Black and White ~ SEQUEL

By loverrr324

78.5K 1.8K 776

Sometimes you need to take a break. Well, Y/N definitely wasn't aware of the extent of a break. So love and t... More

1.0// Falling //
2.0// The Tea //
3.0// Wedding Dress //
4.0// Honey I ordered Chinese //
5.0// Mother Theresa //
6.0// Nickname // 🔥
7.0// Capri Sun //
8.0// Netflix //
9.0// Standards //
10.0// The Red Room //
11.0// Vinyls //
12.0// Pray for Her //
13.0// BullShit //
14.0// Maybe //
16.0// Conference Room C //
17.0// I wasn't Begging //
18.0// Pink Corvette//
19.0// I'm in //
20.0// Informal Dinner //
21.0// Open Arms //
22.0// Ambush//
23.0// Kitchen Table //
24.0// Fire Exit //
24.1// Fire Exit //
24.2// Fire Exit//
25.0// Brave Face /
26.0// Red Dress//
27.0// Merge//
28.0// Black Nails//
29.0// Goodbye //
New Book

15.0// Hair Appointment //

2.2K 57 12
By loverrr324

"Hey daddy". 

"Hello Vanessa, come and take a seat".

I sat down on the dark larger chair. Confused. But also nervous. My dad has NEVER called me by my first name and I don't see why he has to break the habit of a lifetime.  

"So what's up? You do realise I had to miss a hair appointment just for you!" I was joking, but I could see my fathers face clouding every passing minute. 

"Well sorry honey, but I actually needed to speak with you". 

"It's okay dad. Spending time with you is more important than some silly appointment". I assured him. 

"Wow, would you cancel a hair appointment for Tom?" 

It was my turn for my face to cloud. My cheery expression was replaced with a cold exterior. 

"So you heard".

"Oh I didn't just hear. I got an earful. How could you Vanessa? Think of your reputation".

"WHAT? MY REPUTATION? Dad, he was the one having an affair!"

"Oh really?" He gave me a pointed look. "With who?" 

"Y/N" I hissed. 

"And I hope you have concrete evidence to support this outrageous allegation?"

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat

He shook his head. "Actually you know what, I don't need an answer to that. But seriously? You're STILL acting irrationally? What did we talk about?"

"Losing that weaponry deal wasn't my fault". I said through gritted teeth. 

"Yes it was! They made one small comment on Y/Ns performance as CEO and you flip out! And as for you and Tom, you guys aren't even married yet and you were being all ridiculous. Weren't." He corrected himself

I rolled my eyes. "Is this why you called me here? For a rant? Because if your done, I have places to be". I stood up.

"Sit down. I'm not done yet". He said crossly. I sat down and looked at my freshly-done nails, pretending I didn't have a care in the world. 

"You have to give up the company".

"What? Dad if it's because of that, I can change I swear I can fix-" 

"-there's nothing you can do".

"But you can do that to me!"

"I'm afraid that not an opinion for you to have".

"If I leave, who's gonna take over?" I tried to reason. "I don't see your tired ass stepping in. I'll be damned if Y/N ever shows her face. You HAVE no more heirs. You need me more than you realise".

"But that's just where your wrong".

He slid over a piece of paper but I didn't touch it. 

"Turn it over". He leant back on his chair, smoking his Havana cigar.

I turned it over and scanned the page. My heart dropped.

"I'm, I'm not your child?" 

"No, no your not".

"But how....I-I didn't-"

"Some of my people were digging up your mothers records, it's only protocol and-".

"To hell its protocol! You just wanted me out of the way so you come up with this...this sick joke and stick it in my face like a lawsuit!"

"Vanessa I didn't want you out of the way. It's there in black and white. All legal. Her friends who also knew about it. Doctors notes. Trust me this surprised me just as much as it's surprises you. Nothing here is fabricated. She knew that you weren't mine and she hid it from ALL of us".

I was lost for words. 

"So - so who is my father?"

"I don't know. I hired an investigator but there were no leads. I guess he was just some one night stand. I wouldn't put it past Cameron". He said, almost to himself. He took a pause, with a solemn look on his face but soon came out of his daydream.

"Anyway," he shook his head. "All I do know is that you can't be associated with this company any more. My nephew Chris-"

"Chris! The wettie CHRIS! Dad, I knew you were off your rocker when you chose Y/N but now I'm seriously questioning your sanity. The stupid man can't even handle a gun".

"Chris has changed. He's not the same 15 year old you met on a Ski trip in St Moritz. He's grown up. Maybe you should too. And he's also married with kids, so at least he's got some offspring to take over the company-"

"Your cutting me off because I don't have KIDS!" You KNOW Tom and I were trying! You KNOW I booked that appointment with the clinic" I hissed 

"Well I'm glad to see you're booking things other than beauty appointments". He replied curtly 

"And - and HE was the one who came forward with the split! Why isn't he getting the blame for any of this. Why are there even these stupid rules in the first place!" I seemed to go on questioning humanity. 

"Vanessa, please, you've known for a while that this could happen". He said gently, giving me time to breath.

"Ooo yes now that I think about it, I DID wake up last week thinking what if my dad isn't really my dad and I've been living a lie my entire life and oof what was that dream that I had about my dad taking away my company. Hey I think the subject of you snatching my entire career out of my hands might have popped up in the brunch meeting that I had a couple of days ago".

"Vanessa just stop. You've known that your ATTITUDE would get you here".

"Dad your supposed to be dead! No one gives a shit about what you think!"

"I can't afford to lose clients".

"You mean you can't afford to lose any more dignity". I mumbled angrily.

"Yeah and that. Now Chris is supposed to he arriving in three days, so I trust you can clear out your office by then".

"Oh so your really going through with this then".

"Yes I am".

"So what's going to happen to me now". I stared at him blankly.

"Well you still have the money in your account - so cutting off your allowance shouldn't be such an issue".

"Allowance. You mean my salary".

"People who work hard earn a salary and can CALL it a salary. People who don't work and book hair appointments call it an allowance and it's stays as an allowance".

I stayed quiet. I didn't have it in me to argue with him.

He continued. "So the remaining money in your account should be enough to find accommodations".


"Well yeah. You can't expect to continue living in the manor?"

"But Y/N-"

"Lived there while she was the boss. Then she packed up and left without spending a single jot of time".

I had a dirty look on my face. I can't believe him. The uncomfortable silence between me and my...ex-father was growing. 

"But there's an idea". He stopped to take a sip of water. "You could always take a leaf out of Y/Ns book. She became a successful singer and actress. Of course, I don't expect you to act. Or sing". He laughed to himself. This made me unusually angry. It felt he was mocking me. Cruelly jeering at me. "But she made a name for herself. She's now a successful young woman. I'm sure you could try and talk to her, get some advice and maybe-"

I threw his jug of water all over his Tom Ford suit and walked out of the office, my heels clicking loudly on the black marble. I hope I made my message clear. I wasn't going to ask that bitch for help. Over my dead body.

Plus, I had a hair appointment to get to. 


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