Go To Sleep!//Grumbo//

By Sorbit_in_Orbit

1.8K 97 220

Ok, so I got bored, made story. It's about Grian and him not sleeping cuz he has nightmares about his dad and... More

Why the fuck did I make this
Chapter 2
Chaper tree
Capter fer
chapiticker fievea
6th chap
chapjryeiakahisn svem
ruzifzogzoztirIrOztif,if,f,ih d8&*5*84¶√%¶√%×√%ו58*59* 8
(insert randomness here) 10
I made a thing also a chapter 11
not a chapter
I made a gacha skit
ight back to the story 12
something random 13
it's 14:00
the last 15

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\______________________ 9

103 6 21
By Sorbit_in_Orbit

Don't have much to say, other then did you like how I actually spaced stuff out? I feel proud with myself. ok here bad stray (ps these have intentionally bad grammar when it's there)


I woke up in Mumbo's bed. Why? Did he put me here? I walk out of his room and over to where he had some couches and chairs. I guess it's the living room, and that's what I'm gonna call it.

What I saw there was my suitcase and stuff the couch with Mumbo sitting on the chair next to it. He saw me and waved.

"H-hi Mumbo."

"Hey Grian. Did you enjoy your nap?"

"Is that what it's called? Well, I guess so." No stutters, yes!

"That's good. Come on, sit down, you're making me nervous." I don't know why it makes him nervous but whatever. I go over to the couch and sit on it.

"I-i like your couch." Ugh what's that?!

"It's nice, but I like the person sitting on it." Wait wait wait wait wait, EXCUSE ME WHAT THE FUCK? H-he, likes me? Or is he just saying that?

He must of noticed my confused look.

"Oh shit I said that out loud didn't I?"


"Eh, oh well. You hungry?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Ok, I'll be right back." Her got up and walked over to where I assume he has a kitchen, mainly because of the fridge, counters, and other kitchen stuff. He went to the fridge, got a bag with a sandwich in it, and threw it over to me. I actually felt kinda proud with myself for catching it.


"No problem. I made 2, but I ate one already while you were sleeping." He said, sitting back down.

I got the sandwich out and started eating it. "Well, you have to eat too."

"Yeah, I guess so..." Ok, there's something up with him, isn't there?

"Hey, are you ok? You seem kinda, sad."

"Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

I swallowed a bite of sandwich. "Why wouldn't I worry about you? You're my only actual friend." He blushed a bit at that. Not gonna lie, kinda cute.

"Oh, well, um, you're the one to be worrying about! You aren't sleeping right, and I made you cry! I shouldn't be able to do that so easily."

I finished the sandwich. "Well, i-i guess not..."

"No, I just shouldn't. I should've known about your mom. We've known each other for 5 years, [according to this story, probably not right] if I don't know that, then am I really a good friend?"

"I-its not your fault you didn't know. It's my fault for not telling you." It's also my fault she's dead. Really, if I didn't exist, she'd be alive.

"Still, I should've guessed. It's actually very obvious now that I think about it."

"W-was it? Oh, that was w-what I was trying to avoid..."

"Hey, do you wanna talk about something else?" Huh? Does he care about my feelings?

"Um, yeah."

Did not expect what happened, even though I probably should've by now.

Mumbo got up, picked me up, sat down again, and held me. Very tightly, I must add. Almost hurt to be honest.

"There, we can talk about this. Convince me to let you go." I mean, I kinda like being held like this, so no.

"What time is it?"

"What? Why would you want to know that?"

"I'm supposed to sleep at night, right?"

"Yeah, but it's only 8:30."

"Oh, well then we can just stay here cuz I like it when you pick me up." Shit, I said that out loud, didn't I?

Mumbo, though, got really red. I wonder why.

Mumbo's POV

WHAT?!?!?! HE LIKES BEING PICKED UP?! Since when?! Oh well, this is very useful information! Oh, I can just imagine him in a wedding dress with me holding him, oh, he'll be so cute!!

"B-but, um, c-can you h-hold me a bit l-looser? Y-you're squishing meh." Damnit, didn't mean that.

"Sorry." I loosened my grip a bit.



Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Again? Oh, it better not be Iskall. I swear, I'd kill him if Grian wasn't here.

I stand up, still holding Grian. We have such a hight difference, his feet are like, half a foot in the air.

We get to the door, and goddamnit it's fuckboi Iskall.

"Hey Mu- what are you doing?"

"I'm holding Grian, what does it look like?"

"I can see that, but, why? And how did you get him to agree?" He leaned forward and had his face closer to my Grian. He seemed uncomfortable by this. I stepped away.

"He didn't get me to agree, he grabbed me and I didn't resist. N-now, leave me alone!" Iskall lifted his head and glared at us.

"You heard him, leave us alone. He's here for a reason that doesn't involve you."

"Ugh, fine. I was just gonna check up on him." He left after that. Grian closed the door since my hands were full.

We sat down on the couch.

"Heh, I never thought I'd stand up to him like that." I knew what he meant, but I have to play along, otherwise he'll know I read his diary.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, um, y-you wouldn't want to know, t-trust me. He's just an asshole."

"And what makes you think that? You do realize I can hear you even if you whisper, right?"

