
By princess_mousie

23.7K 577 98

Fear /fir/ noun- an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
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part 21
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part 31
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part 51
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part 61
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part 66
part 67
Social Media

part 29

336 7 1
By princess_mousie

"It's not at all hard to understand a person; it's only hard to listen without bias." ― Criss Jami

Sophie's POV

I woke up next to Cam feeling very uncomfortable. I felt my arms and realized I was in my clothes from yesterday. I got out of Cam's grip and got into the shower. I felt the warm water hit my skin. I wrapped a towel around me and opened the door slowly. Cam and Shawn were still sleeping so I ran out grabbed some clothes and changed.

"Soph, is that you?" Cam asked.

"Yea." I say and laid back in bed.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks.

"I don't know. Maybe just chill." I laugh.

"Okay. I'll get ready." He gets up and goes into the bathroom.

I grab my phone which has a giraffe case on it and go on social media. I haven't posted anything so on each site I posted a picture from yesterday.

@.Sophiethefirst: Had fun seeing New York! 😊

I started to play a game when tons of messages started showing up. I just ignored them but curiosity was awaiting me so I looked. (A/N: Just random accounts, don't know of they are real or not. And I don't want to tag anyone thats why there are periods before the username.)

@.TwerkCam: So cute!

@.JamieGrier: Wtf who is this chic?!?

@.Welovemagcon: Umm who do you think you are?

@.KayceeLove81: @.JamieGrier @.Welovemagcon shes Nash's cousin. I met her yesterday and shes super nice.

I followed Kaycee who I realized was that nice girl in Cam's line. I read more messages. Some where nice and others were hate. I honestly don't care why they hate me but I'm just going to ignore it. Shawn woke up because he liked my photo and I looked over at him.

"Morning." I say.

"Morning. Cam in the shower?" He asks and I nod.

A few minutes Cam comes out dressed and his hair is wet. Shawn goes into the bathroom next. Cam sits next to me and goes on his phone.

"Posted a picture I see." He laughs liking it.

"Yup." I say. I follow all the boys and Mahogany because I didn't do that yet. Most of them follow back so they must be up. When Shawn's done we all go to IHOP for breakfast.

We all order and just talk. Jack is sitting next to me with Cam on my other side. I started to take a sip of water and almost choked when I felt something on my thigh. I look down and its Jack's hand.

"Can you not." I sneer scooting away from him and closer to Cam.

"Whats wrong?" Cam asks and looks over at Jack.

"Nothing." I say and Cam lifts me over his legs to his other side so I was sitting next to Nash.

The waiter brings us our food. I got a kids meal which was a pancake shaped as an animal and eggs. I of course got a giraffe one. I started to eat and we all finished soon.

"What should we do?" Carter asked as we walked around outside.

"Let's go to the 9/11 memoral." I say. I always wanted to go there because the event truly got to me.

"Okay." We went to the place and walked inside.

There was a bunch of items from the towers and a burnt fire truck. I walked with Cam to the wall with the picture of those who died. I remember my mom's friend died so I tried searching for her name. I found it and stared at the picture. I never knew her but she was all my mom talked about. They were best friends in school.

"Did you know her." Cam said behind me.

"Yea." I sighed. "She was my mom's friend."

We finish the tour and go to Grand Central Station.

"Its so busy! And loud!" I scream. Cam hold on to me tightly because knowing me I'd get lost. We get on a subway back to the hotel. I held on to a pole being squished by the surrounding people.

"Well, this is fun." I say and everyone laughs. We got to our stop and we ran off before the doors closed.

I laughed into Cam as he lifted me on his back. We walked one block to the hotel and got inside pushing through fans.

"Guys there's a new club, want to go?" Matt asks.

"Yeah!" Everyone yells. I've never been to a club.

"Aren't we a little young?" I ask.

"You just have to be 16 or older." He says.

"Oh what about Hayes?" I ask.

"He can pass as 16 and so can the others who are 15." He says.

"OMG Sophie I'll pick out your outfit! You'll look perfect!" Mahogany yells grabbing me and pulling me into her room.

"Calm down!" I say as she pushes me into a chair.

"I can't I just love to design things and do make-up." She squealed. "Close your eyes and let me work my magic." I do as I am told and I feel different brushes pat my face.

I feel my hair being tugged and smelt... Burning? I don't know what she's doing but it better not ruin me.

"Okay put this on but don't look in a mirror yet." She says and I slip on the golden tulle dress and walk out of the bathroom.

"Can I look now?" I ask.

"Yep, go ahead." She says and I look in the mirror. Is this me? I looked gorgous!

My hair was curled a little with a golden crown. My makeup was beautiful! Mahogany handed me a clutch and some heals.

"Thank you!" I shouted hugging her.

"No problem, but you need to wait for me now." She smiled. I watched as her did her make up. She came out with a dress and we were ready to go. Cam texted me they were at the front so we walked there.

Cameron's POV

I heard laughing behind us and figured it was them. I turned around and I swear I though I saw an angel. Sophie looked like a goddess. I was amazed at her beauty.

"Hey Cam." She smiled walking over to me.

"Sophie, you look amazing. Goddess like!" I said.

"Why thank you." She blushed.

We started to walk to the club.


Club going up on a... Thursday??? 😂😂 Lol because today's Thursday... Not funny? Okay

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