>One Way Or Another< Ending

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I knew what my decision was. He was a dangerous man. I couldn't possibly imagine, that I could spend my life with someone like him. Even know in this very moment, where I stand before this huge man, I felt the cold cast from his shadow. The dangerous aura made my body shiver and caused me to take a few steps back. Michael, of course, noticed my sudden change of behavior and grew angry. He walks closer, backing me up to the wall. Just as I noticed the impact, his hands shoot to each side of my head, trapping me on spot with no way of escaping. I was scared of the unknown. I couldn't tell what was going through this head, though his eyes showed a pool of emotions. Anger. Rage. Love. Sadness. Fear. Lust. It was all there. He wasn't sure about this situation either, I could tell.


I caught his attention instantly. His eyes peered into mine, not even backing away for a single second. He wouldn't let le go willingly. Though I could try to convince him.

"Please...L-Let me go..."

He tilts his head to the side, obviously confused by the request. I gulped. I felt so little under his intimidating glare. His shadow casted all over me, making me shiver in his ice cold aura. I build up the little courage I had, shifting with my eyes from him to the ground and back again. I had to be more clear. I straighten my pose, glaring now as well.

"I'm not going with you!" I accidentally yelled out. Michael's eyes widen a bit at that. He didn't expect me to yell at him, well, it makes two of us. I wasn't sure myself, where that came from. Though after this rather surprising outburst, Michael quickly grabbed his composure again. His eyes weren't as soft anymore. Their beautiful shiny colour, turned into dark pools of death himself. He was ragging, that is what I am sure of. His hands began to tighten themselves, even the blade was probably suffocating from the lak of air. I wasn't sure what was about to happen, though before he could step into action, Loomis ran towards us. The old psychiatrist watches the event unfold in horror. His hands found their way to his trusted gun, which patiently waited for him to grab, in his jeans pocket. He points it straight at Michael, who in return didn't give a damn about it at all. His eyes were constantly watching me, probably killing me on spot with them.

"Michael. Step away from the girl." Loomis demands. His eyes didn't dart away once. They're focused. His whole attention was on the murderer, who was only one step away from me. To say, that I wasn't scared shitless, would be a lie.

"Michael." Again the doctor tried to break through Michael's head. But Michael didn't move. He was just glaring into my soul. Probably debating, if he should kill me or the psychiatrist first.

"Michael!" Loomis yells from the top of his lungs. This time it caught the attention of Michael, but probably not the respond he hoped to receive. Michael shoot his way towards the old man, immediately sprinting towards him.

"Michael! STOP!" Loomis warned and shoots at the ground, right in front of Michael's boots. He came to an hold though. The Shape slowly looks down, inspecting the impact of the bullet. His head then slowly went up again, his masked face coming into view. Loomis's eyes widen as Michael began to approach again. His hand instantly got a hold on the old man's neck and broke the arm, where the gun was located at. Loomis screams out in pain, his eyes darted between me and the Gun, clearly telling me to grab it. Which I did. I sprint towards the gun, picking it up instantly and pointed it at Michael. The Gun felt cold in my hands and I prayed to God, that I wouldn't mess up, since it was the first time of holding a proper Gun.

"STOP!" I yelled, receiving the attention of the Boogeyman. He was glaring at me, from the corner of his eyes.

"Drop him..." I said quietly, while a single tear escapes my eye.

Michael was clearly interested in this situation. He wouldn't have guessed, that I would hold a Gun in my hands and point it right at him. But the Shape had other plans. It the last minutes and seconds he had planned out a whole new plan. He wasn't stupid, even if some people think that. He was a man of strategy and action, he wasn't going to loose this fight.

Michael broke the neck of Loomis with one swift move, his eyes were on me though. The sound of bones cracking was just horrifying to hear and as the lifeless body collapsed, with the stone-cold hospital floor, I knew that this was the end of Michael's former psychiatrist. A shiver went down my spin and I had to cover my mouth, to prevent upcoming whimpers. Tears rolled down my cheek and my body was shaking. Michael tilts his head at me, not understanding the reaction he provided. But he didn't care about that. Not. One. Bit. He approached me slowly, so he wouldn't alarm me. I pointed the gun still at him, though my fingers didn't even dare to pull the trigger. They were shaking like there was no tomorrow guaranteed. Even breathing was at this point rather questionable.

Michael stood now right in front of me. The Gun was pressing against his chest and his face was slightly looking down at me. He was breathing heavily under that mask and it seemed to me like he was provoking me...daring me to pull the trigger. Tears streamed down my face and my eyes slowly shift to the dead man behind the Shape. I didn't want to end up like him. That's why I dropped the Gun. The metal clashed against the floor and the hall once again fell into silence. Only quiet whimpers that escaped my mouth, dared to interrupt this tense situation. Michael glared down to me. His hands were still tight fists and the knife was even bloodier, than it used to be. I wasn't sure what would happen next, but it got soon answered by a strong sensation at the back of my head.

The pain took over and the impact with whatever it was, made me fall to the ground. I landed with my face right next to his dark brown boots, which were covered in dirt. I could practically see stars dancing in front of my vision and my whole body feeling paralyzed. My gaze was on Michael though, who stared down to my body and slowly got on his knees. He wrapped his arms around me and carefully lifted me into the air. I was beyond terrified, since I couldn't even do something to escape him. He was carrying me down the hall, though the halls were spinning all around the place. Michael squeezed my body tighter to his chest as soon as he walks out of the Sanitarium, shielding me from the cold air and the rain. Eventually my vision started to faint and my eyes closed.

Michael was pleased. He had what he wanted, even after she disagreed to go with him. She'd learn it though...they had eternity. And that, of course, was to Love, Michael.

 Love, Michael  {Reworking Process}Where stories live. Discover now