When Stars Collide

By _SinfullyWicked_

97 9 5

Reyna Windsor, a half-breed fairie, is heir to the throne of Lordanelle and very much cursed. Her 'gifted' po... More

-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
-Chapter 7-
-Chapter 8-
-Chapter 9-
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-Chapter 12-
-Chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 15-
-Chapter 16-
-Chapter 17-
-Chapter 18-
Chapter 19

-Chapter 2-

13 3 0
By _SinfullyWicked_

Happy Easter everyone! Here's todays update, hopefully you enjoy and keep reading. I may post tomorrow or in coming days it depends on how fast I can type (I'm at my grandparents so this is all done on my phone rn) my thumbs ache but alas the book must be updated haha

Don't forget to comment and add to your libraries to receive notifications when I update next! You really don't want to miss out :3

enjoy my loves,


I returned to my room an hour later feeling drained from the laborious discussion about safety with Tori. I was a princess. An heir. Safety was far from what I was used to. I groaned, closing my door with my heel, leaning back against it for support giving a quick shake of my head.

Safety. The word tasted sour on my tongue as I mouthed the word to myself.


No one was ever truly safe in the world. Tori blessing me with a fake sense of security which I admired when I was younger now burned my throat. Nobody was ever safe. I would never be safe. As an heir, a princess, I would always have a target on my back.

Safety was what normal people worried about. Myself however I needed to worry over survival. My sister Riley always put survival over safety. She knew the risks. She knew the cost.

Yet here I was alive and well while she lay buried beneath the earth dancing in the stars. Always protecting me. Always watching for danger. And now without her to protect me it was I who had to look after myself. Guards could only do so much. At the end of the day what lay between me and death was my mind. Survival was what I needed to worry about. Not safety. Survival.

I padded through my chambers. Casting a look through the room for trouble before slipping into an evening gown. I loosed a sigh, braiding back my hair. I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

My gray eyes flared to purple to enable myself to see in the darkness of my room.

Strange eyes. Deadly eyes. Eyes that had seen far too much for their 'youth' as Valerie called it. The queen of the Northern Lands had meant well taking me under her wing and raising me. Though I couldn't help but feel trapped with all the precautions to protect. Protection was what wolves always cared for. Protection of the young, the weak, the defenceless. They always looked out for one another and who they considered family.

Protect. Protect. Protect.

Being raised majorly by wolves I had been called a wolf on numerous occasions. It was an insult. I was a faerie. A faerie princess and unlike Katrina, my aunt, I wanted the throne. I wanted people to know who I am. Not as some little girl the wolves took pity on. I wanted people to know me for me. For who I was. Who I am.

My gaze rested atop my hair after taking in my tanned skin that never faded. Skin that always reminded me of the Southern Lands which was my home. The space atop my head was empty. I'd have a crown filling the space soon enough.

Valerie in many ways was a mother figure to me. I'd surely have to meet her before my departure South. I would not cry. I vowed to myself, passing the balcony overlooking the ever growing city below. I would not cry. Crying was for the weak. And I was far from weak.

Passing the balcony I stiffened at the figure I beheld.

There standing on the balcony, seemingly without a care in the world, was Ellias. Ellias Nightshade, faerie prince of the night elves of the south, and my dearest friend. His tall figure turned facing me obviously sensing my presence.

How long had he been up here? Waiting for me. Wishing to speak to the girl he'd rescued those years ago from the river. I always wondered why he'd stopped to save me. Why he'd risk his life and go against the will of his people. Even so I was forever grateful.

"I heard you broke a few ribs today." Was all he said, his eyes moving from the brilliant northern night sky to rest on me. He took in my appearance, seemingly unbothered by my bright purple eyes illuminated in the darkness of nightfall. He carefully tucked his hands in the pockets of his coat, the fur trim fluffed up from cold.

I shuffled my way to him silently, my breath catching as I beheld the city glowing below. "It was only a few." I shrugged nonchalantly.

Ellias laughed, the sound ringing out dancing along the palace walls. I couldn't help but echo it as I chuckled, wringing my hands anxiously.

His long black hair reached his mid back, nearly as long as my own brown locks. The moonlight cast an eerie light on his face causing his silver eyes to flare brightly in laughter before dimming as he took on a more serious face.

"How are you doing?" He tilted my chin to face him slightly running a worried eye over me.

I pulled my chin from his grasp, frowning, my mind racing at the thought of seeing Lordanelle. The Golden City people called it. The Faerie Capital of the South, and my future ruling...

