infatuated | yandere x reader...

By levisamaa

389K 8.9K 9.1K

"oh love, bold of you to assume you have a chance to escape me" in which i write scenarios for different yand... More

n e w s t u d e n t
g e n e r a l
s e n p a i
p r i n c e
m a f i a
f i a n c e e
b o n u s
i d o l
m a i n - p r o t a g o n i s t
e m p e r o r
a l p h a
b u l l y
c h e a t e r
p r i n c e
× c l a s s m a t e
k n i g h t
t w i n s
c h a e b o l
s e c o n d m a l e l e a d
x h a l l o w e e n
p r e s i d e n t
p a t i e n t
d u k e
s t r e a m e r
a question
f o o l
p h o t o g r a p h e r
d e t e c t i v e
s u g a r d a d d y
e m p e r o r
o n l i n e
c o u s i n
s t u d e n t
a little update
? ? ?

f r i e n d

10.4K 240 128
By levisamaa

If anyone were to describe the relationship between the two of you, they would say you're his mother.

You and Yuki have been friends for god knows how long. Since both of your parents are good friends, you were always together with him. His parents were always either out of town or too busy at work so your parents decided to let him live in their house. His parents were grateful to them of course. He was wary of you at first, glaring daggers at you every time you try to approach him. But as time pass, he began to warm around you and only you. 

It surprised you to see the true personality that he has been hiding from other people. He actually has a much more cheery happy-go-lucky persona. He likes to play around but because of his weak body, he would frequently spend his days on his bed. Once, you were playing with him on the swings. Yuki kept on telling you to push harder and at first, you refused. But after his constant nagging, you eventually gave in. You pushed the swing using all of your strength and the swing flew so high, but Yuki didn't grip the chains hard enough. He fell down and broke his arm, causing him to cry so hard at the pain. 

Your parents quickly carried him to their car and rushed to the nearest hospital, which fortunately wasn't too far away. On the way there, you could hear Yuki's whimpering and cries. You felt guilt slowly eating you alive. Your carelessness resulted in him getting hurt. Since then, you give in to everything he ever wanted, you spoiled him. 

Because of your tendencies to spoil him so much, he has since grown to be a spoiled boy who can't do anything alone. He can't even button his own shirt! You regretted spoiling him rotten but what can you do now. 

Maybe teach him to be independent?

I've tried doing that, didn't go well.

Today is the first day of high school and you're entering together with him. You know that high school is gonna be tough and you worry whether he can survive high school or not. He was okay in middle school, thanks to you of course. But now, you have your own things to do and cannot be by his side twenty-four seven. Taking care of Yuki took so much of your time that you never actually thought of doing anything for yourself. Every single second had been given to him and now you wanted to change. For once, you wanted to do something for yourself. You want to find love, to find your dream.

"Yuki, wake up! We're gonna be late for our first day!"

"Let me sleep some more, mom..."

"Come onnn... I don't want to be late for my first day!" You shook his body harshly even though your tiny arms didn't do much. Yuki suddenly turns around to face you and grabs your waist, pulling you towards his chest. You weren't ready for the sudden attack and fell on him. He hugs your waist tightly while mumbling "Stay still."

You couldn't help but blush at his childish antics. But seriously, you two are going to be late to school if he doesn't wake up now. "Yuki! Please wake up!" You wriggle through his arms. He sighed and let go of your slim figure before waking up. 

Yuki really is pretty, you thought. His skin is so fair and white, his long and thick eyelashes framed his aquamarine eyes, his slim figure makes him look more feminine than masculine. You're not ashamed to admit that he is prettier than you in every aspect. In middle school, he was so popular with boys. Every day there would always be at least five boys confessing to him. He never accepted any of the boys though. Girls all fall for his cute behaviors. Sometimes they would give him cookies they made at culinary arts.

