Transcendent Thirst

By YOLOwriting101

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"What I was going to say was selfish..." He mumbled. I edge closer to him until my hand slowly cradled his ch... More

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By YOLOwriting101


"He has Darius - please!" I plead with Oscar, holding Aurelie close to my chest. Could already see that Norris was dead and fear riveted through my whole body. "Hold her...please. If I do not come back...don't tell of Darius or me."

Oscar's eyes widen, and I nodded. Laying Aurelie in his arms, my lips trembled as I stared down at her. Her eyes glued onto me and saw her fingers begin to unravel. Her tiny arm beginning to reach for me and I sighed.

"Please do not let her know of Darius or me if I don't come back. Please don't...I'm begging you." I plead, my hands shaking as I pressed a kiss to Aurelie's cheek.

When I look at Oscar he had tears streaming down his cheeks, but he nodded. Holding Aurelie tightly and he shook his head.

"Go save Darius! You both will come back, together." He seemed to be promising me, and I smile.

"I...I hope so-."

"Don't fucking hope! Know that he will come back! He won't die!" Oscar yelled, and I flinched.

Aurelie immediately began to cry and I couldn't comfort her. My lips tightened as I turned around, feeling this anger fill my chest. But I shook my head, not wanting to hear Aurelie's cries for me.

Because I needed to save her father first.

That's when I ran. Following the disgusting scent of Sabin. My eyes glued to the tracks of his shoes on the dirt path. Not losing hope as I just continued to run, trying to make the tears in my eyes disappear.

Except they only streamed down my face, and I cried in pain. I couldn't lose Darius...he truly made me feel human.

I was happy, finally - I was happy. But there always that one that has to take that away from me! Why can't he just get out of my life?!

We never had a relationship, none! I never owed him anything and he never meant anything to me! So why is he so vengeful towards me? For what?!

I shook my head, stopping as I finally stood over a bridge. My eyes settling on the sight of Sabin dragging Darius by his arm, this fury igniting within my heart.

"Sabin!" I shriek, and that's when I see Darius look at me. So much hope within his eyes as he tried escaping. Only for Sabin to slam him onto the ground, his head ricocheting off the concrete.

My heart stopped beating instantly at such a sight, and I had to stop myself from passing out because I saw the flash of red once again. I don't know what it was, but it frightened me.

"You come back for the new-to-be father?" Sabin asks, smiling as his foot kicked right into Darius' stomach. That's when I saw him fly right into the gate of the bridge, and I rushed at Sabin.

My hands grabbing hold of his neck so tightly as I slammed him to the ground. Only for him to smirk at me, his hands grabbing ahold of mine.

"I suggest you remove your hands now."

"Why the hell should I do that? Why don't I just kill you right now!" I shout at him only to find myself be yanked off of him. Looking to see two vampires holding onto my arms tightly.

Having a slight resemblance to Sabin that made me sick.

"Oh you're a father too?" I mock, and Sabin smirks as he stands up. "How disgusting that their father is someone like you. You don't deserve that honor."

I felt the grips on my arms tighten, but it didn't faze me at all. My eyes were focused on Darius who was groaning in pain. It hurt me to see him this way and I couldn't even get to him.

I try to drop to my knees only for the guys to shove my head to the ground. One of them snickering right above my ear.

"My father said you were very strong. Where did that strength go?" He mocked me, and I smile.

"Well, you see, when you become a mother all the anger seems to disappear. There's no need for least that's what I thought." I hissed and struggled to sit up.

Fighting with them with all of my might.

"Mother huh? That doesn't suit you either now does it?"

I flinch, looking to see Sabin stand before me. His eyes looking at me with amusement that sickened me.

"Mothers are caring, a source of protection, love, and kind. You are none of these... Your poor child has to suffer knowing their mother is dead. Completely useless, gone, they'll be motherless and sad forever. Just imagine..." Sabin chuckles, and I felt my anger rising the more he spoke.

The thought of Aurelie being sad and knowing I am no longer around haunted me. I don't want her to lose Darius or me!

"She cries everyday...crying... 'mommy...where's my mommy'-."

"Enough!" I shriek, and I found myself standing now. His sons gasping as they brought me back and Sabin smiled at me.

"There's that fury I've been wanting to see. It's deep in your almost killed me before-."

"Who says I won't do it again? But this time you won't live to see your end!" I snap at him, and Sabin instantly grabbed my throat.

I became startled when his other hand grabbed the back of my neck. His fingers entering my mouth and gripped my mouth. When he began to pull I suddenly felt like my neck was being ripped apart.

My eyes rolling in the back of my head as I couldn't even fight back. I could feel myself getting weaker the more he pulled and his menacing glare that tortured me.

To think I would die like this was unbecoming. I should've known it would happen sooner or later...

A.N: I suggest you play the song I set for this, it makes this event much more...touching or painful I guess...😔

"Wait! Sabin wait!"

Sabin stops, and I gasp at the feeling of my body trying to heal itself from such a move. When I look I saw Darius still on the ground, his hand pressed to his chest.

To see him crying so much hurt me. Neither of us needed to go out like this! Especially him...he deserved to live. What is he doing?!

" idiot!" I shriek in anger, and he looks at me sadly. "Why didn't you run?!"

