Transcendent Thirst

By YOLOwriting101

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"What I was going to say was selfish..." He mumbled. I edge closer to him until my hand slowly cradled his ch... More

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1.7K 105 70
By YOLOwriting101

I pressed a kiss to Achille's lips, holding him gently against me. To be able to hold him to me was peaceful and calming. Especially with Aurelie laying on both of our laps on her elephant pillow.

I pull away from Achille when he suddenly moans, and I look down at Aurelie. Had to make sure she didn't bite me again.

Because every time I do something that is loving or just kissing with Achille, she tries to bite me. Which I think is the cutest thing since it doesn't hurt. Just this thing she does that is so cute.

"Don't be too obvious or she'll snip me again." I tell Darius, and he snickers.

"Isn't she cute? She's only been alive for a week and has already made her place known. She has much more power over us both than we think." Achille murmured gently, resting his head onto my shoulder. "Ah...I don't even have the desire to drink blood. It's almost as if having her altered something within me. I don't crave it - barely."

I press my lips to his cheek, and lean back in the bed. Nodding to his words.

"It was nice of Norris to put this bed up out here. Even though it's a little...different and in the middle nowhere. It's very relaxing - so peaceful." I sigh in relaxation, wrapping my arm around Achille's shoulder.

"Yeah. Even though it was at random. I think he wanted to give us a place to be alone. Just us three." Achille tells me, and looks up at me. "Was there ever a thought of you having another child with me?"

I felt the largest smile grow on my face, and I couldn't help but nod.

"Of course! That would be amazing. I honestly would not mind having ten kids with you. Just that big of a exciting..." I gush out of nowhere, and Achille just stared at me in shock.

"That's quite strenuous. If we were to do that...that means I'd have to get pregnant every three months. So that once the baby is born, we can wait a month for me to pregnant again." Achille practically has a chill go down his spine as he picks up Aurelie.

Cradling her to his chest, I just watch how happy he was. His happiness was my happiness most definitely. How I could just bring him into my arms and hug him so tight.

"Je t'aime." I murmur to him, and he looks at me.

"I love you more..." Achille says, and he lays Aurelie on her pillow. Except he moves it a little bit away from us. That's when I see him begin to straddle me, my hands gripping his waist gently. "I love you more and more and more..."

He told me over and over, feeling like I was under a trance again. My hands moving to feel his face again. Running my fingers down his cheek as his skin was cool, but a comfortable cool. Let my thumb run over his lips and he kissed it.

That's when I lean towards him and we both capture one another's lips. Kissing quite desperately as if we haven't kissed in forever. Except the need and desire felt different.

As we kissed his fingers went into my hair and held on tightly. My hands only tightening on his waist as I brought him closer to me. My hands only traveled up the back of his shirt, my fingers grazing his skin.

We both couldn't stop kissing, at least I couldn't. I wanted to kiss him all over his body and let him feel good. Being near him and inhaling his sweet scent drove my senses haywire.

All I wanted to do was hold Achille. Making love with him and never have it end. Until I felt Achille begin to kiss slowly down my neck. Shocking me that he was doing such a thing, but I wasn't against it.

I chuckle when he begins to nip at my skin almost like Aurelie. But he was more clever about it and it felt good, much better. Especially when he'd nip me only to gently kiss the spot.

Couldn't help but lean against a pillow, sighing in content at how good I felt. Wanted to offer Achille pleasure, but I don't mind this at all. Could even feel his body mold against mine and I brought him closer towards me.

Felt him rise up and off my lap right onto his knees, feeling him grab the back of my head and pull it back. The both of us making eye contact as I saw his lustful expression. His eyes a dark crimson as he bit his lip, practically turning me on - I'm not going to lie.

I felt like I was being drawn in, and he was making me his prey. Which at the moment I thought was alright with me. Especially when I saw his fangs appear and he continued to look at me seductively.

"Achille...are you with me?" I ask softly, and he nods.

"Of course...I just never realized how much I want you right now...all of you." He murmured as he pressed a kiss on the edge of my lips. Kissing up my face until he kissed both of my eyelids.

I chuckle, because I think Achille was not in his normal mindset. He would never go this far - especially when Aurelie is right near us. Except I was not going to complain.

"I just wonder who wants the other the most." I husk into his ear, pressing a kiss to his earlobe. Could feel a chill down Achille's spine as my hand felt the very feeling.

"Me." Achille tells me, and I saw his eyes were a darker red. Entertaining me at how dark they could get. He must really want me than.

"I don't think so." I shook my head playfully, and Achille only kissed me again. The both of us kissing with no end until - of course - Aurelie wanted to remind us that she was here.

She began crying, Achille and I looking at her. The thing was that there were no tears - none. She was just screaming to get attention.

"Aww, Aurelie." Achille picked her up into his arms and sat back in my lap. The both of us looking down at her. She had her eyes on me and they seemed to be warning me.

I couldn't help but chuckle at such a thing. A baby warning me...that's gold.

