Do Not Go Gentle

By theallylayne

387K 14.9K 4.4K

Persephone Jackson has survived two wars and quite frankly she didn't want to deal with another one. However... More

*** Characters ***
Part I: Do Not Go Gentle
Another Day in Paradise
Elf-Man Or Ellon? The World May Never Know
Meeting Salamander the Wizard and Lord McDicks
New Friends No Problem
Farewell to Female Dogs
Luncheon Funions
Goldilocks and Spars
When Darkness Wins
Hanging Out Featuring the Valar
Losing Your Head
Alone and Lonely
A Golden Flower Duel
History Ain't Such A Mystery
I Meet Hera 2.0
My New Pal, Bud
I Meet A Water Nymph
Valar, and Dogs, and Orcs, Oh My!
Persie The Cowardly Demigod
When It's Not All Black And White
Oops, I Did It Again
Throwing Pillows Solves All Problems
What Are Emotions, Anyway?
I Make A Few Questionable Decisions
Battles and Casualties
Three Graves in the Ground
Lessons and Impressions
A Study of Dragons
To Forgive or Not To Forgive
Down By The Riverside
A Hissy Fit Gone Wrong
Beneath the Surface
I Obviously Need Sleep
Creatures of the Dark
An Attack on the Spirit
A Healing Confessional
All the King's Horses
Yet Another Luncheon
Stripping It Down
Payment in Full
Danger on Patrol
I've Been Demigod-napped
My Wonderful, Safe Travels
I Walk The Line
A Man of Many Names
This Could All Be A Dream
When Pieces Come Together
Part 2 PREVIEW: Into That Good Night
PART 2 PREVIEW: "Into That Good Night"
PART 2 PREVIEW: Left Behind
PART 2 PREVIEW: Hairy Feet and Leafy Greens
PART 2 Preview: Maris, Daughter of Nรกin

Drinks and Flirtations

5K 235 40
By theallylayne

Lovely Readers,

I am currently looking for a Beta Reader as I obviously need one since I normally don't read over what I've written most of the time (oops) and I was wondering if any of you are willing to help or know someone who would be good for the job! Hope you all are well, and I'm excited to hear what you think about these next chapters to come!

Let me know what you think about this chapter!

XOXO Ally Layne.


Before I knew it, I was sitting at a table in the only pub in Imladris and drinking some cheap wine with some of the most prominent Lords of this part of Arda. After breaking down again with some of the toughest warriors I've ever met, we all congregated to the one place we knew we could get some relief.

Glorfindel had taken his leave from our group, much to my displeasure of losing such wonderful eye-candy, as he had a meeting with Lord Elrond. He had already been late as I took a long time to share my story with the other ellyn, but I appreciated his efforts. It had helped to have him there, supporting me silently from the sidelines as I laid out my scars for them to see.

Aldarian was the first one to step up and hold me tight to his chest, letting my tears soak his sparring tunic. They all ended up having tears in their eyes, and I swore I saw Elladan and Geoffry wiping tears from their cheeks.

I was glad they felt like they could be emotional in front of me.

Sitting at the table, I felt like not only even more weight was lifted from my shoulders, but my feet were stable on the ground. Even though I had been drinking, I wasn't feeling out of sorts. I had never felt soberer in my life; it was like I was finally seeing the world around me for what it was for the first time.

My hair had long-since been taken out from its braid and was flowing down my shoulders in beach waves that I had been known for even in childhood. I was still rocking the dark short-sleeved tunic and was wearing the comfortable black trousers that I used for training. I was starting to feel like my old self again... but maybe a little different, as Arwen and Alma had suggested.

"I am stunned that your gods rely on children to do their bidding," Geoffry told me, lips turned down as a finger drifted along the rim of his glass. His usual bright blue eyes had now dulled over and had a distant look to them. "I think that sounds rather cowardly."

I took a long pull from my own glass and held it up for the server to give me a refill. That elf was going to get a nice, large tip for all the running back and forth he was doing for us.

"Why do some of the gods hate you while others love you?" Elrohir asked between sips. "Would they not all have the same overall agenda to follow?"

I snorted into my drink. "You'd be surprised. It is as if none of them get along with each other. Ever."

The Lords looked between each other, and I could see the gears turning between them. "How do they get anything done?" Elladan asked, his dark eyes full of confusion. He tucked a wayward piece of his dark locks behind a pointed ear as he took another sip. "That does not seem to be a working political system."

I shrugged. "They're horrible at communication, yeah, but they've been alive and acting in their positions for thousands of years. I suppose they've gotten worn down over the years."

Aldarian rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in front of his puffed-out chest. His blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, making his face seem more narrow and severe than it usually was. "They are barely children compared to the Valar. Even they do not rely on children to do their work. That is pure selfishness and inability to cooperate. I do not know why you would have fought for them in the first place."

A long sigh droned on from my lips. I really didn't want to defend myself. "Well, between having the gods- which includes my father, by the way, so think before you say anything too terrible- and a titan king who had committed mass genocide and wanted to wipe out the human race... I think I'd rather have the gods in charge even if they used kids to keep their position."

