Villainous Heroes (Bakugou x...

juliaim5 द्वारा

82.8K 2.8K 930

Karin Komei's dream is to be the #1 pro hero and joining U.A High is step one to achieving her goal. Little d... अधिक

Character Info 🖤🖤
Welcome to U.A High!
Battles: Heros vs Villains
Stand Up
Let the Festivities Begin
Karin Komei: Origin
Let's Do Our Best!
The Ultimate Team
Competitive Spirit
Uraraka's Determination
Bakugou vs Komei
Three Bitter Days
Hero Agencies
Back To Normal
Exam Time!
Breaking Point
Shop Till You Drop!
Haruka Air
Let's Get Wild
Pink Lemonade
He's Gone...
Operation: Rescue Katsuki Bakugou
All For One
Welcome To The Dorms
Karin and Katsuki
Together At Last
Do or Die: Survival Training
Licensing Exam
Express Yourself
The Big Three
Work Studies
Crimson Wings
Enter: Hawks
Long Distance
You And Your Golden Eyes
Strong, Fierce and Stunning
Rising Phoenix
Scaredy Cat
School Festival
I Am A Hero Too
First Date?
Sweet Sixteen
Happy Halloween!
Nomu Strikes
♡⭒ Artwork ⭒♡
Louder Than Bombs


1.7K 62 18
juliaim5 द्वारा

Bakugou Household

The next morning Komei was startled awake due to the shouting that was escalating from down the stairs.


She rolled, falling out of bed landing on her stomach before rubbing her sore back.

'Wait bed?'

The girl slowly looked around forgetting her surroundings.

Right, she was in Bakugou's room.

She winced feeling her throbbing ankle as she slowly sat back up.

The pinkette shifted closer over to the side noticing her clean school uniform sitting on the nightstand. She then outstretched her arm reaching for the clothes and began to change.

Mitsuki was so nice.

Karin reminded herself to sincerely thank the woman before she left.

Standing up trying to wiggle her skirt on, Komei noticed the floor.

It was clean. All the weights were pushed to the right side of the room and not scattered in her pathway.

Hobbling closer to the dresser, the pinkette noticed one of the drawer's was left open revealing where the boy puts his school uniforms.

 Absentmindedly, the girl's cheeks began to heat up.

'He didn't come in here when I was sleeping... did he?'

"No!" She slammed the dresser drawer closed

'Get your mind out of it Komei' She talked to herself in the mirror before heading to the bathroom to freshen up




"Karin, good morning! I made breakfast!" Mitsuki shouted from the kitchen with a spatula in her hand as the pinkette came down taking a seat at the table next to the scowling blonde

"G-Good morning Katsuki..." She mumbled turning to face the boy

He darted his piercing burgundy eyes over to hers before chugging a glass of orange juice.

"Morning..." He wiped his mouth with his arm


After they left the house, the hot headed duo began their silent journey to school.

"Hey Katsuki-" She began nervously starting to fidget

They were coming up close to her house.

"Is it okay if we take a different route? I-I don't want my aunt and uncle to see me-"

The blonde rose up an eyebrow and nodded skeptically.

"Yeah whatever-" He said without a care in the world as he began to snicker making the pinkette snap


"Heh. You look uglier than you usually do with that look" He scoffed out a laugh pointing at her

"What are you talking about, I always look like this-" She frowned annoyed gripping her bag

To say the girl's had a rough couple of days would be an understatement. With no time to fix for hair nor time to compose herself, Komei groaned

"If you don't know what i'm talking about then you sure as hell are stupid" He walked on forward aloofly interlocking his hands behind his head

The girl could've shot lasers out of her eyes. They were physically drilling holes in the back of his skull.

"Can't you ever go one day without being annoying!?" She taunted catching up with her limp ankle as his hands began to glow orange in irritation

"Hey!!" The girl pointed at his glowing hands

"Don't you dare pop your explosions on me Explo-Boy!" She threatened screaming at the boys actions

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!" Katsuki jumped

"OH DON'T START-" Karin shook her head back and forth

The two were head to head, you could physically see the tension between the duo.

