|Chapter 23|

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I began to yawn. I'm not sure for how long I've been sitting here, answering all those damn questions of this crazed psychiatrist. He must have writen a whole roman on his lists. His eyes wouldn't even look at me, they were always on the paper. I lean against my hand, while my eyes slowly blink. The clock on the wall broke the silence between us, after he's been writing for an hour or so. His blue eyes looked up from his work and a smile broke through his frown.

"(Y/n). I must thank you. I think I understand Michael even more now, after you've told me about your staying there." He said proudly and took his glasses off, biting on the end of it.

"If you say so? Can I leave now?" I questioned and point towards the door, which led outside.

"No." He simply stated and got up.

"No?" I repeated his amswer and confused glanced his way. Raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. No." He put his papers into his case, not even looking my way.

"Why? Why can't I just go? You got what you wanted, didn't you?" I questioned and approach him.

"You're right. I got what I wanted." He closed the case and then his body turns my way "But I have other plans, which involves a woman like yourself."

I grew confused by it. What plans is he talking about? What could I do to help him? Like he was reading my mind, he began to approach me and grabbed a hold on my shoulder, leading me to the door. He opens it and brought me into the halls of the Sanitarium. That's when he began to speak.

"You see. We discovered, that Michael has some sort of obsession for you. He kills for you. Knows where you are all the time. You're like a magnate. You pull him closer and closer. It is impossible for him to just walk away, because he simply can't."

My eyes shift between him and the ground.

"You probably noticed, that I've been writing a lot and I gave less attention to you."

I nod my head.

"Well, that is, because I've been figuring out a plan for the future. What if we could proceed test on Michael, without him escaping or killing people." He stated and laughed at the end excited, which confused me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, imagine what we could discover. Where his immense power comes from! Why he can break down doors, survive gunshots and jump out of windows, without receiving wounds or experience death. He is like an unstoppable tank. I want to know why. And that's why I need you, because you're the only one who can get close to him."

"You can't be serious." I stated shocked by this idea. He clearly is a maniac.

"(Y/n). I'm very serious. That's why I can't let you leave. This investigation of his behavior is important."

Before I could respond, a suden alarm filled the halls of the Sanitarium. Loomis reached into his jacket and got a phone out, calling his security right away.

"What's going on?!" He asks as soon as he got through.

"Sir! Someone broke into the Building!" A man yelled from the other line, but he sounded rather scared than calm.

"Who is he?" Loomis questioned, even though it must've been clear to him.

"It is- AHH-" The call fell into silence. The line was dead. Loomis slowly let go of the phone. Concern was noticeable and his whole body posture was trembling. He began to break into a sprint towards an unknown section, while I stood there in the middle of halls dumbfounded. I decided to just stay there, since I had no clue where the exit was located at. I nervously rubbed my arms, it was rather cold in here and didn't seem very welcoming. After a few minutes I knew that the old man wouldn't return. The alarm didn't die down, the sound halls through the whole building and mad me feel u uncomfortable. Screams suddenly breaks the unsettling sounds and my head shoot towards the screams. A woman crawls at the end of the hallway, glancing my way as her last breath escaped her lips. That's when I saw the big shadow cast over the woman.

Michael approached the corpse and slowly turns my way, like he knew I watched from afar. I wasn't sure why, but I approached him. I didn't waste a single thought on possible escape tactics. I wanted to clear the air, to give him an answer. That's what he deserves and probably what kept him going. I made my mind up. I knew what I had to say and what to do. There weren't many options left anyway. Michael approached me as well, not as fast as me though. I could see him relax and there was even somehow some joyful skipps in his walk. He was glad to see me, but was I feeling the same way about seeing him? We stopped, watching each other and waited for who breaks the awkward silence first. And that's when I step forward. I decide here and now. And that decision would have the biggest impact in my life.

 Love, Michael  {Reworking Process}Where stories live. Discover now