A New Path [Final Fantasy VII...

By CGrace__

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Certain characters except for my OC and her parents belong to Square Enix. A night like any other, Aurora sat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 2

1.3K 39 10
By CGrace__

"You are the most cutest baby I've ever seen in my entire life, oh look how soft your cheeks are!" The woman squealed.

'Yes, yes, I know I'm cute- wait! Baby?! What?!'

I squirmed about in her hands, the words that came out of her mouth were not sitting well with me.

'This has to be a dream right? There's no way I could've actually reverted to a baby, right?!'

I was beyond confused, the thought of me becoming a baby, in a dream at that was not only strange but just entirely out of this world.

"Oh my, Aurora are you scared? Don't worry mommy is right here, there's nothing to be afraid of." Although the woman's voice was soothing, I couldn't calm down.

'Okay this has to be a dream, but why would I dream about being a baby.'

"Well it looks like she's calmed down a bit, I'll just let her sleep." The woman laid me down, I'm assuming she's 'my mother' and without a moment of hesitation, I tried calling out to her.

"M-mah" I tried calling her but being in a baby's body had its disadvantages, I couldn't even say 'mama' right. "Oh my! Are trying to say, mama? C'mon, you can do it, say 'ma-ma'." She persisted.

'Woman don't push me, I'm trying here, have you ever been an adult stuck in a baby's body? No? I didn't think so!'

Nevertheless, this all could be just a dream, I tried calling out to her again, "Mah- Mah" it did somewhat sound like I called her, "Honey! She said her first words! She called me 'mama'!!" My 'mother' delightedly called her husband, "She did?!" My 'father' definitely seemed quite happy.

"But how can that be? She's merely only a year old." Dad questioned, me being me, I gave the man a look and proceeded to pout.

'Heh, at least be proud of me old man, I bet you could never do something like this.'

"Well, maybe Aurora's a genius? You never know she is our daughter, after all, she has the most powerful mage like her mother and the most remarkable SOLDIER as her father, I would be surprised if our child was anything less than a genius." Mom had pride in her and every word she spoke proved it.

'Man this baby is lucky to have parents like them, 'My name' is Aurora huh? That's nice.'

"Well you are right about that, I'm proud of our little angel." Dad sighed and smiled at me, his hands lightly patting my head.

'You know what? You're a nice guy! Maybe I'll try calling you dad now.'

And in my attempt, I tried calling out and reaching my hands towards the father, "Dah-Dah." Oh, the joy in his face was in a way heartwarming.

"Did ya hear that hun?! She called me Dad!! Oh, my precious little angel, you're gonna be the most famous little gal right here in Nibelheim!" He was ecstatic, he scooped me from the cradle and lifted me sky high.
"Hey, be careful she's only a baby, she might throw up." Mom retorted.

'Nibelheim?! This couldn't be?...No..but how?'

No matter how excited I was for the game, there's no way I'm dreaming that I'm in Nibelheim and how is this dream so specific?

'Is there a possibility that....all this...is real?'

Dreams for me normally end up being very vague and they're never too specific but this whole situation feels too real to be a dream.

'Okay, think, how could you, a fully grown adult, be transported to the world of a game? Was the game some sort of alternative dimension?'

I couldn't process much, the whole thing is building up stress and being a baby and stressing out isn't the best thing in the world.

'No, I feel like I might throw up!'

I could feel something in my throat that I needed to get out and I did, the thing is, now poor ol' daddy'O is now covered in baby puke, which isn't exactly a pretty sight to see or smell.

"Gosh Arthur! I told you to be careful when you handle a baby now look at what you did? Go clean up!" Mom scolded Dad and took me away from him.

'Well sorry my guy, today's not your lucky day.'

I slowly waved goodbye to my father as I saw him sulking and walking away, I do feel bad for him, it wasn't his fault I threw up on him, I was thinking and it kinda overwhelmed me.

"Well, I guess I have to clean you up." She sighed and lifted me and began to take my clothing off.

'Hey now! I never asked to be stripped! Stop!"

If only I could've cried out for help but being a baby that is just a year old means I can't even move much of my limbs and I'm not strong enough either.

'Never have I ever been stripped let alone be a baby while being unclothed, ugh I feel every ounce of my embarrassment build up inside.'

"There! Good as new!" She heaved a sigh, "Time for me to cook up supper." She laid me down on the wooden cradle that had a flat mattress on it, not exactly luxury but it's fitting for my current size.

Mom left the room and slightly left the door of the room a bit ajar, this gave me time to look around at my surroundings.

The room was small and I couldn't really see what was around me entirely but judging by the wooden ceiling and the abominable creaking made by the floor panels I'm guessing we're not that well off but we manage to get by.

'I need to obtain more info on my 'parents' before I can think of a timeline of which part of the game I'm in.'

I took a deep breath and let out a sigh, out of all the babies in the world I feel like I'm the only one that has a lot on my head if I don't figure out who I am and where I stand I don't think I'll be able to survive long.

'I hope this world treats me well.'

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