Stranger things and It/Prefer...

By FelxieSimp

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These are a bunch of Stranger things and It cast and character One-shots/imagines and X reader. I really like... More

Hello! x
Cowardly /Mike Wheeler
Dreams/Noah Schnapp Part 1
Dreams/Noah Schnapp Part 2
Dating Richie Tozier would include...
Dating Bill Denbrough would include...
Dating Stan Uris would include...
Dating Wyatt Oelff would include...
Dating Finn Wolfhard would include...
Dating Jack Grazer would include...
Dating Mike Wheeler would include...
Dating Will Byers would include...
Jonathan x Reader
Ahoy, Ladies! (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Ahoy ladies!(Steve Harrington x Reader)Part 2
Dating Dustin Henderson would include...
Dating Steve Harrington would include..
Dating Jonathan Byers would include...
Dating Billy Hargrove would include...
Polaroids : Jonathan Byers x Reader
Dating Joe Keery would include...
Dating Darce Montgomery would include...
Please Read this note! x
Five Seconds (Richie Tozier x Reader)
They admit their feelings.Older boys.
Dating Eleven Would include...
We'll talk tomorrow.(Billy x reader)
Stan the man x reader
Old and New(Bev x fem reader)
How they tell you they want to kiss you-It
It characters as Avengers!
I'm your idiot/Steve
Short imagine/Requested
Stupid Feelings - Steve Harrington
The Body (Mike Wheeler x Reader
Jaeden Martell x Reader
He likes you! // Bill Denbrough
Dating a modern Beverly Marsh in high school would include
K is for Kindness... or kissing/Jonathan
Dating Jaeden would include...
Heat // Jack Grazer Imagine
You | Finn Wolfhard
Headache [ Stanley Barber x Reader ]
I'm always right here! Madmax
Risky Business
Imagine Bill letting it slip that you are dating during an interview.
Not me, not these kids, and certainly, not you.
Natural - Bill Skarsgard x Reader
Inconvenience / Bill Denbrough
WOW thank you!
Lovebirds // Stan Uris x Reader
Short Jack imagine
The Loser Who Became Lover | Eddie Kaspbrak X Reader
How they get you attention:Cast
Diggin' The Hair
Jealousy:Stan Uris
He's just a softie!Billy Hargrove
Meeting the parents/Reddie
Pick up lines/Dustin Henderson
Jealousy Makes You Crazy [S.U.]
The Schmucks
Best Friends//Richie Tozier
Halloween Tradition | Richie Tozier X Reader
Valentine's Disaster//Reddie
Requests please
Can't Deny My Love//Steve Harrington
Early| older!Richie Tozier x older!Reader
Really Important

Own me

219 3 0
By FelxieSimp

A/n:I know the name of this is misleading but this is not smut xD

"There's no way you're gonna be able to hit it."

"Really?" You smirked, watching as your long time friend shook her head. Staring at the far distance in front of you, you narrowed your eyes in thought. You're no athlete but you're pretty sure, given enough force, you could hit your target. Which just so happened to be the trash can a whiles away from you. "Because I think i'm gonna."

"I highly doubt you're gonna hit it, Y/N." Your friend, Jenna, stressed. "Remember that one time in gym you completely missed passing the ball to me, and- I was right in front of you!"

"That was one time!" You pouted, gripping the football in your hands with a tight grip. You're sure you could hit it. You were determined to hit it. "Let's make a bet, huh? If I hit it, you owe me dinner tonight and if I don't, i'll pay."

Jenna paused, biting her lip in thought; you knew she'd take the bet. She loved food (just as you did) and there was no way she was gonna pass up an opportunity for free food, especially since she was so convinced you'd miss it. "Deal." She nodded and a cocky grin spread over your lips. Looking away from your friend, you pushed your left leg back slightly, bending down and raising your hand with prestige focus.

Jenna let out a loud chuckle from behind you, you were taking this way too seriously.

Your tongue jutted out slightly in thought, staring at your intended target as you mentally counted down from three. Once you hit one, you reeled your arm and shot it forward, the football slipping from your fingers and flying before you. It was like time slowed down, that's how serious this bet was to you. But with a disappointed gaze you watched the ball curve in the other direction you wanted it to go.


Just as you were ready to accept your defeat, something else caught your attention. There, right where your ball was headed, was Steve Harrington. "Oh fuck." And just as you finished cursing, you watched the football smack against the boys head, the offended object tilting to the left from impact as his friend, Tommy, jumped away in shock.

"Oh my god."

"Fuck." You repeated, running back towards Jenna. "Fuck, i'm so screwed."

Jenna grasped your hand in surprise; "did you just hit Steve Harrington in the head with a football?"

Steve stood up from his seat on the bleachers, grasping his head in pain and your sure you heard him yelling out a slue of curses. His eyes darted around, finding the football and picking up the now dangerous weapon. You watched Steve's eyes fall on you, and you suddenly felt stuck as you met his eyes across the field.