"There's no point in running. Sabin please...I beg you. Don't kill Darius - a child needs their mother more than they could ever need their father-."

"A child needs both! That's why there is a mother and father! The child needs not one, but both! What are you doing?!" I cry so loudly as Sabin walked towards him.

I tried yanking away only for me not to be able to budge. What happened to the strength I had before?! Did I really soften because I had Aurelie?

...of course I did. I no longer had anger and I was content. That fury dissipated...I've lost the strength I couldn't control because I was broken. Now that I'm complete, it's as if I had no more need to hold such fury.

But why this?! Now?! When I lost the fury I used to have?!

"I refuse to run...I need to protect the two people I loved the most. Who were my world when I thought I had no world to live in but misery. If you want to kill someone, kill me!" He exclaims, and I flinch.

Suddenly memories came flooding back from 1911 and I didn't want Sabin to kill my family. So I said drink my blood instead of theirs. Why is this happening?!

"Oh this feels so nostalgic!" Sabin chuckles with amusement, but that didn't stop him from what he went to do. He grabbed Darius by the back of his neck, pulling him before me.

Shoving him into his knees before me, I found myself being shoved onto my knees too. Darius and I looking at one another, I saw his gentle expression.

How could he look at me this way?

"What did I say...?" I tremble, and Darius close his eyes. "I said if you do anything that jeopardizes your safety and I lose you, I will never forgive you! What are you doing?!"

Darius shook his head, coming towards me as he cradled my face in his hands. When he leaned towards me to kiss, I only cried harder at the feeling of him being yanked away from me.

I saw Sabin grab his arms and tightly pin them behind his back, Darius gasping in pain at such a thing.

"He's human Sabin! Why are you doing this to him?!" I shriek, trembling as Sabin just smiled. Darius just kept grinning at me and I couldn't allow this.

There was no way in hell...

"Fais ce que tu veux avec moi, tu peux m' fais pas de mal à Darius...s'il te plait!" ( Do whatever you want with me, you can have me...don't hurt Darius...please! ) I beg miserably in French because I didn't want Darius to argue against my words.

Except Sabin just shrugged at me, looking discontent by what I said. Suddenly Sabin grabbed his jaw, and I shook my head.

"Sabin!" I shriek so loudly that I saw him flinch. He began to breathe heavily as if he was fearful, but he just looked down at Darius.

When I look at Darius he looked at me softly, and I shook my head.

"Darius..." I whimper his name, my body beginning to give out as I felt too much at once. It was becoming too much to handle at once.

"I love you and Aurelie... I truly mean this with all my heart." He murmurs to me, and I kept just seeing flashes of red now.

"I love you too... Don't say that to me, please. It sounds like you - you are saying goodbye..." I whimper so much, and Darius grins.

"It's better this way than any other way-."

"There was always a better way! You, Aurelie, and me! That was our way!"

"We can't keep running forever. Aurelie doesn't deserve that kind of torment." He states to me, and I felt my head hang now. Crying so much that my eyes burned and my chest was heavy.

I felt colder, much more colder than I typically would. My hot tears didn't help as they just kept streaming.

"She doesn't deserve the torment of having no father and a broken-hearted mother. You are worth dying for, don't die for me like this!" I tell him, and he flinched.

That's when I saw Sabin sink his teeth into Darius' neck. The all too familiar sight setting in as I suddenly saw my father.

His eyes widening at the feeling, and I saw Darius again. Hearing the customary chomp sound and I saw tears begin to leave Darius' eyes. For Sabin to toss him aside as if he was nothing brought horror into my mind.

For Darius body to hit the ground numbly and with no life... To the sight of his body before me in such a way...

After everything...he brought me happiness. He was my happiness and now I'm back at the place I was again...



"Remember, if - if I...drink will Un monstre..." ( A monster ) I whimper, and Darius's eyes soften on me.

Leaning close to me and pressing a kiss to my cheek. Pulling back and grinning at me.

"Even more of the reason why I want you to do this. I do not mind. Being a vampire like you means I can always protect you and help you, even more than I already was. Because of that, I want you to drink my blood." He murmurs, baring his arm again.

I look at his arm, feeling my fangs begin to come. But as I looked at his arm all the words Sabin said were echoing in my head.

"Then turn that Darius into a companion, lover like Oscar."

Leaning closer I suddenly stop as my lips touch his wrist.

If only I had just bit him!

I found myself screaming, so much pain in my heart as I felt it shatter. The pain was much more different from my father's death. This felt different...I was heartbroken.

I closed my eyes tightly as I tried pulling away and biting him to save his life, but I couldn't move. That's when I felt something within me...break into tinier pieces.

My body collapsing at the pain I felt and my broken heart of losing the one I loved with all my heart. With Aurelie losing her father that she couldn't even get to know was an amazing man.

The kindest human being I have ever met. The most misunderstood and most...worthy human.

I just wish he realized his worth before doing this to his own family. Before doing this to our newborn daughter. Before doing this to me...

Because to me...he was always worth it.

He would always be worth it.


No words. 😔

Absolutely none. 😞

What did you think? 🤔

If you want to say your piece you may, I'll respond.

All I can say is that my heart is broken for Achille. That he even had to go through this again. 😭

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