"You know what? No-" She paused

"Your not worth my time" She said pushing past him sassily leaving the blonde even more enraged as they were coming up closer to the school


"Hey-" She whispered to him putting up a hand to shield the left side of her mouth as his eyes narrowed towards her

"Yeah WHAT?"

"Is it me or is everyone staring at us?" The pinkette asked uncomfortably as people began to stop what their doing eying the duo

'Woah, those are U.A students'

'He's the one who won!'

'They were on tv!'

Karin and Katsuki ignored the comments as they approached the school in hindsight.

"Mina! Kiri! Hey!! Good morning!" The pinkette shouted as she saw a set of specific red and pink haired teens walking in front of them

"Is that Komei and Bakugou?" Mina whispered into the redheads ear skeptically

She was already plotting conspiracies.

"Hey you guys! Morning!" Kirishima waved waiting for the two so they could all walk together

"Woah Komei! What happened to your foot?!" Mina pointed out as the girl comically stuck out her tongue scratching the back of her head

"She fell because the dumb ass doesn't know how to walk-" Bakugou responded coldly looking the other direction 

"I mean sure, you could put it THAT WAY-" She yelled in the blonde's face as they were back at it making Kirishima and Mina sweat drop.

They all walked into class 1-A together taking their respective seats.

"It's so weird that everyone recognizes us from tv!" Mina jumped

"Everyone wanted to talk to us on our way here-" She put a hand into her cheek motioning Kirishima

"Yeah it was insane!" He stood up

"People on the street couldn't get enough of me! It was kind of embarrassing~" Hagakure wiggled

"Sure-- but isn't that pretty normal for you?" Ojiro sweat dropped

Karin watched the group. No one came up to her and Katsuki...

She reminisced their morning walk. Everyone just stared... they almost looked afraid.

In deep thought, she fiddled with her hands looking down at her desk.

"All it took was one sports festival and now were celebrities!" Kaminari boasted 

"This school really is amazing!"

The conversation was cut short as Mr. Aizawa slid the door open.

"Morning." He groaned waltzing in

"Good Morning Mr. Aizawa!" All the kids said in unison being the perfect model students they are

"Ribbit-- Mr.Aizawa, you don't have bandages anymore-- that's good news" Asui pointed out

"The old lady went a little overboard on her treatment-" The man scratched his face

"Anyway-" He went on

"We have a big class today. Hero informatics." He said as everyone felt a chill in the air

'Informatics?!? Please don't tell me it's a pop quiz?!' Kaminari spazzed

'Crap, I bet it's about hero laws-- i'm so bad at stuff like that!' Kirishima thought

'Oh man-- what am I going to do!' Komei clenched her fisted

"You need code names."

"Time to pick your hero identities." He spoke calmly as everyone began to jump

"YEAH THIS IS GOING TO BE TOTALLY AWESOME!" They cheered as Aizawa's eyes glared red causing them all to settle down

"This is related to the pro hero draft picks that I mentioned the last time we were in class together. Normally student's don't need to worry about the draft yet until their third year actually, but your class is different."

"Infact, by extending offers to first years like you; pros are essentially invested in your potential. Any offer could be reascended if their interest in you dies down by graduation though-"

"Stupid selfish adults-" Mineta groaned smacking his desk

"So what you're saying is that we still need to prove ourselves when were recruited?" Hagakure questioned


"Now, here are the totals for those who have gotten offers" Aizawa flicked a switch on the remote as the screen showed the results

Todoroki and Bakugou had far more offers than anyone else in the class, both having offers in the thousands.