I pretended I didn't see the pout on his face, well, for his sake.

"I am amazed that you lived after the different battles you faced," Elladan said. "It is impressive that you have lived through so much in so few years."

I thought back to the cave. I hadn't expected to live through that. I had hoped that I wouldn't so that I wouldn't have to remember.

"You're right," I told him before taking another swig. "I guess I never really thought about how many times I was faced with certain death."

"It became natural to be in that kind of peril?" Elrohir asked, his dark eyes narrowing.

"Of course it would, she was too young to know anything different," Elladan dismissed his brother.

I sighed. "I was never supposed to be born," I told them. "I was a mistake."

The group became silent at my words as the sound of the other patrons became a fuzzy background noise no one was listening to. Geoffry took a drink before carefully placing the glass down in front of him, staring down at the liquid. "Do you believe you were a mistake, Persie?"

The other ellyn listened to his words with intent.

I shrugged.

"Persie, you are far more than a mistake, mellon nin," Aldarian chastised, moving to sit next to me and draw me in a side hug. "You are so much more."

My heart warmed.

"What makes you feel that way?" Geoffry asked carefully.

I scoffed. "What part about my father accidentally impregnating my mother and bringing upon an apocalypse because of it don't you guys understand?"

Aldarian's arm tightened around me. "I still cannot believe you were sentenced to such a fate."

I let out a huff of air, feeling the flash of frustration I felt start to retreat. "It wasn't me who was sentenced to death. Luke was the one who died. He felt like the gods had abandoned us, and wanted to change that. In some ways, he did."

I felt their questioning gazes as I looked down at the wine glass in my hands. There was enough for one more sip, which was most certainly not enough to help me through this conversation. I didn't feel like explaining my feelings for Luke.

Or what could have been.

Ignoring the looks shot at me, I flagged the waiter down and ordered another glass of wine, which was sent out within moments.

It helped to have some of the most important Lords in Imladris with me, but I like to think it's because the poor elf thinks I'm cute.

I winked at the dark-haired waiter, who immediately blushed at my attention. "Thank you," I told him just before he quickly bowed and scurried away.

"I would not let Glorfindel see you do that," Elladan chimed with his knowing raised brows before he took another sip of his wine. "Us ellyn can occasionally be territorial creatures."

I giggled, leaning into Aldarian's shoulder as his arm tightened once more. "What would he say about Aldarian giving me cuddles?"

Aldarian immediately retracted his arm with a hiss. "I am a full-grown ellon, Persie. I do not give cuddles."

I pinched his side in response, laughing when he yelped in surprise. "What a warrior you are, too," I mocked.

"Aldarian usually plays with fire, so this is no different," Geoffry said, his eyes dancing in amusement at the two of us in front of him. "Glorfindel would most likely let Aldarian know that he was not pleased in one way or another."

"But we're not official, it was just two dates. Also, it's not like he has any ownership over me or anything, no matter how long we will be or have been together," I spoke smoothly, thanking the wine for taking the tremor away from my hands and voice.

"That is an interesting concept," Elrohir spoke, breaking his own silence. "Males usually hold rights within the household in our world. Is it not the same for yours?"

I stiffened. "Is this some barbaric kind of world?"

Aldarian choked on the wine he was sipping. "Barbaric?"

I threw my hands in the air, starting to feel a light buzz taking over my mouth and emotions. "Yes! Women are the backbone of any society! We are the reason why races continue to exist! We can do anything men can do, and most times we can do it better."

Their eyes widened dramatically, so much that I would have laughed if I wasn't so fired up. "There is no doubting the importance of women, Persie," Geoffry eased. "I have no ill will toward what you have said, do not fret."

I looked at him closely. If he wasn't telling the truth, there would be a proper demonstration of how women do have power after all. He didn't look like he was lying, but elves have great poker faces so I couldn't be too sure. "Then why do they have any rights over women? A relationship should be equal in every way."

Elladan nodded in agreement. "We believe in the same thing, Neneth, do not worry. When elves enter a marriage they are usually mates where they each possess each other equally. Two halves of one whole. It is impossible for a mated pair to hurt each other to the extent that if one hurts their mate, they would be hurting themselves."

I blinked. "How is that possible?"

Geoffry spoke, "The fea bond between mates is what allows feelings and emotions to be intertwined and forever linked together. This is what separates the Eldar from humans with relationships- we have deeper connections with our mates than humans ever have with their chosen."

I felt a pout fall onto my lips. "This means I'll never have a mate?"

So, it seems like Aphrodite lied to me. She probably just wanted me to cross over to this world to save all their asses. What a jerk. I probably would've come here anyway.

"Well, normally I would say no," Elladan mused. "But after witnessing your fea being depleted, I would say that either having a god for a father or being a champion of the Valar has graced you with the capacity to form such relationships."

"It also might be a reason why you feel so deeply and have been so tormented. Most could not have dealt with the emotions you are facing, which goes to even show how much stronger you are," Elrohir finished, a white smile flashing in my direction. "You should be proud that you have survived the torment. Most with a fea would have faded from their despair."


