Breaking Free (Black Cousins)

By patax144

249 4 0

The Black cousins Andromeda and Sirius were born with their lives set up for them, both members of the House... More

Part 1
Play date
Pure Christmas
One year later
New friends and Sorting madness
A New Home
Full Moon night of horrors
Perfect Couples
New year, new friends
Valentine's Day
Map and Mandrake
A joke gone too far
Ready, Set, Go!
Malfoy Manor
To Infinity and Beyond
Secret Agents and Spies
Friendship and darkness
Stupid Christmas
O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts
Secret Wedding
Let's be friends
Old Wounds
Truth, Justice and The Wizarding Way
A Moment of Love
Follow Your Heart
Light and Darkness
Battle At The Ministry
Star Love
False God
Part 2
Meeting Harry Potter
Harry on the Ceiling

Out in the full moonlight

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By patax144

The second year for Sirius was fantastic, he had amazing friends specially James Potter, he was doing great on his classes specially Astronomy and Defense Against The Dark Arts, Professor Rutter had started a dueling club, and both he and James were great at it, James liked to practice with that Snape kid and beat him, while Sirus tended to practice with Remus or Peter, but Sirius liked the theoretical part of the class too he tended to read in advance of classes, maybe Remus read more than him when it came to classes but he wasn't far behind, Peter wasn't really that bright, but he liked to be with them it gave him confidence, and it was fun to be around him too.

One day he was reading a third year DADA book during the summer, reading his school books was the best way to spend time in his family's house when he stumbled upon the text about Werewolves in page 394, the processes of turning into a werewolf were quite horrific and the symptoms were strange and somehow made him think of Remus, how he was sick every month or so, then he thought of that camping night, how they have heard some thing and while they all thought it was just the whomping willow, Sirius could make another shape in his head, humanoid, not so big, but not human at all, that night they didn't talk to Remus when they got back. His friend had these scars, he told them they came from an accident, but Sirius couldn't help but to think, Remus could be a werewolf and he was who they heard that night while they were camping. He would have to wait till school to find out what was really happening.


Back for his third year was interesting, Sirius's mother had asked him to accompany his brother on the train ride, he didn't dislike his brother, they actually got along when they were kids, but Regulus was a lot like their father, he was what their parents wanted Sirius to be and he knew Reg knew it too. Their train ride together was quiet and Sirius couldn't wait to get to school to talk to his friends, but before Regulus went with the other first years to the boats, Sirius wished him good luck and that he was still his brother if he needed his help any day.

"So, you had to share the train with your little brother huh" James said

"well, I still care about my brother even if he can be as annoying as the rest of my family" Sirius answered

"that is nice of you Black" said Remus


Sirius wanted to confront Remus about the Lycanthrophy thing but couldn't find the right moment to bring it up, he had to wait, a couple of months later he had forgotten about it, with all the good pranks and games but then James proposed another moonlight camping night and Remus went pale.

"What is wrong with you Lupin, you're afraid of the creatures of the forest like Pettigrew? last time you weren't feeling well but what is up with you" James asked

"I just think is a great risk, if anyone found out what we were up to, that's all, and also, we've grown quite a bit in a year and a half don't you think James? we probably won't fit into your invisibility cloak" Remus said

"we will add an extra hiding spell I've been studying those all holidays" James replied

"I still don't think is a good idea, you said you were almost smacked by the tree last time, right Sirius" Remus said

"but it was definitely fun and I think it wasn't just the tree, I thought I saw something that night, like a monster or a person I am not sure" Sirius said as Remus's face went whiter.

"I think Remus is scared of the monsters out there" James said as Peter behind him laughed a little.

"Really because he is not Peter and he got sorted into Griffindor and he has been brave before, all of the creatures we study in DADA, he loves that class even if it's thought by a different teacher every year, and last month he got sick also around the full moon, I was reading in advance in the summer for DADA, and I don't think Remus is afraid of the monsters, I think he is afraid because he is the monster, James, he is not afraid he would get hurt he doesn't want us to get hurt " Sirius replied

"What are you talking about Sirius? Remus is not a monster, he is just being a coward" James said

"Sirius is right, I'm not afraid of being out there, I'm afraid of being with you out there" Remus said

"w..what?" Peter said

"when I was 5 my dad pissed off a werewolf during a talk at the ministry, and he took it out on me, he attacked me in his wolf form and the next full moon I turned, it was a terrible experience, lucky for my family I still kept my magic intact, I was still a wizard, they send me to school and arranged with the teachers so I could sneak out every full moon to the shrieking shack so that I wouldn't hurt anybody" Remus said crying

"Oh, I'm so sorry Remus I had no idea... I" James said

"It's ok if you don't want to hang out around me anymore, now that you know I'm a monster, a freak" Remus said.

"of course not silly we're your friends" Sirius said

"I think it's actually cool, maybe we could see you transform" James said

"I don't think that is a good idea, James, the transformation is quite painful and I can't control my actions while transformed" Remus answered

"so sad, I wish there was a way we could be with you so you didn't have to go through this alone" Sirius said

"maybe there is a way" James said after thinking for a bit

"what way?" Peter asked still confused by the whole situation

"we could turn into animagi, if we're animals he wouldn't hurt us" James said

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