The Crown

By chofachofachofa

203K 5.9K 1.1K

It was the first thing he saw when his eyes opened for the first time. The glistening, golden glow shining in... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
lil vote
Epilogue - 1
Epilogue - 2
Epilogue - 3
Epilogue - 4
Epilogue - 5
CONTEST (part 2)

Chapter Thirty

2.1K 70 12
By chofachofachofa

Tobias watched as Beatrice faltered in her steps, left alone by her two friends. She clenched her fist, thinking over what had happened moments earlier. 

With a deep breath, he slowly walked over to her. "Is everything okay?"

She turned around toward him, her eyes filled with tears. "Christina is refusing to speak to me..." she heaved a heavy sigh and looked away. "No matter. Let us not keep your parents waiting."

"Beatrice, this brunch is of no importance," he insisted. "Perhaps you would prefer trying to speak to your best friend further-"

"-Tobias," she interrupted, looking back at him. "I will not run after someone who is acting like such a child! If she wishes to continue behaving this way, I will simply ignore her."

And with that, Beatrice turned and walked toward the dining hall, Tobias close behind. They walked in silence down the hallway, side by side. 

As they approached the doors of the dining hall, Tobias slowed his steps. One look Beatrice's way and it was clear to anyone her mind was overpowering her every thought; she was so visibly consumed with something, and it went much further than just a fight between her and her best friend. He wanted desperately to take her hand and lead her away, but she was much too resistant. 

Why is this brunch so important to her? Why does she feel she needs to make such an important impression on my parents? As if they could ever stop our relationship, he wondered to himself, oblivious.

The guards stomped their foot and straightened as the prince approached. They each reached for a door handle and opened it swiftly, standing in front of each other. 

Tobias reached for Beatrice's hand and led her inside, squeezing her fingers for reassurance. 

Beatrice held her head high as she locked eyes with the queen, sitting comfortably in her chair. She flashed an amused smile, stirring the drink in her hand. The king glanced at the couple, sneering. 

Evelyn stood and rose her glass to them. "My dear son, Miss Prior; how lovely of you to make it."

"I am honored by your invitation," Beatrice replied as one of the servants pushed back the seat for her. She sighed silently at the feel of the soft cushion below her, never having sat in such an elegant chair before. 

Marcus stared at her, undecisive over a thought.

"How are you enjoying your new life, dear Beatrice?" Evelyn asked.

"It is quite lovely," she replied honestly. "Nothing short of things I only imagined to be real."

Evelyn chuckled. "It is so wonderful that you have such supportive parents as well."

Beatrice clutched her dress, hiding her sudden fear. Tobias furrowed his brows and glanced at his mother. What an odd statement; is she purposefully trying to arise an emotion out of Beatrice? he wondered. 

"Supportive parents?" Beatrice finally asked, hiding the slight break in her voice at the now constant reminder of her father's outburst.

"Why of course!" Evelyn smiled. "How wonderful it is that they support you engaging in a relationship with the prince."

"Mother," Tobias interrupted with a forced smile. "I believe that is quite enough."

"I am only asking about the parents of the woman you are courting, my son," she insisted. "I would not want them to be upset at our dear Beatrice's..." she glanced across the table. "...upgrade."

Marcus glanced at his wife, amused by her line of questioning and the ever so evident despair across Beatrice's face. Even so, he felt the process was dragging all too much; he was growing tired by the second of having to sit at the same table as a servant.

Much too tired.

"Mother," Tobias repeated. "We can talk of other things."

"Indeed," Marcus intervened. "We had a telegram earlier about Princess Lauren and her family. They send their warm regards to you, son."

Tobias clenched his jaw. "And why would I possibly care about their regards, father?"

"Hm, I suppose it lies in the fact that they are not aware of..." he glanced up with a conniving smile and hooded eyes. "...Miss Prior."

Beatrice clutched her dress further, the nightmare replaying in her mind.  

Tobias slammed his hand against the table, standing to his feet. "How dare you! Both of you!" 

Evelyn set her drink down. She glanced to her husband, upset with what he had said to them. "Marcus, no more."

"No more?" He laughed, shaking his head. "I do believe I have entertained our son's delusions quite enough, my dear. This child of yours needs to be sent away until he has regained control of his mind!"

