Running Back To You➳Stiles St...

By greeniesdeadpool

18.3K 407 152

Your looking at FBI Dawn Evans. Watch out, because she can kick anyone's ass from the amount of boy drama she... More

case solved
Do you?
For you
Greek Tragedy
Truth or Dare
Four guys, One apartment
Not So Perfect.
Die this time
Unlove Me
Pretty Dress
Leaving for good
Running Back To You
Third and Final


616 17 0
By greeniesdeadpool

I flew out to Beacon Hills and I was on my way to Theo's. I was here for Scott's wedding. And Lydia had planned it all since Malia has no idea what she's doing. Well that's the perks of being a were-cyote all your life.

And right now I'm arriving at Theo's. I knocked on the door and he opened it smiling. "I hate you. Come in." He said and I smiled cheekly.

"I love you to."

I put my bags down and he lay on the couch. "Didn't you and Malia have something going on?" I asked looking down at him.

"That was when I was evil. And hot. And I'm still hot." Theo joked around.

"That, my friend is debatable. Is hope coming over?" I asked and he nodded. "Before you say anything. Don't start. Were just friends." Theo sounded like he was warning me and I rolled my eyes.

"Friends." I abreviated and I heard someone banging on the door. I furrowed my eyes walking to the door opening it and I saw Hope stood there crying. She looked up at me with and she brushed the tear of her cheek. And she had a huge bruise on her eye.

"Hey, are you okay? Of course not. Your crying right now." I said and she wiped her eyes.

"Is Theo here?" She asked and Theo walked to the door. "Woah, are you okay?" He asked and she hugged him tightly.

"He did that to your eye didn't he?" Theo asked and she nodded. "Stay, here. Dawn, keep her here." Theo said and he looked more angry.

I furrowed my eyes and I rushed up to him. "Theo, don't do something your gonna regret." I whispered and I saw blood dripping down from his hand.

"I'm not gonna regret it." He said running out. Yeah that's not gonna end well.

I saw her sat on the couch with her head in her hands and I knelt down to her. "Hey, look at me." I told her and she lifted her head up.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" I asked and she wiped her cheeks. "I broke up with him." She told me and I sighed.

"Your Theo's plus one. Aren't you?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah, and now I have a massive bruise on my eye." She said and I took her hands.

"We can fix that. But we need to fix the whole the situation right now." I told her and she nodded.

"Why don't you go get some rest. We have to get up early in the morning anyway." I suggested and she nodded walking to Theo's room.

I walked out the room grabbing my motorcycle keys in Theo's jar. I kept one motorcycle here and one in Washington.

I hopped on it and I looked at Theo's location on my phone. I drove to where he was at and I walked into an average size house and I saw Theo gripping a guy who was on the ground and he had a bloody nose.

He was about to punch him and I grabbed his arm. "Theo don't." I told him and he pulled away starring at me. He glew his eyes at me and I glew mine back.

"Get back in your truck. And drive to a girl who needs your company more than anyone." I advised and he nodded walking out.

"Thank you." The guy said and I looked down at him. "Your a dick for even touching that girl." I told him and I punched him walking out.

I stopped at the door turning my head to him. "Oh, and I'm an FBI cop, a bad as one too. So don't even try go to the cops. Because saying a girl beat you up. Would make you look like an idiot."

I walked back in Theo's apartment and I put my keys on the table. I saw Theo walking out his room where Hope was sleeping.

"She okay?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah, she's sleeping. Thanks for making sure I didn't kill him." Theo said and I nodded, well I may be an agent but o can't get him out of murder.

"It's fine. But I punched him hard after you left. And I told him if he told the cops he'd look bad. Also im an FBI agent. I get my way." I showed him my badge he rolled his eyes at me hugging me.

"Thank you. Seriously." He said and I nodded. "We all need rest. We have a stupid wedding tomorrow, and I probably have a big fluffy bridesmaid dress I'm dreading to wear. And I have to face a Martin." I groaned and he chuckled.

He walked to his bedroom and I walked in the guest bedroom. I got on pyjamas and I lay in bed letting my eyes rest.

"Dawn, wake up!" I heard Theo yell and I shot my eyes open. "What!" I yelled back and he smirked and I threw my pillow at him. Never scare a Hale.

"Hey, we have a wedding to get to." He said and I groaned. Seriously,  I should've just pretended is skipped my flight.

"Have fun getting dressed. I've gotta go to Malia's, my dress is there and she needs help getting ready. And I kinda have to help sine I'm her cousin and Lydia's forcing me to." I told them and Theo grabbed my hand.

