A Dragon's Mermaid

By GreenEyedKoneko

218K 7.6K 664

Book 1 in The Beasts Mate Series. This book contains 18+ content, so readers must be 18 years of age or older... More

A Dragon's Mermaid
Chapter One 🌊
Chapter Two πŸ‰
Chapter Three 🌊
Chapter Four 🌊
Chapter Five πŸ‰
Chapter Six 🌊
Chapter Seven πŸ‰
Chapter Eight πŸ‰
Chapter Nine 🌊
Chapter Ten πŸ‰
Chapter Eleven 🌊
Chapter Twelve πŸ‰
Chapter Thirteen 🌊
Chapter Fourteen 🌊
Chapter Fifteen πŸ‰
Chapter Sixteen 🌊
Chapter Seventeen πŸ‰
Chapter Eughteen 🌊
❀️Chapter Nineteen 🌊
❀️Chapter Twenty πŸ‰
Chapter Twenty-One 🌊
Chapter Twenty-two 🌊
Chapter Twenty-three πŸ‰
Chapter Twenty-four 🌊
Chapter Twenty-five πŸ‰
❀️Chapter Twenty-six 🌊
Chapter Twenty-seven 🌊
Chapter Twenty-eight πŸ‰
❀️Chapter Twenty-nine 🌊
Chapter Thirty πŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-one 🌊
Chapter Thirty-twoπŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-three🌊
Chapter Thirty-four πŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-five 🌊
❀️Chapter Thirty-seven πŸ‰

Chapter Thirty-six 🌊

1.8K 85 4
By GreenEyedKoneko

A/N: Happy Saturday everyone! I hope that you all are enjoying your weekend so far. I thought that this chapter published last night, but just realized it didn't.
Happy reading~

I splash water on my face as the cool air conditioning hits the back of my neck. The fireworks ended, and we came back inside for a break. The women, most of them are elderly, put a spread of food in the kitchen. Well it is more like quick snack food before the evening activities begin. This also gives females a time to feed their hatchlings, and go through their nightly routine. Vulcan is currently eating with his brothers, and his  male friends. Ember ran off when she saw her friends once we got back to the Den. I am in a large powder room with Waverly Neri, Willow and Noir.

Waverly groans as she looks in the mirror and tries to fix her hair, which looks rather frizzy. The humidity is rather high, and I had this problem after moving here. Mermaids are very aware of our appearance, more so our hair. Women and submissives are taught to care for our hair, skin, and tail. There is a belief that we should look appealing and beautiful for ourshelves, but for our mate as well.

Wavely groans as she pats her hair down after putting some water on our hands. "Why won't my hair go down!"

I giggle as I turn around and gently run my fingers through Waverly's thick long hair.  "I had the same problem after moving here".

Waverly hums as she leans into my touch, and I lightly massage her scalp. "How does your hair and Nei's look so pretty then?"

Neri smiles as she leans into the counter after washing her hands. "Um Thank you! My old Mistress introduce me to  different types of cream and sprays with my hair. I still use them now but they are for my hair type".

I am glad to hear that, but I am not surprised because Neri has beautiful hair. It is clear that she take care of her hair. As a hairdresser and salon owner this makes me happy. "There is a hair serum that works with our hair type. We can go shopping together this week if you have time, because I also ran out of mine".

Waverly smiles as she runs her hands around my neck, and gives m e quick hug. "Thank you! I have some time on Wednesday afternoon  after one thirty".

I raise an eyebrow because she usually has a class during this time. She seems to notice my confusion because she explains. "My professor canceled our class but gave us an additional assignment due this week," says Waverly.

I nod my head in agreement, "Ok I can do that then since there is an opening in my schedule"

Noir grins, "If you come by the cafe then I'll have coffee ready for you. Oh well I suppose an ice tea in Avalon's case.  Um I also want to try out a new tart".

Waverly and I quietly shout an excited "yes" at the promise of drinks and treats. It is sweet that Noi is being considerate of my pregnancy because I can't drink coffee. It took a bit of an adjustment not drinking coffee. I love drinking coffee in the morning, and sometimes during a lunch break. Thankfully, mom suggested tea, and adding slices of fresh fruit to my water. She mentioned having the same problem at first when she was pregnant. My parents were so happy when we told them I was pregnant. Mom yelled happily that she was going to be a grandma. It took father a few minutes to register the news. He quickly threatened Vulcan to take care of me and the guppies. Afterwards, he was happy to ask questions about how I was feeling, and when my due date is. He and mom already made plans to come to the surface before my due date. Coralia and my brothers also rushed downstairs after hearing mom scream. They were happy for us, and hoping they could come up to the surface as well.

