The Rejected Hybrid #Wattys20...

By liltinybabygirl4

47.6K 1.9K 228

Lauren was the pack omega and was the pack punching bag. She was bullied by the whole pack. She had alpha bl... More

part One
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Runaway Part 1
The runaway Part 2
Meet You
No freaking way
Meet New People
Along The Way
Back To Back
Journey To The Past
Their's Shocked Faces!
All My Fault
Catch Me Outside Then!
Author's Note!
The Prophecy
A Dream? Or Reality?

Innocence Is For The Weak!

144 7 2
By liltinybabygirl4

*H-Hey, Long time no see guys! I am so disappointed with myself for leaving you all on a cliff-hanger. I personally hate been left on a cliff-hanger, and I know some of you all also don't like it either. SO I PROMISE to update frequently, with this whole stay home drill. Just to let you guys know there will be a lot of POV changes in this chapter, so you have been warned. So to make it up to you guys this will be a long chapter and I, Me the Author, Promise to release TWO OR THREE CHAPTERS Today or Tomorrow for leaving you all on cliff-hangers. So without further adieu, Let Get Reading!*

Previously On The Rejected Hybrid

"You my child are my daughter, I created you to be the beacon of hope for this nation of species. I knew this day would happen, it going just according the prophecy." she said.

"See my child, you are indeed my blood, for I speak the truth." The prophecy, is decades old, bring forth justice and equality. The prophecy speak of a child who will over come many obstacles in it life, from being rejected by their mate, escaping to join another pack, become stronger, meeting their secondary chance mate, training to be the queen of all supernaturals, stop the 'Infinity War Zone', and have pups to ensure that the prophecy will be repeated."

"I had this really weird dream, and everything just seems to foggy," I said lying. I remember everything that happen. He seems to buy that story. "Well the nurse said your going to have to stay the night to make sure you don't have another dizzy spell," he said. "Oh okay," I said. Well that gives me time to think.

Who am I really, and what is this prophecy I just heard of?

Chapter 18 - Lauren's POV

Have you ever wondered who could change the way one thinks? Or how someone you thought could be so innocent could betray you? Life has many ways of make jokes out of the positivity in peoples lives. I know your confused to what going on so let just go back three weeks ago, to explain what happen.

Three Weeks ago

"Oh My Gosh, why do I have to run with these pathetic wolves I'm the Luna for Pete sake." Said Tiffany, the main complainer when we train. "Not by choice" Someone in the crowd said, it took all of me to not laugh. "Look Ashley, Nicole, Gabby, shoot whatever your name is, if you don't want to do these training drill then your free to leave." I said emotionless, waiting on some slick remark that she's going to reply with. "Thank you peasant, this is sooo bad for my legs and makeup." She said emphasizing the o in so. As she get ready to walk off, I noticed the other pack and my pack looking shocked, on how I just let this girl free from training, however; I had everything under control. As she started walking I decided to pull a "little" prank. And by little I mean a big prank. As she began walking off, I use my elemental powers, to make the ground under her start moving slow so she wouldn't feel anything. I also made some vines wrap around her legs. As she tried to enter the pack house, I put enough force to pull her back, making her land onto the ground with a loud thump. "Argghh" She said letting out a grunt. As she tries to get up, I made some water balls (Bubbles) from a near by water fountain, and place them over her head. As she begins to get up, I made the water land on her head. Oh did I mention that it was freezing cold water. So that hard make-up she so desperately wanted to keep was totally ruined. "OH MY GOSH! what is going on?," She said all scared like. At this point, I'm rolling on the floor, bursting out laughing. " Oh so you think this is funny, huh peasant." she said looking at me. "No, I think it hilarious, isn't that why someone laughs, HUH?" I said grinning like a fool. "I'm going to kill you," she said running at me. I dodge, kicking her feet from under her. She lands on the ground, but she quickly gets up. "Sooo Ms. Rejected thinks she some badass now, well... newsflash, you just the same trash from years ago." She said while punching me in the stomach. I arch my back down the block the blow. Her words hit, making lose control.

"Let me handle it Lauren," Someone said in my mind.

Who was that? Before I could even ask, I black out.

Unknown POV

"So, Bringing up not so fond memories, to get a rise out of us." I said. "W-w-who are you," Tiffany said. "Oh you want to be scared now, well honey that ain't how this works." I said. "Well let me tell you one thing, you messed with the right one." "You might of had the right idea, but the wrong bitch." I said running towards her and punching her like it was no tomorrow. "Lauren that is enough," Dylan said trying to pick me up. "If you know what good for you Dylan was it, I would move," I said turning to face. He seen my eyes change from different colors, knowing that Lauren wasn't in control anymore. "Who are you." Dylan said still trying to pull me off of Tiffany. "Let just say someone who doesn't take this human bullshit anymore." I said. "Well now that I'm done with this bi-girl, I'm just going to go now, it was fun while it lasted." I said before bowing. Well let me give Lauren her body back.