Evelyn faltered in her seat, shocked at his words. She had never registered the threats her husband made toward their son until this moment. What seemed like simple fatherly frustration was now concerning. 

Tobias pushed past the chair, pointing his finger to his mother. "You dare ask of us to join you for brunch, all for what?! To harass the woman I love?"

"You do not love her!" Marcus interrupted. 

"You have no right to speak of my feelings!" he roared back.

"No blood of mine will ruin what I have built!" he yelled, gripping the knife in his hand. 

Evelyn widened her eyes and stood, looking at her husband. "Marcus! What are you doing?!"

She looked down at her ring finger as her hands began to shake, realizing then how monstrous of a situation she had created. Instead of toning Marcus' anger down, she had fueled it further.

She could tell, just by the look in his eyes, he longed to do harm to the innocent woman at the table. To their son. 

She covered her mouth with her fingers, trembling.

Marcus glanced down and let the knife glide against his fingers, falling to the table. "I am only speeding up this relentless process," he told her. 

Tobias clenched his fist and turned toward his mother, anger bubbling out of him. With a betrayed heart, he sneered at her. "What process?!"

Evelyn's breath hitched at the sight of her son's betrayed expression. She knew then how much she had wronged him in tricking him into believing she wanted to do right by his relationship. Watching his relentless defense only awoke the part of her that she was trying desperately to bury.

The part of her that wanted Tobias' happiness above anything else. Above the money, the titles, or the reputation. 

"Tobias, please allow me to explain!" she cried out suddenly before turning to her husband. "Do not speak so freely, Marcus! We had agreed-"

"Agreed on what?!" the prince demanded.

"A month, another month - when will it end?!" Marcus yelled. 

"It was wrong!" she admitted, her hand pressed to her chest. "This was all wrong! Think of our son!"

Tobias slammed his hand against the table once more. "I have grown tired of your constant meddling in my life!"

As the queen and her son yelled at one another, talking over the other, the commotion around them fell away. 

Beatrice shakily stood, her heart in disarray. She covered her mouth and stepped back into the room, watching the family in front of her yell at one another relentlessly. It pained her to see Tobias raise his voice and shout, especially toward his own mother, who was in a fit of tears. 

She backed up from the table before fully turning around and sprinting toward the door. As she escaped back into the hallway, the yelling grew by the second. The two guards beside her looked at her.

Judging! she cried, pressing her hands to her temple as she ran from them toward the nearest door. Everyone around me is judging! My status, my title, my relationship, my choices...

Beatrice pushed through the doors in front of her, finding herself in the garden. She stumbled in her steps as she ran further, wanting to hide away as her thoughts started to consume her whole.

You have ruined families, Beatrice Prior! she told herself, collapsing on to the grass. Torn them apart! You have made mothers cry, fathers lash out - is there no limit to what you won't destroy?

She cried in her hands, pressing her face into her palms. 

How could this be worth anything? How could causing this much pain be worth any love you might think you have?

She clutched her chest, trying to catch her breath. 

How did you think you could ever truly be with a prince? How could you think he could ever love you?

Beatrice sat in the grass, calming as the breeze hit her skin. She caught her breath, covering her mouth and spacing out into the distance.

All the choices she had made had led her to this moment; was the answer to simply revert back to the first choice she had ever made for herself? Back to the moment where she saw the employment offer in the newspaper all that time ago in the comfort of her family home?

Back to when Tobias was about to gain his independence from his parents by marrying Princess Lauren.

Back to when Andrew was proud of the daughter he had raised. 

After all, she was the servant that ruined the Royal Family's life, and she was the daughter that the Prior Family was ashamed of.

As life became a little bit clearer in her mind, Beatrice turned at the sound of her name being called out. She stood quickly and watched as Marcus approached her. His brows were dipped as he slowly pressed his hand to his chest, tilting his head to her. 

"Beatrice," he spoke, his smile growing bigger by the second, "Do you mind walking with me?"


Christina stirred the batter in the bowl with great speed, releasing her anger out on it. She groaned as she lost control, letting the bowl spin against the counter in front of her. She tossed the mixing tool to the side, frustrated.

The queen's two handmaidens walked through the kitchen, snickering to one another. One of them paused and glanced at Christina, shooting her a disingenuine pitied look. 

