Wannabe // NCT College AU

By Svnwoo

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"You're a wannabe me." Nct college AU! Warning: college life, kinda nsfw at times, alcohol, weed, etc :) More



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By Svnwoo

Yuta woke up from his sleep. He looked over at Hyunjae and held in a laugh. She looked like a cat with the way all her limbs were basically all over the place. He checked the time on his phone, it was about to be noon. He got up went to the bathroom to freshen up and make some food. As he was cooking Sicheng came out.

"Hey dude. What are you cooking?" he asked sitting at the bar

"I'm just making omelets, but there's ramen in the drawers if you wanna make something," He smiled.

"Nah, I'm fine with ramen. I was playing games last night and I stayed up way too late," He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Did you at least win?" He asked.

"Yeah I played a bunch of rounds of Pubg," Sicheng laughed, "Easy."

Hyunjae slowly woke up, she was confused at first as to why her sheets had suddenly turned white. She looked around realizing she was not in her room. She slowly peeked out of the room to see Sicheng and Yuta talking.

"Hey," She said quietly.


Yuta threw a napkin at him causing Hyunjae to laugh.

"You can use anything in the bathroom to freshen up," Yuta smiled putting his hand over Sicheng's mouth, "I'm making omelets so I hope you like it."

She nodded giving him a thumbs up, "Sounds good. Thanks!"

As she went to go freshen up Yuta sighed looking at Sicheng removing his hand from his mouth.

"I hate you," Yuta groaned.

Sicheng just laughed, "Sorry I didn't think she actually stayed. You were both higher than a kite so I just thought something else would happen."

"I told you, I wanna take things slow," He said seriously as he flipped one of the omelets.

"I know but this is slow for you. When was the last time you actually asked someone to go out before you made out with them?" Sicheng asked seriously.

"Ok maybe it's slow for highschool Yuta, but you said it yourself. I have changed," He replied proud of himself.

"I guess you have grown or whatever, but your omelet is gonna burn," He said looking at the pan.

"Fuck," Yuta groaned.

Hyunjae returned after freshening up. She made her way to sit next to Sicheng.

"Why didn't you invite me to smoke?" Sicheng said turning to her.

"It wasn't my weed this time!" She said raising her hands in defense.

Sicheng laughed as Yuta grabbed some plates and moved the omelets onto the plates. He set one down in front of Hyunjae and the other in front of Sicheng, and finally him of course.

"Whoa these look good," she smiled as he sat down next to Sicheng.

"He almost burned one while you were gone," Sicheng snickered.

Yuta smacked his arm groaning, "Not true. Sicheng was distracting me I swear."

They all laughed loudly enjoying the meal.


Liked by valentineboy, loselose, wendyson, and 938 others
Nayutas imagine being talented, couldn't be me 😔
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Loselose imagine being talented and pretty,
The whole package, 
Nayutas you are the whole package bro 👉🏼👈🏼😔
Valentineboy Sicheng is almost the whole package, he isn't Always so nice hhhh
huangxuxi ^ points were made
"Sorry yong she didn't come home last night," Irene said apologetically.

She had no idea where Hyunjae was but this was somewhat normal behavior for her. She didn't do it as often now, but in high school there would be days where she'd just disappear.

"My guess is that she probably went to drink with Kunhang and knocked out over there. I'm sure she'll be back soon," Yeri smiled.

Taeyong nodded knowing she was right, but he just got an iffy feeling. As if on cue the door to they're dorm opened to reveal hyunjae.

"Why does this always happen?" Hyunjae asked with a chuckle.

It was like the time she fell sleep in the bathroom at a frat party abs found them in the exact same place.

"Hey where were you?" Taeyong.

"Kunhang's," she smiled, "Look I painted!"

She smiled proudly showing her painting of her newest favorite anime character.

"You just painted?" Irene asked confused.

She nodded, "is that bad?"

Hyunjae was confused on where this was going. That was what she usually did so.

"But I mean your clothes," Irene pointed out, "They're not yours."

"Well yeah. I cant sleep in my day clothes. Kunhang let me borrow some clothes. Why?" She asked narrowing her eyes at the trio.

They were asking a lot more than usual. But she's done this plenty of times you'd think they'd be used to it by now.

"Is there something going on between you two?" She asked confused.

"HUH?!" Hyunjae asked wide-eyed, "No! Why would you even suggest that?"

"You don't have to lie," Yeri spoke up.

