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By bloodlineluke

27.9K 2.6K 2.1K

Sophia, the young and headstrong Queen of Ocerallia has been sent to the kingdom of Cadeiric to marry the Cro... More

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1K 100 115
By bloodlineluke

"So who is the most handsome out of the three of them?" Louise exclaimed, snapping me out of my thoughts and I blinked up to see her, Mari and Clara all crowded around me.

We were now up in my very luxurious chambers and I had to say I was most impressed. The room was much bigger than my old one and beautifully designed.

As you stepped into the room, there was a large fireplace decorated with beige and gold colours to match the tall walls. The rest of the room was very well furnished, all including a settee in front of the fire, a carved wooden desk and a dressing table with a large mirror.

Moving to the back, there was a small divan right in front of the ginormous four-poster bed which had white and gold curtains draped all around it. On either side, there was a wardrobe against the back wall, and I particularly liked how there was a window with lots of pillows thrown on the sill, making it the perfect spot to sit and look out into the gardens.

"She's obviously thinking about Prince Luke right now!" Mari laughed, wiggling her eyebrows and I let out a scowl.

"I am not," I said with a disgusted look, causing her to roll her eyes as she opened yet another chest and pulled out my dresses. "Shouldn't you be worrying about Prince Bens wedding instead?" I asked, wrapping my arm around the back of the divan.

"Oh yes, what are we going to wear?" she gasped blinking between us all. "We need to look our best; there's going to be lots of rich nobles there!"

"But we aren't invited are we?" Clara asked turning to look at her. "We haven't been told anything."

"Well of course we're invited. We accompany the Queen to any royal event, remember?" Louise said, now going over to the wardrobes and taking a few dresses off Mari. "We need to acquaint ourselves and Sophia to all visiting royals at this castle and you know that we must keep a good image here."

"You girls have nothing to worry about, you will be perfectly fine," I assured them, knowing that they were mostly thinking of their families strict orders about finding a suitable husband. Mari was just about to protest when there was a soft knock at the door and I permitted them to enter before I paused, surprised by who it was.

"Am I interrupting?" Luke walked in with a smile and he nodded at the girls who bowed. His eyes trailed around the room whilst I couldn't help but gawk at him. He was insanely handsome!

"Not at all. Is there anything I could help you with?" I asked as his blue eyes met my own.

"I was just wondering whether you would like me to show you around the castle now? Before my mother finds an opportunity to steal you away for the rest of the day?" he laughed and I nodded before joining in.

He then watched as I removed the red cloak from my shoulders and I passed it to Clara who simultaneously curtsied with the other two and an excited look appeared on their faces. I gave them a polite smile and then followed Luke out the door but when he shut it, it didn't do the slightest in drowning out their very loud giggles...

We were then faced with a staircase that was in the middle of the hallway, each wall consisting of at least one or two doors.

"So, let's start on this floor, shall we?" he asked and I replied with a nod. "This part belongs to you and your ladies; their rooms are on that side." he pointed opposite to three brown doors as we stopped in front of a large glass window where you could look out to the garden. "Guards will always be in front of your doors too, just in case you ever need anything... Oh! My own chambers, as well as Jacks, are just through there, just so you know."

"What about Bens?"

"His old chambers are there as well, but he will be moving in another part of the castle once he is wed. I trust you know about the wedding by now?"

"Briefly," I answered with a shrug.

"Well, the wedding will take place in three days and there will be a grand celebration afterwards which I presume will go on for most of the night." he laughed. "My mother and father have agreed for him to marry whoever he pleases so his bride is the soon to be Duchess Nicole. He has also invited a majority of nobles and royals who are much looking forward to meeting you too," he explained as we headed down the stairs and we were soon strolling down a hallway with windows that again, faced the garden.

"I'll definitely be looking forward to that," I said, glancing over at all the guards that had stopped to watch our movements.

"Indeed! The Kings and Queens chambers are on the very to floor as well as guest rooms for any visiting royals," he said pointing down the hall. "This wing of the castle is just sleeping quarters and dressing rooms, but the other half is where all the activities take place... Come on, I'll show you round there and then we can outside," he said holding his arm out, so I linked mine with his gently before we continued.

After he had shown me around the west wing, consisting of the Great Hall, Throne Room, and Chapel, as well as many other rooms, we were now outside and walking along the dirt path.

"So, through that door there-" he pointed to an open doorway which was attached to one of the tall towers. "Are the stables and the armoury. Behind that is the home for our guards and running underground most of the building, are the kitchens," he added as we stepped into the stables, where horses whinnying and peoples voices could be heard in the distance.

"Well, you have a very beautiful home Luke. I must say, I'm impressed." I said raising my head at him, still not being able to believe that this was the same person I had met years ago.

"Thank you m' lady." he smiled at me once our eyes met. "Oh, let me show you my horse!" he excitedly said, pulling me along with him to the other end of the building, ignoring all the gasps from the stablehands. "This is Petunia." he then exclaimed so I turned to see we had stopped in front of a stable with a brown and white pinto standing inside.

"She's gorgeous!" I exclaimed, watching as he stepped closer give the mare a scratch. "Have you had her for long?"

"About 9 years I think," he replied, reaching up to undo the latch and he let himself in. "You alright, piggy?" he pouted and I couldn't help but laugh at the nickname. "Oh, have you seen this one? I've never seen him before but he's stunning," he said, eyeing the horse that was impatiently stamping his foot on the ground from next door.

"Oh that's Shadow, he's mine actually," I said with a laugh.

"He's yours? He's definitely a stunner!"

"Yes and he's also extremely impatient." I huffed as Shadow began to kick the stable door so I went over, pulled the latch back and I slid inside. "Calm down, you!" I smiled as the playful animal didn't hesitate to nudge his head against my side.

"Luke!" we then heard someone call and we both turned to see a tall, raven-haired man making his way towards Petunia's stable. "Your mother requests to see Queen Sophia shortly," he said stopping to lean on the doorway.

I perked my head up at my name being mentioned so I gave Shadow a quick kiss before stepping out and securing the latch.

"I thought you were visiting the town for the day?" Luke laughed, wiping his hands with a cloth whilst following my movements with his eyes.

"I was going to but I'm waiting to see the Queen first." the man replied making both of us laugh, which made him snap his head around in an instant and his green eyes widened. "Your Grace, I apologise." he laughed, reaching up to scratch his neck and I nodded, honestly quite flattered. "But I must say, the wait was definitely worth it," he smirked taking hold of my hand and he pressed his lips to it, making my cheeks flush red. "I'm Ashton by the way."

"Oh, get out of here, you flirt!" Luke laughed screwing the cloth up and throwing it at Ashton, who jumped back with a giggle. "Don't you have Lemon to attend to?"

"That I do," he replied, giving me a wink before simply turning around and walking away swiftly, making Luke scoff from behind...


Hey guys! Here's Chapter 3! I'll probably be publishing more often once school is over but for now, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Drop a vote if you did pls!

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