|Chapter 17|

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He's alive?! How?! How is this even possible?! He got shoot three times and he didn't die? My thoughts were running wild as I gazed into his blue eyes. His intense stare made me giddy. I was excited somehow about the fact that he was here right now and still alive. His hands were warm as he slowly placed it on my left cheek. He wasn't a zombie, thank good. I wouldn't be surprised though if these things exists. Not anymore.
Suddenly Michael pulled me up again and dragged me towards his house again. The screams of Laurie and Loomis filled the air and I saw from the corner of my eyes that Loomis jogged after Michael yelling to let me go. Just like before Michael didn't stop in fact he walked slightly faster and got to the door.

"Michael! Wait!" Loomis yelled and on command Michael stopped in his tracks. His ice cold eyes stared directly at the old man with a threatening glare as his arm slung over my neck. He didn't want to let me go, I knew why but I thought that he would've killed me by now.

"Michael. It's not her fault." Loomis began to say as his eyes shifted between me and Michael. His choice of words confused me though, what is he even saying? Does he really actually know why Michael took me and Laurie? Probably not, he thought that he wanted to kill us or some sort of.

"It's my fault, Michael. I failed you. Please let her go. Please..." the old man was on the edge of crying as he begged the man in front of him to release me. I could tell by the tense body, which was pressed against my back, that he wasn't going to let me go any second. Out of nowhere he pushed me aside and got a hold on Loomis.

His hands were grabbing him his head and I knew that he wasn't going to let this man get out alive. Since Samuel Loomis helped me and even protected me, I decided to help him. My eyes searched for any sort of weapon and that's when I found the knife from Michael. He must have dropped it with me as he pushed me aside.

I quickly picked it up and snuck up behind of him, raising the knife at the process. Loomis's eyes were drifting of to mine as groaned in pain. I could tell that he was relieved that I didn't leave him behind and somehow Michael must have noticed it too, because he immediately let go of the man and faced me in a incredible speed. Betrayal was writen in his eyes. Did he really think that I was just going to watch him murdering a man? Probably.

I knew that I couldn't just stand there, he was probably after me too. I ran up the stairs and like I've been expecting it he followed me. He was slow, but I knew that he was still faster because he knew the house better than any other person. I ran into a room, probably into some bedroom but I wasn't so sure. I hid inside the closet, covering my mouth to prevent any whimpers that might escape my mouth. The house was old and nearly on the verge of breaking down, a man like Michael could easily break down these walls, I was sure of that.

I could hear footsteps in the hall next to me and through holes in the wall I could see the mask of Michael. He was looking into a different room but somehow I knew that he knows exactly were I was. I decided to look for another hiding spot and walked out of the room. I peeked into the hallway and saw that Michael uncontrollably hit into the wall from my current hiding spot. Thank God I wasn't there anymore. I snuck to the room on the end of the hall, that's when I noticed that Michael already was staring at me.

That's when I ran, I nearly reached the room that's when karma strikes me for the first time. The ground was breaking as soon as I stepped on the uneven stain. I fell with my face down onto the wooden floor and immediately tried to get my leg out of the hole. The pain was unbearable but I needed to get out of here. It was survival of the fittest and damn I wasn't going to give up just now.

Michael walked a little faster now, that's when I struggled even more to get out. With one hard pull I managed to get out and quickly ran into the door with Michael close behind.
My eyes landed on the window and then I scanned the whole room, there was no other way. I had to jump. Just then Michael stormed into the room his eyes shifted between me and the only escape. He knew what I was going to do and he was scared. His weapon fell out of his hands and then his hands slowly got up to say in his way 'I give up'. I would've expected anything, but not that.

"Stay Back!" I yelled at him and walked backwards. My eyes remained on him.
"Or else....I will jump."

He looked terrified, he knew damn well that I wasn't joking. My eyes looked down to the car of Loomis, if I got there on time I could easily escape with Laurie and Loomis. My eyes then looked at Michael again and I gasped. Michael sprinted already towards me and tackled me out of the window. His arms covered my body and somehow managed to pull me on top of him so that he could prevent me from any harm given in this fall. The collapse didn't take long, the arms of the man were still around my waist and slowly let go. They fell to the side, probably exhausted by all the things that has been going on here. My eyes stared into his blue orbs. Yet again he had this begging stare, he didn't want to lose me. I know that, he knows that damn even Loomis probably knows it by now. For once in my life I had the actual decision to choose what's right for me or what's wrong. All those years I was practically forced into things which was clothed into lies. They always said that I did the right thing and what I should do next....and I followed every lead because I thought I was doing the right thing.

Now no one was here, no one can tell me what to do. I could decides what was right, what felt right. Him holding me carfuly by the waist a second ago with that soft stare which turned into a pleading one somehow made the decision easy. I didn't hesitate and got up from his body. For a second he thought that I was going and even tried to get up with the last power he had. Even I thought that I was leaving, but then I helped him up. I simply reached out my hand to the masked murderer, some say I would be crazy to do that. But it just...felt right. Michael was shocked as he watched me and his big hand slowly grasped mine. His hand felt rough but the way he took it was softer than any other hand that reached out to help me or excepted my help.

He slowly got up and still held my hand, it would've been cute if it wasn't for this situation. Not long after the sirens of the police were filling the air and I knew damn well what my mission was now. I had to find my true self with someone who would protect me. Michael tugged on my hand a little causing me to look up. His eyes were secretly asking me to come with him and with a smile I nodded.

"I will go with you."

 Love, Michael  {Reworking Process}Where stories live. Discover now