Pokémon Sword and Shield: Anm...

By AnimeLoverMurillo

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Bella has no recollection of her memories but when she woke up she was covered in bruises and held onto a Roc... More

Bella's Info
Chapter 1 ~ The Forgotten
Chapter 2 ~ A New Journey
Chapter 4 ~ The Gym Challenge Begins
Chapter 5 ~ Young Milo Had a Farm
Chapter 6 ~ First Battle, Bella Style
Chapter 7 ~ Ahoy Matey
Chapter 8~ Battling Fire with Fire: Part 1
Chapter 9 ~ Battling Fire with Fire: Part 2
Chapter 10 ~ Ultra Beast Unleashed
Chapter 11 ~ Recovering The Memories
Chapter 12 ~ Reborn Bella
Chapter 13 ~ Bump in the Night
Chapter 14 ~ Rise of Bella and Scorch
Chapter 15 ~ Gym Leader Audition - Part 1
Chapter 16 ~ Gym Leader Audition - Part 2
Chapter 17 ~ Ice and Rock Don't Get Along
Chapter 18 ~ Will Darkness Prevails?
Chapter 19 ~ Battling the Darkness
Chapter 20 ~ Dragon Tamer vs The Quartet Knights - Part 1
Chapter 21 ~ Dragon Tamer vs The Quartet Knights - Part 2
Chapter 22 ~ Semifinals Gala
Chapter 23 ~ Semifinals and Search for Leon
Chapter 24 ~ Champion Cup
Chapter 25 ~ Eternatus Rises
Chapter 26 ~ Zacian and Zamazenta
Chapter 27 - Sword vs Shield
Chapter 28 - Wedding Battle

Chapter 3 ~ First Catch in Galar, Bella Style

1.5K 15 1
By AnimeLoverMurillo

Narrator's P.O.V

Our heroes arrived at the Southern Wild area where many Pokémon wander around, with Bella still no recollection of all of her memories, it's up to Victor, Hop, Gloria, and Valarie to help Bella recover from whatever tragedy had happened to Bella as their new journey begins

Bella's P.O.V

When we arrived we looked around and saw our surroundings even the Pokémon around us were even amazing, there were a few I've seen before but only a few I never seen in my entire life.

Valarie: alright kids, huddle up. Today's Pokémon lesson, is to capture Pokémon to join your team. Victor, Gloria, you two will need to capture at least 4 new Pokémon to add to your team. Since Hop has 3 already he's only going to catch two and Bella has two Pokémon it's only fair she catch three Pokémon, remember, there are Pokémon that are ten times stronger than your average Pokémon, don't go after stronger ones until you know you're ready. We'll meet up at the East Lake Axewell, you'll have 3 hours to capture your Pokémon, I think that should be enough time for you to build up your team
Hop: I'm gonna need more than three hours Val
Victor: you sure we can handle this?
Valarie: sure I'm sure, to make sure you kids are safe I'm going to pair you with four of my Pokémon [takes out four poke balls] Lilo! Winter! Zora! Lou! Come on out!!

Incineroar, Glaceon, Zorua, and Lucario appeared in front of us and greeted us in a politely manner.

Valarie: now then, Lou and Zora will stick with Bella and Hop. Glaceon and Incineroar will stick with Victor and Gloria. I bid you kids good luck, you're gonna need it

Lou and Zora followed me and Hop as we journey to start building our team together, I only have Ruth and Scorch so I need to have at least three Pokémon by 3 hours. But where am I going to find a Pokémon at this rate?

[Grass Rustling]

Hop: Bella! You hear that?
Bella: is that a Pokémon?
Hop: yeah, get ready

We both watch the grass rustling a lot more until finally a Pokémon jumped out and it was a squirrel-like Pokemon. It is greyish-brown in color, with a large fluffy tail, which is dark-greyish-brown at the top. It has a light-greyish-brown underbelly, and the color extends to its mouth and parts of its cheeks. Its cheeks are stuffed with berries. It has two orange freckles underneath each eye and an orange nose. Its ears are similar in color with its tail.

Hop: wow! It's a Skwovet!!
Bella: a Skwovet?
Rotom: allow me! Bzzzzz... Skwovet, the cheeky Pokémon. It eats berries nonstop—a habit that has made it more resilient than it looks. It'll show up on farms, searching for yet more berries. Bzzzz
Hop: yes, this is my chance

I stood away and watch Hop battle the Skwovet, when all of the sudden, I hear a Pokémon cry from the distance, I looked back at Hop, but didn't want to disturb him during his battle so I got Zora to come along with me, we both wandered deep into the wild area until we spotted a orange-maroon fox-like Pokémon with a slender body and a large head relative to its body size. It has long, black ears, white spots on its head that resemble eyebrows, and small dots around its eyes that gives the appearance of tears and mask-like markings around its yellow eyes. It also has tufts of furs on both sides of its head. It has a white belly and chest, its feet are black, and its tail is long with a black tip resembling a sack.