Ellias had been there for me through the good, the bad, the horrible. I knew I could always rely on him to support me whenever needed. However, he still had his own duties to attend as well.

"I'm going to Lordanelle." I breathed out into the night air a freeing feeling releasing from my chest at saying the words aloud.

Ellias was quiet for a moment. I turned to him and his face appeared conflicted as he murmured, "You don't have to go. You have a choice."

"My people need a ruler; they haven't had one for too long."

"Lordanelle is different from here Reyna."

I rolled my eyes straightening his jacket, "Don't fret Ellias I will still visit you."

He snorted in amusement, "Good. We leave tomorrow morning."

Tomorrow? So soon! I gathered my thoughts forcing a smile to my lips. The Southern Lands needed a ruler and I'd be that ruler.

"Tomorrow it is." I conceded.

He too smiled but it wasn't real. Not the smile where his eyes glowed in happiness like I'd seen before. Something was troubling him. He was worrying over something and if he refused to share such thoughts I could only imagine he feared it would endanger myself or compromise something vital.

Instead of continuing the conversation to get an answer from him I mumbled a goodnight as I passed back to my room.

Ellias stood out on the balcony for a few minutes. I watched him discreetly as I went about my nightly routine, his silhouette remained idle. As though he was absorbing something he thought he might lose forever.
My friend was troubled yet he was in no mood to share. Perhaps on the journey tomorrow I'd hear of the thoughts that plagued him?

Suddenly, as though a breeze had swept him off his feet, Ellias dipped his head to me before shadowing off.

I stared at the space my friend had taken up for a moment before settling myself amongst the covers of my bed. My hand trailed the fabric, the softness something I'd grown used to in my stay at the Ice Palace. So different from the fabrics my sister and I had faced many many years ago.

Coarse fabrics. Itchy fabrics. Dirty fabrics.

Riley made do with what she could find to keep us alive. I never complained knowing full well she always gave me the better clothes anyway.

Tomorrow we'd set out on the journey south. I clenched my fists excitement coursing through me, I'd be a good ruler. I would be the queen they needed. Everything was going to be fine.

My thoughts died away as sleep lulled my consciousness to oblivion.

I awoke screaming the vision of my mother burning still hung behind my eyelids. Sweat covered my skin and I was shivering involuntary. I closed my eyes counting my breaths hugging my knees to my chest for support.

Of all days to have a bad dream. I sighed my breaths deepening as I attempted to relax from the nightmare. From the memory. From the final moments I'd glimpsed of my mother.

Valerie barged into my room in a tangle of ash blonde hair. Her ice blue eyes saw right through me as she ran a motherly eye over my appearance.

I tried not to wince at the intensity of that gaze. The gaze of The White Wolf, the queen of the north. My guardian. "You're leaving." She spoke with no emotion wearing the cold mask she wore to meetings.

I remained silent a moment catching my breath. Watching as the mask thinned and fear shone clearly in her eyes.

I swallowed trying to not watch the stare at the morning light dancing across her diadem. "Yes, today actually."

"And you never thought to tell me?" Valerie looked hurt, her eyes glassy. She settled herself at the foot of my bed resting a hand on my knee reassuringly. I did not flinch at the coldness of that touch.

Having ice magic was hard to contain and Valerie always tried to stifle the power to be normal. Though everyone in this palace was far from normal was besides the point. Valerie had accepted me as a member of her court and raised me when Riley died. And I didn't have the decency to tell her I was leaving.

Big oops.

"I was going to tell you this morning."

Valerie rolled her eyes crossing her arms, a smile forming across her lips. "Probably when you were halfway there you would have told me. Well you better be quick about it, Kat and Ellias are downstairs waiting. Servants have packed your belongings."

"So soon?"

"This is Katrina Windsor and Ellias Nightshade we are talking about. They have no meaning of sleeping in nor morning time. I feel they want to get South as quickly as possible." She shook her head, ruffling my hair affectionately, "And do run a brush through your hair. This rate the Southerners really will think you were raised by a bunch of animals."

I laughter shook my frame as I snorted in amusement, "Of course Val."

Valerie stood pausing at the door, "I have to meet Justin before you depart.." She hesitated, "We both will miss you. You always have a home here Reyna. Always."

"Don't get all sentimental with me."

Her gaze sharpened at that, "Reyna Windsor you will be downstairs and look presentable for the journey. No buts or ifs about it young lady."