"What a temper," she commented with a sly smile. 

"Is it jealousy, perhaps?" the other said loudly, pretending to speak to herself. 

Christina turned to them. "Jealousy?"

"Don't be so modest, Christina," the handmaiden shrugged. "It's not every day one's best friend becomes the prince's royal interest. One of you is about to become a princess and the other..." she hummed. "...stuck in the kitchen."

The other handmaiden examined her nails. "Perhaps your Page Boy can give you some taste of royalty."

Christina clenched her fist as the clock struck an hour. She left her station and walked out of the kitchen, catching Will walking toward her on time, like he did every day. She waited patiently by the wall as he finished his discussion with King Marcus, accompanied by two guards. 

Marcus handed Will a file, seemingly ordering him to have it filed. Will glanced to where he knew Christina waited for him and mouthed to her that he would be back in a moment before turning around and hurrying to finish his task. 

She turned to leave when she noticed Marcus' sudden agitated state. She watched him beckon the guard toward him.

"I am in no mood for my plan to go awry," Marcus said sternly. "I will not stand another day as this..." he sneered. "...wench interferes with my plans!" he scoffed. "If my idiot son wishes so desperately to be distracted by a common woman, he could do so in the confines of a marriage to a princess!"

Christina covered her mouth and pressed herself further into the wall.

The guard nodded slowly. "Have you decided on a signal? When to take her?"

Take her? Why would they take her? she panicked.

Marcus scoffed, clenching his fist. "Imagine my disgust when my wife announced to me that she had invited them to our brunch," he shook his head. "No matter, for this will be the last they will every attend together. I will cause a disturbance and force her to leave the room, and you two will wait outside. Only take note of where she runs off to; I will be the one to follow with you two behind."

No! Christina screamed internally. 

"And do not be too obvious; my wife does not know about this," Marcus added before Christina heard the clicking of heels fade away.

Christina slowly emerged from the wall, trembling. Her head swarmed with endless thoughts as Will came back her way. He faltered at the sight of her, rushing over to prevent her from seemingly fainting. 

"Christina?" he asked worriedly. 

"B-B-Beatrice!" she stuttered out, her hands shaking. "The K-King...Ta-take her..."

Will's eyes widened. "Take her? Christina?!"

She shook her head shakily, fear in her eyes. 

In a heap of emotions, Christina turned her head at the sound of Tobias and Beatrice coming their way. She panicked instantly, stuttering out her words. She shook her head profusely at Will, begging him wordlessly to not say a word until she composed herself. 

As they entered the main lobby, Beatrice paused at the sight of Christina in the distance speaking to Will. She quickly left Tobias and slowly walked over, wanting to make ammends for the last time they had spoken.

Christina glanced up and gasped at the sight of Beatrice walking their way. She quickly looked at Will before turning and rushing in the opposite direction, wanting to get away from as fast as possible.

Beatrice faltered at the sight. Her heart hurt. She glanced at Will. "Please, tell me what is going on, Will!"

Will cleared his throat and shrugged. "Nothing's going on. Christina was just asking me something."

"She has been ignoring me since our last encounter!" she whimpered quietly. "I need to speak to her."

"I am sorry, Beatrice," he winced. "Truly. But, I promised not to get involved."

She pressed her hand against her forehead.

"I should go," he whispered, resisting his urge to comfort his friend further.

Will turned and walked down the dark hall Christina had gone through. He stopped at the sight of her, rushing to her side.

"Did you tell her anything?" Christina rushed, reaching for his hands.

He shook his head. "Of course not, you told me not to," he assured, squeezing her hands. "Although, Christina, I feel like we should. This feels like lying ... She should know that-"

"No," Christina interrupted. "Beatrice can't know."

Will sighed and nodded. "Alright, now what do we do?"

Christina paced in front of him, biting her finger. She paused and glanced at him. "I have to intervene. I need to do this for her."

"And put yourself in harm's way?!" he protested. "No, Christina! I won't let you get hurt!"

"I need to do this, Will," she urged. "I have hurt her far too much."

Will turned away, reluctant. 

Christina squeezed his hand and let go, walking away from him.

"Christina," He called out, his mouth hung open to continue speaking, but could not find the words.

She paused and turned back to him, forcing a compassionate smile. "I have to do this."