"You just hit Steve Harrington with a football." Jenna clarified, watching the entire thing go down.

Steve suddenly smirked and you panicked, taking a step back. "Go!" You called, pulling Jenna along with you as you turned the other way and ran off in a hurry. Though, while you were more than concerned, Jenna found this highly amusing.

"She says sorry!" Jenna called, waving at Steve.

"Shut the hell up, Jenna!"

"Sorry," she laughed, finally catching up with your speed. "But hey, at least you're buying dinner."

With a sigh, you clicked open your locker. It had been an increasingly long and exhausting day; especially since you spent the entire day trying to avoid Steve. It was only the next day, and you knew Steve, he's not one to forget something like hitting him in the head with a goddamn football.

It wasn't like you were scared of him, on the contrary you're almost positive you could whoop his ass if needed. It was more that you didn't know what he was going to do, would he be mad? Would he and his friends try to pull something? You weren't sure, Steve Harrington was a complete mystery to you and the only time you've ever spoken to him was that one time for a school project, two years ago.

But it was the end of the day, meaning you could go home and not worry about it until tom-


Your locker slammed shut before your eyes, you jumping back from surprise. Looking over to see who had just rudely shut your locker, you found just the person you've been trying to avoid all day. "Steve."

"It's nice to see you." He smirked, setting himself against the locker next to yours and crossing his arms across his chest. Holding your hand against your chest, you tried to calm yourself down from the scare he'd given you, clutching with your other hand the strap of your bag. "You seem to be in a hurry."

You decided to just get it over with, he was here and there's no way you can avoid what'd happened anymore. "Look," you sighed. "Steve i'm sorry I hit you, Jenna and I were just having some fun. I didn't mean to make you mad or-"

"You think i'm mad?" Steve asked, his smirk faltering slightly.

You furrowed your brows, tilting your head in confusion. "Yeah? I mean why else would you...?"

"I don't care about that." Steve waved off, standing up straight and shoving his hands into his pockets. "I came here to ask you if you'd like to go on a date sometime."

You fumbled for a response, his words the opposite of what you'd ever expect. You were not Steve's type, or at least you hadn't thought you were. You weren't pretty like Nancy or sassy like Carol; you didn't have spunk like half of the girls Steve hung out with or dress up. Instead you'd rather wear skinny jeans and a t-shirt, stick to your books and be on with your day.

So after sputtering like an idiot, you came out with a; "what?"

"A date. You and me." Steve gestured to himself then you, and left his hand there.

"A date?" You repeated in a questioning tone. "With me?"

"That is what I said."

"Are you serious? Why would you want to go on a date with me?" You paused, looking up to glare at him. "Why would I want to go on a date with you?" Steve didn't seem to have a response to that and just as your confusion faded away, you sighed, shaking your head. "I've heard of your reputation Steve, i'm not willing to be fling or even- do any of that. I'm sorry, but no."

You moved to walk away, desperate to find Jenna and tell her all about this crazy experience but instead a hand caught yours. Then you were being tugged the other way, towards Steve and your back was pressed against the locker. You froze, staring up at the boy that suddenly seemed a whole lot taller then he did a second ago. You were so glad it was the end of the day, as everyone was mainly go and not able to watch what was happening.

"A study date then." Steve smirked, staring down at you with a piercing gaze. You felt your breath get caught in your throat, the close proximity pulling you away from rational thinking. "You hit me in the face, I think you owe me at least a study date."

Pause. "O-Okay."

"Great." Steve smiled, pushing off the locker and finally creating some distance between the two of you. As he stood before you, you felt like you were finally able to breathe. Then he stepped forward, slipping a piece of paper into your palm. "Meet me there tomorrow after school."

The second he was gone, you let out a heavy breath. Why the hell had you said yes?

The next day you found yourself walking the path to Steve's house. He lived farther away then you'd known and seemed to be a singular house hidden away from many others, making you regret your decision even further.

You hadn't originally planned to go but Jenna had convinced you, somehow. "When do girls like us ever get asked out by Steve Harrington?!"

"What does it even matter?" You had muttered, "we don't need guys like Steve."

"True," Jenna had complied before a huge grin spread over her lips. "But do it for me?"


And that's how you found yourself now. Taking a deep breath, you stared up at the gate before you, your heart pounding rapidly against your chest. You didn't even know what you were thinking, you should just turn back. Yeah? That would be best. You didn't know who you were trying to impress or even why you were so nervous, you'd never been like this before; so nervous over a stupid boy. But... this was Steve and you, that just didn't even make sense

Just as you moved to walk away the gate creaked open; "Y/N!" Steve exclaimed, and reluctantly you turned to face him. "Glad you could make it."

"You invited me." You grumbled, walking through the gate as he opened it for you. Your eyes immediately fell on the pool that seemed to glitter before your eyes; "you have a pool?!"

