¡Important A/N!

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Hey lovely readers!
I know that you're all waiting for another chapter. Tomorrow or maybe today (depending on the time I got), I will publish Chapter 20! :)

This A/N isn't about the next upload though. It is about the first chapters of this book, where everything began.
Many people complain about the fact that; and I quote: "They are only 10!" Or "They are 10...."

Guys....this is a damn Fanfiction. Of course, if that happens in real, it would be hell weird, yet this is a fictional story! They don't really exist. Everything that's happening here, never happened or is currently happening, because that is all coming from the idea I had.

At the beginning I laughed at the first comment. It is funny and weird, I even commented that comment then. But after it got more and more, and people start to spam it, I got annoyed. No let me correct that. I AM annoyed. If the spam continues (and that is not only on this story, but also via private message), then I'll take down the story. Not forever, but for a long time, because then I'd rewrite each chapter.

If that is what you all want, then let me now.

If not, please let me know as well and then I'll continue to write the Story.


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Please stop the spam, it was funny once, but not anymore. And don't create a new account to spam from there. Cause if that continues, I will take down this story

 Love, Michael  {Reworking Process}Where stories live. Discover now