"Aurelie I'm sorry! Don't be mad at mad at your mom for being so lovely." I whine, and her eyes continued to be narrowed on me. "Or you can be mad at me. Have your mommy's back, I'll just...cry - alone."

I cover my face, hearing Achille chuckle at my silliness. That's when I began to fake cry and make noises. Shaking my head all dramatically and to no end.

"I don't think Aurelie likes seeing you upset." Achille murmurs, and that's when I look between my fingers. Seeing Aurelie's lips tremble as her eyes became watery. Seeing the red orange color in her irises that touched my heart.

"Aurelie I'm fine!" I chuckle, running my fingers through her tiny curls. She began to calm down as her eyes began to close. "You are so precious. Of course you got your precious side from Achille here."

I make eye contact with Achille and see his eyes were red orange just like Aurelie's.

"I love you Darius." He says to me, brushing his lips against mine as I began to smile.

"Achille you make me feel like I'm the most lucky and worthy man in the world." I chuckle, seeing Achille pull back slowly.

"You have always been worth it. In my heart and our daughters' heart, you will always be worth it and more. You deserve this happiness." Achille murmured to me as he hugged me. My arms wrapping around him and Aurelie was between our chests gently.

A.N: recommend to listen to the song I provided for this chapter. Sets the tone...I suppose. 🤧

The both of us hugging as if there was no end.

That's when a phone went off, Achille looking over on the little table on the side of the bed. I end up grabbing it for him and hand it over.

When he looks a sigh of relief leaves his chest, making him smile.

"Norris made your elixir that can hide your scent. I will be right back." Achille tells me, resting Aurelie in my arms. He pressed a kiss to my lips and that's when I see he was gone.

Chuckling at how cute he was, I just look back down at Aurelie.

"Aurelie I can already tell you are going to be the most caring and watchful of your mother. You seem to always punish me just for loving on him." I whine, and she started to smile. My heart skipping a beat at how beautiful her gummy smile was.

I nestle her closer to me as I sigh in relaxation, grinning.

"I still love you though. More than you think. I also think me running my fingers through your hair is our thing. So if mommy starts doing that, bite him!" I tell her teasingly, and I actually hope she follows through - just because.

"Such a lovely moment between father and daughter, huh?"

I gasp loudly when I see Sabin sit right on the bed. His eyes settled on Aurelie who began to whimper.

"What do you want?"

"What do I want? Let's just make things simple - for the both of us. You give me...Aurelie is her name right? You give her to me, and I will leave you lovebirds alone for forever." He promises me, but I immediately became infuriated.

"Never! What do you think this is?! You will never take Aurelie, ever! If you want to take anyone, take me." I insist, and Sabin raises his eyebrow.

Suddenly I saw him begin to think very hard on what I said. Which I didn't understand why. Until his expression darkened and an evil expression came onto his face. I felt so nauseous just by looking at his face, makes me sick.

"That's actually perfect. I accept that offer, but why leave your daughter and Achille? So thoughtful."

"I'm doing this because Aurelie needs Achille."

"And she doesn't need you? Is that what you're saying Darius? So pretentious you are...placing yourself on such a pedestal-."

"What pedestal? I just don't want them both to get hurt!" I snap at him, and I suddenly felt Aurelie bite me harder than she typically does.

Making me wince much more longer than I typically would, and I had to pull my arm away from her. Looking down at her in shock as to why she'd bite me so hard and why it hurt so much.

"Aurelie? What was that for? Are you hungry?" I ask, looking at my arm and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

When I look at Sabin he just stared at her with a smirk, his eyes moving back onto me.

"Are you going to come with me, or not? Now I want you to come even more." He hissed in excitement, and I became disgusted.

"You want to kill me that badly huh?" I ask, and he shrugs.

That's when he looks over his shoulder and I look just because, seeing Achille appear before us. His face pale and he looked frightened. He pointed at Sabin, shaking his head vigorously.

"You killed Norris...why?!" He shrieks, and Sabin yawns.

"It wasn't me, gosh. I told those two to not kill him, but I can't control them all the time. It's okay." Sabin smiled as he stood up and nodded at me. "Let's go Darius."

Achille's eyes moved onto me slowly, seeing them begin to become confused.

"Darius why are you going with him?" He asked shakily, and I stood as I handed Aurelie to him. Placing her in his arms, I tried kissing his lips only for him to pull back.

That instantly broke my heart as he shook his head.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't let you and Aurelie get hurt-."

"So that automatically means you should get hurt in place of us? That's not how it works!" He shouts in my face, and I was about to tell him more until Sabin grabbed my arm.

Yanking me away to my surprise as Achille stepped towards me. Only for him to stop as he looked down at Aurelie.

"Darius...I will save you." He cried, and that's when I felt myself be pulled away quickly. Everything blurry now as I knew Sabin was running.

I felt my heart tighten, but I knew this was for the best. If it's to save the two people I love the most, than so be it.


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