Steve made his way next to you, his hands falling on top of his hips. "Yeah." He smiled, huffing in enjoyment. You coughed lightly, shaking your head; this was stupid. Stop being so nervous. Turning to Steve, you raised an eyebrow expectantly, "so what did you need help studying for?"

"Oh, nothing."


"What do you mean what? What else was I suppose to say to you to convince you to go out with me?" Steve huffed, furrowing his brows as if you were the crazy one. You sighed heavily, glancing at the closed gate and towards the house; no lights were on.

"Where are your parents?"


You felt your heart drop, everything was too suspicious. There was no way Steve had just invited you to hang out. He'd lied and his parents weren't home, not to mention he lived at least a few decent miles away for anyone to care. You'd been played. "I'm going." You suddenly announced, turning towards to gate in a rush.

"Woah, wait, what?" Steve appeared before you before you even reached the gate, holding his hands by his side in surprise. He genuinely looked shocked and concerned, but you were worried it was only for play. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Seriously, Steve?" You spat, shaking your head as your eyes crinkled. "You lied to me, your parents aren't home and we are fucking miles away from anyone that could hear us. Don't think i don't know what you want from me." You paused, taking the short steps towards him to place your pointer finger on the middle of his chest. "I am not that kind of girl, I'm not a fling or a one night stand, Harrington. Hell, I didn't even want to go here in the first time!"

Steve reached forward, grasping both your wrists to bring you out of your ramble. "I'm not trying to get in your pants." You rolled your eyes and he shook his head. "No seriously, Y/N it wasn't just because you hit me in the head. I've- I've liked you for a while now, the smack to the face just prompt me."

You paused, unsure if you believed him or not. You wanted to, you wouldn't lie and say the idea of being with Steve wasn't appealing but... you knew of his reputation. "And why should I believe you?"

"Just stay, please. I'll believe you."

And reluctantly, you nodded.

And hour later you found yourself laughing loudly and sat against one of Steve's beach chairs. You clutched your stomach in pain as your eyes began to tear with enjoyment as Steve reenacted when he'd been smacked by the ball.

"How'd you even do that?" Steve asked, his own chuckle dying down. "You got a pretty nasty throw for someone so small."

You raised an eyebrow, smirking; "oh really?" You teased, "want me to show you how to throw like a girl?"

Steve laughed, shaking his head. "Go for it."

Smiling, you accepted his dare and stood up, shaking your arms out for extra effect. Walking away from your chair and closer to the pool, you shook your body, as if you were preparing yourself for a real throw. "Watch and learn, Harrington." And slowly, you raised your hand and cupped it as if you had a ball in between your palm and fingers. "Basically, you gotta cup the ball with a firm grip and hold a steady stance."


You bit your lip to keep yourself from bursting out in another fit of giggles, both you and Steve aware that you were completely talking out of your ass. "Then reel back," you demonstrated the movement. "And swing forward." You let out a puff of air, standing up straight with a proud smirk. "And you're done."

Steve stood up, extinguishing his cigarette (he'd offered you one but you kindly refused) and made his way over to you. "Nuh-uh." He smiled, shaking his head as he reached you.

You crossed your arms, "oh really? Cause i'm pretty sure i'm right."

"Your stance is all wrong." Steve critiqued and suddenly he was behind you, grasping your elbow slightly and pushing it up. Your breath got caught in your throat, your entire being aware of how close Steve was behind you. Yet, no part of you stopped him and instead let him move your limbs as he please. "Then kick this foot back slightly and bend your knees ever so slightly." You followed his directions, holding your head high as his hand slid up your raised hand to grasp your hand. Slowly he intertwined your fingers and you could feel his warm breath on the back of your neck.

"Then you throw." He mumbled lowly.

You bit you lip, "Steve?"

"No. No talking." He shushed; "we're at the end of the demonstration." Then before you knew it, his hand left yours and both arms wrapped around your waist to haul you up and throw the two of you in the pool. You let out a loud yelp, surfacing under the water and Steve let go of you.

When you were able to breathe again, you let out a loud gasp, brushing your hair from your eyes and turning to a very pleased looking Steve. "You jerk," you laughed, shooting your hand forward to splash the boy. He chuckled himself, swimming over to you as you began wiping the water from your eyes.

Slowly and smoothly he wrapped his arms around your waist again, lifting up your shirt slightly so his hands made contact with the bare skin of your stomach. Pulling you against him, Steve smiled down at you. "I'm sorry, but it was needed."

"Oh, was it now?" You smirked, shaking your head. It was then you noticed how close the boys lips were to yours and it seemed to be the only thing you could focus on. Steve of course noticed and wasting no time for you to change your mind, he leaned down to press his wet lips against your own. You didn't fight the kiss, and instead instantly returned it, your arms wounding around his neck.

When you pulled back, out of breath, you stared up at the boy with a nervous gaze. "You mean this, not just some one night stand?" Steve nodded, staring down at you with sincere eyes. "Promise?"


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