|Chapter 12|

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The man came closer and closer, his steps gave a loud splashing noise away, which made my blood run cold.

"(Y/n), Go!" Loomis yelled at me and pushed me behind him, towards the car.

"But what about you?!" I asked scared as I grabbed his jacket tightly in my trembling hands.

"I'll be fine! Trust me! Now Go!" He said and pushed me a little to hard towards the car, which angered Michael more. His steps began to get quicker, he was nearly running now.

I open the door of the car and started the engine, but it was jammed.

"God dammit!" I cursed and tried it again.
My eyes looked outside, Michael was only a few steps away from Loomis.

"Come on!" I yelled and then the engine started.

I instantly drove off, not looking back once. My head was spinning, where should I go now? Maybe to my hometown? And what about Laurie? You just gonna leave her? The voice started to fill my head, trying to make me feel bad. She can handle herself, no she can't and you know it! I rolled my eyes. Your selfishness will be the death of you someday! It is your flat that she was now somewhere all alone with that murderer! It's not my fault. That voice was making me so mad, but it was right. The voice who was talking, was regret and sorrow. I regret that I didn't safe Laurie from Michael, I regret that I hid like a coward and I would deserve so much bad things happening to me, because of my selfishness. You need to safe her.
My hands tighten their grip on the wheel. A loud heavy breath escaped my lips as I tried to call myself down.
It was right, but before I would do that, I had to calm my nerves. I wouldn't get far, only if I'd push my emotions out of the way and that's what I will do now.

"You're ok, (Y/n). He ain't following you." I said, trying to make me feel better. Oh Boy was I wrong though.
A flashy light came into few behind me. My eyes looked up to the mirror, a car was driving after me and I already could tell, who that person was. My eyes looked at the mirror in pure terror and all the emotions came rushing back to me.

"Fuck You!" I screamed and began to drive faster than I should have.

I didn't thought about the things that could happen, when I'm driving in this inhuman speed, but I didn't care for that moment. A victorious smile formed on my lips as I saw, that the car had slowed down and I began to laugh, celebrating the victory.

"That's Right! Eat my dust asshole!" I said laughing and then looked at the road again, only to see a dog running over the street only a few meters away from the car.

I instantly tried to evasion the little puppy, this send me straight into a tree though. The airbag sprang up and smoke began to fly up from the front of the car.

My legs were numb, my whole body froze. I had to get up and so I tried to get out, but I did not have the strength to do so. I was breathing heavily, the pain started to face away as my eyes began to slowly close. Loud footsteps was drumming through my ears. A rough hand gently stroked my pale cheek and got me out, I couldn't struggle. Because as soon as he got me out, I blacked out. My whole body just let go and now I was in the arms of a psychopath. He carried my numb body bridle style towards his car, where he carefully placed me in the back. A smirk was on his lips behind that emotionless face as he possessively stroked my cheeks to my lips and then down my throat. He was admiring your whole face for quite a while, till he snapped out of his trance because of the loud bark of the little dog. He rolled his eyes and closed the door before he got into the car himself and started the engine again, he had what he wanted and now he wouldn't have to leave his house anymore, because everything he needed, was now home.


 Love, Michael  {Reworking Process}Where stories live. Discover now