Bound In Ruins

By dinaAbu

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A promise. A secret. A choice. One girl and one guy. Bound by a contract that states they are betrothed to e... More

Bound In Ruins- Chapter 2
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 3
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 4
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 5
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 6
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 7
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 8
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 9
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 10
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 11
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 12
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 13
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 14
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 15
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 16
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 17
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 18
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 19
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 20
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 21
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 22
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 23
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 24

Bound In Ruins- Chapter 1

68 5 0
By dinaAbu

Chapter 1


6 years later

"I don't care if these are photocopied ten times, they are not the right format. I need these reprinted, for the last time. Make sure they're right." I stated to my assistant Harper.

"Right, sorry boss. On it," She stated.

"Shit, why are these all wrong? These contracts need to be presented to the buyers immediately Monday morning. Why haven't these been finalized?" I shouted at my board members who were sitting in the meeting.

Each of them looked at me just as confused, "Never mind guys. I'll figure it out, go on and go home. Have a great weekend."

Each of them scurried away faster than a pack of mice.

Waltzing my way down to my office, I found that my chair had been occupied as I entered.

Placing my hand on my hips, the chair spun round.

"Ahem?" I stated.

"And why could I hear your footsteps from a mile away? I can feel your stress radiating from up here. Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Uncle Calum. Everyone is just slacking is all," I answered, sitting on my guest couch, sighing.

He placed his hands on my desk and enveloped them in one another.

"I think we both know why, Soph." He responded quietly.


It killed me whenever he called me that.

"I know. But I don't want to think about that," I told him trying to avoid this conversation.

Standing up, he came beside me, "Don't put up the front with me, young lady. 9 years, I know today was tough."

Nodding, I didn't have much to say in response.

9 years ago today, my parents had passed away in the car accident that I had been in with them.

I was just fortunate enough to have made it out, unlike them.

Placing his hand on top of mine, I let out a small smile at his gesture.

"I'm sorry. I just can't believe it's been 9 years already." I told him truthfully.

"I know sweetheart. But they would be so proud of who you've become. Taking on James Industries right out of college a year ago, they would be ecstatic at how successful you've become." He said softly.

"I hope so," I responded.

"I know so," He corrected.

Smiling at him, I reassured him, "I'm okay. I just think I need to call it a day."

"I think so too," He winked.

"Let's go grab dinner," He said, not giving me much time to budge.

Grabbing my things, I headed out of the office and went to dinner.

At the restaurant, I knew that my uncle wanted to discuss some matters.

Opening the floor, I had started the conversation, "Is this another one of your life lectures Uncle Calum?"

He laughed, "Not this time. Actually, this is more to reiterate some important things I want to discuss with you."

Grabbing my glass of wine, I raised my eyebrow, "What's up?"

"You know I want nothing but for you to be happy," he started to say.

"I don't ever want you to feel obligated to do anything that you don't want to. Just because your parents wanting something for you, doesn't mean that its right, not if you don't want it," He added.

"If this is about the contract that my parents made with the Devereux's about my so called future with their heir, don't bother. It's already decided. You know that. Nothing will change my mind," I told him.

Sighing, my uncle lifted back into his seat.

"You won't see any other way now, will you?" He asked in defeat.

I shook my head, "I haven't swayed my decision for years now. I won't either. This is what I need to do."

He shook his head, "Not if you don't want to."

"I want to," I told him truthfully.

I didn't ever entertain the idea of love, not since him.

I refuse to let myself fall in love again just to be heartbroken.

Not again, not ever.

"The contract states that you must marry the eldest heir to secure the family merge in the organizations. You do realize that you will be married to their son, it's just a matter of time, in fact days until you meet him?" My uncle clarified.

"I've looked over that piece of paper ten times in the last thirty days, and you know what I think about every time I see it?" I told him.

He shook his head, "I see my parents signatures at the very end, knowing that they wanted this deal secured more than anything. Knowing that this was their life long wish, for James Industries to be forever secured, for generations to come. I will do this for them without hesitation," I told him.

Nodding his head, he ended the conversation, knowing that it was no use.

I had my mind already set.

After eating dinner, I said my goodbyes to my uncle and decided to take a quick detour before heading home.

Had it been Friday, I needed to destress at the intense day I've had, let alone week.

Entering Bar 31, I made a beeline straight to the bartender.

"Vodka on the rocks with a dry martini please." I said.

"You got it," He stated as I took out my phone to check my emails.

Confirming meetings and replying back to several clients, the drinks were placed in front of me.

After a few zips of the martini, I could feel the alcohol began to kill off the edge.

"About time," I whispered to myself.

"Rough night?" I heard a low, deep voice say.

Immediately, I rolled my eyes knowing it was just another guy trying to hit on me.

It never worked.

"I don't need you to buy me a drink, so don't bother." I replied without looking to where the voice was coming from.

"I never offered a drink. Honestly, it looks like the last thing you need is another drink. Seems like you're trying to run away from your issues. How about you don't," he replied cold.

That cause me to look at him, "Excuse me?"

Wanting to go off on the stranger, my head immediately became mush as I looked at the person who spoke to me.