Bella: Rotom, what is it?!
Rotom: Nickit, the Fox Pokemon, a dark type. Cunning and cautious, this Pokémon survives by stealing food from others. It erases its tracks with swipes of its tail as it makes off with its plunder
Bella: a thief, he seems to be trying to protect his stolen plunder but those Murkrow are attacking him. I have to save him [runs]
Rotom: Bella no!! It's too dangerous!!!

I didn't listened to Rotom and Zora's pleadings, instead I went after the Nickit and protected him from Murkrow, before they could do anything, we somehow got teleported somewhere else. Usually anyone would say it would be "Bad Timing" but unfortunately it was "Bad Teleportation" when he teleport me and Nickit on the lake, we both fell into the water.

Valarie's P.O.V

Valarie: [look at the timer] 1 hour left, I wonder if Bella has caught a Pokémon by now
Hop: VALARIE!!!!!!!
Valarie: huh? Hop?! Where's Bella?!
Hop: I don't know! I was trying to capture a Skwovet but it got away, when I turned around, she was gone
Valarie: gone? Where could she've run off to?
Gloria: VALARIE!!!
Valarie: [Eye Wide] I HAVE TO GO SAVE HER [Take out her Rider Page] Sharp!!! I NEED YOU NOW!!!

My Sharpedo appeared and my clothes change to my swimwear where I jumped into the air and hopped onto Sharp as he swam faster to Bella's location, I spotted Zora and he was running all the way to where Bella was holding onto a Pokémon with all her life.

Valarie: LET'S GO SHARP!!!! FULL SPEED!!!!

Sharp went full speed and managed to get closer to Bella, as I got hold of her backpack and pulled her up as she sat behind me. Before we could fall to our death, Sharp did a sharp U turn and went full speed again to reach to shore. The kids were cheering, and I hopped off of Sharp and helped Bella out as well, she was sitting on the ground coughing up so much water that Hop helped her out by patting her back.

Hop: you okay, Bella?
Bella: yeah but [cough] [cough] Nickit is hurt, he needs to go to the Pokémon Center, now!
Valarie: I'm afraid we won't be able to Bella, the sun is setting and at this timing, we'll never make it
Bella: but we have to, if we don't Nickit won't make it
Valarie: how about this, You and I can treat his wounds, I'm a certified doctor and I can help him. We'll camp out here today and we'll go to Motostoke Gym to sign you three up to the Gym Challenge. How does that sound?
Gloria: do we have a choice?
Valarie: it's that or this will be Nickit's last breath
Victor: I think we should camp out
Hop: yeah
Gloria: I agree
Bella: [eyes soften] okay
Valarie: alright, then it's settled. Tomorrow we'll sign you kids up early in the morning, the due date is in the afternoon, if we don't make it, then you won't be able to participate in the Gym Challenge. Boys, you'll set up the tents
Boys: [groan] no fair~
Gloria: haha! In your face Victor, you get the hard part~
Valarie: while Gloria goes out and gets some Berries and Wood for the fire
Gloria: huh?!
Victor: haha! Look who has to carry the hard part, good luck little sis
Gloria: we were both born the same day! Come on Scorbunny, we'll find some berries while these two workers work on our tents
Scorbunny: Scor!!!
Valarie: Bella and I will be over here tending Nickit's injuries, call me if you need me
Victor: fine, but we don't need any help, won't we Hop?
Hop: yeah, we can handle this

While Hop and Victor tend to making our tents, my mind went back to focusing on Nickit, I was surprised that it was a Fox Pokemon, but it was also a thief. But never the less, I have to save him. With Bella's help, I was able to tend to his injuries and heal him up, he wasn't looking too good but I figured since it steals food, he would probably be hungry. Gloria came back with wood and berries, she also came back with a new Pokémon as part of her team wich happens to be a Purrlion and a Minccino.

