Sea Princess's Mate (Emmett C...

By jumpingmanatee

529K 15.3K 2.7K

Selene Clearwater is Sue Clearwater's oldest child and Harry Clearwater's adopted daughter, half-sister to Le... More

Chapter 1 A Somber Home Coming
Chapter 2 Cherished Memory
Chapter 3 Joining the Pack
Chapter 4 Enough Is Enough
Chapter 5 First Patrol
Chapter 6 Imprinting Reaction
Chapter 7 Mission Complete
Chapter 8 Lunch Date
Chapter 9 La Push
Chapter 10 First Phase
Chapter 11 Confrontation
Chapter 13 Ultimatum
Chapter 14 It Finally Comes to A Head
Chapter 15 Banishment
Chapter 16 Crimes And Misdemeanors
Chapter 17 Visions
Chapter 18 The After Effect
Chapter 19 Reaction
Chapter 20 The Weight of One Life
Chapter 21 Unlikely Imprint
Chapter 22 An Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 23 Recovery and Revenge
Chapter 24 A Visit From Dad
Chapter 25 Private Time
Chapter 26 The Following Day
Chapter 27 First Hunt
Chapter 28 Punishment
Chapter 29 Revelations
Chapter 30 Announcement
Chapter 31 Surprise!
Chapter 32 Grandma
Chapter 33 Bad News & Good News
Chapter 34 A Day of Fun
Chapter 35 Sparring in the Woods.
Chapter 36 Here We Go Again
Chapter 37 Realization
Chapter 38 Training Session
Chapter 39 A Scheming Plan
Chapter 40 Surprising News... Not
Chapter 41 Sacrifice
Chapter 42 Sad News

Chapter 12 Discussion

13.2K 398 23
By jumpingmanatee

When Selene arrived back in La Push, she went straight to Sam's house, where Sam was waiting for her. He was standing on the front porch with his arms crossed, “Selene, are you alright?”

“Yeah, Sammy, I'm fine. That bitch didn't do anything to me,” Selene smirked, “And if she thinks I'm some weakling, she's in for a rude awakening.”

Sam raised an eyebrow, “As long as she starts it first, Selene, you're not violating the treaty, they are.”

“You would take it out on all of Cullens, Sam?”

“Yes, if their coven leader can't control one of his members, then they're all a threat except for Emmett.”

“Well, I think Edward and Jasper are going to talk to Carlisle and tell him what happened. Let's see if he can do anything about it.”

“I hope he can, Selene, for their sake.”

“Me too. So when do you want me to patrol,” Selene asked.

“Tonight with Jared.”

Selene nodded, she then told Sam that she had a date with Emmett the following day, “That's fine, Sel, you can patrol after your date.”

“Thanks, Sammy.” After that, they went inside, and Selene said hello to Emily. Emily offered Selene a snack, which she gladly accepted.

“Hey, Sam, how did it go with Seth?”

“Fine, he was a little disappointed that he can't hang out with Brady and Collin anymore, but I told him it's for the best. I'm not going to let him go out on patrol just yet. I want him to concentrate on his studies. Though I will take him out once in a while to help him get used to phasing.”

Selene nodded, “I think that's a good idea. I'll keep my eye on him if you want, Sam.”

“Yeah, if you and Leah can do that, I'd appreciate that. Help him try to keep his temper in check.”

“Will do, Sammy. Well, I'm going to head home and check on Seth.”

“Okay, Sel, I'll see you later.”

“Okay, Sam,” Selene stood up and hugged Sam, she then hugged Emily then left.

She drove home and parked in front of the house. She got down and went inside, “Seth, are you home?”

“Yeah, Sel, I'm in my room.”

Selene went upstairs to check on her brother, “Hey, kiddo, how are you doing?”

“Good, a little depressed that I can't hang out with my friends anymore, but I understand where Sam's coming from; we need to keep this a secret.”

“Not only that, but you could lose control and hurt your friends.”

“Yeah, Sam told me. But you know what, I don't feel that angry like he said I would, only a little annoyed.”

“Good, maybe you'll get this phasing under control faster than the rest of us.”

“Did you have any problems?”