Next was Iida, Tokyoyami, Komei, Kirishima and so on

"In past years, it was pretty spread out, but this year there's a big gap-" The Erasure hero pointed at the screen

"Aghh. No fair..." Kamnari whined as Mina puffed out her cheeks

"Todoroki got the most over Bakugou?" Jiro questioned in surprise

"Yeah, that's opposite of how they placed in the festival" Kirishima took notice

"They probably don't want to work with a guy who had to be chained up in the end-" Sero thought out-loud triggering the blonde


'Wow. I have 189 offers' Komei gasped looking up to the screen

"That's amazing-" Yaoyorozu sighed looking over to Todoroki

"You must be proud-"

"Half those offers are probably because of my father" He replied not making eye contact

"P-People want u-us!!" Uraraka cried shaking Iida back and forth

"Midoriya you got none..." Mineta put a hand on the nervous boy shoulder

"I bet everyone was grossed out by the crazy way you were fighting" He commented

"Cut it out Mineta, i'm sure there's a reason-" Komei butted in noticing the uncomfortable expression plastered on the green haired boy's face

"Despite these results, you all will be interning with pros. Got it?" Aizawa cocked an eyebrow

"Even those of you who didn't get any offers-"

"Oh, we're all interning?" Midoriya questioned as hope began to glimmer in his eyes once again

"Yes. You already got to experience real combat against villains in the USJ incident, but it'll still be helpful to see pros at work-- up close and personal, in the field, first hand." He finished as all the students began to get excited

"For that we need hero names!" Sato jumped

"All of a sudden this is getting a lot more fun!" Uraraka grinned ear to ear

"These hero names will likely be temporary, take them seriously or-"

"You'll have hell to pay later!"

The door slid open revealing the R-rated hero.

"What you pick today could be your name for life. You better be careful-- or you'll be stuck with something utterly indecent" The woman said seductively as most of the boys drooled making the girls roll their eyes


"Yeah... She's got a good point..." Aizawa nodded

"Midnight is going to have final approval over your names while I take care of some business" He continued as he picked up his sleeping back and a couple other things

"The name you give yourself is important. It helps reinforce your image and shows what kind of hero you want to be in the future-"

"A code name tells people exactly what you represent."

"Now then-" He picked up everything walking towards the door pausing

"Komei, grab your things-"

Everyone in the class stared at the pink haired girl as she looked at the man questionably.

"Sir?" She stood up

"We have a meeting with Principal Nezu and I suggest you come along." He said coldly making her go stiff

'Principal Nezu?'

Standing up, Komei grabbed her bag and walked to the front as Kaminari, Mineta, and Sero ooed assuming the girl was in trouble.

Her heart began to pound in nervousness.

A student in class 1-A getting sent to the principal's office? There's nothing good about that sentence.

Walking down the aisle of desks, Komei was stuck in a trance trying to figure out the reason.

'There's no way he could possibly know that-' Her mind then drifted back to the library



Walking through the hall with her homeroom teacher, it was dead silence until the pinkette decided to speak up

"Mr. Aizawa-" She began

"I'm not in trouble am I?" She asked the Erasure Hero in worry


'Of course he wouldn't respond...' The girl let out a sigh as Aizawa halted stopping the pinkette in her tracks

"I called your house-" He began

'He what?!?'

"I spoke with your aunt; you haven't been home." He analyzed the girl noticing her sprained ankle

Aizawa knelt down to match eye lines with the pinkette.

"She told me everything. So you don't have to hold back against me kid." He looked up to her trying to get a response

The girl evaded his gaze has her hair shagged over her maroon eyes.

'This is not happening-'

She didn't want anyone at U.A to know her personal matters thinking it might affect her position at the school. What if they kick her out? U.A is the number one hero school, they obviously don't want a burden... and that's what she felt like she was.

"Ah yes! Karin Komei! Please do come in!" Principal Nezu spazzed as herself and Aizawa walked into the office.

She took a seat in the chair crossing her arms looking down.

Obviously she was upset.

Nezu locked eyes with Aizawa as they communicated with no words.

Nezu took a deep breath as he begun to speak.

"Kyoto, July, 23..."

That date made the pinkette stiffen to the core.

"Super villain Devil Chain was terrorizing the city..."

"There was an accident-" Nezu continued

"A mass of 239 people were killed in action, it was a sad day for all of us."

"Two of those 239, were your parents..."

The pinkette's eyes widened as she shot upward.

