Sushi-chan! You wanna go get ice cr—"

"Come on, Reader! Let's go swimming already!" Momoi says as she takes your hand, running towards the water.

You gasp, "W-Wait!" You grab Riko's arm in an attempt to slow her down, but nothing was stopping Momoi.

Both you and Riko were dragged into the water with the energetic pink-haired female. You swim up and shake the water off your head, combing your hair away from your face as you frown at Momoi.

"Satsuki! I was—" You gasp and try to cover your face as she splashes you, being the fun-loving girl she was.

You look to Riko for help but she was laughing at the scene. You growl softly at this and begin splashing her, which makes her splash you back.

You smile, laughing softly when Momoi slips on some seaweed and falls into the water. You swim over to help her, but she pulls you down instead.

You pout at Momoi and begin splashing her, quickly swimming away to avoid her retaliation. You stop to watch a few guys surfing. They were total noobs and wiped out halfway.

You were too busy watching the surfers and didn't notice Momoi slowly sneaking towards you. She jumped out of the water, scaring the crap out of you. You screamed softly as you stumbled backwards, falling into someone's arms.

You look down and gasp internally at where their hand is positioned. Their hand was right on your left breast, your cheeks red. They gave your boob a squeeze, and you gasped out loud before turning and slapping the guy you had bumped into across the face.

"Y-You pervert!" You glare at him with red cheeks, hugging yourself.

"What the hell do you mean?! You bumped into me!!" The guy glared back at you, holding his cheek.

The guy glared down at you since he was much taller and bigger than you. Four tall and buff guys came over to him, most likely his friends.

"This bitch slapped me for bumping into me!" The guy says, and you glare at him.

"I slapped you because you were being a pervert!" You growl softly, not liking how they all looked you up and down.

"I know a way she can apologize." The guy on the far left smirked.

You knew what they wanted. It didn't take a lot to figure out with the way they were eyeing you.

"I'm not apologizing for anything. Your friend was being a disgusting pig. You should be sorry for that." You say, completely pissing them off.

One guy grabs your wrist, making you whimper out softly in pain at how harshly he grabbed you.

"Maybe we oughta teach you some manners—" The guy holding your wrist gasps as an even bigger hand grabs his wrist, making him let go of yours.

The guy screamed out in pain, falling to his knees as he begged the man holding his wrist to let go.

You look up and sigh softly in relief to see Murisakibara towering over them, crushing the man's wrist with no effort, "Are you guys bullying my Reader-chin?" He grumbles in a dangerously low voice.

The rest of the guys glare at the purple-haired giant and begin to make their way towards the two of you. One guy manages to get to you and punches you right in the face.

You fall into the water from the impact. You were small, and the size of his fist colliding with the side of your face hurt a lot.

"Oi! Leave Reader alone!" You watch as Kagami runs in, punching the guy who had punched you square in the face.

Aomine, Midorima, Kise, and Akashi join the fight, which turns into an all-out brawl in the water.

Kuroko picks you up from the water and brings you back to the picnic blanket, gently setting you down, "Are you alright, Reader? Does it hurt?"

You try to blink back tears, but the side of your face really stings, and you can't hold them back. "Y-Yeah... A bit..." you say softly, your hands trembling and quivering on your lap.

"I'll go get you some ice. I'll be right back." He says to you before rushing off.

"Reader! Are you okay?" Momoi asks as she and Riko both run over to you.

You nod quietly, wiping away your tears, "Y-Yeah.. Just got punched in the face. It's okay.."

"What?! That is not okay!! Where is this bitch?! I'll take them on myself!!" Momoi snarls softly, looking around.

You smile at her, "Thanks, but I think the guys are already on it." You tell her, pointing over to where a bunch of rainbow-haired men were beating five guys to a pulp in the water.


As the guys finished, they began making their way back towards you. Despite being so harsh sometimes, the guys saw you as a close friend and treasured you dearly, so it was no surprise that they were very fast in defending you.

