Touch Starved Boys || My Hero...

By chibirach99

644K 14K 7K

My Hero Academia short imagines/headcanons Mains will be Todoroki, Bakugou, and Shinsou with some other chara... More

Note from the Author
~Red~ Bakugou X Reader
~Tea~ Todoroki X Fem!Reader
~Teddy~ Shinsou X Reader
~Sick~ Todoroki X Reader Birthday Special
~Chains~ (Shinsou X Reader)
~Ice Cream~ Bakugou X Reader
~Rose~ Bakugou X fem!Reader
~Name~ Todoroki X fem!Reader
~Name pt 2.~ Todoroki X Fem!Reader
~Burden~ Todoroki X Reader
~Special~ Todoroki X Reader
~Chocolate~ Bakugou X Reader
~Murphy's Law~ Bakugou X Reader
~Eyes~ Shinsou X Fem!Reader
~Creep~ Bakugou X Fem!Reader
~Creep pt 2~ Bakugou X Fem!Reader
~Truth~ Todoroki x Reader
~Opposites Attract~ Shinsou x fem!Reader
~Tiny~ Todoroki X Fem!Reader
~Fool~ Kirishima X Reader
~Skater Boy~ Kirishima X Reader
~Bully~ Bakugou X Reader
~Bully pt 2~ Bakugou X Reader
~Soup~ Todoroki X Reader
~Boy in Luv~ Midoriya X fem!Reader
~Just One Day~ Midoriya X Reader
~Just One Day~ Todoroki X Reader
~Just One Day~ (Bakugou X Reader)
~Stranger~ Todoroki X Reader
~Cuddles~ Bakugou X Reader
~Late~ Todoroki X Reader
~Night Drives~ Shinsou X Reader
~Study Date~ Todoroki x Fem!Reader
~Bad Boy~ Todoroki X Reader
~Greedy~ Shinsou x Reader
~Day After~ Todoroki x Reader
~Jerk~ Todoroki x Fem!Reader
Midoriya Angst Drabble
~Long Distance~ Midoriya X Reader
~Mama's Boy/Lover's Boy ~ Bakugou x Fem!Reader
~Quarrels~ Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou
~Daisies~ Todoroki x Reader
~Worth~ Todoroki x Reader
~Sketch~ Bakugou x Reader
Shinsou Angst to Fluff Drabble
~Small Things~ Bakugou X Fem!Reader
~Culture Clash~ Bakugou x Fem!Reader
~Smile~ Shinsou x Reader
~Advice~ Todoroki x Reader
~Polar~ Bakugou x Reader
~Fake~ Tamaki x fem!Reader
~Baby~ Bakugou x Reader
~Sly Fox~ Midoriya x FemKitsune!Reader
~Clueless~ Bakugou x fem!Reader
~Home~ Dabi x Reader
~Clingy~ Todoroki x Reader
~Testing~ Todoroki x Reader
~Don't Ignore Me!~ Bakugou x Reader
~Gamer's Boy~ Bakugou x Reader
~Light Hero~ Kiri x Blind fem!reader
No Idea (A Week Later)
~Not For Me~ Shinsou x Reader
~Dork~ Kaminari x Reader
~Balance~ BakuDekuTodo x Reader
~Don't Ignore Me! Alt. ver~ Bakugou x Reader
~Nostalgia~ Todoroki X Reader
Update: July 14
~Self-Care~ Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou
~Ears~ Todoroki x Reader
~Little Fluffball~ Todoroki x Bakugou
~Blush~ Todoroki x Reader Drabble
~Clingy (Alt Version)~ Todoroki x Reader
~Kiss of Death~ Todoroki x Reader
~Cabin Fever~ Dabi x Reader
~Pumpkin Kiss~ Monoma x Reader
~Kiss of Death pt 2~ Todoroki x Reader
~Out To Sea~ BakuSquad
~When They Call My Name~ Todoroki x GN!Reader
~Burn~ Bakugou x Reader
~Dark Night~ Kirishima x Reader

~No Idea~ Bakugou X Reader

6K 158 33
By chibirach99

"yooo sketch was so cute and he was so in character! if you're taking requests could you write a fic where basically all of 1a is at the dorms besides the reader who's patrolling and she gets attacked by dabi and has to fight him off alone meanwhile 1a and dadzawa watch from the dorms via news channel? bonus points for a water quirk reader! you can match the reader up with either deku or bakugou!"

Well. This requester must be stalking me or reading my mind bc this is micro plot of a todoroki fic that I'm working on in the background 👀 Enjoy some angst :)

"Kinda sucks being out on patrol on the weekend," I sigh to myself, biting into my taiyaki.  "But it isn't all bad I guess."