Gloria: hey guys, I caught a Minccino and a Purrlion
Hop: what?! Lucky
Victor: Wait! That doesn't count, right?!
Valarie: well, before Bella and Nickit were in danger, you guys had an hour left, right now you have at least 45 minutes left to capture a Pokémon, so~ it counts as a good catch
Hop: awwww!!! I need to find a Pokémon, fast!!!
Valarie: lucky for you two, we're near tall grass, so I suggest you get your Pokémon ready and start capturing a Pokémon
Victor: right! Come on Hop, we don't got all day
Hop: you said it, mate. Let's get going!!
Valarie: Rocky, Lou. Go with Victor and Hop to make sure no stronger Pokémon go near them. Stay within Lycanroc distance

The two boys went to go try to capture a Pokémon with Rocky and Lou following them while Gloria helped me make Sweet Apple Curry, Bella changed into her pajamas while she let her clothes get dried out, she decided to feed Nickit with some Pokémon food that he would like and watch as he eats a little of it, but then starts to gobble it up. I smiled and started cooking the curry, I then watched as Bella gently pet Nickit as he eats away the food. The boys came back and Hop had no luck while Victor was able to catch a Zigzagoon and a Pidove.

Hop: awww, I'm having rotten luck. Maybe if I catch that Nickit, I can finally get a Pokémon
Gloria/Victor/Bella: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


Valarie: how dare you Hop try to capture a Pokémon that is badly injured, I know we're suppose to capture them off guard but capturing it while it's injured is unacceptable
Hop: huh? You're probably right, I'm sorry
Valarie: the curry is almost done, why don't you all settle down and allow your Pokémon to roam around, I'm sure they feel very uncomfortable in their pokeballs that they're itching to come out
Hop: you're right! Come on out Wooloo, Grookey, and Rookidee!!
Victor: Sobble, come on out!
Bella: Scorch, Ruth, Cosmo, you come out too!

All the pokémon appeared out of their poke balls and smiled, they all went to play with each other while Bella's Rockruff and Scorbunny went to play with the others too. As soon as the curry was ready, everyone gathered around and ate their portions of the curry, however I noticed Victor and Hop going for seconds without asking me, I tossed my boomerang Kiawe made me and threw it at them. They both got wack in the back of their heads as the boomerang came back and I caught it with ease.

Valarie: now you two know that you can't get seconds without asking me for an approval
Victor/Hop: we're sorry, can we have seconds, please?
Valarie: alright, bottoms up [hands them their seconds]
Victor/Hop: thank you!
Bella: Valarie look, Nickit is feeling better now, he wants some curry too
Valarie: alright then, here you go

I placed a plate down for Nickit and watch him taste it first then finally gobble it up in seconds, he loved it so much that he practically stand on his tippy toes while moving his front paws up and down as if he was begging me for seconds. It was all too cute.

[Narrator: Just like this ^]

I gave him seconds and he gobbled it up, then he saw Ruth wasn't able to get seconds because we were all out of curry. Nickit pushed the plate to Ruth and let him have the rest of his curry. Ruth barked happily and gobbled up a little of the curry and decided to share with Nickit. They both barked happily and finished the curry while Gloria, Hop, and Victor change into their pajamas.

Hop: I'm sorry Val, me and Bella didn't get a chance to catch a Pokémon
Valarie: oh it's alright Hop, your Pokémon are a perfect team, even if you didn't get two new ones, I'm sure next time you'll find them
Hop: thanks
Victor: [yawn] I'm calling in for the night
Valarie: I think that's wise of you kid, all of you rest up and get ready, we need to be there by dawn tomorrow, or else you kids won't be able to participate in the challenge
Hop: but what about the Nickit?
Valarie: well, Nickit is going to have to come with us, after you guys are enrolled, I'll take Nickit to the Pokémon Center where Nurse Joy will take care of him
Bella: okay, come on Nickit, you can stay with Gloria and I. You too Ruth, Scorch, Scorbunny, and Cosmo
Ruth [Rockruff]: ruff!!
Cosmo [Cosmog]: [giggles]
Scorch [Scorbunny]/Scorbunny: scor!!
Hop: awwwww I was hoping you could-

I tossed my boomerang once again at Hop causing him to roll into his tent and crash in there, I looked at Victor and he scurried into his tent and zipped it closed. Bella made a place for Nickit to sleep while Ruth insisted on staying next to Nickit. Everyone went to sleep and I entered my tent for the night with Rocky being the pillow she always is when I caught her, like a mom protecting her child. In this case a Pokémon protecting her trainer.

No One's P.O.V

While everyone is fast asleep, the little Nickit woke up, thinking it would be a perfect time to steal, but before he could he realized that if he did what good would that do. He thought about how they all treated him and how Bella took care of him, fed him, and even let him sleep in a comfortable place which made him feel something in his heart. He looked back at Bella and realized she saved his life, so it's best to say he owes her a favor. He carefully rummage through Bella's backpack until he found what he was looking for, he pressed the button and allowed himself to get captured, the poke ball squirmed three times until finally it made a click sound which woke up Bella and Gloria.