"I'm not a child." I persisted pouting at my full name leaving her lips.

She gave me a long look before nodding, "I know- I know, but you will always be my little girl. You cannot change that Reyna. I will always love you as my own pup."

I blinked back tears, my throat bobbing as I nodded. Deciding quickly to not correct her on the word pup, knowing she meant child. She was still a werewolf. Though I knew she would always be here for me when needed.

"I'll see you shortly."

Valerie dabbed at her eyes before strolling down the hall in search of her mate.

Quickly running a bath I changed into my traveling attire. My clothes bundled around my frame tightly in order to keep me warm from the northern chill. I hurried from the room clasping the dark green cloak, green being the colour of Lordanelle, as I swept through the halls snagging a brush through my hair as I went.

"She better get her ass out of bed or I'm dragging her downstairs." Kat spoke impatiently, her voice ringing through the halls where it reached my sensitive faerie ears.

I heard Ellias chuckle as I peaked my head around the corner eavesdropping intently.

Standing at the foot of the stairs stood Katrina, my aunt, wearing the same signature green cloak as myself. The only difference being her fighting attire which fit her tall lithe frame perfectly and her porcelain skin.

She shook her head in irritation sending long raven black hair to snap in Ellias' face. He paid her no mind, seeming rather relaxed for the time of day. Bearing only a midnight dark cloak and his usual black clothing lined in silver thread, he looked like a dark elf. Which for him was a good thing as he was a dark elf.

My eyes snagged to his faerie steel knives which hung off his belt on either side flashing dangerously from the firelight. Katrina had her bow strapped across her back with a quiver of arrows. The bow having knives on either end she used in tight situations where sniping was futile and allowed her to use it as a polearm.

"Let the girl rest if she needs it."

Kat sniffed, "Like you in her room last night?"

Ellias went quiet. "It's not like that Kat."

I paused in the stairwell now. Listening intently.

"Really? So you just visit her all the time, to what chat?" Kat sounded annoyed.

I peered down the stairs. Ellias was frowning, narrowing his eyes at Kat. "Actually yes. Unlike you some people enjoy my company. And some people talk like normal people."

Kat humphed jumping atop her dappled mare, "If you hurt her-"

Ellias rolled his eyes, "Trust me, if anything the courtroom is way more dangerous than little old me."

I scurried down the stairs "How so?"

Ellias' eyes widened as he whirled around. Kat grinned answering my question breezily with a wave of her hand, "Politics and drama."

"Oh I love drama!" My friend's voice bounced down the hall.

I caught sight of fiery auburn hair before being tackled in a hug. "Isn't this wonderful? It's just like we always imagined Rey! We get to go to Lordanelle. You get to rule and overlook the laws and such all while I get to protect you! We've been training for this Rey. And now after all that training in knives and stealth I get to put it to the test. I get to be your spymaster. I promise I'll do my tasks-" she caught Katrina's gaze, "diligently, Rey- Princess."

I chuckled nodding my head, "You of all people know to call me Reyna, not Princess or any fancy title."

Cora smiled against my hair whispering, "Of course, but only I get to call you Rey."

"Only you."

I pulled away from Cora seeing Valerie waiting alongside Justin. The Ice Queen of the North smiled somewhat warmly at me while her mate, Justin, the only true blooded Royal amongst us, waved idly. His sapphire eyes crackled with energy reminding me of his gift. Lightning.

The King of the North, a Royal wolf, was my family, everyone who stayed in the ice palace was my family.

Not by blood. By choice.

"You better say goodbye first Reyna." Valerie rushed embracing me in a cool hug, "don't do anything I wouldn't do."

I laughed locking eyes with Justin, "Don't be a stranger kid." He smiled, pecking my cheek affectionately. "We always welcome you here Reyna."

I scanned the remainder of the room. Tori was waving next to Liam who grinned broadly upon catching my gaze. No sign of Vivian, Valerie's fiery twin sister, nor of Eddy her vampiric mate. They must still be abroad "rediscovering themselves" as Valerie liked to put it. In reality however, Vivian just couldn't stand this part of the forest after what the previous king had done to her.

Kats white horse whinnied impatiently wanting to move out, "Two horses," Kat called, "it's quicker, you're with Ellias. Cora with me." With that she nodded to Valerie and was off.

Cora scrambled after her leaping atop the horse nearly falling off the moving animal before righting herself. She shoved her mussed hair from her face, snapping something to Kat who shrugged.

