Never Looking Back (Editing)

By MightyHuntress

156K 4.5K 201

Paige Summers has always been rejected since her father died. Now she has finally ran away from it all. Secre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Part 1
Chapter 27 part 2
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 6

4.8K 136 3
By MightyHuntress

I screamed my heart out. That was all I could do.

I could barely hear the footsteps running this way but it hurts too much.

I think I need to go to sleep now and I fell unconscious.

Peter's P.O.V (Paige's new alpha)

I can't believe I just let a complete stranger into our pack. But something about her made me make her stay. I don't really know but I guess we will find out.

After I told her she was part of the pack, she relaxed. She must have thought the worst and I got my answer. Plus she should be afraid after all we are the strongest pack in North America.

"Thank you so much. I really didn't feel like dieing today."

I laughed. It felt good to laugh again and by a stranger no less, well, not a stranger no more. How about 'pack stranger'. I don't know but it feels good to laugh again.

"That was good Paige. That was good. You just made my day," I say to her.

"You're welcome?" she says with a puzzled look on her face and I just laugh more.

"Wow he has a great smile, it lights up his whole face and makes him look sexy."

"Thanks darlin," I say back with a slight blush. I don't think she meant to say that out loud but I'm glad she did, plus no girl has ever got me to blush before unless you count... never mind I won't think about her EVER. Well enough about that.

All the other guys in the room were laughing as well and I can feel my face getting hotter from my blush.

"I'm sorry. Am I excused so I don't embarrass myself further?"


She runs out of the room like a bat out of hell and we're still laughing.

"Alpha I have never seen you like this since, you know who, left," says my friend Damin, which is also my beta.

"I know Damin, I know. It feels good to laugh and relax again. I don't know but something about her..."

Before I could finish my sentence there was an ear piercing scream that made my ear drums want to burst.

We ran out of my office and down the hallway to where Paige was laying on the ground withering in pain.

Oh no. I know what she is going through. I went through the same thing. Her mate is marking somebody else.

Damn it! Why do people do this to their mates. It hurts just as bad as our first shift if not worse.

The screaming stopped and I looked down and my eyes soften.

She passed out. Thank god. That means she will sleep for awhile. At least it won't hurt her more than necessary.

"She passes out. Thank god. Damin, does she have anything in her cell in the basement?"

"No sir. We took it away when we put her in the basement. I can go and get it."

"Yes and put it in my room for now."


"No buts. I am alpha and we will discuss room arrangements when she wakes up. Which will be awhile."

"Yes Alpha," Damin says and walks away to do as told.

"Everyone else, go and mind your own business. She will be fine. She just needs to sleep it off and can someone contact the doctor?"

"Yes Alpha," everyone agreed.

I picked her up and took her up a flight of stairs to the master bed and laid her down.

"Alpha what happen?"

"Shut the door doc,

"Her mate mated with someone else," I say disgusted.

"Oh my. Wasn't that what you went through?"

"Yes Shirly. I just need you to make sure she is alright."

"Of course."

Shirly came over to Paige and checked to see if she was alright.

"She is alright. Just needs to rest. Keep an eye on her Peter. When she wakes up she will still probably in pain and could use some water."

"Thanks doc."

"No problem Peter, and Peter."

"Ya Shirly."

"I don't know what she did but she needs to keep it up. I haven't seen you this happy and relaxed since Sarah left."

"I know Shirly. Something about Paige draws me to her. I don't know what it is but it's something."

"Do you think she might be special in someway or another?"

"I don't know. I just let her into the pack. She seemed so hopeless and dead inside. I don't know what happened to her in her last pack but I tend to find out."

"Peter, just don't push her into telling you. Let her tell you on her own time. She is already broken enough as it is. She is really weak for a wolf. What ever happened it wasn't good for her.

"Also when she wakes up, try to get her something to eat. I don't like seeing her like this. She needs to gain some weight and mussel but don't force feed her to much."

"Thanks again doc. I will let her rest and I will come up after while to check up on her an bring a glass of water."

"That would be good Peter. If you need me again just call."

"I will Shirly."

After that she left. Well since Paige will be out of it for awhile I will go back to my office and do some more paperwork.

Paige's P.O.V

Ugh it hurts. Why does it hurt? What happen? All I can remember is running from the Alpha's office and then crashing to the floor screaming my heart out. What the hell happened to me? Also where am I? I feel comfortable.

I slowly open my eyes to blue walls, black curtains, and white carpet. It's a nice room and you can tell it's a guy's room.

Also there are couches and chairs all over the room. This room is really spacious. But who's room is this?

"Paige are you finally awake?"

I know that voice. That's the alpha's voice. What is he doing here? Wait maybe this is his room cuz it seems too big for just a regular room.

"Paige?" he says as he looks over me and into my eyes.

"I guess so since I can see your hazel eyes," says the Alpha.

"Alpha, what happen and where am I?"

"Please call me Peter and your in my room."

"Why am I in your room?"

"Well after you passed out I brought you here since I didn't quite get you a room yet."

"Oh, ok."

"Are you hungry or thirsty?"

Should I tell him yes and he would get me something or say no and die from hunger?

"No, in fine but..." and my stomach growls. Traiter!

"Sounds to me that you are. Come in let's go and get you something to eat. Can you stand up or do I have to carry you?" he says with a chuckle.

"I can stand," I say while trying to stand on wobbly legs and I fall.

"Maybe I can't stand," I said defeated.

"That's ok, I got you."

I felt myself being lifted off the ground and into his arms bridal style.

I feel so weak and helpless and that's not good. At least he's being a gentlemen about it though. You hardly find those now days.

Peter takes me down to the kitchen and luckily no one is around to see the alpha help a helpless girl to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Umm, I don't know. Fix whatever you want. I don't really care."

"Ok, that wasn't any help but how does pizza sound?"

"That's fine. Thank you Alp... I mean Peter."

"Peter you in the kitchen?"

"Ya mom."

"What are you doing in... oh I see and who is this? Some new slut you brought home?"

Do I really look like one? My ex-family practically called me the same thing

As I was thinking this through, my vision started getting blurry and I ran from the kitchen and didn't stop even as the alpha was yelling for me to come back.

I didn't stop till I hit the tree line. Don't ask me how I got out is the maze of a house cuz really I couldn't tell you.

I just kept walking till I found a beautiful lake.

It was so pretty. The moon and stars making the water shine. I could stay here forever them I heard a snap and some growls.

What have I gotten myself into this time?


Sorry for the long update!! School as always. Hope this was good cuz it took me forever to write! Hope you like Peter's p.o.v. Trust me his mom is a lot kinder and she just over reacted. I think this chapter was my longest yet!!! Well until next time which will probably be next weekend or Wednesday! Remember to





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