You, though, were a normal girl with normal grades and normal life. You were never confessed by any boys. Sure, you had crushes but they just fade away at some point. You were so busy taking care of Yuki that you barely do anything for yourself. 

"You should let him do his own thing, (Y/N). Let him be independent! He can't always rely on you for everything. One day, he's going to be married with some girl and you can't be with him every time."

Your friend kept on complaining. The four of you were currently sitting together at the cafeteria to eat. Yuki sits next to you while the two of your friends sit on the other side. You were busy feeding Yuki's lunch that you didn't hear what she was talking about. "What did you say, Sayaka?" Sayaka angrily yells at you to pay attention to what she was saying. While you were listening intently to your friend, you didn't notice the blue-haired boy beside you gripping the table so hard that his knuckles turned white.

You thought about what she said. If you keep on spoiling him rotten, he won't be able to provide for his future family in the future. He would have to rely fully on his wife. What if his wife wants to divorce him? What if she gets enough of his spoiled nature? Yuki would suffer living alone without anyone to help him! "It's true... Maybe I should try distancing myself from Yuki...". Taking care of Yuki took so much of your time that you never actually thought of doing anything for yourself. Every single second had been given to him and now you wanted to change. For once, you wanted to do something for yourself. You want to find love, to find your dream.

Yuki who heard this quickly whined. "B-but I want to be with (Y/N)! Please don't leave me (Y/N)!" He cries while tugging at your sleeve. You wanted to say no to him but you didn't have the heart to see him cry. So you hugged him and consoled him. Sayaka sighs at this. She needed to do something to stop your overprotective personality. It's devastating to see you missing once in a lifetime chances to take care of this... grown man. She feels something wrong with him but doesn't know how to put it.

What the two of you didn't notice is the growing smirk on Yuki's face as you stroked his back gently.

She's mine

The bell rang and the four of you return your tables to its original position. While doing so, Sayaka whispers to you with determination in her eyes. "Alright, I've decided. You need to stop this, (Y/N). For his and your sake. Starting tomorrow, you will NOT go to his house to wake him up. Go straight to school and let him wake up on his own. If he's late then it's his own fault, not yours! Got it?"

You gulped but nodded nonetheless. You know she only wants what is best for you. She has been your best friend since elementary school and sure you both got into fights but it always ended with a smile. You trusted her. Maybe this habit of yours should stop now before it is too late. Thankfully, Yuki was too busy conversing with another student so he didn't hear the conversation between you two.

The next day came and you were determined to ignore Yuki. You remind yourself that this is for the greater good. Yuki needs to be independent and the only way for him to do it is if you don't help him. 

The moment you stepped out of the gate of your house, your foot had automatically gone straight to his house. But you quickly remembered your goal. You swiftly moved your foot to the other way.

Your heart was filled with worries for him. Yuki can't even button his own shirts! But you ignored this feeling and head straight to school, not noticing the hard stare from his window. 

You entered your class feeling accomplished. You had successfully gone to school without Yuki which is a first to you. It felt weird at first since no one was clinging to your right arm but you got used to it. Sayaka was the first to greet you with a proud smile. "You finally did it! I'm so proud of you!" She hugs you tightly. 

"The next thing you got to do is DON'T spoil him. If he asks you something that he can do it himself, say no." You nodded. This is going to be the hardest part. You simply can't resist Yuki's puppy eyes. But you have to.

The bell rang, indicating class was starting but Yuki was nowhere in sight. You're becoming worried. What if Yuki didn't wake up? What if some pervert caught him? What if he got lost? Crazy thoughts were entering your mind until the door suddenly slides open. 

Yuki came in with his shirt sloppily buttoned and his hair still messy. He scans the room and when his eyes landed on you, he throws himself at you. "(Y/N)! Why didn't you wake me up! I was such a mess without you! I thought you got hurt! Why did you leave me behind?" He cries. The whole class was putting their attention at you two. Some were angry stares while others were jealous. "Yeah! Why did you leave Yuki behind! Aren't you his babysitter or something? Look at him now! He's crying because of you!" someone yells. The others quickly agreed with him. 