"W-What the heck is this?!" She angrily spazzed

 "Is this a joke because i'm not laughing!"

The girl's heart was beating indescribably fast as her arms began to shake snapping at the pros.

Aizawa blinked as his hair rose preparing to use his quirk if needed.

"I was filled in on certain events that took place at your house hold." Nezu spoke calmly

"Your quirk--" He paused

"Manifested at the age of six; which is later than most, but that is expected given your family background." Nezu spoke as Komei sat back down

"Elemental quirks such as yours for example, are a lot more difficult to control compared to any other type of quirk."

"It takes a mastery of precision, control, balance-" Aizawa jumped in

Nezu chose his words carefully before continuing, he knew this was a sensitive topic for the girl and had to get to the point quickly.

"July 23rd was the day your quirk activated yes, but you are not to blame for the deaths of your parents or anyone who was in Kyoto that day Komei."

The girl sat pale as a ghost.

Pulling out files from inside his desk, he flipped them open.

"Devil Chain: Quirk- Chains. He is able to use the chains that are created through his palms at any will. He can also change the material that the chains are made of."

"Devil Chain has 23 counts of misconduct and 57 counts of property damage/mass hysteria. After the incident in Kyoto, he was captured by All Might and has been in solitary confinement ever since."

"His chains were metal that day... A perfect source to conduct electricity..." The girl mumbled sinking further into her chair

All those hours of researching at the library, Komei turned into a walking talking encyclopedia on the subject.

She had to admit, it did feel good to talk about this matter. No way could she talk to her aunt and uncle about this stuff, they wouldn't understand.

"Quirks spiral out of control when activated you know-- Especially elemental ones-" She pushed 

"Yes, your right about that." Nezu nodded disregarding her spiteful attitude

She's probably been suffering with this for a long time and Nezu knew that.

"All the children in the area were evacuated before the destruction ultimately happened-"

"And how do you know that?!" Komei shouted

"Because Mr. Aizawa here was one of the pro heroes on the scene and happened to be the one who rescued you."


Komei snapped her attention back to the Erasure Hero looking at him in disbelief as he watched her expression.

"N-No-" She stuttered slumping back in the chair

She almost had it transfixed into her head that it was her fault.

'I remember a scarf...' She thought as she pulled the collar of her shirt to loosen it

Flashes of that day whirled around the pinkette's brain as certain events began to line up.

"Komei, I the principal of U.A High with the quirk of High Spec am telling you, this is not your fault or doing" Nezu proclaimed leaving the girl in awe

How dare she let what Daisuke said ruin her.... She knew it in her heart that she was right.

The doubt was still there, but at this moment in time... the fact that the principal of U.A was telling her this. It felt a lot more real.


Leaving Nezu's office, she stood in the hallway with Aizawa.

"Komei, you're going home for the day. Your Uncle is waiting for you outside-"

"B-But!-" The girl retaliated jumping up

"H-Hero names..." She mumbled looking down feeling left out from the class

"You'll still have three years to come up with one." He responded

"Go home. Get some rest."

" Hey... Mr. Aizawa-"


She was quiet before she spoke.

"If it was you..."

"then I guess t-thank you..." She mumbled kicking some dirt slightly blushing in embarrassment

He lightly smirked putting a hand on her head ruffing her pink locks.

Walking outside with her teacher near the front entrance of the school, Komei noticed her uncle standing outside by his car waiting.

She hesitated watching the man. Good, he didn't notice her yet.

He was in his casual business attire.

'Probably just came from work...'

Mr. Aizawa pushed the girl as she started to move, making her turn to scowl at the teacher.

Renji's eyes darted forward from his phone as he saw his niece walking towards him.

"Karin--" He dropped the phone and embraced her into a tight hug

"H-Hi Uncle Renji-" She said quietly standing there, letting the man hug her


Komei Household 1:00 P.M

In the car, Karin and Renji had a heart to heart conversation. Being the daughter of his favorite brother--now late brother; Renji took hold of responsibility for the girl, taking her in as one of his own.

But what really terrified her now is what her Aunt Asuka was going to think. Pulling into the driveway, Asuka stood at the front door.