"Oh, no, I forgot. Well, Iskall has, um, kidnapped me a bunch of times, and every time, he'd basically torture me. Sometimes it's make out sessions, I hate those the most. Sometimes he just hits me a bunch, those times are... bearable. And sometimes he makes me watch as he does a thing I'm very good at... completely wrong. So that's why I think he's an asshole." He's had my Grian MORE THEN ONCE?!?! HE'S DEAD. We're killing him NOW.

I think my eyes went red.



"Would you mind helping me murder Iskall?"

"W-what?! You can't just kill him because he kidnapped me a couple times!" Oh, yes I can.

"I'm gonna kill him wether you help me or not."

"No! I won't let you!" He tried getting out of my arms. I won't let him of course, but it's cute to see him try.


"Because... k-killing him i-is wrong."

"Why is that?"

"B-because i-it's wrong t-to kill people."

"But he was wrong to to what he did to you! I think it's perfectly justified."

"But, it happened to me! It's not like I matter to anyone on this server!" Boi wut

"Dude, hold on, time out."


"Close your eyes."


"Just do it."

"Fine. They're closed."

"What do you see?"

"What kind of a question is that?!"

"Humor me."

"Ugh, I see nothing."

"That's what I feel without you, but there's also a bunch of sadness."

He opened his eyes again. "Yeah right, you're just saying that." Why doesn't he get it?!

I stood up, turned him around, and held him with my arms straight out. He tried to get out of my grip again.

"Grian. Before I met you, I was depressed as fuck. I felt that my life had absolutely not purpose. I was very close to commiting suicide. Actually, on the night I was gonna do it, I saw one of your videos. Ok? You saved my life. I would not be here if you were not. I cannot exist without you. So I feel awful when something bad happens to you. So to see what Iskall did, for me, it made me feel horrible. I felt like I failed you, by not being there to protect you. Ok? Do you get it now?" He was crying again. I need to stop doing that to him.

"I-im sorry Mumbo, I-i didn't know y-you cared th-that much. I-i'm a h-horrid friend, a-arent I?"

I pulled him in closer to hug him. "No, no, you're the bestest friend I've ever had! Why don't you get that?"

"I'm stupid."

"No. You are not stupid. Now come on, let's go kill Iskall."

"Ok, but we need to make it look like an accident." I put him down.

"Ok, what else?"

"Well, we can't actually kill him ourselves, otherwise it'll show up in the notifications on everyone's phones." [Aka chat]

"Right, right. So we wait until he's asleep, then we throw him off a cliff, right?"

"No no no! We put him hanging on the edge of the cliff. Then he won't be killed by us necessarily. And that will count as killing himself, and he'll die forever!"

"You know a lot about this, huh?"

"Yeah, it's actually quite fascinating. Now let's go."

3 hours later

Ok, I have Iskall slung over my shoulder, fast asleep, with Grian following me up a cliff. This took forever, but should be worth it.

We get to the edge. I position Iskall so it looks like he's hanging on to the edge. Then we walk away.

Once we get back home, I grab Grian, go to my bed, and try to go to sleep. But Grian is refusing.

"Mumbo, I can't sleep in this! I've been wearing it for too long!"

"Well too bad."

"Just give me like, five minutes and I'll have pajamas and I'll go to sleep. Ok? Five minutes."

"Fine..." I let him go and he goes and gets some of his clothes. True to his word, he came back in five minutes wearing pretty normal red pajamas.

"See? 5 minutes."

"Whatever, come here." He walks over to the bed where I promptly grab him and give him hugs and go to sleep once I make sure he does.

In the morning
Grian's POV

I woke up in Mumbo's bed being held in his arms. He really does care about me. Maybe it's about time that I should tell him I like him... Maybe...

Anyways, he's still asleep. Oh, did I mention he walks and talks in his sleep? Yeah, I got taken for a ride before he finally settled down. He just wouldn't put me down!

But the thing is, he kept saying that I was cute. I guess he doesn't know he sleep talks. But, like, I'm not cute. [Me and Mumbo would beg to differ.]

My mind went back to the letter that Corl gave me in my dream. Was it real? Did Mumbo actually make that? Or was it just a Corl prank? Maybe I'll ask Mumbo. I don't know.

After a while, Mumbo does wake up.

"Good morning my Grian!" My Grian?

"G-good morning Mumbo."

He got up, still holding me. "So, did you sleep good?"

"Y-yeah, but you sleepwalked us halfway around your base! And you kept calling me cute."

"Oh, sorry. Should we check if Iskall died?"

"Probably. Can you put me down, I can't feel my feet."

"Okay..." He put me down. It took a while to get used to standing again. Once I was, I went over to the couch and grabbed my phone. There was a thing about Iskall.

We are very sorry to inform you that Iskall has taken his own life by jumping off a cliff. He unfortunately will not respawn, as he did it to himself. His body is at (insert random coordinates here). The day is sad, but hopefully no one else will follow his lead. Thank you, the chat people.

"Mumbo, he died!"

"Good!" He came out of the kitchen with two bowls of cereal and handed one to me.

"Eat." I did as I was told and sat down and ate the cereal. Once I was done with that, Mumbo picked me up again and we went about the day just doing stuff.


That's where I'm leaving it, hope you enjoyed, and hopefully you didn't like Iskall. But probably should've done someone else, shouldn't've I? Shouldn't've. Is that a word? Idk. Anyways, have a nice day, don't go outside, stay safe, stay warm, and play video games. Bye!!

Final word count: 2047

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