Sayaka quickly comes to save you. "He's almost an adult now! He doesn't need to be babysitted anymore! He should be ashamed of himself since he can't take care of himself. (Y/N) has a life on her own that doesn't involve his. If you want to take care of him, then do it yourself!"

The student was taken back at her counter and shuts himself up. What she said was right. But he didn't want to acknowledge it. Some were agreeing to Sayaka while others kept firm to what they believe. Yuki didn't like where this is going. If this keeps on, you're going to slip away from his fingers. 

"(Y/N), all this time, have I been a burden to you?" he asks while tears were threatening to spill from the corner of his eyes. Oh shit, you thought. 

You took a glance at Sayaka but his hands quickly turn your head back to face him again. "Please tell me the truth..."

"O-of course n-no... You're my friend, Yuki."

Yuki quickly gains his cheeriness back and hugs you tightly with his tiny hands. This means we're still friends right? You would never leave me alone right?" 

And all the efforts you've worked hard for all gone to waste in one word. "Yes."

He knew the influence Sayaka is giving you is bad. She is trying to take you away from him. 

Sayaka's initial reaction when Yuki successfully manipulated you was disappointment. Yuki is too great at manipulating his words to bend your will. No, she was not disappointed at you, she was disappointed at herself for not noticing this skill of his. 

After that incident, you rarely get to talk with her. When you were approaching her, Yuki quickly drags you away either to the rooftop or canteen. You wanted to tell him to stop but he wouldn't listen. 

While Sayaka was busy typing for her school assignment, her older brother suddenly approached from behind. "Sayaka, Is (Y/N) still dating that boyfriend of hers?". This caught her attention. She turns around, facing her brother. He is a grade above her and is the captain of the basketball team of her school. She knew he's been eyeing you since you were middle school. 

"No, she's not dating him. They are just friends. Why are you asking?"

She could see his figure relax a bit at her answer. He sheepishly answered, "I am thinking of asking her out.". She knew her brother is an honest man and he wouldn't hurt a girl. Maybe with this, she can solve your problem. You can finally have a love life and get rid of that parasite at the same time. It's like killing two birds with one stone. She just hoped you would feel the same way for her brother. 

"Sure, go ahead and ask her out. Just be careful with that boy. Something feels off about him."

And sure enough, you accepted his confession. Fortunately, Yuki was sick the day Chiaki had asked you out. You were surprised at first by the sudden confession. After school was over you were going to switch you indoor shoes with your outdoor shoes but the moment you opened your locker, a letter had flown out. The mysterious person asked you to meet him in the garden behind the school. At first, you were doubtful but Sayaka encouraged you to go. So you did. 

It turned out to be Chiaki, Sayaka's brother. You met him while you were visiting Sayaka's home to have a sleepover. He was very nice to you. He even helped you with your math homework many times! Although you didn't really see him as a love interest, you decided to try it out with him.

Being the gentleman he is, he accompanied you until you were safely in your house. The both of you awkwardly said your goodbyes before parting ways. Unfortunately, a certain blue-haired boy noticed this interaction and wasn't pleased by this. 

The morning you wake up, Chiaki was already outside your gate, waiting for you. Your mom was already asking you questions about him and squealing at his handsome features which you find cute and annoying at the same time. Your father though was a different case. He stiffened at the word 'boyfriend' while reading his daily newspaper. Although he didn't show it, you could see clearly that he didn't like you having a boyfriend. He had some dark aura surrounding him. 

After some convincing, your mother finally lets you go to school. Chiaki waits for you patiently outside, leaning on the gate of your house. "I'm sorry for the wa-" You were so busy tidying up your hair that you didn't notice that another figure had appeared behind your boyfriend.


Yuki was pissed. No, he was beyond pissed. He left you alone for one day and this happened? He was so close to beating that boy to death but you were already exiting your house. "Who is this, (Y/N)?" He says while trying hard to hide his anger. You finally introduced your boyfriend to your best friend. Chiaki offered a handshake and Yuki accepted it while giving his as little smile as possible. Yuki gripped his hand so strong that if he hadn't forced him to let go, he feared his hand would have broken bones. He had such a petite figure but his strength was no joke.

Chiaki looked at your... best friend suspiciously. Then he remembered what his sister had said to him. "Just be careful with that boy. Something feels off about him." He knew him since he was a popular kid. Everyone knows him as the cute, angelic kid who is as sweet as sugar. Yuki is pretty but to him, you were much more beautiful than him. Besides, he feels there is something he is hiding from others. But he'd rather ignore it.

Oh, sadly, he chose the wrong option.

The three of you walked to school with an awkward atmosphere around you. You tried striking a conversation with the two to lighten the mood up. It worked at first but it always ended in silence. You wanted to cry silently in this tense situation. Why did you forget about Yuki? If you had told Chiaki to wait for you at school, you wouldn't have to be stuck at this situation.

Yuki was busy in his own world, which is planning on how to get rid of this pest. He knows this boy loves you genuinely which means he can't frame him for trying to use you to get close to him (many guys tried this plan which somehow favors him since you became scared to trust any boys except for him.).

He does have another plan which is much more... gruesome. 

"Sayaka, have you seen Chiaki or Yuki? I can't find them anywhere." you worried. Class was already over and usually, they would wait for you outside your classroom but they were nowhere to be seen. Sayaka shook her head. "Chiaki said he had a meeting and told me to tell you. I didn't see Yuki though." You thanked her and went outside to search again.

The blond-haired boy walks towards the back garden of the school. He didn't know why he lied to his sister about the meeting. It just naturally rolled out of his mouth. While he was tidying up to go home, a letter fell off from his bag. Someone asked him to meet him/her in the school garden. They wanted to talk to him about something important that involves (Y/N).

As he arrived, he saw a familiar figure sitting on the edge of the water fountain. Hearing the heavy footsteps, the figure turned around to face him. Surprise, surprise, It's our angel Yuki-kun! Yuki smiles cutely at Chiaki and tells him to come closer. Chiaki warily approaches the boy. 

"You're finally here, Chiaki-kun~! I thought you got lost!" he said sweetly. Chiaki chuckled lightly at his joke. "So, what did you want to tell me about (Y/N)?" he cuts straight to the point.

Yuki rolls his eyes at his seriousness. "Alright then, let's chase right to the point~"

And everything about him changed all of a sudden. The atmosphere became eerily cold, Yuki's once glimmering yellow eyes darkened immensely. Those eyes of him stared down at him as if he was looking at a prey of his. His sweet smile dropped to a serious frown. Chiaki felt a chill down his spine. Was all that cutesy act just a facade of him? 

The blue-haired boy walks around Chiaki, circling him down like a predator. Chiaki was too focused by his eerie footsteps that he didn't notice Yuki picking up a bat out of anywhere. "You see, I've been in love with (Y/N) since I first saw her which was seventeen years ago.  I've been by her side since the start of her life. And I'll be with her until the very end. I won't allow any... pest gets in my way. She's mine and I'm hers. Do you hear me?"

Chiaki nods. "I thought we could be friends, you know. But you just had to confess your puny feelings to her. That makes you another pest I need to get rid of. It's okay, I'll let you go home after this. You just have to promise me you will break up with (Y/N) and stay away from her."

But he refused. He refused to let go of you, the love of his life. "No. If you love her, you should fight for her love, not threaten me from behind." His words fueled Yuki's anger even more. The petite boy actually thought of letting him go if he complied to his request obediently like a little dog. But after hearing his answer, he erased any last bit of thought of letting this bastard go.

