Devoted : Enemies and Heirs (...

By hannahnapady

37.2K 2.3K 95

*Completed June 21, 2020* *Formerly The Rightful Heir* When Aiyana Miller was 5 years old, her father and old... More

🚫Before you read🚫
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40

Part 9

921 68 2
By hannahnapady


They're here. Together. For me. What was Dakota thinking? Damien will kill him as soon as he finds out about who Dakota is to me.

"You'll release her and let us go peacefully. In two days time I will send one of my men with the money. For every year that you are away the payment will be doubled. Should you or any other Hunter be seen on my land, not only will the payments stop but my tracker here will find you and kill you. Understood?"

I can't see the Hunter but all of a sudden I feel the chains that are holding me down release and fall away. I try to sit up, the pain in my chest making me cry out.

Damien rushes to my side, lifting me in his arms. "Don't worry, I've got you. We'll be home in no time and the Elders will heal you."

I wrap my arms around his neck as he leaves the room. I feel him move his head as if to signal something to Dakota.

That's when I hear the gunshot and Damien takes off.



The bullet misses me completely as I charge the Hunter. I latch onto his arm, my teeth sinking into his vein and ripping through his muscle.

I pull back and do the same to the other arm. He tortured my mate and now he's going to understand pain.

He cries out as he looks up at me in fear. My muzzle and fur are covered in his blood. I take a chunk out of each leg where his arteries lie, watching as he starts to bleed out.

"I know who you are. Don't think you can fool him. You've killed her. You're no better than me."

I snarl and rip his throat out. He can't possibly know. I watch as the life leaves his eyes, turning and walking back towards the exit and my new life.



When we get back to the pack house it looks like the entire pack is outside waiting with baited breath for our return. I'm suddenly taken from Damien's arms and taken to the med wing.

They hook me up with oxygen and an IV.

The whole time Damien isn't far from my side, a surprising but welcomed change.

"They pumped her full of silver and wolfsbane. What do we need to do to heal her?"

"A blood transfusion will be the best option to make sure she's getting clean blood instead of hoping it disappears from the tainted blood."

"Do it then."

"Yes, Alpha."

The pack doctor turns to me, "We'll put you under for the procedure. But you'll be under close observation the entire time."

I swallow hard, "Okay. How long will I be under?"

"About 4 hours but we'll need to get a donor first." The Doctor turns to Damien, "Who has the same blood type as the Luna?"

"Maybe a handful of wolves. I'll track them down and be back soon."

He doesn't glance at me before leaving the room. The doctor finishes hooking me up before leaving the room as well.

I lay back and close my eyes, letting the emotions of everything that's happened come to the surface. Tears slide down my cheeks but I'm not sure what's causing them.

Between Dakota and being kidnapped and then being saved by none other than Damien and Dakota together, it's a lot to process.

"I hope I'm not the cause of those tears."

My head snaps up, seeing Dakota. "You're alive. When the gun went off I was sure..."

"That I was dead? It would take a lot more than a simple Hunter to kill me. I've been through too much to get here for that to stop me."

I frown, "What do you mean, get here?"

He steps closer as a small smile makes its way onto his face. "I'll tell you everything later, I promise. Just know that as long as I'm here nobody will hurt you. Including Damien."

"How can you make a promise like that?"

He sighs, taking a seat next to me. "I made a deal with Damien. If I am able to bring you home in one piece and kill the Hunter then I become his Beta. That will give me the ability to protect you."

"Is that what you meant in the woods? This was your plan all along?"

"Not my whole plan, no. There is a much larger game at play than this, I just can't explain it yet."

I rub my temples, "And when will you explain it to me? After Damien and I have wed and he's taken my virtue?"

He growls, "He won't be given the opportunity. I can promise you that." He takes a deep breath, standing up and kissing my forehead.

"When this is over, you will never have to worry about being hurt ever again."

He leaves quickly before I can respond to his cryptic promises.

Less than an hour later, Damien is back with several wolves to have them tested to see if they match. After several of them fail the test, I'm losing more and more hope and Damien is growing increasingly angry.

Dakota walks into the room right before he smashes a bottle against the wall after the last wolf fails.

"What's happening Alpha?"

Damien slides his hand down his face, "None of these pathetic wolves have the right blood type to help the Luna."

"Test mine. I don't know if I'll match but I do have a blood type that is pretty universal."

Damien nods his head at the Doctor who has Dakota sit down. He pricks his finger for the test and they wait.

"It's a match. Almost a perfect match in fact."

Dakota glances at me before looking at Damien, "It will be my honour to help our Luna once more."

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