"But I'm not! Geez what's with you guys and no offense even if I was I don't exactly have to tell anyone," She spoke seriously.

Now she was just mad. Why would they even care in the first place? Especially irene of all people, she's the one who always had hidden flings but nobody ever said anything about it.

"Why are you getting so worked up?" Taeyong asked confused.

"Because you guys don't trust me? And no offense you're supposed to mind your own business," She groaned, "And you know what. I don't care believe what you want."

She went into her room and shut the door immediately texting Kunhang.

Jae z
I know it's early
But uh...
Can we meet up pls :/

Oh yeah I've been awake
Everything okay???

Jae z
I might be overreacting but
I just wanna get out rn
I'll explain when I see you

Okie I'll be at the usual spot

She quickly changed and headed out to meet Kunhang for the day. As she waited at their usual table, farther away from the crowds many thoughts were running through her head. There was just something about that conversation earlier that just wasn't sitting right with her. It wasn't their business right?

To be fair she didn't even know how she felt. Did she like Yuta? Well of fucking course but did he really like her like that? She didn't wanna tell her friends anything, at least not yet. Did she plan on telling them? Well duh, just not now. She didn't know when, but right now after that, not any time soon. It just set her off, the way they didn't trust her just like her mom. Just like her mom questioned her on everything never believing her.

"Hey you look.... stressed," Kunhang spoke his tone changing towards the end of his sentence.

"That noticeable?" She asked.

He nodded slightly as he sat down, "What's wrong?"

"I feel like I'm overreacting," she sighed, "When I got home today Yeri, Irene, and Taeyong all decided to question me because I was wearing clothes that obviously weren't mine. But then they asked if you and I were dating. I obviously said no, but then Irene asked me why I was lying. As I defended myself Taeyong asked why I was getting so worked up over some question, but honestly I don't know why. I didn't like that they thought I was lying."

Kunhang nodded understanding. Hyunjae always liked to keep relationships private but  he didn't agree with their friends blatantly saying that she was lying.

"Honestly though, it's none of their business," he replied.

"That's what I said," she chuckled a bit.

"You have a right to be upset. Ya know none of us are ever pushy with each other about dating or stuff like that. Like nobody ever asked Johnny about his boyfriend until he told us and nobody is asking Taeyong about his boy toy you know."

She nodded, he was definitely right about that. He had a good point, she was glad she wasn't overreacting.

"Take a breather and cool down before you go back," he suggested.

"I don't think I'll be going back for a while. I might go do some exploring or something," she chuckled.

She already had her bag with her anyway. And she did need to do some shopping.

"Alone?" He asked raising a brow.

"Hmm I don't know. I don't know if Yuta wants to go out already considering I just saw him this morning," She spoke.

"Well ask and if he says no I'll go with you. Or we can make it a double date, You and Yuta and me and Sicheng."

"That would be cool too- Wait..... HOLD ON!" She shouted confused, "Are you fucking with me??"

"No I'm fucking with Sicheng," he said flatly.

Her eyes widened he looked so serious. He looked almost deadly serious.

"Wait no Kunhang I'm serious! I cant tell if you're lying or not!"

He laughed at her reaction, priceless.

"I was joking we're not literally fucking."


He laughed even louder, "Jesus ok. No I'm kidding but we are talking."

He used air quotes around the word talking.

"Oh wow that was fast. How long?"

"Faster than you and Yuta," he snorted.

She rolled her eyes while playfully smacking him. Although he wasn't wrong.

"Whatever I'm gonna text him."

Jae z
Hey there
Be honest
Are you tired of me

To her surprise he responded immediately

Why would I be tired of you omg

Jae z
LMAOO thank you for the reassurance
But I meant since like I just left
Are you tired of seeing me for one day

Why 👀
Miss me already???

Jae z
Forget I said anything

No wait I'm joking
Seriously what's up??

Jae z
I'm bored and
I don't wanna be in the dorms
Wanna go out? It can be a friend thing
Sicheng can come too!
Hendery will be here if Sicheng goes
If not it can be just you and me 👉🏼👈🏼

Oh I'm so down 🥺
Lemme ask Sicheng

She put her phone down.

"You blushed," Kunhang pointed out with a laugh.

"No!" She defended herself hiding her face.

She was definitely blushing but admitting it would make her blush even more. She didn't need that right now. She hated how obvious her face was sometimes.

So Sicheng said
he'd rather hang out with Kunhang
A l o n e

Jae z
Oh is that so???