Bella: huh? What was that?
Gloria: [yawn] who knows, hey! Where's Nickit?!
Bella: Nickit!!! NICKIT!!! [runs out of the tent] NICKIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!
Gloria: Bella wait!
Valarie: Gloria? Bella? What's wrong?
Gloria: it's Nickit, he's gone
Valarie: gone? He couldn't have been gone. Victor!! Hop!!! Wake up!!!

[Victor and Hop's Tent Door Open]

Hop: what's wrong?
Valarie: Nickit is gone, we need to search for him, before he gets even more injured. We'll split up in a group of three. Victor and Gloria will search in Rolling Field, Bella and Hop will search in North Lake Miloch, I'll stick around here to see if he's near East Lake Axewell. Lilo, Lou, you two go with Victor and Gloria, Winter and Rocky will stick with me, Zora and Miku will go with Hop and Bella. Remember, stay away from very strong Pokémon, understand?
Hop/Victor/Gloria/Bella: Right!

Everyone scattered and went searching for Nickit, however Ruth noticed something near Bella's back, he sniffed where Nickit was sleeping and sniffed around some more until he spotted the Poke ball, he clicked the button and out appeared Nickit. Ruth barked at Nickit asking why it was in a poke ball, he explained to Ruth that at first he wanted to leave but he decided to stay with Bella as his way of thanking her for saving him. Ruth understood but before they could speak more, they hear a loud shriek coming from North Lake Miloch. Ruth and Nickit acted fast and ran all the way until they spotted Hop and Bella, they were both facing a Orbeetle. A powerful Pokémon, that Hop's Pokémon couldn't easily defeat. But before the Pokémon could harm Hop and Bella, Nickit and Ruth used Quick Attack and striked at the Orbeetle at the same time, Nickit and Ruth stood their ground and fought hard against the Orbeetle, until Nickit decided to use Beat Up, they both fought the Orbeetle until it decided to run away injured. Nickit huffed and almost collapsed but was aided by Ruth and Miku.

Bella: Ruth! Nickit!! Oh you two [hugs both Rockruff and Nickit] I'm so glad you came to save us
Hop: man, where did Nickit came from? Was he following us the whole time?
Bella: I forgot! Ruth can find Nickit with his excellent nose. He must've found Nickit and brought him to us
Ruth [Rockruff]: Ruff!!
Bella: and you Nickit, I was so worried about you [tear up] I thought maybe they would return and try to harm you even more, or worst that you were [sobs] [sobs] that you were gone forever [sobs] [sobs]

Nickit felt bad for making Bella cry, so instead he came up to Bella's cheeks and licked her tears away. He looked at Bella and wanted her to know that he wanted to become a part of her team, but before he could show her that he allowed himself to get capture. Victor and Gloria came yelling, asking if they found Nickit. To their surprise they saw Bella with Nickit, they were all glad that Nickit was okay, so they head back to tell Valarie the good news, after that, Bella changed the bandages and everyone went to sleep. But Nickit wasn't comfortable where he was sleeping so he decided to sleep next to Bella where he and her could sleep happily.

Early Morning

[Insert Morning Music] [Above]

Everyone was so calmly asleep that Rocky was the first to wake up, when she noticed it was about to turn dawn. She realized that Valarie said something about being at Motostoke Gym by dawn, she howled to wake up everyone from their slumber. At first Valarie was about to yell at Rocky for waking her up, but then she realized what they had to do.

Valarie: THE GYM CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bella, Victor, Hop, and Gloria woke up, watching as Valarie struggles in putting her tent away while trying to fix her hair like a scared Wimpod.

Hop: Val, why are you so worried all of the sudden? It's too early~
Hop/Victor/Gloria: [Eyes Wide] THE GYM CHALLENGE!!!!!!

The kids scurried and started packing as fast as they could with the help of Valarie's Pokémon, they completed in putting their tent away and started running to Motostoke Stadium.

Valarie: Three minutes left for last sign up!!
Hop: we have to make it!
Gloria: we're not gonna make it!
Hop: we have to make it!
Gloria: we're not gonna make it!
Hop: we're gonna make it!! Look!
Victor: the lift!!
Hop: come on!!

They all hopped onto the lift as it takes them up to where the Stadium is, and ran as fast as their legs can take them, until finally they reached to their destination, with a minute to spare. They all tried to catch their breath until Hop was jumping with joy.

