The Last Paladin

By muhakka_17

903 2 1

Juniper Calloway-Griffin... A girl who formally was on Earth, she got relocated onto a Galra Ship at the age... More

The Rise of Voltron:
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
Taking Flight
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Paladin
Across the Universe
Shiro's Escape
The Blade of Marmora
Broken Pieces
Best Laid Plans
Red Paladdin
Tailing a Comet
Code of Honor
Black Site

Changing of the Guard

32 0 0
By muhakka_17

Keith continued looking for Shiro in the aftermath of the explosions. I find it hard to believe that Shiro was gone. We have some diplomatic dinner tonight and I wasn't overly thrilled.

I sat in the training deck. Ever since Shiro, I felt like apart of me was missing. He was the reason I became much tougher than the little girl he saw me as back in Garrison. I felt bad. I could have told him everything. About me and the Blade. We were all eventually summoned into the lounge.

"They haven't figured out their flat bread recipe but what they do with those centipedes is just out of this world." Hunk explained.

"And they are totally ready to join the fight against the Galra." Lance added.

"Nice!" I exclaimed.

"We brought back a few of their leaders to join the coalition." Hunk added.

"That's splendid! Excellent work!" Allura perked up.

"You know... I gotta say, this is what it's all about... freein the people, lovin the ladies, then bombin down the road again lookin g for adventure, Voltron style." Lance held his phone up to Pidge.

"Which brings up a little issue..." I pointed out.

"They all want to see Voltron, only we don't really have Voltron anymore." Hunk continued off of my thought.

"We don't have Shiro anymore, either." Keith coughed. "Everyone seems to have forgotten that."

"It may be difficult for us all to accept, but it is time to think about finding a new pilot for the black lion." Allura brought up. We all gave her a blank stare.

"No! I'm gonna find him! Shiro is the one person who never gave up on me. I won't give up on him." Keith stood up and walked out. We all just sat their in silence. Having someone different pilot the black lion? That is hard to believe.

Later on, we all debriefed into the dining hall to meet with all of our representatives.

"It is our honor to have you all here together." Allura began.

"I had the biggest bunker back on Puig, but it wasn't nearly this nice." The leader from Puig states.

"Well I spent the last decade sleeping in a sling thistle thicket." One said. "You look wonderful princess. I'm glad I put on my best tarp."

"Welcome, everyone. Welcome." Hunk chimed in with the food. "I've prepared a few earth canapés for our distinguished guests to enjoy while we talk galactic diplomacy."

"The blade of Marmora has gathered this intelligence. As you can see, the Galra Empire is still the most massive ruling force the universe has ever seen." Kolivan showed a holographic map. "The sheer size of it is almost incomprehensible. It seems like it could rule another 10,000 years."

I looked over and saw someone shuddering in fear.

"Not the way I would have started this pep talk, but okay." Lance whispered over to Pidge and I.

"However we are beginning to see signs of increased rebel activity from within the empire." The map began to show another color which gave all the leaders hope.

"We have a strategy to bring these forces together, free more planets, grow our numbers, and accumulate an army that can defeat the Galra in major battles." The map went down. Allura looked at the guests, "but without your help, it will be impossible."

"The forces will all fight behind Voltron, right?" One of them asked.

"Yes, where is voltron?" The puigan leader asked.

"The people you see before you are the paladins of voltron." Allura pointed us out. "Together, they pilot the mighty lions that form the great warrior." I looked over and saw Keith bruiting.

"Excellent! Can they form Voltron now?" He asked.

"Uh well..." Allura was cut off by Keith.

"We can't form Voltron, okay?" Keith snapped. "We can fly the lions but Voltron is not happening."

Everyone looked disappointed.

"What he means is that right now they can't do it, but..." Allura began.

"But nothing!" Keith cut her off. "Shiro is gone. He was the black lion and until we find him, there is no Voltron!"

"The lions are still a substantial fighting force and this castle is also a considerable weapon." Kolivan chimed in to lift things up. "The Blade of Marmora can lead you."

"My people have been enslaved for centuries by soldiers who look exactly like you." One of them stated.

"Yes! Our people have heard the legend of voltron, how he defeated Zarkon. That is what gave them hope. What are we supposed to tell them now?" The puigan diplomat questioned.

"Tell them to stand up and fight for themselves!" Keith snickered. "Voltron is gone." We all watched as Keith left the room.

"I'll go talk to him." I stood up. "If you guys excuse me." I waved as I followed. "Keith! Hey! What gives?" I asked.

"Shiro is gone. He's our leader. He's gone." Keith muttered.

"You are meant to lead the team, and you sure aren't acting like the leader like Shiro wanted you to be." I reminded him.

"Shiro is our leader." He grunted.

"Keith—listen..." he cut me off.

"No, I'm done. I want to be alone." He snapped as he walked away from me. I can tell his is hurting on the inside. Deep down, I knew we all were. After a while, everyone else joined me to go talk to Keith as a unit. We all looked at Lance to start.

"Hey man, listen... we all miss Shiro. I remember what a thrill it was to meet him for the first time when the two of us carried him out of that Garrison hospital." Lance chuckled. We all followed Lance to stand with Keith in front of the lion.

"I grew up with my dad and Matt telling me stories about him. He was a legend at our house." Pidge added.

"The guy taught me everything I know about being a pilot... which isn't much, but more is on me." Hunk added.

"When I was bullied at the Garrison, he taught me how to defend myself." I chimed in.

"You're not the only one hurting, man. We're all right there with you." Lance stated.

"But you know he would be the first one to tell us that we have to move on." I continued.

"Keith, I know exactly how you feel." Allura stepped into the conversation. "But our mission is bigger than one individual even those who are completely irreplaceable."

"I know your right." Keith began. "It's time to figure out how to reform Voltron." Keith looked at the black lion. We all stared at it too.

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