Will stepped forward to offer his help when a guard came rushing their way, ordering Will to hurry back into the king's bureau to fix an error. He groaned, reluctantly turning away and running toward the bureau once more.

Christina clenched her dress and rushed toward the dining hall, determined to save her best friend and make it up to her. As she approached, she could hear the deafening yells coming from inside. She slowed her steps at the sight of the two guards from earlier posted at the doors to the dining hall. 

One of them turned and noticed her, furrowing his brows. "Get out of here; no one should be in this hallway."

"The prince asked me to come," she rushed out, surprised by her own words. 

The guard cocked his brow. "Get out of her before we remove you."

"You can ask him!" she insisted. "Call him out!"

"We have strict orders to keep these doors closed until the King comes out," the other explained. "The prince does not over rule the King."

As the three of them bickered, the doors swung open as Beatrice ran through them in a heap of tears. She turned to glance at the guards, her vision blurred with tears.

Christina stepped forward to call her name, but one of the guards reached for her faster. He pressed his hand against her mouth and turned around, hiding her against him. She squirmed in his hold, fighting him for release as she screamed her best friend's name against his hand.

Beatrice shook her head and hurried away toward the garden, causing Christina to scream further. 

Christina clawed at the guard's arms, kicking him in the shin. He cursed and dropped her, recovering from her painful hit. 

"Beatrice!" She screamed as she hit the floor, crawling toward her. 

Through all the commotion in her heart and head, Beatrice could not hear a thing as she pushed open the doors to the garden and ran out.

"No!" Christina cried out. 

The guard came from behind and grabbed her anew, lifting her up in his arms. He pressed two fingers against her shoulder blade, pressing against her pressure point. She squirmed only for a moment before falling unconscious in his arms, limp.

The other guard rolled his eyes at the sight. "Get rid of her," he ordered as Marcus came out of the dining hall. "She went into the garden, sir."

Marcus smiled and made his way through the doors toward the garden. 

With Christina in his arms, the guard set her down in a dark hallway. He quickly rejoined his partner as they hurried behind Marcus, following him out into the garden.

Marcus paused at the sight of Beatrice on the floor, quite enjoying being so above her in height. He waited patiently until she noticed his presence, wanting to savor every moment. 

"Beatrice," he spoke, his smile growing bigger by the second, "Do you mind walking with me?"

Having no other choice, Beatrice reluctantly nodded. 

They walked side by side along the bushes. Her uncomfortability seeped through like a leak, which only further amused Marcus. She hoped Tobias would come to find her soon so that they could talk about their relationship. And, most importantly, so she could evade having to be in his father's presence any longer.

But, Tobias never came.

"I wanted to express my most sincere apology for my outburst," Marcus started. "After all, my son claims your relationship to be one of true love."

Beatrice was more than confused. "I do not understand."

He chuckled, grinding his teeth. "I have noticed how nicely you speak now, Miss Prior. A consequence of being with the prince, no doubt."

She furrowed her brows.

"You do not speak as barbaracally as your village peers," he continued. "You have made great effort to mimic the life you would like to assume, Miss Prior," he stopped and looked at her. "Tell me that is what you desire."

She took a step back, confused. "Desire?"

"What do you desire, Miss Prior? My son? His wealth? His title?"

She shook her head. "No! I love Tobias-"

He took a step forward, causing her to take one back. "You are in love with the idea of a fairytale, Miss Prior. One you have inserted in my impressionable son's mind. You are nothing more than a nuisance. A bother. A pest."

She clenched her fists in fear. 

"Do you know what I do with pests, Miss Prior?"

He continued walking forward as she mimicked in walking back. 

Suddenly, Marcus stopped in front of her, an evil smile plastered on his face. "I get rid of them," he whispered.

Beatrice gasped as she stumbled back and fell into unfamiliar arms. She looked up and noticed one of the King's guards holding her, the other with a bag by his side. 

She looked at Marcus for an explanation, but all he could manage to do was laugh. 

The guard reached and covered her mouth just as Beatrice cried out in fear. He expertly pressed against her neck on her pressure point, knocking her out in seconds. She gasped and collapsed in his arms, unconscious. The other guard slipped the bag over her. 

It was all over.

And no one was there to save her this time.

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