ALESSANDRO: Book 3 of The De...

By Butterfly_gal_88

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BOOK 3 OF THE DE LUCA BROTHERS SERIES -•- Isabella Garcia is a mysterious, flamboyant, insane girl who deals... More

The End


212 4 0
By Butterfly_gal_88

I assumed everyone would take time to fully mourn the loss of Gufo. I thought that they'd take the time to repair and recollect, however I'm wrong. Instead everyone has found a sudden and seemingly unquenchable desire for blood, for taking one of the De Luca brothers from us.

I also thought Leone and I would have time for each other, but if anything Gufo's death has triggered a series of activities within the gang that's caused minimal sleep and a hectic atmosphere to erupt in HQ. People constantly rushing up and down the pristine white hallways, some with weaponry, others with paperwork. None of them with smiles. It feels different knowing he isn't here anymore, I didn't know him well but I knew of him. He was well loved and held a soft spot in everyone's hearts. Loss was inevitable but it was never going to be easy.

"We'll have two units, one strike team which will distract everyone and a second one and smaller one that will sneak in from the south away from any conflict. Their job is to infiltrate the OG HQ and seize control from within," days Leone, strategising with the blueprints of the mansion clipped on a board. "If we find the sisters we shall leave one alive for questioning about their intentions, the tougher one is believed to be the gang leader."

"Yet we don't know that for certain," I butt in. "It wouldn't make sense for her to be the leader since she personally attacked us herself in the mansion. A real leader would fall back since they're too important for those sorts of missions."

"However we haven't seen any other potential gang leader," Toro adds.


"Maybe they're trying to hide," I state. "Maybe they don't want to be found out yet."

"Why?" Questions Chloe, her voice corse and strained.

"Perhaps they're hiding something, maybe they're waiting for the right time."

"Angelo we're in a war, not a mystery novel," Leone reprimands.

"I'm just saying not everything adds up and we shouldn't assume," I counteract. "Assuming is like shooting blindfolded. You might not be hitting the right places."

"Fine, we'll not 'assume' she's the leader then," he mutters.

"Good," I nod.

"So the squadron sneaking into the mansions from out back will consist of the following," Leone continues to list ten names, none of which involving me. "Toro, I trust you to pick the larger group to attack and pose a distraction yes?"

"I've already come up with a list of my finest, including those who will remain here, also some who will hang back."


"Leone, can I talk to you for a minute please?" I ask harshly, my temper slowly rising. "Alone."

Leone nods for everyone to leave the room, standing their stiff with his hands roughly in his pockets. The door clicks shut and he looks at me with a raised brow.

"I thought we agreed that you wouldn't protect me," I grumble.

"I did."

I sigh in exasperation, "Then why haven't you put me in the infiltration mission?"

"You have a different, top secret job," he replies coolly sitting back into his black leather chair.

I look at him in surprise, "Oh."

"Exactly. You and I will be taking a different way in to attack. We will be searching for intel."

"Y-you too?"

"Yes, got a problem?"

"In fact I really do," I respond. "We can't have our gang leader in the centre of the battle."

"We also can't show me as weak since I haven't firsthand been in the fight."

"You could die."

"Not if my plan works."

"Well what if it doesn't?"

"Then Toro becomes gang leader," he responds.

"Well what if he dies?"

"Then it goes back to my father for him to sort out."

I slam my fist on the wall and push off of it, "And what about me huh?! I don't want to have you there because I'll be too focused on protecting you!"

"I don't need your protection Angelo."

"When was the last time you've been on a mission like this? I work better alone and you'll end up compromising us. The enemy will hear us a mile away from your heavy footsteps."

His eyes narrow to slits and he slowly crosses his arms, "Are you doubting my capabilities kitten?"

The pet name throws me off guard and I can tell things are going to escalate very quickly. I lick my bottom lip as my mouth goes dry- some water would be really good right now.