I took my time patting Ellias' ebony coloured horse on the neck lovingly. "Good boy," I murmured, stroking the creature's mane.

Ellias offered me a hand, from where he was atop the horse, which I ignored jumping up myself.

"We will be home in two days time." He spoke starting out at a canter.

I looked back at Valerie who waved, looked at the people who had taken me in and protected me. Stared at the ice palace which I had called home one last time.

I suppose Lordanelle was my home. I was born there. My mother was discovered and burned at the stake for apparent conspiracy. My father, Kat's brother, died fighting off the guards and getting my half sister and I to flee.

My father had mated a lower class faerie and the lords refused to accept it. Refused to accept me as a royal. It wasn't until much later after the queen and king of the south were murdered in their castle and Katrina was outcast was I even thought of.

I was a backup. A spare wooden wheel used only in emergencies when you had no other choice.

Me being the backup heir wouldn't make me a bad ruler. It would make me strive to be the best. I would prove them wrong.

I stifled in a shriek as a group of girls rushed towards us.

Ellias chuckled, steadying me "Ts normal. They like faeries and apparently find them fascinatingly attractive."

I snorted, shaking my head, Ellias was an attractive male. I could see why even northerners would pine for his attention. I swatted him playfully, "Cocky much?"

He tisked at me. "Some are here to see you off as well."

That got my attention. I waved gingerly at the city folk as we exited the outskirts of the northern city. Once in the forest I relaxed embracing the silence of nature instead of the bustling townsfolk and nobility. I leaned back into Ellias, who did not appear to mind, as I stared up at the white fluffy clouds overhead. Kats' horse was in the front as she scouted ahead with Cora.

"She doesn't need to scout ahead. We are probably the most dangerous things in the woods." I spoke matter of factly.

"It's a habit for her. Plus we don't have her barking orders in our ears." He grinned his breath fanning my neck.

I shivered involuntarily. "What is your land like?"

He was quiet in thought, "It is the transition between here and the warmer climate of Lordanelle. It is like this but slightly warmer. And it isn't my land yet. My father is the head of council. I'm just- I guess you could put it "heir" after him."

"You're a prince I thought."

Ellias chuckled, "People say I am. Though I am just next in line to take over the council position after my father passes. But Prince Ellias has a nice ring to it."

I laughed, "Indeed."

We traveled well into the afternoon. Kat seemed stiff and weary of everything even though Cora attempted to make conversation. Kat just wasn't interested even going so far as to tell my spymaster to shut her mouth.

Luckily Anderton was soon approaching. The small bustling trading town where we would be staying the night. We entered unbeknownst to the crowds of merchants calling out wares.

Kat tied her horse feeling around her pockets for gold outside the Inn. I watched Cora discreetly feed the horse an apple before tossing a bag of gold to Kat and waving us over.

I took the opportunity to leap off the horse wincing as my legs protested. Horseback was not my choice of travel.

"Don't worry we can rest inside. The Southern Lands aren't far from here. We'll arrive sometime before midday." Ellias informed me while tying his horse next to Kat's mare.

A warm bath and relaxation would do wonders for my aching muscles.

"Room with three beds." Kat demanded throwing a bag of gold to the innkeeper.

The man who was conversing with a young lass jumped startled. He cast his eyes at Kat catching the gold and handed her a key mumbling a room number.

Kat whisked herself up the stairs not uttering another word to either of us.

"They better have warm water for a nice bath eh Cora?" Ellias teased.

I swatted him in frustration seeing Cora glare at him. We followed after Kat and upon seeing the room groaned. It was ridiculous. Three beds were stuffed in with a door which I presumed led to a bathroom. For the amount of gold the place cost, it was a dump.

"I'm getting a drink." Ellias spoke behind me disappearing.

"Me too." I chirped as Kat surveyed the room in clear distaste.

"Do they not know who we are?" Cora frowned her hands on her hips.

"I'd say by the looks of the room no."

Cora turned to me sighing, "This is not suited for a princess or any of your statuses."

I waved my hand dismissing the idea, "One night my dear friend. I think we can manage."

Cora smiled linking arms with my own, "Well I sure am not sleeping in there without a good drink. Many drinks hopefully."

"Good drinks." I chimed in.

"And a male to keep me entertained of course." Cora giggled as I pinched her shoulder earning a punch to the arm myself.

We laughed lopping down the hall to the bar where Ellias was already seated.

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