Willow giggles," I am surprised you did not ask Qullian to come be your taste tester. The man loves food from what I have seen".

A blush appears on Noirs face, and she begins to play with loose strands of her black hair. "I have before but he always praises my food. I would like an unbiased opinion. Plus, I somehow always end up sitting on his lap!"

I laugh because it is not surprising to hear those facts. Qullian loves food and he is quite affectionate. Before meeting Noir he was quite a flirt, and sexually active. It is no surprising that he wants to be affectionate towards his mate. I wonder how difficult it is to not fully mate with Noir. Although, Vulcan mentioned that Qullian wants to wait until their mating ceremony. That is surprising but very sweet on his behalf. He cares for his mate, and is allowing Noir to have control. The mating ceremony would only happen once Noir agrees to it, and they set a date.

"Does it bother you that Qullian was very active with women? From what I have heard it does not seem like he had lovers," I question.

Noir is quite for a moment before answering, "No, I cannot be angry because I am not as pure as I seem".

"You've been with another man that was not your mate?" asks Waverly.

Before Noir can answer Willow steps in, "Noir is a submissive and if I am correct a flower. since I am a flower. I can say that our heat is intense. They are torture without the touch of another. Like seriously do not ask me how I survived without a partner".

Noir chuckles, "Thanks Willow and yes I am a flower, but my tengu and druid blood kind of mask it. I was intimate with other men, but I never had sex with them. That was something I wanted to wait to do with my mate".

Waverly nods, "Sorry if I seemed surprised but we have it drilled in our heads by our father to wait for our mate".

Noir shrugs and then leans over to gently ruffle Wavely's hair. "Do not worry about it and my father is the same way," she reassures her.

"I think that is most fathers in our world, but is he unaware of your other adventures?" I ask. Father would be beyond pissed if another man touched us that way. Plus, Zarya still has to hide her adventurous bedtime activities from her parents. Yes she lives on the surface, but her father has a good second sense. He is also part of our cities law enforcement, similar to human police officers. How she manages to hide this from him I do not know, because she is rather flirty back home a well.

"Oh my father is aware of this because my heat is um very intense. When I turned eighteen they became worse, and we sought advice from the clan elders. They told my father that the touch of another would somewhat soothe me in the absence of my mate," answers Noir.

"Oh my sweet Titania! I would be so embarrassed if my father was told that by the elders," mutters Willow. 

Noir laughed, "Oh believe me I was! My face was a permanent shade of red that day. It was even more embarrassing when they picked a partner for me, and having father set up protective magic. Um that way my partner was unable to take things too far".

Neri, Waverly, Willoa and i share a look of surprise and embarrassment. That would be so embarrassing, especially at the age of eighteen. A few years have passed since then, but still. "He was never nearby during my hears! His magic can be felt anywhere on clan territory. Oh and he made sure warriors were close enough in case I was in any danger," adds Noir.

Neri is the first person to get us out of our surprised haze, "Your father seems quite loving and protective of you. Is there a reason you moved all the way out here then?"

Noir sighs and her beautiful aqua eyes do not have their usual sparkle. "An allied clan kept insisting that I mate with their leaders son. He has a mate but she is unable to have kids," answers Noir.

Oh wow! That is ridiculous! Noir did not meet Qullian until recently, but he has a mate. We are all born with a mate. Sadly, there are insurances when a mate passes on before they meet one another. In that case, the individual may be blessed with a second chance mate. Also, has that clan never heard of adoption? They could also do that things humans do uhh I forget the same. The thing where they can plant the males sperm in. That has a higher success rate on us then it does on humans. Which that in itself is rather disappointing. There are wonderful humans out there that want to be parents, but cannot. I hope their cleans are no longer allies.

Willows usually calm eyes now look dark. "Are you serious! Do those jerks thing that's ok because you are a flower? You have a mate!"

Before she can continue her rant Noir cuts in. "Tell me about it because father lost his shit. He destroyed his office wall when they proposed it".

"Is that ahh you moved here then?" I ask Noir to get clarification.

Noir nods, "Yeah our clans are at somewhat of a war now. The other leader refuses to give in until he sees that I am mated".

"So just go to your house with Qullian and show them? Your dad could call a meeting," suggests Neri.

A blush appears on Noirs face, " I think that might be the case but uhh they might require more physical proof".