Hop: that [huff] was intense! [huff] [huff] Let's do that again!
Victor/Gloria: NO!!!!
Valarie: let's just sign you three up
Hop: oh yeah, let's sign up

They all walked up to the desk except for Kaori who insisted that she stayed behind to keep Nickit company, but they came across a boy about their age. He had fluffy platinum blonde hair, deep magenta eyes with luscious lashes. As the boy headed towards the exit, he bumped his shoulder into Hop causing him to almost stumble, luckily he stood his ground and glared at the boy.

Hop: seriously? What a piece of work...
Valarie: now Hop, calm down. I know he meant to do it, but you need to relax, we need to register you three, okay?
Hop:... yeah I guess
Gloria: yeah, it's not like he's already talking to Bella right now
Hop: right he isn't talking to Bell- WAIT WHAT?!

Bella's P.O.V

I was petting Nickit while I waited for everyone to register, when all of the sudden, somebody grabbed my wrist and pulled me up into their arms and I saw a boy about me and my friends age with platinum blonde hair and beautiful Magenta eyes that can really hypnotize a girl. I was a blushing mess, because our faces were close to each other.

Blonde Boy: well hello there beautiful, what's your name?
Bella: M-M-My name... I-I-Is Bella
Blonde Boy: ah Bella, it would make sense because of your beauty
Bella: oh! Ummmm.... Thank you
Blonde Boy: you can thank me by-

He was cutoff when someone pulled me back and wrapped one arm around my shoulder while the other held my left hand, I looked back and saw Hop with a smirk on his face.

Hop: Sorry mate, but this girl is taken
Bella: taken?! S-Since when?!
Hop: since now
Blonde Boy: hmph, I'll see you later beautiful, here's my league card [hands Bella a league card] you'll watch me when I reach to the Champion Cup. Right?
Bella: o-of course [take his league card]
Blonde Boy: [walks away] Arrivederci

[Narrator: I know he doesn't speak Italian but in this story let's say he can]

Hop: [puff his cheeks] did he just call you something mean?!
Bella: no Hop, it means goodbye in Italian
Gloria: when did he learned how to speak in Italian?
Victor: who knows, but he has a thing for Bella, he didn't even bother to give us his league card
Valarie: alright kids, you're registered, so now we can go to the Pokémon Center so that you kids can stock up for Potions and anything else you need for your Pokémon. Bella and I will take care of Nickit, we'll take him to Nurse Joy
Hop: you sure?
Valarie: sure I'm sure. After this, you kids can spend a couple of hours looking around Motostoke or go shopping
Gloria: [eyes sparkle] I'm going to shop till I drop!
Hop: I wonder if there are any trainers to battle with
Valarie: alright alright, let's get going. We don't have to worry about rushing to get a hotel room, I already reserved the presidential suite for all of us
Hop: sweet! We get to be in the Presidential Suite!!

Everyone left to do whatever they needed to do while me and Valarie went to go take Nico to the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy took Nickit and got help from Chansey, Nickit was completely healed but they insisted that Nickit should stay just to make sure everything is alright. I didn't want to leave Nickit but I knew he would want to be free and in the wild, I gave Nickit one of my homemade Pokémon cookies that were shaped of a poke ball. I kissed his forehead and left, Valarie rubbed my back knowing I was upset and didn't want to let him go, but had to, I just know he would be happy to be free and happy.

No One's P.O.V

Back at the Pokémon Center, Nickit looked at the cookie Bella left, he gobbled the cookie and ran out of the Pokémon Center undetected, and went searching for Bella. When he saw Bella walking with Valarie, Hop, Victor, and Gloria. He saw Ruth sticking his head out of the backpack with the Pokeball Nickit was in and tossed it in the air while Nickit ran and entered into his Poké Ball.

Valarie: huh? What was that?
Hop: did somebody caught a Pokémon?
Little girl: mommy look, daddy caught me a Minccino!
Mom: that's great sweetie

They all looked by the bridge and saw a little girl with a Minccino.

Valarie: oh, it was just a little girl, huh? Hey a poke ball
Bella: oh! It must've fallen out of my backpack. Ruth, be careful, I can't lose anymore poke balls [grabs the Poke Ball]
Valarie: alright kids, let's get going. Let's look around Motostoke while we're here
Hop: alright
Gloria: let's go!!

Narrator's P.O.V

With our heroes arriving at Motostoke, they get prepped for their journey as their Gym Challenge will start soon, who knows what kind of opponent they'll be facing during the Gym Challenge, as their journey continues.

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