The Queen's Curse

By euphyrys

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The Queen's Curse by @euphyrys A Greek Mythology Story Previously known as Through Golden Blood ••• The Quee... More

New Cover!
zero | Characters
one | Alone
two | Meeting
three | Control
four | Longing
five | Hera's heart
six | Cause & Effect
eight | Trip down Memory lane
nine | Winter Solstice
ten | Ichor Tears
Title/Cover update (Through Golden Blood)
eleven | First Mortal
twelve | Solace
thirteen | Vulnerable
fourteen | Thunder Temple
fifteen | Tormenting the Queen
sixteen | Moments shared, moments cherished
seventeen | New Year

seven | Small Gestures

2.3K 80 7
By euphyrys

small gestures

She was distracted, to say the least. For today's meeting, they were discussing the plans for the Winter Solstice meeting and party. Yes, an evening celebration that bonded the major and minor deities, usually wasting away with Dionysus' booze, and Hermes and Apollo's entertainment. She was uninterested simply because these celebrations weren't for her. Though, as the Goddess of Marriage, she mastered attending receptions and after-parties, she didn't particularly enjoy any of it. Another reason was her husband flirting with half of the attendees, leaving her in her usual sour manner.

The Olympians were busy arguing over who will be hosting the event. Every year, the host of the party changes, to be fair, but ironically, they settle with votes. Turning the word "fair" into "biased" in Hera's eyes.

This time, the King was present. With him attentively hosting the meeting, she started zoning at their pointless banters. The events that had occurred exhausted her greatly. At the least, she deserved some tranquility for a short time. The matters regarding the Winter Solstice can be solved on their own, unless, of course, they are indecisive in regards to the host of the celebration. Usually, she would be appointed as the host when they haven't agreed on anyone.

There was a hazy look on her face when Zeus glanced over to his wife. It was an odd picture when the description was partnered with her but it vanished as soon as it appeared and then she was already shooting him an emotionless expression.

The King did not look away as he observed his wife, disturbing it may appear. His children were having another argument when they proceeded on voting, nonetheless, the problem hasn't been solved.

"I do not see the purpose of voting when you're all against the nominees." For once, he was able to give good counsel. Apparently, the only people who weren't part of the arguments were Zeus and Hera. The Queen was silent for a reason as Zeus was appointed as the one leading the meeting, and this time, he would be the one to suffer a headache.

"Then, what is it that you want us to do, Father?" Ares questioned.

"Yes, everyone's particularly unwise when it comes to choosing the nominees," Demeter said.

"It would have been wise if we weren't using the same hosts from last year." Hephaestus gave his opinion.

"Why can't I host? I'm certain that I'm particularly good at hosting events." Hermes asked.

"You, Apollo, and Dionysus, you all play parts in the Winter Solstice party every year. It would look a tad bit unfair to those who haven't had a chance." Athena said intelligently.

Zeus was baffled at the occurrences in the meeting. He proceeded on massaging his forehead as he grasped the situation and attempted to think of a better solution for the matter.

The love goddess spoke up, surprising almost everybody in the room. Earlier, she was blabbering nonsense about who deserved the title of being the host and now, she settled on default, allowing her chosen to speak up for the first time ever since the meeting began. "Since none of us can agree on our nominees, I think it's best if we leave this to the Queen and appoint her as a host instead." Momentarily, she gazed at Hera with light in her eyes. Aphrodite was, no doubt, the goddess of beauty, and Hera could not help but adore her looks and become conscious of hers. And yet, the goddess looked hopeful when she addressed the Queen.

Everyone was silent and all of them were staring at Hera.

Unnerving silence it was as the Queen sat there without moving or speaking. At that point, the goddess of love and beauty started doubting herself and settled her eyes on the floor. Oh no... Did I say something wrong? She thought.

She was saved by the Queen as her voice resonated around the room with a hint of coldness that sent shivers down their spine. "Very well." Hera shot her a look. Aphrodite curtsied and in no time, she sat on her throne.

The Queen of the Heavens reached for her scepter and stood from her throne. All eyes were on her. And they were now shuddering, trying to anticipate her next motive.

"I'll improve Lady Aphrodite's suggestion. I may be the default host for every event when there are times in need that we cannot decide and agree amongst ourselves.

Therefore, as I was appointed as the default host, I will give my thoughts on the matter. It is only fair if I am given the chance to choose the host instead. I have never voiced out my preferred host in any of our discussions which is why I am taking this opportunity to appoint someone who would, not only be suitable but also fair in my opinion." She looked around the room.

"Have I made myself clear?"

Everyone muttered to the Queen. "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Lady Artemis."

"Yes, Queen Hera?" The huntress took a step forward. Her insides were shivering. Was she taking this opportunity to punish her when she watched her from above? Preposterous. She thought to herself. She won't do that in front of everyone. She merely glanced at her twin brother.