Lauren POV

When I finally got back to my senses, there were many people gathered around me. "Lauren?" Dylan said while holding me. "Umm, yeah? why wouldn't you think it was me?" I said while trying to stand up. "Well, you just were out of control, your eyes were changing colors, and you had a different voice." Dylan said. Oh I remember someone spoke to me in my mind, and then I blank out. I wonder who was that, whatever, let worry about the complainer. "So where is Tiffany?" I said wondering so I could finish fighting her. "You don't remember, You punched her unconscious, there was blood everywhere girl." Nia said. Wow, who ever that was is a mother-freaking beast. "Oh." I said while dismissing everyone from train. I can't even focus anymore. "Hey Ms. Lauren how are you today." Asked this very adorable girl named Tayiah. Tayiah (Tae-ah) was a fourteen girl who was abandon by her family. She is not in my pack, but I want to add her to it. "Hi Tayiah, I'm doing great today how are you." I said. "I'm okay, but I want to show you something later on today." She said grinning. It was her birthday tomorrow, but I was spending time with Nia, so I decided to spend the entire day with her today. "Of course, well I'm going to go change but after that I'm all yours" I said. She grinned and then ran away. "Your so nice to kids, can't wait to have some with you." Dylan said. "Boy Bye" I said blushing running up the stairs. All you could hear is his laughing. But for some reason, there was something off about this girl. I'm going to be caution around her. I go upstairs and took a shower, to get all the blood and junk off of me. I relaxed in the shower, think about how my life changed, well for the better. I got out and put on a coral blue ripped jeans with a black crop top, and some white vans, just something simple.

Tayiah and me went to the mall and did some shopping, also some shipping with are favorite couples. So far, she doesn't seem sketchy, that good. "Hey Lauren, can I show the thing now?" she said. "Sure," I said grinning, even though I was still skeptical. We made our way out of the mall, and towards the woods. Already getting mental prepare for some type of problem. "This is a secret okay, no one can know," she said grinning. "Dylan," I said trying to get in contact with him. "Yeah?" He replied seconds later. " I'm in the woods behind the mall, with Tayiah, I need you to ask some random pack members about her, there is something off about her." I said. "Why are you in the woods though?" He said, but I told him to go ask first and I would fill him in later. Some time had gone by as we just walked through the forest, and Dylan had mind linked me back. "LAUREN GET AWAY FROM HER NOW!" He yelled in my head. "What's wrong." I asked. "She not apart of the pack, she just snuck in and took the identity of some girl." He said. I turn around and played it off as though I was thinking. "So where are we going Tayiah." I said, while gathering energy for my elements. "I know you know who I am, stop playing stupid, I taking you to these hunters." She said. "Why are you doing this for." I said. It not like she taking me against my will, I could easily hurt her and the hunters, and make it back home, but I just want to know why. "Because they have my parents and brother, they said that if I bring you they will let them go unharmed." she said while crying. So that the reason, I guess I'll help her. But I didn't notice her sneak up behind me and stick me with a syringe. I blank out for the second time today.

*Two Hours Later*

I woke up with a banging headache. Glancing around, I noticed that I was in a cell, with wolf-bane laced on them. They didn't hurt but nobody knows that, expect for Dylan and Nia. I have to act like it hurts. "So your finally awake, well aren't you a good-looking girl, I wouldn't mind saving you instead of killing you." A man came into the room, he was a white man with tattoos laced all over his body. Well from what I can see. He was nice- looking but I Dylan is better. "what do you want from me," I said hissing at the cuffs. "Well all I want from you is to end the werewolf race that about it," he said coming closer to the cell bars. "Okay...but what that have to do with me..." I said still confused. "Well from what I heard your somewhat important to those two packs that lives in this territory, well that what Tayiah said at least." He said thinking. So that little girl is basically a snitch. Well snitches get stitches, but that little girl's are going to be worst. "Well I'm going to go bring you some food, I'll be right back," he said heading out the room. I easily got of the cuffs, but just held my hands behind my back. Just then Tayiah walked into the room. "Just so you know I didn't want to drag you into this but he wanted someone of status, and you were the only one who would actually speak to me." She said sitting on one of the boxes in the room. I didn't even respond to her. She came close to the cell bars, this was the only chance to get out. " Just so you know innocence is for the weak, and preyed on by the strong," she said getting in my face. I wrapped my hands around her neck, applying just enough pressure to just knock her out. I use just enough wind pressure to slice the bars and got out. I ran knocking out guards on the way out. I seen the many that was in the room when I woke up. "So you escape, surprisingly I kind of expect you to," he said putting down the plate of food in his hand. Dang it looked good too. Anyway.. he ran towards me with a knife that looked like it was coated in wolf-bane. Haven't you learn that wolf-bane hasn't worked yet. He stabbed me, but the wound just healed up. "What! I thought all wolves were deadly allergic to wolf-bane!" He said shocked. "Surprised? I'm not like other wolves, I'm a badass wolf." I said kicking the knife out of his hand and putting him in a chokehold. He then pass out, I mind linked Dylan and told him where I was and waited for him to come. I also tied up them so none of them escaped. Today has been a long day.
*Boom! There is another chapter! I appreciate all the support for my incomplete story. Thanks for those who voted and even add it to their library. I will continue to try to update all my books for you to enjoy during this whole pandemic. I know we all need something to take our minds off of it. Anyway I see you all later with another chapter. Bye 👋🏾🥰🥰*

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