“No, my dad made me learn self-control. I used to be pissed off that he left me. I think he knew that I was a shifter and wanted me to know how to control my temper,” Selene lied. It was part of her training as a demigoddess.

Seth nodded, “So you're not mad at your dad anymore?”

“No, if he had you wouldn't be here, and the world would have been a darker place without you in it, Seth,” Selene told her baby brother, causing him to blush.

“Hey, do you want to play video games with me for a while,” Seth asked.

“Are you kidding? Of course, I do!” Selene said.

Seth smiled and got his extra controller. Selene sat down on the floor with Seth, and they started playing Call of Duty. After a while, Selene's phone rang, she looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Emmett, “Shit, I forgot to call Emmett.”

“Do you want me to pause the game?”

“Yeah, I'll be right back. Why don't you go get us some sodas?”

“Okay, Sel, tell Emmett I said hi.”

Selene nodded, and answered her phone, “Oh, Emmett, I'm so sorry, I forgot to call you. I was playing video games with Seth.”

Emmett laughed, “That's okay, Sel. I wanted to call you because I'm going hunting in a little while, and I wanted to touch base with you. What did Sam say?”

“He said that I'd go on patrol when I get back from our date.”

“Okay then, I'll pick you up early, so that you can get some sleep before you go on patrol,” Emmett said.

“Thank, Emmett.”

“I can't wait to see you, Sel,”

“I have to admit; I'm looking forward to seeing you too,” Selene confessed.

Emmett smirked on his end of the line, “Does that mean your feelings are growing for me?” Emmett asked in an arrogant tone.

“Don't get ahead of yourself, Emmett.”

Emmett laughed, and to Selene's annoyance, her heart skipped a beat, “I think they are,” Emmett said in a sultry voice.

“Keep thinking that, Emmett,” Selene said as she bit her lip.

Emmett laughed again, “Anyway, I have to get going. I'll call you when I get back, okay?”

“That's fine, Em. Happy hunting.”

Emmett chuckled, “Thanks, Sel.”

With that, Emmett and Selene hung up.

After Emmett hung up, he took his private entrance and left to go hunting. As soon as Emmett left, Edward and Jasper called for a family meeting. Carlisle, Esme, and Alice came into the living room, “What's going on, boys?”

“We need to talk about Rosalie, Carlisle,” Edward said.

“Oh, what about her?”

“Earlier today, when Emmett was talking about his day with Selene, I heard her thoughts about getting her revenge on Selene, and Jasper felt the anger coming off of her.”

“So, we decided to follow her to see what her plans were. At first, she did go hunting, but then she changed course and ran toward the border with the wolves,” Jasper said.

Esme gasped and took Carlisle's hand, guessing what Rosalie was planning on doing. Edward nodded at her thoughts, “We decided to watch to confirm our suspicions. And sure enough, when Selene showed up at the border, Rosalie stepped out and blocked her way.”

“I'm sure she wanted to talk to Selene,” Carlisle said.

“No, she had every intention of tearing Selene apart, but at that moment, Sam showed up with several wolves. They stayed on their side of the border, but Sam made it clear that if Rosalie hurts Selene, it's a violation of the treaty, and they'll come after all of us.” Edward said.

“Carlisle, you need to do something about Rosalie. Her anger is putting us all in danger. She's going to get us killed,” Jasper said, “And if you won't, I will. I'm not going to let her jealousy put Alice in danger,” Jasper added then left the room with Alice.

“Jasper,” Carlisle called, but he ignored him.

“Jasper's right, Carlisle. Sam thinks if you can't control the coven, we're a danger.”

Carlisle sighed, “I'll talk to Rosalie, Edward.”

“Good, I suggest you do it before Emmett gets home or this is going to blow up. You can do it right now, Rosalie is coming right now, and she's pissed,” Edward said then went upstairs.

At that moment, Rosalie came into the house and slammed the door hard enough almost to shatter the glass. Carlisle and Esme looked at each other, “Rose, can you come here, please? We need to talk.”

Rosalie put on her fakest smile and walked into the living room, “What do you want to talk about, Carlisle?”

“I want to talk about Selene and what you almost did.”

Rosalie's eyes narrowed, and she growled, “Alright, let's talk.”

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