Karin gulped from inside the car as Renji put it in park.

"It's okay, she was just worried about you-"

Karin looked over to her uncle and nodded.

She walked up to the door swinging her bag over her shoulder as Asuka quickly engulfed her arms around the pinkette.

"Oh sweetheart-" She trembled 

"It's okay, Aunt Asuka-- I'm here" She reassured comforting the woman and returned the hug

As they walked into the house, Karin dropped her bag to the side and looked around.

"Rosa?" She questioned looking for her younger cousin

"She's still at school-" Renji replied


"It's nice to finally come home from work early, don't you think?" Renji pecked his wife on the cheek hanging up his jacket

"Are you hungry? I can made something for you if you like-" Asuka motioned to the girl as she was in the middle of taking off her shoes

"S-Sure... but I'm just going to take a shower first Aunt Asuka." Karin responded not making eye contact beginning to walk over to her bedroom

"Y-Yeah, go ahead-" Asuka whispered as she watched the pinkette

"Just give her some time-" Renji spoke looking at his wife

"I know Ren." She sighed in worry walking back into the kitchen and begun to make lunch




A long nice hot shower is what the pinkette was in a dire need for. He muscled relaxed once the water hit her skin.

Once she finished, Karin changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants staying nice and comfortable. Towel drying her hair, the girl picked up the hair brush and began to comb the knots out.

'Oh.' She gasped

Coming to realization, she stared at herself in the mirror now putting down her brush.

'Was he-' She edged closer to the mirror

'Talking about my hair?' She questioned as she played with her bangs trying to fluff them out

Her face immediately started heating up due to the thoughts conducting in her brain thinking of the altercation she had with Bakugou earlier in the day.

"If you don't know what i'm talking about then you sure as hell are stupid-"

Karin put her hands on her temples as she repeated the sentence in her head.

'What No! Karin stop it! He didn't even mean it like that!' The girl spazzed giving herself a migraine

'But...' She looked down




'What if he did?'


"R-Rosa..." Karin uttered watching her younger cousin walk in the door

"Karin-" The little girl stood in awe

"Karin your back!! We were so worried!" The girl cried into her chest

"Yeah..." Karin sweat dropped patting  the little girl on the head

Letting go of the hug, Rosa stared at her older cousin.

Making the girl uncomfortable with the staring, Karin tried to change the subject somehow someway.

"Come on, your mom made us a yummy lunch-- let's go eat!" She said as if on cue, her stomach began to growl making Rosa chuckle

Lunch was incredibly awkward. At the beginning the only sounds that were heard were forks and knives screeching against the plates.

Karin was always a person that kept to herself. She never had much to say due to her family's misunderstandings.

She was comfortable with her Aunt and Uncle, but there are just things she holds back on.

Trying to get out of the awkward phase, Karin grabbed her school bag and pulled out a file folder.

"Look what I got today-" She put the folder on the table

"Internships?" Renji picked up the folder reading it

"Yep" Karin smiled

"The whole sports festival was for us to possibly get scouted by pro heroes-" The girl explained

"Wow, you almost got 200 offers Kari-chan!" Rosa said excitedly

'Yeah but it's nowhere close to Todoroki or Bakugou...' She shuttered

"Hey have you looked at them yet?" Rosa asked as she scanned all the pro hero agencies

"No-" Karin peaked over the young girl's shoulder

"I think you should go with Mt. Lady-- She's so cool!" Rosa fangirled

"Mt. Lady sent me an offer?!" Karin spazzed grabbing the folder from her cousin as Renji and Asuka laughed

'Wow look at all these names...'

"Death Arms-"


"Kamui Woods!"

'This is insane!'

But there was one specific name that caught the pinkette's attention the most...




The Endeavor Hero Agency.


Next Chapter Title: Hero Agencies

A/N: Question, who's your favorite ship in bnha? There are so many good ones, but did you notice a ship that I hinted at in this chapter? It's Mina and Kirishima! They are my favorite. Love 'em.

Thanks for reading!


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