"Reader-cchi!! Are you okay?!" Kise runs over to you, hugging you tightly, "I can't believe those bullies actually hurt you!!"

"Damn bastards gave you a nasty bruise there. Does it hurt?" Kagami asks as he kneels beside Kise, observing the bruise on your left cheek.

Your cheek bruise was about the size of a golf ball, but it still hurt quite a bit. The ice Kuroko had brought made it feel slightly better, but the heat was beginning to melt it really quickly.

"It's okay; the bruise makes me look tough." You smile at them, and they seem to slowly calm down at your smile, happy to see you weren't hurt further.

"You look like a potato someone dropped, and it got all bruised." Aomine says, and you throw another rubber slipper at his face.

Murisakibara sits cross-legged by the table before lifting you up and putting you on his lap, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist.

You smile up at him, "How about we eat now." You say as you begin taking out food from the bags you had brought.

"Whoa! That's a lot!" Kise said in surprise, but his stomach grumbled loudly at the sight.

Everyone's stomach followed suit, and you grin proudly. This was precisely what you had prepared for, and you were happy you could help your friends.

"Isn't this a bit much, though? What if we don't finish it all?" Momoi looks at you, and you smile at her.

You motion to the guys, beginning to eat quickly.

"They're athletes, plus Sushi-chan. I'm kind of worried we might not have enough." You tell her before you grab a hotdog and begin to eat with everyone else.


After everything had calmed down, you were leaning back against Murasakibara's chest, your stomach full and satisfied. You sat up, though, when Murasakibara stirred and moved around a bit.

You look at him as he removes his shirt and throws it over your head. "Put it on Reader-chin." He says, looking down at you.

"Huh? Why Sushi-chan?" You look at his shirt, then back at him.

He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close.

"They're staring at you." He whispers in your ear, kissing it softly afterward.

You squeal at the feeling and blush as you slip on his shirt. Being the giant he was, his shirt was like a dress to you, so it covered you up fully. A few guys around the beach turn their heads away from you, and you sigh softly in relief. Guess that eerie feeling of someone always watching you wasn't your imagination.

"It's okay. I'm tired of swimming anyway. I'm going to make a sandcastle instead." You tell him, taking out a small bucket you packed in your bag.

You hum as you begin constructing your castle, collecting wet sand and packing it in your bucket.

"A sandcastle? Ooh! I wanna help!" Kise beamed excitedly.

You smile at Kise as he sits beside you, beginning to make a moat around your castle.


When you finished, you smiled triumphantly and high-fived Kise, "Yay! We did it!"

Aomine ran over to you and stomped on your sandcastle, "Ha! Take that sandcastle!" He grinned proudly, knocking over the small flag on top.

Your eyes widen, gasping softly as Kise and you slowly look up at the murderer of your masterpiece. You whimper as a frown decorates your face, sighing sadly. "My castle..."

Aomine looked down at you with a smirk before tensing up, the hairs on his arms standing up as chills went down his spine. He looked behind him and froze. Murasakibara was towering over him with a deadly aura around him.

"You crushed Reader-chin's castle.. Now I have to crush you.." He grumbles in a low voice, glaring down at him intensely.

Aomine screamed as he quickly ran off, his eyes full of fear. Murasakibara ran after him, each step making the ground tremble.

"Wait, no!! I'm sorry, Atsushi!! Reader him stop!!" Aomine screamed out as he ran around the beach quickly.

You watch them run around and smile, giggling softly. You clap softly in amusement as the rest of the guys also sit beside you to watch the show.

Murisakibara eventually caught up to Aomine and picked him up. Aomine screamed as he desperately tried to get out of his grip.

"Into the water Sushi-chan!" You smile, clapping some more.

"Ehhh!? Reader no!!' Aomine screams at you.

Murisakibara only smiled as he swung Aomine back before throwing him into the ocean. As usual, Murisakibara underestimated his strength, and Aomine was flung so far that a boat would be needed to retrieve him.

'Yay! Go Sushi-chan! Defender of Sandcastles..!'

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