Sitting just two chairs from me, I felt my breathing falter.

The man's voice matched his physicality.

Dark hair, chiseled jaw, with facial hair that was just the right length.

He had been looking ahead of him, giving me full reign to check out his side profile.

Laughing sarcastically, he lifted his beer up and took a swig before replying, "You definitely heard me."

Snapping his attention to me, we were both facing one another, with my eyes piercing into his electrifying green ones.

The man was absolutely gorgeous it was unreal.

He shot me a wink, snapping me back into reality.

"Listen, you moron. You've wasted one minute of my life that I'll never get back. Go back to drinking and please don't waste any more of any of our time, thanks." I stated downing the vodka.

"I'd say spending your time in a bar all by your lonesome is a waste of your time, not so much us talking to the other. But I'll make you feel better," Lifting up his credit card to the bartender to pay, he nodded towards me urging the bartender to pay for my drinks as well.

"No, no. I can pay for myself," I stated in response grabbing my credit card.

"Don't bother. Just another reason for you to dislike me," He stated.

"You don't know me," I told him standing.

"And you don't know me. And don't flatter yourself sweetie. If I wanted to get into your pants, I don't need to be a lame jackass to buy you a drink to do so." He replied staring me down.

The man wasn't kidding though.

He was a beautiful asshole.

"Do you just go around being a Dick to every female you meet?" I asked.

The man was hot, but damn was he an ass.

Laughing, he turned his body so that he stood up as well.

The man had to least be six feet tall.

Wearing a suit with his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows, I could tell he was strong.

The veins that ripped through his arms shouted that he could kill with his bare hands.

Looking around the bar, I noticed that it was quite dead.

"No one comes here on Fridays." He stated answering my unspoken question.

"And how would you know? Spend your every night here or something? That must be pretty depressing," I stated throwing back his rude attitude.

He shot me a devilish smirk, "Just on Fridays. And you're never here. A girl at a bar on a Friday night alone can only mean one thing."

"Stop acting like you know a single thing about me," I threatened.

The man was really starting to piss me off.

Entertaining my defensive mode, he continued, "I don't. I don't care to either."

"I didn't ask if you care," I told him.

Feeling the buzz from the alcohol, I knew that I was getting feistier by the minute.

Reaching for my cell, I knew that it wasn't the best idea to drive home and went to dial for my driver to come pick me up.

"Let me guess, Princess needs to call her Daddy to pick her up?" He asked.

Immediately, I lifted my hand to slap him.

Feeling the immediate sting, I instantly regretted it.

"F*ck!" I shrieked.

"Whoa there, here. You two don't go and kill each other." The barman stated walking up to me to separate me and the man.

The man laughed and turned his head to me, completely unfazed by the slap.

Looking down at my hand, it had been bright red, stinging from pain.

The man immediately grabbed my hand to look at it, making me confused as I had just slapped him.

"You're weak." He responded.

Pulling my hand from his old, he continued, "If that slap hurt you then you need to go back to the gym. Your form was awful."

The hell this man was insane.

"Here you go," the barman returned handing me the icepack but the man immediately grabbed it.

"Kai, I told you, no more fights man." The barman told the guy in front of me.


A name to this asshole of a man.

"Kai," I said out loud.

He returned his attention to me as he placed the icepack on my hand, "That's me."

He waved the barman off, and he immediately listened.

What power did this guy have?

Was he the owner?

"I can take care of this myself," I told him attempting to let his hold on me go.

Shooting me a dumbfounded look, he ignored me.

Pulling out his cell phone, he sent a text and turned it off before speaking to me.

"Can you let go of me?" I pleaded.

I've had enough for one night.

I felt the alcohol kicking in full gear and knew that I would become a mush had I not gone home now.

With one hand holding my wrist and the other grabbing his jacket, he refused to let go.

"Seriously, I need to go home." I told him.

Feeling the pain subside as the alcohol kicked in full force, I went to grab my jacket but stumbled.

"Okay clumsy, let's at least have you not break any other body parts tonight." He stated grabbing my hips holding me upward from falling.

"Come on," he told me as he led me outside.

Following him without any choice, I was greeted by the frigid air.

Holding my wrist tightly, he walked to a black car and opened the back door for me.

"I am not going home with you," I stated.

I might have been tipsy, and tipsy Sophia was always up for tom-foolery and as much as he would be an amazing time, he was an absolute asshole and I refused to buy into his games.

Well, my head refused to but every other part of my body was telling me other things.

"Quit jumping to conclusions. I'm not trying to f*ck you," he stated matter of fact.

Feeling heat spread on my cheeks, I immediately jumped into the car so that he wouldn't catch me.

The man could've been a serial killer but at the moment, I would've rather not let him see how he affected me.

Hopping in the car from behind me, he easily shut the door before speaking.

"Where do you live?" He asked.

"Are you trying to kill me? Because you can try, but you will be found and my people will come for you," I warned.

I noticed he had an amused expression on his face, "When will it get through that head of yours? I could care less about doing anything with you, let alone kill you."

Knowing he would have a hard time answering my next question, I asked "So why are you offering a ride to take me home?"

