Go To Sleep!//Grumbo//

By Sorbit_in_Orbit

1.8K 97 218

Ok, so I got bored, made story. It's about Grian and him not sleeping cuz he has nightmares about his dad and... More

Why the fuck did I make this
Chapter 2
Chaper tree
Capter fer
chapiticker fievea
6th chap
chapjryeiakahisn svem
ruzifzogzoztirIrOztif,if,f,ih d8&*5*84¶√%¶√%×√%ו58*59* 8
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\______________________ 9
(insert randomness here) 10
I made a thing also a chapter 11
not a chapter
I made a gacha skit
ight back to the story 12
it's 14:00
the last 15

something random 13

80 5 20
By Sorbit_in_Orbit

Iskall isn't actually mean, it's just how I wrote him. No being mean to Iskall! Understand?

Good. (Hey, maybe he'll come back? [I tried my best with him in gacha, ok?])


"I love him." Oh my god, what did I just say? I mean it's true, but, you know, Mumbo's right there.

"Don't you mean you love ME, dear?" SM (shadow Mumbo) asked.

"Well, it depends. If you have to be with Mumbo, then yes. I do love you because you're a part of him. But if not... Well, I hate you and think you should die in a hole being raped by a potato." [Tell that to your bullys]

"But, but, but, I helped Mumbo get this far!"

"Were you controlling him when he had hearts in his eyes?" What am I doing?! Why am I walking closer?!?!

"Yes, of course! It's how people tell it's not Mumbo and in fact, me!"

"Well, I didn't like how you acted.

"But I did it for you! All of it!" I'm still walking towards him, am I going to die?

"Well, you shouldn't have. You should've learned what I like and done that."

I'm right in front of him now. Wish me luck.

"But, doesn't everyone like being kidnapped and loved to death?"

"No! Normal people go on dates! Or, like, stalk them!"

"Would you have preferred if we just did that?"

I looked at Mumbo, then back at SM.

"I think you already did that." Mumbo had a look that screamed 'Maybeee?'

SM, however, was on his knees.

"I've failed us. I've failed me. I've failed Mumbo. I'm a failure. Like always."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a demon Grian! I was told by Satan that this was my last chance to not get fired. He said I had to make sure Mumbo and you got together."

I looked at him confused. Did Mumbo make a deal with the devil?

"Oh, Mumbo didn't sell his soul or anything like that, Satan just told me to do it for his amusement. And so I don't get fired. And today was the deadline. At midnight, I'm dead. I'm going to die. Again! It was bad enough the first time, I fell of a cliff when I was asleep... somehow." Sounds like how Iskall died... Oh my god!

"I-iskall? Is that you?"

Suddenly, he became a blinding light.  And that light went up. Then there was an explosion. [Because if you find out the true identity of a demon, they'll have a new chance at life. They can't give this information. This is also only for my books.]

Once it ended, me and Mumbo opened our eyes. We watched as Iskall floated down to the ground. We got up and put him on the couch. 

"Well, that was interesting."

"It was, wasn't it?"

"Maybe Iskall just needs mental help."

"Maybe he should've stayed dead."


"Kidding!" [Mumbo has lied, he still wants him dead.]

We sat down on the couch parallel to the one we put Iskall on and waited for him to wake up because he seemed unconscious.

Time skip brought to you by awkward

After about 3 hours, Iskall finally wakes up.

I had personally fallen asleep, so hearing him was startling.

"Ugh, where am I? What's going on?" He sat up and looked around. "Where's the fire? Why am I not on fire?"

"Iskall... You're alive. This is the Overworld."

He lifted his head and looked at me and Mumbo. He looked like he was going to cry, but then started laughing.


"Don't you realize you're in Mumbo's arms?" I looked around and saw that, yes, I was in Mumbo's arms.

"H-hey! Let me go asshole!!" I got up and scooted away from him, pretending to be really mad.

"Oh, you're only reacting like that because there's someone else here. You love to be held and you know it."

"Shut up Mumbo."

"I've missed you guys. And Grian?"


"I am so so so sorry for what I did to you prior to being in hell for years."

"Years? It's been, like, a month at most."

Iskall started crying. "I-it's only been a month? I-i haven't m-missed much?!"

"No, not really. There were people that missed you though, there was your funeral. I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see you."

"I-i know, right? How has Sahara been? You guys kept it afloat?"

"Sahara's fine. Me and Grian easily handled it."

"Shut up Mumbo, you know we didn't do jack shit with Sahara. Actually, we've been receiving complaints because it was out of stock!"

"Shh, he doesn't need to know that."

"Oh, we worked so hard on that! What have you two been doing for apparently just a month?"

"Do you not remember being a demon?"