Mirko had called me out to do a quick patrol this weekend.  This part of the city has been pretty quiet lately, and I don't mind showing my face.  A few passerby's wave at me and I respond in kind.  I like this part of the job, being the hero that everyone knows, respects, and trusts to protect them.  It gives me more drive to save them in time of crises.

"Blue!" a middle school girl walks by and waves.

"Hi, Mina," I smile and wave back.  "Going home from cram school?"

"Yup!" she flashes me a toothy grin.  "Dad's making dinner tonight for once!  It's Mom's birthday!"

"That's wonderful," my smile softens.  "Wish her happy birthday for me, okay?  And get home quick before she worries!"

"I will!" the girl runs off down the sidewalk, waving behind her.

So cute, I think, watching her small figure weave through the crowd of people.  I swallow the last bite of my fish treat and continue on my patrol.  Thankfully, it's another laid back day: I direct a few lost pedestrians to their destinations, make small talk with more familiar faces, help a few elderly carry groceries to their houses, and the like.  I'm content with the mundane flow of a lazy Sunday afternoon.

While talking to a grocery store employee, a sudden explosion in the alley across the street breaks routine.

"Everyone get inside the nearest building or run as far as you can!" I scream out instructions to the citizens nearest to me as I keep an eye on the alley for the next explosion and help anyone within reach to look for cover.  That explosion wasn't normal, I know those blue flames like the back of my hand.

Looks like my Sunday stroll is over.  I dial on my phone as I thread through the frightened crowd toward the alley.  "Mirko san, I might need backup.  There's a very high possibility that the League is involved here, but I'll confirm-"

Right when I'm within a few yards of the alley's opening, another bright blue light flashes, triggering the surrounding crowd to scream and run away faster.  I assist a few others, waiting for the smoke to clear.  A silhouette appears amidst the dark fog, and I know exactly who it is.

"I'm confirming, it's-"

Before I can finish, the shadow stretches out its hand towards me and blasts flames straight at me.  Immediately, I put up a water shield in front of me, then start building it wider so the people near and behind me can get away without damage.  I already know what happens when something - or someone - touches those dangerous blue flames.

"It's-It's Dabi of the League," I force myself to say, the name burning as it rolls off my tongue.  "He appears to be alone."

"Roger.  Try to apprehend him by yourself before I get there!  I'll hurry over as soon as possible!" my mentor responds and cuts the call.

I make sure everyone within the immediate area is evacuated from the streets, scanning every inch wildly for stragglers.  Heat increases around the me suddenly, and darting my head back around shows the fire eating through my water defense without faltering.  Before it completely penetrates my defense, I jump over to the side behind a car, right before a giant hole is ripped in my shield.

I catch my breath calling the water back towards me into my water nodes and compartments in my hero suit.

"Looks like you've improved a lot since the last time I saw you, (Y/n) (L/n)."

His menacing yet familiar voice as he drags out my full name sends shivers up my spine.  Damn it, of all the villains, I had to face him!

"Aw, don't be shy now, I know you're happy to see me too."  His voice moves towards my left.  "We don't even get to see each other anymore."

"I'd prefer it that way," I snap, readying myself for another inevitable attack.

"You better give me a good fight, little one."

His voice-!

At the last second before hearing the crash, I jump out from in front of my cover, the intense heat from the blue flames just millimeters from burning my fingertips.  Dabi had jumped onto the top of the car, his voice being evenly split in both of ears signalling that he had moved from my left to right behind me in the nick of time or else I'd be ashes.

I finally got a good look at his face.  The stitches and staples etched into his face down to his chest and arms are all-too-familiar, along with his raven black hair and turquoise eyes.

"Reminiscing?" his head tilts, gravely voice taunting.  "I don't think you have time to do that."

I sprint off and around for more cover as he throws more fire pillars from his hands, trying to find a fire hydrant of water fountain to give me more material to work with.  Otherwise, I'm only limited to manipulating what's in the air and the stores in my costume.  To my dismay, there's nothing around.

All I have to do is slowly manipulate the water particles around him and condense them over his hands to stop his quirk temporarily.  That's the plan in my head that I'm going for.  But he's way ahead of me, predicting all my moves and constantly jumping to move away from where I've gathered the water particles and forcing me to start over, leaving me to dodge him and put some distance between us.

"I already know all your plans, you can't defeat me that easily by yourself," Dabi mocks me.

I'm at the end of my rope.  It's difficult to keep running and there just isn't enough water in the air to work for a fast attack.  I dodge another one of his attacks and wrack my brain to think of a different strategy.  My mind can only come up with one all or nothing plan, but if it doesn't work, I'll be done for quickly.

It's a risk I have to take.  I slowly start collecting as much water as I can into my suit and immediately around me.  Knock him out as quickly as possible, face him head on.  I take a deep breath.  My body shakes from exhaustion, anticipation, and fear.  I'll have to use my body's own water storage to help me, making this plan dangerous.

Right when Dabi's about to burn me at my new hiding spot I jump out and summon all the water I've stored to mobilize.  Drown him!  A sphere of water forms just around his head.  In his moment of shocked hesitation before he strikes, I force the water to go down his airway to suffocate him.  He catches wind of exactly what I'm doing somehow, raising his hands to send another blast at me.  I summon another set of water from my costume stores to surround his hands to keep the explosion tamed.  Come on, fall unconscious already!

But it's curtains for me.  He's summoning a larger blast to his hands, neutralizing my watery protection around them and I don't have enough stored up to replenish it.  Desperately, I start using up the water inside my body.  Damn it hurry up!  I can't-!

I feel myself reach my limit just as he completely disintegrates my water seal with an explosion, sending me flying backwards down the street until I roll to a stop.  I'm exhausted, I can feel my blood pressure and heart rate dropping, and I'm too weak to try anything else.

Through my dizzied vision, Dabi staggers towards me, coughing and sputtering.  "Damn kid, you really almost had me."

It didn't work, I'm a failure.  I don't have the energy to say anything back.

"Get your hands off her!" a female voice resounds, and stomps reverberate through the ground.

"That's my cue."  I crack open an eye to see him smirk down at me before using his quirk to lift himself off the ground.  "Until we meet again, (Y/n) (L/n)."  He rocket away without a hitch.

Damn it...

After waking up in the emergency ward attached to an IV for my severe dehydration, Mirko tells me Dabi got away and she rushed me right over to the hospital to treat me since I was unconscious.  They won't let me leave until I've replenished all my stores and my urine's clear.

"Also, your teacher's coming to get you," my mentor adds.

Aizawa is going to kill me.


Oh for fuck's sake, I know who else is gonna kill me.

Bakugou stomps in, his head trying to be held back by Aizawa's capture weapon to no avail.

"YOU DUMBASS-!" my boyfriend starts off before the scarf comes over his mouth to muffle his screams.

"This is a hospital, control yourself," Aizawa grits at him deathly and walks next to my hospital bed.  "I guess you did the best you could, but I won't praise you for almost getting yourself killed.  It was a good strategy, it would've worked if you had backup."  He pats my head before smirking.  "Bakugou was about to cry when you collapsed."


"I'll leave you two alone to talk."

Him and Mirko step outside the room, leaving my high-strung boyfriend to rush me.  "Do you have any idea how fucking worried I was, you dumbass?!  You almost got yourself kill, look where you ended up...!"

I drown out his screaming, noticing how bloodshot his crimson eyes are from crying.  He was so worried about me.  I reach my hand up weakly and touch his cheek, cutting his reprimanding screams off short suddenly.  If I had the tears to cry, I would.  Instead, I offer him a tired, melancholy stare of affection.  "I'm sorry," I manage out.  "I know I said I wouldn't use up my own body's water, but I didn't want to die, Katsuki."

The aggression melts away from him face and his hand reaches up to hold mine.  "I guess it was instinctive," he admits, closing his eyes and I feel him start to tremble.  "Why would you face a villain like that alone?"

"I called for backup-"

"You should've stalled for as long as you could!" he sobs out, gripping my hand tighter.

My own body starts to well up, feeling the tickle in my eyes but no tears can escape.  "I tried," is my soft reply.  "I'm sorry."

Bakugou envelopes my body in his, trembling warmth blanketing me with his high emotions.  "What would I have done without you?  When I saw you get hit by that explosion, I almost lost it.  Did you think about how I would feel if you pulled something like that and didn't survive it?"

I feebly return his embrace, tangling my fingers in his puffy hair to comfort the sobs wracking his body.  "I'm here, Katsuki.  I could have been in a worse condition, but I'm still here now."

His trembling and cries slow down to a calming end, and he remains wrapping me with his affection.  "You did well, except the almost dying thing, I guess.  I'm proud of you for holding your own as long as you did against a villain like him."

"Wow, a compliment?  You must have really been shaken up," I poke fun at him to lighten the mood.

"I can be nice..." he mumbles into my neck.  "You better drink a whole ton of water so we can go back together.  Everyone else is worried about you too."

My mind wanders back to Dabi.  I'll have to face him again eventually, and he knows what I'll try to do in the future.  I'll need to be ready.  But until then, I have a hotheaded Pomeranian boyfriend to comfort me from my past and build towards my - hopefully, our - future.

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