"It happens when the light of the Eldar leaves an elf due to an inexplicable amount of distress. Usually, when one loses a mate in Arda, they would fade due to the emotional toll it would place upon their fea," Elladan said. I realized the connection between the sons and their father, Elrond.

They were healers, and they knew much about the life of creatures in this world. Funny enough, they were not as dumb as they often made themselves out to be.

"That sounds horrible," I admitted.

"It is," Geoffry spoke. "Here if one is in danger of fading, they are usually sent to the Grey Havens to sail to Valinor, the land of eternal peace."

I noticed the twins flinch at the words, and bit my lip to keep from asking about it. I figured it must have had something to do with their mother, from what little Arwen has shared about her.

"There, they will go to wait for when their mate will be reborn once more from the Halls of Mandos," Aldarian said, muttering the words as if he had done so a thousand times before.

"So either way you are promised eternal life," I said, looking at the elves knowingly. "That must be nice to know. But also, hard, as well."

A familiar melodious voice sounded out from behind me, "You are not wrong, Nemir."

I jolted up in my seat, nearly falling from my chair in surprise. "What the fu- Goldilocks, don't do that!"

He slid into the seat at the end of the table, between Geoffry and I before looking at me intently. "What did I do?"

I rolled my eyes. "You did your sneaky elfy thing and scared the living crap outta me! I didn't even hear you coming."

A golden brow raised as something dark twinkled in his eyes. "Maybe you need to learn to listen more closely, Persephone."

"Yeah, whatever."

The others laughed as I took a sip of my drink, and watched as Glorfindel eyed my glass with desire. "You want some?"

His handsome face was slightly weary, though he was putting on a good show for his fellow soldiers. His bright eyes looked at me intuitively. "Please."

I flagged down my favorite waiter again, and ordered Glorfindel another drink, leaning forward and batting my eyelashes at the guy innocently.

"I will go get it right away," he promised, blushing considerably while eyeing my display. "Y-Yes, excuse me."

Golden eyebrows furrowed. Bright blue eyes narrowed.

I smiled at the golden warrior smugly. "That's how you get a drink, Goldilocks."

"That is odd, as I have never had to flirt to get my drink," Aldarian voiced at my side, poking through the bubble that had entrapped Glorfindel and me.

I turned to Alma's charming brother. "No one asked you, so shut it blondie."

"I agree with him," Glorfindel said, looking at me with the same piercing eyes.

Before I could say anything, the waiter came back and handed Glorfindel a glass of wine. "Thank you," I told him before he blushed (again) and ran off.

He took a sip from the glass, looking over the rim into my eyes. I was pretty sure everything he did was sexy, so I didn't have much hope for my future endeavors. He would be a permanent distraction, I just knew it.

I tore my eyes away from his and turned back to the others who were all trying to hide grins. That was another thing I chose to ignore. "Luke decided to be reborn," I said. "People have the choice to be reborn or not. He was going to try for the Isles of the Blest, where only heroes are said to reside."

"Was he not the one who brought Kronos back?" Elrohir inquired. "Why would he be remembered as a hero?"

My brows raised. "He's a hero. He just got into some bad things and made some bad decisions, but in the end, he made the right choice and saved everyone."

Elrohir nodded stiffly, though his eyes showed something different.

"I know it might seem weird for you elves, but mortality has an effect on humans, whether half-god or no," I told them. "Luke was scared and hurt, and because of that, he wanted change. He just went the wrong route to get that change he desired."

Glorfindel pursed his lips as he twirled the glass around his fingers. "Fear has an effect on all of us, Nemir, not just mortals. It is understandable, and it is admirable that he made the right choice in the end."

I nodded tightly and took another drink from my glass.

He nodded once and took another drink from his own glass.

Our eyes stayed connected, and I knew he could feel the pain that still remained from my past with Luke. I never told him what had happened between Luke and I, but due to how well Goldilocks seems to know me I am sure he had come to some conclusion.

"When you were given the opportunity to be immortal, why did you say no?" Geoffry then asked, directing my attention to him. "From my knowledge, most mortals crave immortality and the promise to live forever."

I sat the glass back down on the table, eying the red liquid that it held. I could imagine the spatter of blood from my friends as they died, the eyes that slowly turned glassy, staring up into the sky but seeing no more.

"I wanted to be with my friends again," I admitted, thinking back to Charles and Selena. They were two great friends who had been taken from me too soon. Jason, Leo, Piper, Hazel, Frank... Annie. I had lost them all. I wanted to be with them again, even if it were in death.

"Yet you are here now," Elladan said, prodding me to continue. "Why would you go to another world if you wanted to see your friends in death?"

I tilted my head to the side. "Do you think if I die that I will be at the hands of the Valar?" I asked.

I could see Glorfindel stiffen at my side, and did my best to avoid meeting his eyes. I didn't want to think about him staying... young, while I would grow old. He'd stay sexy forever, while I would turn into an old, ugly hag.

So much for being together.

And if we were mates... then he would fade. He would die if I died. At least, if he didn't venture out to Valinor. But then he'd be alone. And it would be my fault.

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