He put up his finger for a second. "Wait, I remember now. You guys did nothing, and Mumbo can supposedly talk to the 'Author' of this story. Except it's not a story, it's real life. [You fool!] And he kept referring to you as his Grian."

"Yeah, I already knew the last bit."

"Mm mm mm."

"What'd you say Mumbo?"

"Nothing." He's blushing really hard.

"And he's absolutely convinced that you'll ma-"


"M-mega sorry of doom."

"Hey, why don't we call a meeting about you being back?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea Grian. Lemme just type in chat..."

"Iskall! Don't do that, it'll ruin the surprise!"

"Oh yeah, forgot that I'm dead."

"I'll get the stuff ready."

Mumbo left the room and went outside. Iskall was going to follow him, but I stopped him.


"Huh? Oh, what is it?"

"I looked up at him. "Iskall, were you suicidal before you died?"

He looked surprised. "Oh, um, of course not!"

"Liar. Me and Mumbo killed you, but you would've respawned if you wanted to live. And I'm sorry we did, but I didn't have much say in it."

"I deserved it, it's fine. And yes, I wanted to die. But that's the past, it happened, and nothing can change it." [Except me.]


"Don't dwell on it. Come on, Mumbo's waiting." He went outside.

I guess he's right. I follow him outside.

Outside, I'm greeted by by Iskall getting used to the brightness and Mumbo tackling me.

He hugged me and they started flying while I watched from Mumbo's arms. Iskall wasn't doing so good at first, but he eventually got it.

While we were flying, I sent out a message to everyone telling them that I was holding a meeting at the shopping district.

Once we got there, no one was, so we hid Iskall. We made sure the microphone and stuff worked, then waited a while. Once everyone was there, I started talking.

"So, you're probably wondering why I called you all here. Well, it's a pretty important thing. So, you remember Iskall, right? Well, he's alive."

Everyone in the crowd gasped.

"You must be wondering how. Well, it doesn't matter, does it? What's matters is that he's alive, right? Iskall, come on out."

Iskall walked out from backstage.

"I'll let you talk."

He walked up to the mic of which I had stepped away from.


No one said anything. I think they were all in shock or something.

Iskall started talking again, but I didn't pay much attention. I can just ask him myself after this.

Time skip of a couple months cuz why not.
Mumbo's POV

So, it's been a couple months since Iskall's been back, and he hasn't done anything to my Grian. I think I can trust him again.

Speaking of Grian, he went home about when Iskall came back, and everything has been normal. Well, mostly except the interviews Iskall's been having with news people and journalists.

But he's been ok. I don't worry about him. If I'm being totally honest, I don't care that he's alive. (That is so mean Mumbo!) Whatever. Aren't you the one making me say this? (Well, yeah, but, still.) Bitch.

Either way, the only thing in my life that matters is my Grian, and later in life, our children.

The days have been boring without my Grian here. But something seems special about today. Oh, it's a holiday. Christmas? New year's? 

I looked at the calendar, and more time had passed then I thought. It's actually Valentine's.

Now that I think about it, wouldn't this be a good day to tell Grian I love him? I mean, we already said that we love each other, but it's not official.

I mean, there's no point in suffering like this, is there? Though, I should send something anonymous. And where should we meet? Oh, I should've been planning this instead of daydreaming about him in a wedding dress!

It'll be fine, just gotta think...

Grian's POV

Hi! Where have you been? It's been months! You missed Halloween, the various November holidays, Christmas, New Years, and  you missed Mumbo's birthday! He's 25 now. I made cake. And Mumbo liked it! Unfortunately, no one else did.

So what if I put fish, pepper, 3 cups of salt, old cheese, and a baseball in it?! Mumbo liked it, and it was his birthday, so that's all that mattered. [He pretended for his love]

But everyone asked me to not make their cakes on their birthdays. I tried my best! :( [If you couldn't tell, Grian can't cook good.]

A little while later, I was trying to figure out how the item sorter Mumbo made for me worked when I got a text from an unknown number. It said;

Dear Grian,
Please meet me in the forest next to the minigame district. Best wishes, ______

Huh. Well, I'm not wearing pants right now, so I'd better get the some on.

I go down and put on some random jeans and my blue hoodie that's 3 ½ sizes to big. I stole it from Mumbo.

Well, he gave it to me, but still.

It's more like a dress rather then a hoodie on me. It stopped just below my knees and the sleeves almost touch the floor.

Why do I wear it then? Because it's really thick and warm and outside is pretty cold. I don't wear it in the summer, that'd be ridiculous. I mean, not during the day. [I'd probably do that tbh]

Alright, now that I have pants, I put on my elytra, grabbed my rockets, and flew off.