"Sicheng said he'd rather hang out alone with you. Thoughts?" She said looking at Kunhang as his jaw dropped.

She laughed, now it was her turn to tease him.

"Tell him I said I'll meet him in his dorm in fifteen!"

Jae z
Kunhang said
He'll meet Sicheng in his dorm
In fifteen minutes

Sicheng just screamed

Jae z
What an interesting turn of events

So where do you wanna meet
And what's the plan?

Jae z
Meet at the usual spot
As for plan
Shopping and eating :D

Sounds like a plan!

"So are you gonna go?" She asked Kunhang.

To her surprise, he was already getting up to leave, "Oh. Yeah. I'll see you later. Text me if anything happens or whatever."

She laughed at how uninterested he seemed all of a sudden. Just a few seconds he was super interested.

"Have fun," She waved to him.

He smiled as he walked away. She couldn't wait to hear about it later or tomorrow. Though she never thought Sicheng would be interested in anyone let alone Kunhang. They would definitely make an interesting pair that was for sure. She got up and headed over to her usual meeting spot to wait for Yuta. Surprisingly he was already there and as usual, he dressed really nice despite being in casual clothing. It was cute.

"You look lost," She chuckled as she approached him.

Which wasn't a lie. He had been looking down at his phone checking it ever two minutes.

"Oh hey! I thought I was late or something," He admitted rubbing the back of his neck.

She shook her head, "If anything I'm late. You're actually early for once."

He scoffed, "What's that supposed to mean?"

She laughed at his reaction, "In class? You're always coming in late or right when class is about to start."

He was about to respond but he just pouted. He didn't realize how accurate that was. Now that he thought about it, he was always late and not just to that class, but it wasn't his fault. Sometimes he just forgot to set his alarm and sicheng would be calling his phone a thousand times to wake up.

"Fair point. Whatever, let's just go before I change my mind," He sighed holding his hand out.

"You know you give me tsundere vibes sometimes," She smiled taking his hand as they began to walk.

"I could say the same about you," He smirked knowing that she wouldn't admit that she liked him first if it wasn't for the alcohol.

Hyunjae groaned knowing that he was right. She was very 'tsundere' like when they met and she will admit that she still acts like it. It's just hard for her to express her emotions sometimes.

"Hm, you're not wrong," She admitted shrugging, "But hey it worked out didn't it?"

He laughed nodding as they crossed the street, "So where are you taking me anyway?"

"I'm kinda hungry so I was thinking Myeongdong, but if you have another place I'm open to suggestions," she said.

"Hm I had a place but I wanna see what you pick," he chuckled as they arrived at the station.

"I'm talking street food so it's probably basic but man they're so good," she smiled as they waited for the train.

"Hey as long as it's food, I'll probably be happy," he laughed.

"As you should be," she laughed.


Liked by huangxuxi, loselose, Hyunjaes and 984 others
Notkunhang you might be a bitch but you're also my bitch 😔👉🏼👈🏼💕
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Hyunjaes this is wack!
Loselose I'm not your bitch, you bitch 🤢🤢🤢
Notkunhang can we be each other's bitches? 😔👉🏼👈🏼
Loselose I'll think about it
Notkunhang haha also Hyunjae go away leave me and win alone 🤩
Hyunjaes eye- loser is in love and acts brand new 🤢
Notkunhang you don't wanna go there 👀
Hyunjaes I will stay quiet goodbye
Txyong wait are you on a date with WIN?
Notkunhang he won't call it that but yes 🤩
Loselose this is like our fourth get together
Hyunjaes 'get together' 💀💀💀
Baeirene omg Wait is it an actual date??
Notkunhang yes 🤩
Heresjohnny why would Sicheng date with you?
Loselose i Don't know 😔 he's not THAT annoying
Txyong Huh who would have thought

Sorry about earlier :/

Hyunjae looked at her phone to see what the notification was. She thought it was Kunhang but it was Taeyong. She sighed and locked her phone. She'd answer to him later.

"What's up?" Yuta asked as they waited in line for some street food.

"Huh, oh sorry. Just my friends, but look at what Kunhang posted," She laughed showing him the Instagram post.

Yuta looked at the post laughing at Sicheng's comments. That was just like him.

"And you thought I was the tsundere," he chuckled as they got to the cart.

Hyunjae went up and ordered five corndogs, but not the regular hotdogs. The ones stuffed with cheese and potatoes in the outside. Of course she decided to get one of each for them to try all of them. Plus they were cheap so it was all good.

