>Leaving You< Ending

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I wasn't sure how to decide. My eyes glanced at Michael, who awaited my answer. His arms were wide open, ready for me to jump into. Yet, there seemed to be something pulling me back.

"I-" I didn't know what to say. How am I supposed to decide now? In a situation like this?

"(Y/N)! DON'T!" A voice yelled from behind me, causing me to shriek and turn towards the person. It was Loomis. He ran towards us, his eyes focused.

I took a quick glance at Michael, who was visibly angry and confused at the same time. He glared at his former psychiatrist and his arms slowly fell to his sides again, clenching the knife like there was no tomorrow guaranteed. I gulped. I feared that Michael would jump at Loomis any second now, ending him on spot. After a few seconds, the tired psychiatrist reached us and got between Michael and me.

"Michael. You terrorized this girl enough now. I won't allow you, that you just take her with you." The old man announced and put his hands in front of me, blocking the intense strare of Michael. The killer in front of Loomis stares at the doctor now. He clenched his jaw. His legs took him a bit closer to us, the knife rose slowly. I knew what he was about to do.

"Michael, Stop!" Loomis warned and pulled a gun out, which he immediately pointed at Michael. But Michael didn't give a damn. In fact, he came closer a bit faster. Loomis eyes scanned his surroundings. Searching for anything, that could help him, and then his eyes landed on me. He looks at me in a apologetic way, before pulling me towards him by the waist and aiming the gun right at my head.

"Stop! Or I will shoot her!" Loomis yelled and pushes the cold gun deeper into my skin. Michael stops dead in his tracks. His eyes widen as he saw a single tear rolling down my cheek.

"Michael." Michael snapped his head towards Loomis as soon as he heared his name. "Put the knife down."

"Please, Michael. Please, just do what he says." I pleaded and tried to reason with the crazed killer. Michael tilted his head, seemingly confronted with this situation. I thought, that he might attack the psychiatrist. Though it quickly changes, as soon as I saw him slowly fall to his knees.

"Put the knife down, Michael." Loomis demands and pointed the weapon at Michael now.

The Shape nods his head slowly, while his hand slowly let go of the knife. Though, before he let go of it completely, he quickly jumps up and attacks Loomis. The man was surprised by it and feared for his life in this very second. Michael, who was raged to the core, stabs the knife into the shoulder of the psychiatrist and tries to unarm him. Loomis, who was struggling with winning this fight, just randomly began to shoot. Hoping, that he might hit something or the killer himself to stun him.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

(No PoV)

The halls of the hospital began to fall into silence. Michael managed to get the weapon out of Loomis's hand and proudly threw it away. A smirk graces his lips as he stared down the old man and stepped closer. That's when choked gasps fills the air. Michael, who was about to finish off Loomis, spun around towards the noise. And that's when his whole world began to shatter. (Y/n)'s eyes were wide open. Her hand was covering her chest, where Blood was leaking out of it. Her coughs got rougher and the taste of Iron filled her mouth.

Michael rushed to his Lover's side and slowly pulls her up, supporting her back and caressing her cheek. His eyes began to water as his rather big hands went over her blood stained cheeks, which was mixed by the tears. (Y/n) tried to reach up to him, her small hand rose to his face. Though because of the immense pain she was going through, she just didn't have the power to do so. Michael helped her. He took her hand carefully and placed it on his masked cheek. Michael began to choke on his tears. Him witnessing the state of his loved one, was unbearable to him. Yet (Y/n) only smiles at him. He leanes down to her, pulling her head closer to him. He leans his forehead against her's and closes his eyes.

 Love, Michael  {Reworking Process}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant