Football Love ✔

By persehades

215K 4.8K 348

Hayden Rose hasn't had much luck with the girls. He's good looking, dark brown hair and dark green eyes. It's... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two Dani's POV
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five Dani's POV
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven Dani's POV
Chapter Twelve Dani's POV
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen Dani's POV
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty Dani's POV
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two Walker's POV
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four Dani's POV
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Nineteen

3.2K 98 1
By persehades

"That girl.." he starts quietly, I raise an eyebrow waiting for him to continue. "Is your girlfriend Danielle White."
I glance outside my window to see it raining heavily. I couldn't forget what my dad told me, I had a girlfriend, a gorgeous girlfriend at that. I had been kept at the hospital for about a week, they were running tests on me. Apparently you could lose some of your memory when you were dehydrated, like me being in a coma for three days. The doctors said that it's rare to lose memory of one person, more so someone really important to you but they said it should just be an effect that'll dissolve soon hopefully. Yeah there's that word, hopefully. Maybe. The game was in three and a half weeks, I hadn't trained in over two weeks. I had to get back on that field, but no one thought I was well enough to go out there. I sigh as I stare out the window, the rain was making me feel a little depressed. I couldn't get that girl out of my head, her long dark hair, her warm and caring brown eyes. I sigh again as I push myself off the chair and away from the window. I wish I could remember her, remember the moments we had together.
"Honey, are you alright?" my mum asks as she pokes her head around my door. Oh yeah, and my parents didn't exactly trust me with my door closed, so it was open 24/7.
"I'm great mum," I answer, facing her. Mum nods her head, giving me a small smile, her kind eyes.
"Well I'm taking Destiny to the mall to shop for her formal dress. Did you want to come or stay here?" she asks me. I shook my head, she sighs but nods her head. "Did you at least need or want anything?" she asks me. Again I shake my head, no.
"Well if you need me, I'm only a call away ok," she says, I nod my head. "Felix is in his room and your fathers been called into work, so it's just you two. Be good, I love you," she says blowing me a kiss.
"I love you too mum," I say giving her my smile, she smiles back as she leaves. Felix hasn't spoken to me sense I yelled his head off, I guess I don't blame him there. I missed my brother, he hasn't talked lately either or smiled or laugh. I guess it was about time I apologized to him, it was long over due. I get out of my seat and head over across the hall, I was about to knock when I saw that the door was already open a bit.
"Why do I have to be me?" I hear him ask someone. I freeze, and listen.
"I only cause everyone trouble. No one loves me, sure my sister and my parents but I miss Hayden. I want to talk to him again, prank everyone and laugh. I don't exactly know what's wrong with him but I want my brother back, the one that I need back..." I close my eyes as I listen to his little speech. "And Dani, she's so upset. Why can't my family be happy, and Hayden gets his memory back of her..." I couldn't hear anymore of this, it was making me sad and guilty. I take a breathe and open the door wide. A smile make it's way onto my face as I see Felix sitting on his bed with our prank notepad.
"What you doing buddy?" I ask him, Felix looks up surprised to see me.
"Hayden?" he says still surprised. "What do you want?" he asks a little angrily as he slams the book shut and glares at me. I slowly come into the room, one step at a time until I'm in front of him.
"I'm so sorry bud, for everything. I know that I was mean, rude, a jerk, and everything else to you that night. I was upset and angry, but it still doesn't give me the right to yell at you," so far so good, he was still letting me talk so I continue. "I'm so sorry, I've been so wrapped up in myself that I've completely drowned you and everyone out. I guess I've been having a pretty tough time. But I miss you so much, so do you forgive me?" I watch as Felix takes this all in. Then finally, his glare softens and he jumps into my arms, crashing me.
"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" I ask him, he laughs as his hold tightens around me.
"Yes, you're forgiven," he says smiling up at me. I glance over at our book, with him so attached to me, I walk over to the bed rather weirdly and sit down opening the book.
"Oh my gosh, this was a funny prank," I say pointing to a picture of Destiny with her feet in her shoes. Her face expression, filled with disgust and surprised was funny.
"And smelly," adds Felix covering his noise, I laugh. It was good to laugh and have fun again, have Felix with me again.
"Oh oh, what about that one," he says pointing to the other side of the page.
"Very soapy, new fashion," I say, Felix couldn't contain his laughter.
"What about this one?" I ask him once I had skipped a few pages.
"Colorful," he says smiling and laughing. I joined him. Destiny was covered in feathers, all different colors, very colorful indeed. We both sat there like that for over an hour, the book in front of us. We were currently laughing at Destiny wearing a bright brown top that was once white when we heard someone enter the room.
"About time you two made up," Destiny comments smiling at the both of us.
"Yeah," I say.
"What you guys looking at?" she asks trying to get a peek of the book.
"Oh nothing," says Felix, closing the book and putting it behind his back quickly.
"Uh huh," she says in disbelief, raising her eyebrows at the both of us.
"Honey, are you going to show them your dress that you got," mum asks stepping into the room a big smile on her face. as she sees Felix and me on the bed. "Oh goody, you've apologized and made up," she says happily. Felix and I both roll our eyes, and the girls laugh.
"Ok ok, I'll go and put it on," Destiny says grabbing the pale pink bag from mum and rushing into my bathroom.
"Hey that's my bathroom," Felix complains but he was laughing.
"Ops my bad," Destiny says innocently, then she shuts the door.
"I've missed your laugh baby," mum says giving me hug, I hug her back.
"I'm sorry mum," I say softly, I feel her nod her head.
"I know darling, I know," she says as she pulls back and hugs Felix as well. My mother was a hugger if you couldn't tell, her hugs were special though. They just made you happy and warm.
"Hayden," I hear my sister huff angrily from the bathroom.
"Yeah?" I call back.
"Can you uh help me please," I glance at my mother who shoos me to the door.
"Go," she says just as Destiny opens the door and I walk in.
"Oh my god," I say staring at my baby sister.
"Oh dear, do I have something on my face?" she asks, I shake my head. "Oh no," she complains throwing her arms in the air. "The dress doesn't suit or look good on me, is that it?" she says sadly.
"Destiny just stop," I say laughing as she calms herself down.
"You look gorgeous," I say, and really she did. The dress was a champagne chiffon embellished one shoulder empire waist prom dress, at least that's what she told me. It suited her slim, curvy figure perfectly, she looked amazing.
"Really?" she asks smiling shyly at me, I nod my head. My little sister was growing up fast. "Could you help me with the back?" she asks, I nod my head. Destiny turns around and holds her long red locks up out of the way, while I zipped the dress up.
"There you go," I say smiling as she looks at herself in the mirror.
"Thanks Hayden," she says hugging me tightly, I smile as I hug her back.
"For what?" I ask her, I should be the one thanking her. Her grey eyes look up at me, and she smiles.
"For being my brother," she says, I smile.
"Go out and show it off," I tell her after she had let me go. I open the door for her and she walks out, I close the door behind us.
"Oh wow," says Felix blinking at our sister.
"That's perfect on you darling," mum says smiling as Destiny pretends she's on the red carpet.
"Baby?" we look up to see dad standing in the doorway, shocked.
"Hey daddy," Destiny says innocently, giving him a shy smile as she stands in the middle of Felix's room.
"Honey, you look..." he trails off looking at his only daughter. "Beautiful," he says. Destiny smiles as she runs into our fathers open arms.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The whole family ended up watching a movie and playing board games for the rest of the afternoon. It was fun and we hadn't done anything like this in quite a while.
"Mum, the pizza guy is here," shouts Felix from the kitchen.
"Alright honey, I'm coming," she says grabbing the money off the bench.
"Hello," we hear her say as she opens the door and greets the delivery person.
"Well I'm going to go and grab some cups and plates," Destiny says jumping up. "And don't you two go cheating and hijacking the bank money alright," she states looking from me to dad. We both raise our hands in the air.
"We promise we won't," we say smiling, Destiny sighs as she heads to the kitchen. I laugh, don't worry I'm not a cheater, I don't steal money from the bank usually.
"Hayden, I need to tell you something..." dad says quietly suddenly. I stop messing with my car piece and look up at my father.
"What is it?" I ask him, he was worrying me.
"Well the police haven't found anything at the college, in your room or here. Your friends at the college have also helped you by speaking up. The person that told them has apparently gone quiet and so they've decided to let you back on the field," he informs me. I smile, yes I'm back on the field but then I glance at dad, he wasn't smiling.
"There's something else, isn't there?" I ask him, he nods his head.
"PIZZA!" cries Felix loudly coming back in the room, closely followed by mum and Destiny. My dad looks down at the floor. I frown, it must be pretty bad or something.
"What's wrong?" mum asks us frowning slightly.
"Oh uh nothing, let's eat," dad says grabbing a slice of pizza. We all dig in hungrily, this was good.
It was after dinner, when my dad found me in the study. I was going through photos on the family computer when someone placed their hand on my shoulder.
"I'm guessing it's some bad news," I say quietly as I continue to flick through the photos.
"Yeah..." dad says softly, he sighs as he sits down in the spare chair. I wait for the news, all you could hear was me clicking the mouse.
Click. Click. Click.
"The match has been moved forward," he says. Looking across at me, he's watching for my response.
"When?" I ask, but really I also wanted to ask why.
"In two weeks," he says quietly. I stop clicking and turn to face him.
"Two weeks," I echo him loudly. "I won't be ready in two weeks dad," I say angrily.
"Don't worry about it son. You'll be back at college in two days, and you can begin training again," he tells me trying to calm me down.
"I'm not supposed to be pushing my body dad, unless I want another episode of hydration again," I sigh. Running my fingers through my hair in frustration. This had Damian and Drake written all over it, I just knew it.
"Well then don't push your body, just take it easy," he says. "And anyway it doesn't matter if you lose the game, it's just about having fun and doing what you love." I look over at him and try not to yell at him, he didn't know why I had to win this. No one did except me, Walker, Damian and Drake.
"I uh.. have to go dad, I'm tired," I say getting up. I look down at the screen to see our last family photo, we all were happy and smiling.
"Get some rest, we'll take later," dad says also getting up. I nod my head and walk out, heading upstairs and into my room. I was so angry and frustrated right now, I felt like punching something but I don't. Just. Instead I go over and grab my laptop, turning it on and waiting for it to load up. I quickly change into a pair of track pants, and lay on my bed, resting the laptop on me. My screen lights up, showing me a picture. I forgot I hadn't been on here for a while. I sigh as I see that my background was a picture of me and the gorgeous girl from the hospital. I think her name was Danielle but people called her Dani. We were laying on the sand at some beach, my hand was wrapped around her and she was smiling up at me.
"You make me smile to much," she says giggling softly.
"Oh do I now," I ask her bringing my face closer to hers.
"Yes..." she says very quietly as she looks up at me, her eyes wide. She's so cute when I make her shy and blush.
"I love you Dani," I say softly, looking down at her in my arms. Dani blinks, and pushes herself away from me a little bit so she could see me a little better.
"You.. what?" she asks shocked and surprised. I smile as I kiss her.
"I love you Danielle," I tell her again.
"You.. do?" she says blushing. I laugh as I kiss her forehead.
"Yes I really do, and it's ok if it's to early for you to say it back or anything..." she stops me as she kisses me.
"I love you too Hayden."
I open my eyes shocked, I didn't even know I had close them. Was that a memory of us, was I beginning to remember things. I look at my laptop to see that it was 11:56pm nearly midnight. I yearn as I turn my laptop off and place it on my side table.
"Dani..." I whisper to my room quietly. "I want to remember you, I want to remember us..." I trail off as my eyelids begin to grow heavy. "I miss you..." I mumble just as I fall into a deep peaceful sleep.
* * *
~ Important Authors Note at the bottom ~
I'm so sorry I haven't updated guys, I knew I told you I was going to update but I was packed with stuff lately. Anyway though, another chapter down. What do you guys think of the story? please I'd love to hear what you guys think =] the next chapter will be in Dani's POV, it'll be right after she left the hospital and for the week Hayden was in there. If you guys have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. Plus I'm also sorry if there's heaps of mistakes, I haven't had time to go through and fix them all so just ignore if you see the mistakes in all these chapters actually all my stories hehe :P
Comment on who you'd like the next POV to be on.
~ Sam
~ Damian
~ Drake
~ Casey
~ Walker
Or anyone else in the story, it could even me one of the Rose's; example Felix =)
Don't forget to comment, follow, share and vote. I promise I'll update either a little later today or tomorrow some time. Bye for now everyone :D
~ Memories are special moments that tell our story ⭐️~
Amy xxx

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