Mine and Willow's eyes widen in shock. Oh wow! They would ask them both to do that? I mean supernatural creatures are comfortable with nudity as well as sex. They see sex as a way to show how strong your mating is. Something about showing how true your love is, I don't know. Plus, sex in public or somewhat public settings isn't too uncommon. Case in point tonight is going to get a little heated.

"Right! I don't want to do it now because we haven't gone all the way! Oh and I really do not want my parents seeing that!" Noir shouts as she throws her hands in the air.

"Oh I completely understand that because I do not want my mother-in-law seeing all that tonight," I say.

Waverly asks, "Wait what is going to happen tonight?"

Well I suppose that I should tell her. It may be a little awkward since we are sisters. She may feel more comfortable in a different setting. Maybe relaxing in the den with mama. Thankfully, she and Ember are not coming to tonight's activities. They both think it is a little skyward to see that.

"Well... Vulcan and I are going to get a little physical tonight," I answer.

A light pink blush appears to Waverly's face. "I think I will stay here with your mother-in-law and Ember. They asked me earlier if I want to bake cookies. Now I know why!"

I laugh softly as I lean in and hug her. "Sorry I should have probably told you that earlier. That kind of slipped my mind," I say.

Waverly giggles, "That's fine! I think you are already getting pregnancy brain".

I giggle softly somewhat agreeing with her. "Probably and I apologize if it gets worse".

Neri grins, "Well are you going to wear that dress or change?"

I turn around and look at the clock. Oh shit! It is almost time for the ritual to start. "Oh yeah I do have to change! Give me a second because mama left it in here for me," I say.

Noir grins as I grab the garment bag hanging on the wall. I take it and go into the smaller room. In this room this is a mirror, small sink and a toilet. I take garment bag and pull down the zipper. Then, I quickly unzip my dress, and let it fall down to my feet.

Hanging from the garment bag is a blue lace two piece set. The top is off shoulder, and the bottom is a short lace skirt with a chiffon tail. Its a high low skirt, which is lovely. When I take the top I notice that there a small darker blue beads. I put the top of and it fits nicely against my chest, showing off my chest with a sweetheart neckline. Then, I pull the skirt in and pull up the zipper. The skirt fits snug and shoes off my legs. The outfit in general shoes off my body. I decided to keep on the same shoes I have on. I do not mine because I love my body. Vulcan will most likely become a little possessive, but that is so sexy.

I do not take too long, and pick up my dress. Then, I hang it on the hanger and zip up the garment bag. I am glad that the festival is today, because this outfit hugs my body in all the right places. However, my body is going to start to change quickly. Since I am carrying twins, and a dragons offspring they will grow quickly. I would be surprised if a have a very noticeable baby bump soon. Maybe by next week I will have a cute little bump. The Healer said I will start showing quickly, and not to be alarmed.

When I come out of the bathroom I hear cat calls and whistles. This makes me giggle, and then I spin around.

"You look great Av! Your mate is really going to stay close to your side," comments Waverly.

Noir grins, "That outfit is so sexy! Do you all dress so sexy for these festivals?"

Willow, and Neri shrug not aware if that is the case. I felt the same way when we were planing my outfit. Mama explained that dragons are quite sexual beings. They enjoy showing off their mates. A dragons beast wants to see their mate dressed beautifully with jewels. It shows others that they are able to take care of their mate.

"Yes that seems like it is the case. I do not really mind because I like the outfits. Mama and Ember help me pick them out," I answer.

Noir nods, "Dang they have some good taste. I might need some help picking out a sexy outfit for Qullian".

I raise an eyebrow, "You want a sexy outfit for Qullian? I thought you weren't ready for that".

Noir grins and her aqua eyes are filled with mischief. "Oh I'm not but I can still tease my mate. Plus we can still get heated in other ways," she says.

I laugh and we walk out of the power room laughing. It does not take us long until we reach the living room. My eyes meet Vulcan's after he turns around. His beautiful green colored eyes turns dark. Lust fills his eyes when his eyes scan my body. Vulcan gets off his seat and walks over to me. When he is close his arms wrap around my waist. He growls loudly, which makes the room shake. A moan escapes my lips before he places his lips over mine.

"You look so pretty for me my treasure," Vulcan growls in my ear.

A shifter takes through my body as I grip onto his shoulders. "I hope that you will show me how much you like this outfit".

"Oh I plan to show you just how beautiful you are. During and after the ceremony," says Vulcan.

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