I like flying. Going through small holes you're not supposed and almost dying. It's great fun.

After going through the portal, then the nether, and out the other one that's in Hermitville, I start walking towards Hermitland, the minigame district. [I think they're next to each other? Bash me if I'm absolutely stupid and wrong. {Also I totally just forgot Grian has a big ass nether portal in his base, I'm definitely retarded.}]

I get over to the part where the river separates the district and forest. I jump, fly, and land over there. Then I put away the rockets so I have an empty hand.

I look around and no one's to be found. I'm just about to leave, but then I notice a path.

It has a sign next to it.

Follow this path Grian!

Oh yeah, it said in the forest, not outside of it. Oof me big stupid. [No you isn't, the only one allowed to call themselves stupid is me bc it's true]

I follow the path, now very interested. Where is it going? Who called me here? And why? I hope it's not a prank. What day is it again?

So many questions.

Whatever Voice.

My name's Harold.

No, it's Voice.

Whatever Grian.





I hate you.

I hate you too.

Get out of my head!

I would if you would let me!

How do I do that?!

Stop thinking about me. I'm just a manifestation of your imagination.

Wha- We're here!

But I don't see anyone else. What's going on?

"Hello? Is anyone there? I got a text from a number telling me to go here." Actually, why did I listen to that? [Plot]

Then, Mumbo jumped off a tree. He doesn't look normal. He looks nervous, more fidgety then normal. And he's... blushing? What's going on?

I got up.

"Mumbo? What's going on? Why am I here? Why are you blushing? And what's today, I forgot."

"Oh, um, it's Friday. And, I need you to, uh, not respond to anything I, um, say until I'm done. O-ok?"

"Um, alright. What is it?"

He pulled out a piece of paper. "S-so, Grian, y-you're really, um, nice and I-i like you a lot."

Oh, this is pathetic. I think I know what he's doing.

"And you-"


"I said not to-"


"Wha- What?"

"Yes. I love you too."

"I-i, I never thought- it can't be-" I put my finger over his mouth.



I didn't say anything. Instead, I placed a block, stood on top of it, and kissed him.

Mumbo seemed shocked, but soon kissed me back. It was perfect. Like, there were actually fireworks in my head. But not just those, oh no, thee was also a bunch of tnt exploding. I think that's a me thing though.

We wrapped our arms around each other and stayed like that for a while.

Suddenly, you guessed it, Scar. [Because I just can't let them have a moment.]

"Hey guys, your name tags were basically on top of each other and-" I heard something clatter to the ground. I broke away from Mumbo and turned around.

There was Scar, standing there. With his sword and rockets on the ground.

"Oh. My. God."


"Alright, but don't get carried away and fuck." He picked up his stuff and flew off.

Asshole. He just had to, didn't he?

Then, suddenly, I felt Mumbo put his arms around me.

He looked down so he could see my face as I looked up.

"Do you want to sit down?"


He carried me over to a tree. Then he sat against it and I was sitting on his lap.

I moved so I was next to him.

"So, Grian, uh...."

"Yes Mumbo, I'll be your boyfriend."

"That was easier then I thought it would be."

Instead of responding, I just got closer to him and fell asleep.  I was really tired for some reason.

Mumbo's POV

I did it. I actually did it. He... He's mine!

I stand up, careful not to wake up Grian, and dance around. This needs to be celebrated!

I did it. I made Grian my boyfriend!! Now just to marry him!

Ok, a little ambitious, but still. I will marry him, just you wait. You'll see, I'm not crazy. Obsessive, but not crazy.

I go back to Grian and pick him up. He's so cute.

I walk down the path back to the minigame district. But before I cross the river, I get rid of the sign.

Once I do that and cross, I take us over to one of the benches and sit down. [Because someone made benches!]

There's no where for us to be, and nothing for us to do, so it's fine we're just sitting here.

A while later, a random person comes up to us.

"Hey, did your friend get too drunk or something?"

"He's my boyfriend, and he just fell asleep. Must've been tired."

"Dude, you're gay? That's sick. Congrats on the relationship."

"Um, who are you?"

"Someone bored."

"Well can you be bored somewhere else? I don't know if you've noticed, but I have my hands full."

"I just wanted to-"

"Shoo. Leave. Go away. Exit. Out. Commit here not. Покинуть. 去る。  Froinlaven!!"

"Jeez, sorry." He walked away. That was weird.

It was starting to get dark, so I took Grian home.

Once there, I put him in his bed, kissed him, and crashed on his couch.


I leave it there. Next one has a 50% chance of being the last chapter, and if it's not that, it's the one after it.

Thank the holy banana cookie.


Final word count: 2712

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