"Can you do me a favor and use your powers to heal her?" Theo whispered and I sighed walking to Hope.

"Fine, but your explaining how I did it, have fun." I told him and he huffed.

I placed my hand over Hope's bruised eye and I slowly inhaled then exhaled.

Her eye slowly healed and I ran out the apartment heading over to Malia's.

I walked in the house and I saw Lydia stood their with her arms crossed. "Where have you been? Your 20 minutes late? And Malia is still sleeping"

"Hey to you to Lydia. It's like five in the morning, we still have 4hours. And she's sleeping because she's tired. Like the rest of us. It runs through Hale blood." I groaned and we walked to Malia's room.

We jumped on top of her as she was sleeping. "Your getting married!" Me and Lydia yelled and she laughed waking up.

"Let's start getting ready." Lydia said and I widened my eyes. "We have four hours. I'm sure we'll be fine."

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with the cousin on this one." Malia said and Lydia rolled her eyes.

"We have to stay on schedule. Now come on let's get your makeup done." Lydia said and I groaned.

"Yeah, this one's on you Lyd's. I don't do girly stuff." I told her and she looked at me giving me 'the look'.

I sighed giving in and I somehow manged to do Malia's hair and Lydia did, well the other stuff.

It literally took an hour. This girl needs to eat! My stomach needs to be filled every 10 minutes.  Were behind in my eating schedule.

I finished of her hair and Malia's sat in her robe and Lydia curled my hair.

She picked up the makeup brush and I stopped her. "Nope, that stuff is not touching my face."

"Come on, just a little." She said and I huffed nodding. Don't make me regret this Lydia Martin.

Lydia did her makeup and I curled her hair and we were ready to get in our dresses. Which I haven't seen.

We first helped Malia into her dress, it was a mermaid dress but it was fairy at the same time, damn the Hale bloodline is pretty.

And then Lydia bought my dress in a box. I opened it up and I saw the cutest nude pink small dress with cute white designs.

"Woah." I widened my eyes and she nodded. If this is Malia's wedding, I'm gonna dread Lydia's.

"Mine's the same but longer. I realised that you suited more the short version, also you have a motorcycle to ride." She said and I smile looking at her.

"You officially know my to well.
I'm gonna wear a dress for the first time." I said and she nodded and she took out heels. "Before you say no. Your gonna have to, it's crucial to the outfit." She hummed andI rolled my eyes. It'll be a miracle if I don't fall.

I guess you really can't say no to a Martin. I looked in the mirror and I looked at the triskelian necklace and the charm bracelet I was wearing.

Malia walked up to me and she smiled. "Your getting married!" I yelled and she nodded.

"I'm getting married!" She yelled back and she pulled me in a side hug. "I don't do hugs unless it's Theo." You could tell I was uncomfortable and so was Malia.

"Yeah, I don't think I'm a hugger either." She pulled away and we both laughed.

Mr Tate came in the room and he looked at all three of us. "Wow, your girls look amazing." He sighed and he gazed at Malia and he started tearing up. He cries? He carries like ten shot guns and ten bear traps.

"Thanks dad." She smiled. "Stiles, is downstairs." He told us and Lydia nodded walking out the room.

"I'll see you in the reception." I told her and she nodded walking out. I walked down the stairs and I saw Ariel stood there in a matching dress.

"Aunt Dawn!" She came running in my arms and I picked her up spinning around.

"Hey munchkin." I smiled. "Woah." I heard Stiles say and his jaw was hung low.

"That is the works of your wonderful fiancé." I grinned putting down Ariel. "Well you look-"

"Amazing. I know. So you couldn't help but call me." I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"I didn't mean that I wouldn't talk to you forever. I was just mad, who forgives the person who just tried to kill them." Stiles reasoned and I  raised a brow. "See you at the reception Stilinski."

I grabbed my helmet and Lydia raced towards me. "Do not ruin your curls." She warned.

"Lydia, I think ou put enough hairspray in my hair that I had enough breakfast." I told her and she chuckled.

"I wanna go with aunt Dawn." Ariel frowned and I grinned looking down at her.

"Nope, no way. It's too dangerous." Stiles told her, he just sucks the fun out of everyone.

"Aw, come on Stilinski. Give the girl what she wants." I squatted down looking at Stiles frowning.


I picked her up walking outside. "Don't worry Stilinski, I'll go as fast as I can."

"I hate you." I heard him from the door.

"No you don't."

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