[DISCONTINUED!] I'm scared...

By KacchanTheDuck

47.6K 1K 785

Katsuki Bakugou in here, is completely different than in the actual anime. ☜︎︎︎☯︎•••☯︎☞︎︎︎ In here he is ca... More



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By KacchanTheDuck

Bakugou's pov.:

My happiness faded when I heard those questions... 'Why you had stopped to eat?' 'What caused you to do that?'... I didn't knew what to say. I didn't want to tell the truth but at the same time I wanted him to know. I started crying. My tears were falling like a big waterfall. I was cared of answering. I was scared of the respond form Kirishima.. I basically was scared about everything right now..

My, my, my.. What do we have here? A little shitty crybaby! You can't even hide something like that from everyone! Like, how are you so stupid?! I can't..! I just can't stand the fuckinh dumbness of yours!!!

I tried to calm down. I tried the hardest to but I just couldn't. The tought of running away to the bathroom cutting was spinning around my mind. I looked Eijiro deep in his eyes. I saw the worry and kindness in them. I couldn't stand anything and I quickly pulled him into a hug. I knew I seemed weak. I knew it was super childish. But at this moment I didn't care. I tought that The Red Head was going to push me off of him but instead, he hugged me back and like usual, he started rubbing circles on my back. I was thankful that he did that..

After I calmed down a little I decided to tell him the truth about me not eating...

What are you frickin' thinking about?! You're hella fucking dumb! Yes, tell him the truth! Tell him how weak you are. Tell him how everyone hates you!! Well?! What are you waiting for?!

After hearing the voices I just gulped loudly and tried to speak "I-I don't e-eat becau-". Only a few words came out of my mouth before I run off. I couldn't stand the tought of just telling him everything... I'm so dumb to think to tell him everything! I only knew him for like one lesson..! I'm so manipulative... I ran as fast as I can happily finding a bathroom without much looking for it. It was a little difficult because my sight was blurry. And that happened because of my tears. I checked if anyone was here and happily no one was.

I went to the one of the stalls and quickly locked it. I sat on the closed toilet and got my little razor. I took of my blazer and pulled up the sleeve of my shirt. I uncovered the bandages and debated with myself for a while whether to do it or not.

Oh come on! We both know everyone wants that, you little fuck up! Go on! Do as many as you can, but don't die right now.. To much people will be suspecting something or will be looking for you. Do it after school. But now, don't go ease on yourself you weakling!!!

I smiled a little with my empty, emotionless dull eyes and touched my skin with the sharp and cold blade. Then I just drawn some perfectly straight lines on my fore arm. I started counting... The counting I did, were the insults that I could come up with now...







Waste of space.


Worthless brat.








After a while it reached to 20 cuts. It made me feel a little better. It was nice to get, what I deserve to get for just being... I shouldn't really ever be born... I was just tearing up for another few minutes till I heard someone opening the door to the bathroom. I quickly wiped my tears and shut up. I covered my mouth with my hand... I got anxious when I heard the similar voice...


"Kacchan, are you here...~" I knew this devilish accent from him. He always sounded like this when he was going to beat me, make fun of me or anything else that was harming me. I just kept being quiet and hoped that Eijiro came after me... I was hoping so hard...

Kirishima's pov.:

When I asked Bakugou those questions he looked scared, nervous and anxious... I was thinking why... When he started talking I was hoping that he would tell me everything, but he didn't... He just ran off...

I was really... Hm.. Sad? No.. Disappointed..? No... I didn't know... The feeling that was inside my heart now, I couldn't describe. It was to complicated... But I knew something was wrong... He looked too nervous, too... Scared...

I felt like I needed to go after him. It was this feeling, when you forget to get the spoon out the bowl when you put it in the microwave. You felt like you forgot something, like something bad will happen... I felt that so hard at that moment... I needed to go... To run after Katsuki.

I fought with this weird feeling for a minute, but it was too strong... I quickly got up. My lunch feel off the bench I placed it on. I didn't care about that, or that I got a bruise on my hand while getting off the bench. The only thing that I cared about was... Bakugou...

I opened the door and ran down the stairs. I turned to the right and then I realized that I don't know where he went... I stood with my back against the wall and thought hard. There was this word on the back of my head, but I just couldn't get it out... I stood for a minute or two longer... I heard some girl with annoying, high pitched voice saying some words. The only word that I remembered was 'bathroom'...

There was this thing that I tought so hard about. He on 100 percent was in the bathroom's. I quickly ran down the next stairs and got on the way to the toilets. I saw some green thing. I knew what... Who was that... It was this little green ugly piece of broccoli... Izuku...

Bakugou's pov.:

I keeped every sound I would do in that moment inside myself. I was scared. I didn't want to be near him again, but he was in my school... Maybe, only school would be alright, but... He was in my class...

I didn't know what to do now... I waited and waited for Kirishima... He didn't show up for a minute... I slowly lost any hope... I heard Deku open the stalls one by one... I was in the last one... I tought for a while, I had my quirk but... I didn't want to harm anyone... Even him...

But there was a sound... A voice, that was someone's that I knew... No, two voices..! It was Kirishima and Shinsou! I started to calm down.

Shinsou's pov.:

I was going to class because I got a little tired of the lack of people in the cafeteria. When I was walking calmly I saw Eijiro running with a scared, mad and kind..(?) Expression... I yelled to get him out of his mind "Hey, Kiri! What's wrong?". He stopped. He probably would fall if I didn't catch him. He quickly said a bunch of words, but I understood perfectly... "Bakugou, Bathroom, Izuku, Bad, Dangerous, Blood, Bruised."...