"Whoa," Yuta said surprised as he saw the food.

"I know right. Let's go look for somewhere to sit."

Since it was evening it was much more crowded but thankfully they found a spot close to the food stalls.

"Alright pick your poison," she smiled at him.

She found it endearing on how cute he looked as he tried to decide which one to go for. Although she felt it, they all looked so good it was hard to choose.

"Hmm this one with sugar," he smiled taking it from the plate.

Hyunjae chose the one with the potatoes on the outside. Personally, that one was always her favorite because of the crunch from the potatoes. She watched as Yuta took a bite and pulled the hot dog trying to tear the cheese. She laughed as the cheese just kept stretching and stretching.

"Help," He mumbled.

"Just keep stretching it," She laughed and she was right.

He stretched a bit further and thankfully the cheese finally broke.

"It's tough to eat huh," She chuckled at him.

He nodded chewing the cheese, "Way harder than it needs to be."

But nonetheless, Yuta really enjoyed it. It was different than anything he's had before and the cheese and sugar actually went well together.

"You can also add condiments and stuff if you want," She said taking a bite.

She pulled as far as she could, thankfully she didn't have to pull as much as Yuta did.

"That's wack," Yuta mumbled with a laugh.

The pair continued to eat and discussing things amongst one another. After finishing they continued walking around and even stopped to see some of the buskers performing on the street. There were a lot of good dance crews and it made Hyunjae reminisce. She wondered what her sister was up to.

"They're amazing huh," Yuta commented as they watched a group of teen girls perform Exo's monster.

They hit every movement so clean and sharp. Hyunjae was almost mesmerized by them.

"So good. I could never," She chuckled as they continued walking. It was late but clearly the night was still young. The lights were glowing, people were dancing and singing, others were drinking and singing karaoke.

"We should do karaoke sometime," Hyunjae suggested with a smile.

"Oh for real? I'm down, just you and me?" He asked with a sly smile.

"Sure. I'm down either way," She replied nonchalantly, even though on the inside she was getting nervous again.

"We should make this a thing you know. Weekly date nights," He suggested wiggling his eyebrows.

She laughed at his eyebrow wiggle. He was something else that was for sure, but honestly, she loved the idea.

"I'd like that, but it might be harder when we start getting busier."

"I'm willing to take a chance if you are."


Liked by txyong, baeirene, loselose and 1094 others
Hyunjaes I luv food more than I love clothes and I'm a fashion designer 😔👉🏼👈🏼
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Notkunhang wow that's so deep
Loselose truly a poetic icon
Hyunjaes thank you thank you 🤩
Notkunhang also bring me some food back
Hyunjaes we shall see 😔
Notkunhang 😔

Hey is jae with you?
She's not answering my text

Nope I'm with sicheng
I'm sure she's fine
Just give her some time to cool down

:/ mkay
I'll try

After Hyunjae and Yuta returned from their spontaneous date Hyunjae slowly entered the dorm hoping nobody would be there. Not only that but she still had to respond to Taeyong's text. It already felt like it was draining her. She had to do it though. The last thing she wanted was more bad blood.

As she entered the dorm it was silent and all the lights were off. Maybe she actually won't have to interact until the morning. She immediately went into her room and changed to head to bed.

Of course, she still had to respond to Taeyong's text.

jae z
It's ok
I'm over it or whatever 

I know ur not
so what's up :/
you've been mia

jae z
just minding my business
as everyone should :D

you're being passive-aggressive

jae z
i know :D

ok so what do i do to make it up

jae z
nothing :/
idk I'm just
just give me sometime
to chill out

did we really hurt you that bad :(

Jae z
it sucks when your supposed friends
don't trust your words
and make their own assumptions
like please remember
we do all have boundaries
and maybe i am acting like a little bitch
but it's how i feel :/
so yeah sorry you know how past traumas are skdkkdjfk

i get it
we were in the wrong
I'm sorry :/
it's just you're always with hendery
so we just assumed
sorry jae

Jae z
i know
just don't make all the assumptions
I'll tell you guys stuff when I feel ready :D
if i ever feel ready hahaha

i can't tell if you're being serious
but okay!!
noted :D
take your time
now go to bed it's late

jae z
yeah yeah

She let out a breath of relief as she locked her phone and plugged it in to charge.

I wonder if anyone knows how the problems with arise lol

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