"Child, I appoint you as host for the Winter Solstice event. You haven't had your turn for over 50 years. It will now be in your hands. If you are in dire need of assistance, feel free to choose two assistants for the event except for Dionysus, Apollo, and Hermes who are already part of the actual event. Also, I will be available for any consultation that you need." Hera declared.

It seems as if Artemis was speechless.

She did not see that coming.

"Queen Hera, I am grateful." She managed to say before curtsying.

"Now, do we have any matters to discuss and address?" No one spoke.

She turned to face Zeus this time.

The King got her message. "Meeting adjourned." Everyone quickly went to perform their responsibilities for the day.


A week has gone by after Zeus and Poseidon's argument over Hera. Two of the brothers would avoid each other from crossing paths and Hera made sure to keep an eye on them before they start a ridiculous war that could possibly wreck the sacred grounds of Olympus and the humble abode of the mortals.

A peacemaker, she was. It might have infuriated her. Zeus and Poseidon are one of the older Olympian deities. They should be the role model of the Olympian youths who are arguably the most exasperating generation.

Though she may be a hypocrite, people learn from their actions as time goes by. People change every second. The Titan King Cronus can vouch for that.

Her fingers moved gracefully against the keys that produced an alluring melody, drawing the souls that crave for serenity. The melodious sound was fulfilling to her ears. Her eyes were closed as she savored the sound, having a sense of tranquility inside her own private palace. She moved with such grandeur, elegance, and adherence to her symphony.

The grand piano was blessed by Apollo. Each chord was perfectly tuned. A request of the Queen and happily, he obliged. Mastering the piano was a difficult skill and yet, Hera wasted no time in perfecting her hobby. Her longing for tranquility was found in different portions of her leisure. Nevertheless, she got lost in the sea of her melody and finding solace in the arms of each note.

What she cannot express directly can only be released in another form of its own.

Unbeknownst to Hera, Hestia entered the room. The Queen had asked for her company and it was a request she cannot possibly deny. This was her youngest sister, after all. It has been years, centuries even, the last time they confided in each other. The bond they shared was still there but over time, it has weakened because it was starting to fade. Hera has been isolating herself from everyone, refusing to let herself hurt. Her trust has gone to the depths of Tartarus the moment her very own sister and husband betrayed her, allowing their immortal forms to give in to the pleasures of the skin. It was an unbearable thought, one that Hera fought to push away to prevent herself from causing damage to the people she loves and adores deeply.

Harming anyone was the least of her intentions.

She kept on playing. Well aware of her sister's presence, she didn't stop. She wanted her to hear. She wanted her to know. She wanted someone to understand. She needed someone to understand.

Everything wore her.

Hestia went next to the Queen. As if a child who was intently listening to a pianist, she sat down on the floor beside the piano. The sound waves vibrated into her form as she welcomed Hera's piece. She discerned what she was attempting to decipher. What she intended for her to perceive.

Hera wanted to confide in Hestia in which she could not exactly express directly.

Her fingers flowed and shifted to different keys. When Hera finished her piece, everything inside Hestia warmed. Her heart softened as she began empathizing with her sister.

Hera despises the pitiful look in other people's eyes. She realized this the moment her husband started straying. She felt weak, distraught, and full of remorse towards herself. It was a weighing feeling that she desperately tried to leave behind. But all it did was pile up when it was ignored. So in the past, Hera would only confide to her sisters, Demeter and Hestia. For a time, she was able to lift it off from her shoulders. To finally breathe. It was only a matter of time when all of that vanished the moment Demeter betrayed the Queen. Losing the connection with one sister was unbearable but losing both of it, was too much for her to handle. This was why Hera had hardened her heart, and Hestia couldn't really blame her.

The goddess of the Hearth did not give up. She would accompany and engage Hera in a conversation even if it was only one-sided. It was only a matter of time. Her hopes weren't lost. She believed in her which was why listening to her piece soothed her and encouraged her to continue.

If there was something about Hera that one should know, her small gestures would be considered as grand for they rarely see the affectionate aspect of the Queen.

Hestia misses her little sister. And for a moment, her eyes were closed as she cherished the moment she shared with Hera. When she opened, she gazed at her little sister and saw an unknown expression on her face. It was unusual for her to contort a foreign expression. Hestia, upon reaching for the Queen as she stood up, sat beside her and wrapped her arms around her frame.

She was gladdened at the thought of Hera not refusing her affection towards her, as she simply sat still staring into space. Her embrace brought warmth and she tightened her arms around her waist to reassure her presence even if she did not move a muscle to return the gesture. The eldest Olympian was certain that it would take time.

She could only imagine how awful the damage was.

Nonetheless, she was just pleased to have her in her arms.

It has been a long time, little sister...


With the current crisis, I'm hoping that everyone is safe. 

Don't expect anything more from this chapter. I'll write at my own pace. 



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