I figured out what was abou to happen...

Kirishima's pov.:

When I was running to the bathroom I was deep in my mind. I was thinking about every option and every picture that I could see between Katsuki and Midoriya... But then I heard Hitoshi calling my name and asking. I couldn't think much so I got out a bunch of words that I tought about first.

I saw that The Purple Haired Boy understood everything so we ran to the bathroom. I was the first to get inside. Shinsou barely cathed up with me. I loudly yelled "You fucker!!!" In my voice was this much madness that Hitoshi and Midoriya looked at me with a slight confused expression.

Then the other one beside me said a little bit calmer "Stop whatever you were about to do!". I jumped on The Green One and pinched him against the floor. I ponched him in his gut and got up. I kindly and warmly said "Bakugou... It's me, Kirishima...". I heard the last stall unlocking I locked at it and saw some blonde spikes. I smiled warmly. That was one of my most happiest and kindest smiles ever...

Bakugou's pov.:

I calmed down, but I remembered that I still have to cover my arms. Before I heard someone falling I found bandages and got them perfectly on my arm. I got my blazer on and when I heard Eijiro's calm voice I slowly got out the stall I was in. When I got out I saw his perfect and big smile. That left a warm feeling in my heart...

I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them I saw Kirishima with his arms wrapped around me and Shinsou slightly patting my back. I started to tear up, but it wasn't that bad...

I hugged Eijiro back. It was a really warm hug... My arms ached but I didn't care. I stood more pain... When I felt The Red Head take my hand into his and rubbing it slightly my lips formed into the smallest smile that was possible, but when Kirishima backed up a little he smiled more happily...

I was happy, that he realized my little, barely not appearing smile. But in the back of my head was still the option, that he could ask me the same question like earlier, on the roof... I tried to not care abou that, it worked... Well... Partly...

Kirishima's pov.:

When I saw Katsuki's little smile I got more happy. It was... Filling me with happines. I took him in the haug that calmed him the most. I laid his head on my chest and calmed my breath that was fast because of the run and the anger that I felt towards this Green Shit.

I looked at Hitoshi and he looked happy as well. Under his tired expression I saw happines and kindness. After few minutes I heard Midoriya mumbling something. I turned my head to him and gave him my most dangerous 'Death Glare'. He run like a scared chicken. I started laughing, Shinsou chuckled a bit and Katsuki just kept his little smile. It was enough to make me very happy.

Sadly, good moments ends the fastest. I heard the loud and annoying bell which meant that we have to get to class. I quietly said "Come on, we don't want to be late. Do we?" I smiled kindly and opened the door. I took Katsuki's hand again and leaded him to the class. The three of us went in a silence, but a comfortable one.

After a short walk we were inside the classroom. Bakugou sat first in his seat. I sat beside him on mine and Shinsou went to his seat at the back of the class. I smiled at the both boys and turned to the ball of the yellow material which was our teacher. After everyone got into the class Aizawa-Sensei started teaching.

Bakugou's pov.:

Like always... Those warm and calming hugs ends the fastest... But now, there's finally a fine reason. We just have to go to class. I actually wanted to go there, to get my mind off of things... Maybe try to do this, but I hope I would focus on the lesson.

When we left the bathroom I felt that Kirishima is holding my hand. I looked at our hands which looked like paired after a long time puzzles which were perfectly fitted for each other... It was going around my mind for the whole walk. It was... Soothing and nice feeling that went through my whole body.

After a short time we were inside the classroom. I went to my seat and when I saw Eijiro's smile I knew that I'm safe right now. I finally have someone, who will save me...

The lesson started. I was focused hart for the half of it. After some time I looked outside the window that was happily right beside me. I looked at those beautiful trees, the kids playing at the playground, parents... Parents which looked for them, which cared for them...

I started to get really upset, but then my attention went to the little leaf that was falling down along with the wind... It was calming... The bad emotions went away and I just focused on the leaf...

I didn't realize that Shoto, who was behind me, was calling my name quietly. I looked at him and my brow went up. He nodded his head to the board. Then, I saw that we have to write everything that the teacher wrote on it. I nodded to Todoroki which meant 'Thank you' and started fastly writing the words.

Even tought I was the last one to start writing, I was one of the firsts students that ended writing. I rested my back on the chair and looked at the window again. The leaves were gone. So I turned again to the board. I locked at the clock. It was ticking quietly. That was the next thing that was calming me.

I heard the bell. I looked slowly around the class and saw everyone moving. Except Eijiro. He looked at me and smiled. He looked like he was waiting for me. He sat waiting for everyone to get out and when he saw Aizawa walking out he asked him something. The teacher nodded and gave Kirishima the keys. Then The Red Head came to me and sat on the chair. He looked at me with a straight look.

And then the words that I wanted to hear the least...

"So... I want to continue our conversation that we had on the roof... I'm worried about you..."

To be continued

A/N: 2330 words. Hey... I'm sorry that I didn't write any chapter in a long time... I had really big problems in my life... I'm not trying to get some pity or anything, I'm just trying to explain myself... But, here I am, with the next long chapter. It was really nice to write this. It was nice... Oh, and I'm really happy to see, that there's over 1000 views! I'm really thankful..! Well, I don't know what to write more... That's all. Bye! ❤

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