"Well, you asked for it."

Before Chiaki could say anything, Yuki swings his bat in full strength before hitting Chiaki's head violently. In one hit, Chiaki stumbles to the ground while clutching the back of his head. He felt liquid pouring out of it. His head hurts like hell. His vision was beginning to go hazy, everything seemed blurred. "Please don't tell anyone about me, Chiaki-kun~! I'll be angry you know!" Yuki said sickeningly and before he could process anything, he felt a shot of pain on his forehead. Chiaki finally passed out but was still breathing. 

Yuki checks his uniform to see if there are any bloodstains to see none. He cleans his bat and burns the handkerchief in a swift. After checking everything, he runs towards the teacher's room with a worried facade on his face and sweat running down his forehead. He fakes his tears as he slams the door open. "S-Sensei! C-Chiaki-kun! H-...Help him please!"

He then shows the way to the teachers who quickly took Chiaki to the hospital. Some of the teachers comforted Yuki while gushing at how cute he was. You heard the ruckus and rushed to see what was happening, only to see Yuki crying in the hands of a female teacher. "Yuki?"

Yuki looks up to the source of the voice and when his eyes landed on you, he got up and ran to you. He hugged you tightly and cries. You were clueless about the situation so you just comforted him by stroking his back gently. After his cries slowed down, he finally told you to the whole story (his lie of course). You were shocked to hear your boyfriend was in a coma. Everything seemed fine earlier today and suddenly this happened?

Every day, you would visit him together with Yuki and Sayaka. You would talk to him about what had happened that day and bring him different kinds of flowers each day. Although Yuki was jealous of all the attention you were giving to your so-called boyfriend, he needed to wait patiently while keeping up his facade. 

One day, you saw Chiaki's fingers move slightly. You quickly asked the doctor to check about his conditions. Soon enough, Chiaki finally woke up from his coma. He opens his eyes, which at first was blurred but his vision slowly clears out. You were right beside him, waiting for him to recognize you with anticipation. Chiaki looks around him until his eyes landed on you and then Yuki. His figure became rigid. His heart monitor began to go out of control, his breathing began to fasten. You were confused about his reaction to you. The doctor told the three of you to leave the room while he checks on Chiaki.

"Why did he look so scared at me? Did I do something wrong?" you asked no one. Sayaka looks at you before calming down. "Maybe he didn't recognize you. I'm sure he'll be better the next time we visit him."

Yuki silently rolled his eyes as if mocking what Sayaka had just said. Chiaki's reaction is perfect for his plan. He was worried at first whether he would tell you the truth but thankfully he was too scared. It means his plan will be successful.

The next day, as you were about to step inside Chiaki's room, the nurse stopped you. "I'm sorry, Miss. The patient inside does not wish to meet you. He told me to give this letter to you." She gives you a letter before walking away in the other direction. 

Your body was frozen in the spot. Tears began threatening to spill out. Why is he doing this to you? Didn't he say he loved you? He was different from the other boys who got close to her only for Yuki. Or is he?

You ripped the letter open and reads the familiar writing. 

"I'm sorry, (Y/N) but we have to split our ways. I treasure our time together. Please don't think I don't love you anymore. I still do and I'll always do. But I have to do this, (Y/N). I'm sorry once again. 

- Chiaki"

After finish reading it, you weren't satisfied with his reason and was about to burst the door open until an arm wraps itself around your waist possessive. "(Y/N), he is sick you know. You'll only worsen his injuries if you force him too much. You should just forget a good for nothing guy like him~" Yuki persuades you with his cute act. You just needed a little bit of a push.

You wanted to protest at first but hearing his reasoning, you can't help but agree. Maybe it's better if you let him be at peace. "... You're right." Yuki grins darkly while putting his head at the crook of your neck. "You need to learn not to trust any guys except for me you know~! All guys are the same. Only I can appreciate you for who you are!" 


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