Seeing his jaw tense, I knew he'd be feeding me a bullshit lie.

"I feel bad for you," he replied to what seemed to be quite honest.

Feeling my stomach drop a little, I was starting to feel bad for myself.

I must've looked pathetic tonight.

"Is there a reason why you're such an asshole?" I asked honestly.

He inched closer to me, just so that we could face each other as we spoke, sitting beside each other.

"You were an ass to me first tonight," he replied.

"Touché," I responded.

Typing out my address, I reached forward to show the driver my phone.

"Thank you.."

"James," I responded.

"Thank you Ms. James." I told him.

Not wanting him to know me by my first name, I felt that this was the safer option.

"James huh? That's what people call you?" Kai asked.

"Yep," I lied.

Nodding his head not convinced, he continued, "Well alright then, James."

"Well alight then, Kai." I added.

Lifting his fingers, he signaled the driver, "Alright Frankie. Let's go."

The drive had been excruciatingly long for a 15 minute drive.

"You live here?" He asked confused as we pulled tot eh front.

Unstrapping my seatbelt I responded, "And?"

"How is it that you live a building over to me, yet never once was graced by your presence?" He asked sarcastically.

"How tragic," I responded with the same sarcastic tone.

As I opened the door, he immediately stopped me and stared behind me.

"Such a shame, you'd love being my neighbor. You'd thrive living in my building." He stated.

I shot him an eyebrow, "I actually quite love living where I do. The management and building is actually one of the bests Manhattan."

He shot me a look, "Might be one of the bests. Definitely not the tubist though sweetheart."

Rolling me eyes, this man was impossible.

"Goodnight, I hope to never see you again," I replied shutting the door in his face.

He would difficult to forget, yet his personality wouldn't be.

They don't make him anymore.

Not at all.

Walking straight into my building and into the elevator, I immediately waltzed into my flat.

The elevator opened directly into my apartment as only I had the key to enter, on the 41st floor.

Owning the property had its perks, I had the best views of the city with the entire floor being mine.

Hearing Victor speak through the intercom, I wondered who the hell was trying to come up.

"Yes, Victor?" I asked into the system.

"A man is here claiming that he has your phone, says you left it in the car you were just in. He wants to return it, did you want him to leave it with me or have him come up?" He asked.

Shit I forgot my phone.

Not wanting to inconvenience Victor I replied, "He can come up."

This might've been the dumbest decision I made yet tonight, but what would one last stupid decision create? My night had been dictated by stupid decisions, one more wouldn't hurt.

Hearing the elevator ding, I waited directly in front as the doors opened.

Smirking, he looked surprised as he entered my home.

Taking in the surroundings, he looked amused.

"I'm surprised, James. All this for you? What are you a stripper" He asked walking past me, ignoring me completely.

"You can give me my phone and be on your way," I replied as I turned my attention back to him as he continued walking around my home.

"The view is great, if you look just there, that's where I live. As a matter of fact, that's my floor, too." He stated pointing to the building to the right of us.

"I didn't let you up here for chit-chat. Phone," I demanded.

Walking closer to me, he left no space for either of us to move.

If I were in a completely sober state, I would've immediately pushed him away, but having him be this close right now, was making my stomach flip upside down.

Smelling the alcohol on his breath, I had to mentally control my emotions as best I could.

"I'm making you nervous right now, aren't I?" He stated in that low, husky voice that greeted me an hour ago.

Placing his hand on my hip, he lowered his lips so that they were against my ear, "You don't look so keen on kicking me out now, do you?"

Not speaking a word, my body was fighting my head.

I wanting nothing more than for him to rip off my clothes, but at the same time wanted nothing more than for him to get the hell out.

Feeling my breath falter, I knew he would love the advantage he had on the situation currently.

Touching my hand softly, he brushed my fingers to the my collarbone, causing my body to break out into goosebumps all over.

Reaching my neck, I looked at him and immediately stopped breathing all together.

His eyes were greener now, if possible. Looking directly into mine, I knew he was about to get what he wanted and in that moment, I could have cared less.

He smirked, flashing his perfectly white teeth before crashing his lips onto mine.

Instantly, I found my hands make my way around his neck, thrashing my tongue inside his mouth.

Kissing me hungrily, he grabbed fistfuls of my hair before lifting me up completely.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, he walked us over so that I was backed up against a wall.

Breaking the kiss just to kiss my neck, I immediately moaned at the feeling.

Finding my lips again, he devoured me in the kiss as if he'd been starving.

I felt my stomach soar in a million different directions, wanting more of him in any way possible.

Biting his lip, he grunted in response, confirming that I was making him just as crazy as he was making me.

He immediately pulled away, dropping me softly on the floor on my two feet and walked away.

Confused, he walked to the counter where he dropped my phone and hit the elevator door button.

Looking at his back, I called out, "Uh, hello?" I asked confused.

Not looking back, he entered the elevator and pressed the button.

Finally turning around, I saw him lift his attention to me and saw him wink.

"I knew you wanted me, they always do," He said just before the doors shut.

That f*cker.

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