"You know what you do to me little one?" He leaned toward me, his feet now spread and his arms on the rests of the leather chair that he was sat upon. "You make me want to hold you, kiss you under the moon and say fuck off to the whole fucking world. So I'd never intentionally endanger you, you haven't seen my full capabilities kitten."

He leans toward the desk and opens a small box and pulls a cigarette and lighter from it. The full white bar of death showing that it's either menthol or very expensive or both. He lights the cigarette in the most attractive way possible. Taking a small drag and leaning back into the black leather, he pulls a trick that makes me want to just fall to the floor. Blowing the smoke from his mouth and inhaling through his nose.

The action makes me grip my sleeve to make sure I was aware of where I was and who I was with.

"I know you like a good smoke, so come. Have a smoke." He said pointing the cigarette towards me.

I walk closer to the desk and lean over it and reach for it. He moves it away and leans his face close to mine. "I said, little one, to come here," his bark eyes stern and hard. He knew what I liked without me even having to tell him. He leaned away first and rolled back just enough so that his knees were away from the mahogany.

"Like sit on you lap?" I joked trying to regain some confidence and or dominance. I didn't really want the dominance but fuck I felt like I needed it.

"Oh. Good idea little one. I knew you were smart." He took another drag and looked me in the eye, a shit eating grin appeared as he ran his tongue along his teeth.

"Little one?" He said as he tapped his thigh, so close to his probably thick- focus! "Come on little girl. My laps cold."

The grin gone. Replaced with a dead face of a man who knows he's in complete control or a situation.

"I-...yes sir," the words slipped out like a fucking noodle from a spoon. My hand slapped my face and my face went beet.

"Oh? I like that. Say it again but. On. My. Lap."

In all the time I've known the man before me I've never seen him impatient. Until now. I shrugged off my fathers jacket, knowing it weighs a metric tonne. Letting it drop to the floor.

I shyly stepped behind the mahogany table and gingerly sat on his knee facing slightly away from him. My fears were mounting. Large hands grabbed me and pulled me flush against a head surface, my head facing the door, the unlocked door.

"Little one."Was growled into the top of my hair.

Now I'm a large woman. 6 feet tall and lanky, but I was drowning in this man. His legs made mine feel so short and unusable. They were slung one ankle over the other, very elegantly I must say. My body moulded against his, his mouth was just above my ear and I knew he was leaning down. He was huge.

"Now. Call me sir again." His hands were now holding me together, one  behind my thighs and another on my neck. So lightly, just holding my head up to the top end of the beautifully decorated office this man resides in.

"What do you want me to say sir?" I say obeying him. Wanting to please him. Wanting to serve him.

His breathing became shallower for a brief moment. He's just as excited as I am.

A smile spreads across my face as I lift my head to see him a little clearer.

His eyes are looking at me with pure adoration and my body goes limp, I could just stay here and stare at him forever. The hand on my thigh travels, from under to the top of my thigh, trailing his hand to rest on my stomach. The one on my neck suddenly tightens and my eyes almost roll into the back of my head.

"You are my weakness you know that little one. You know that if you asked for anyone's head on a plater I'd make sure to make the cut clean. You are my weakness, and it makes me want to hurt you, makes me want to push you away. But then you open your pretty little mouth or smile or look at me and my cock is harder than steel."

His hand slackens and rests against my lips. The feeling of him having the power to end me then and there made my pussy clench.      

"So baby. I want to you say, a little sentence for me." A kiss to the shell of my ear wakes me out of the trance his words put me in, "I want to say, please sir, bend me over this table and fuck my pretty little body and let me please you." He smirked as he looked into my eyes again.

My mouth watered at his proposal, but I want more. I lick his thumb that has been resting on my bottom lip, "please sir, put me over your mahogany table, please, make me cum. Make me do whatever you want. Please torture me, tease me. Please sir, please just fucking ruin me."

He smiled down at me, eyes dark and intent sinful. His lips caught mine; he kissed me like I was glass that would shatter if he was to rough, I felt like I was on cloud nine, my hands slip behind his neck pulling him down toward me.

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