Love, Michael {Reworking Pr...

By MysteriousAuthorSan

222K 6K 5.7K

-=○=-=●=-=❤=-=●=-=○=- Michael and (Y/n) were best friends back in 1973. What (Y/n) didn't know though, was t... More

|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|Chapter 6|
|Chapter 7|
|Chapter 8|
|Chapter 9|
|Chapter 10 (1/3)|
|Chapter 10 (2/3)|
|Chapter 10 (3/3)|
|Chapter 11|
|Chapter 12|
|Chapter 13|
|Chapter 14|
|Chapter 16|
|Chapter 17|
|Chapter 18|
|Chapter 19|
¡Important A/N!
|Chapter 20|
|Chapter 21|
|Chapter 22|
|Chapter 23|
>Loving You< Ending
>Leaving You< Ending
>One Way Or Another< Ending

|Chapter 15|

6.4K 186 93
By MysteriousAuthorSan

"He's behind me, isn't he?"

Laurie just remained silent and nodded her head slowly, fear was writen over her whole face. I gulped as the man behind me just remained silent and his heavy breathing was heared. No one did a single move, not even Michael. He was observing the situation, trying to figure out who's fault it was, that we're standing here right now.

His cold eyes scanned my feature, then he looked at Laurie. His eyes harden and fit slightly darker as he finally decided the one, who he would take care of first. He walked pass me in a incredible speed right over to Laurie who was begging for mercy and forgiveness. Michael wasn't planning on killing her, not yet anyways. He would make sure that she won't escape again and that she'll remember him. No matter what will happen or what was about to happen, he has one goal and that goal is taking Laurie down for now.

Laurie shrieked as Michael tried yo reach for her and got something behind her back which she smashed to the skull of Michael, knocking him to the ground yet again. I looked at Laurie with wide eyes, she was really testing his patience and that ain't smart.

"Come on, there is the front door!" Laurie screamed as she dragged me away from pissed off Michael Myers and lead me to the front door. I just then noticed that we weren't alone. Loomis stood at the door with his pistol aimed at us, his eyes soften though as soon as he saw who we were and lowers the gun.

"I finally found you," He said laughing which was kinda creepy and signalled us to come closer, which we did "You need to get out of here, I will keep him away from you as long as I can!"

We nodded our heads at the same time before we sprinted out off the door. We weren't at the streets though, we were standing right In his garden which was fenced. My eyes looked at Laurie in a very hateful way, she can't be serious now can she?

"Laurie? I thought you said that this was the front door!" I yelled at her and pointed to the door behind us.

"I-I...." her eyes scanned our surroundings and then looked at the fence "We can try to climb over the fence! There on the other side that fence is a little smaller, can you see it?"

I followed her gaze and then noticed that she was in fact right.

"That was the first smart idea from you today." I said and ran towards the fence. Laurie caught up and laughed.

"You underestimate me, you see I'm a-" her dumb comment didn't came to an end though cause her loud scream suddenly the air filled. My head shot towards the way we came from and then noticed that Laurie fell into the Myers Pool.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I carefully leaned over the pool and looked down to her. Her cries could be heared as she hugged her legs to her chest. I bit my bottom lip and got up before I ran around the gigantic pool and ran down the stairs to the bottom of it.

"You'll be fine, I promise," I said as I rushed to her side and scanned her bruised legs and hands "nothing to worry about, you won't die from it."

She chuckled lightly at my comment.

"Can you walk?" I asked worried as she tried to get up. She hissed in pain and fell down again and then shook her head defeated. I scanned my surroundings again before I carefully slung my arms around her smaller frame.

"Don't worry, I got you." She nodded her head thankfully and adjusted herself in my arms. With all the strength I could muster I picked her up. She was heavier than she looks, how could Michael carry her and me with such ease? I need to work out more, definitely.

"(Y/n)!!!" Laurie suddenly yelled at me which caught me of guard and I nearly dropped her.

"Dont give me a heart attack! Jeez woman." I said as I rolled my eyes at her.

"Look!" She said and pointed towards the stairs of the pool. My eyes followed her pointed finger, soon I caught up on why she was yelling.

Michael casually walked around the pool, his eyes watching us like we were his prey, I even felt like prey under his gaze. We were trapped in this pool with no way out of it except the stairs were Michael was walking to.

I somehow could imagine that dirty smirk under his mask he must wearing. I held Laurie closer to my body as he slowly but surely made his way down the stairs, taking his time at the process. He was sure that he had won, I know that.

"Get away from us!" Laurie yelled at the masked man and hug to my neck harshly. He came closer and closer though and rolled slightly his eyes at the pathetic girl.

There was no escape.

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