{YOONMIN}-This Is My Kingdom...

By Sparkarlechinno

156K 7.6K 1.5K

Bts werewolf AU//Omegaverse AU Park Jimin was a prince and the only hybrid of a fox and a wolf of th... More

Chapter 1 Part 1
Chapter 1-Part 2
Thinking of changing the title
Chapter 1 part 3
Chapter 1 part 4
Chapter 2
A/n : help
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Thank you for 29k + reads!(QnA)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (part 1)
A/n:Current Update
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 20

2.6K 170 10
By Sparkarlechinno

"JIMIN!!!" Jimin ignored the calls of his friends as he bolted into a nearby forest,not far from Yoongi's mansion.His heart was beating rapidly as tears leaked and nearly blinded his vision while his legs were aimlessly hitting the ground to wherever parts of the forest it took him as the wasteful amount of adrenaline took over his mind,making him desperate to find a place to reside in comfort,far away from the crowd and the alpha.

The male finally stopped under a giant oak tree as he fell to his knees and let out a huge sob,cursing faith for its cruel actions as his mind tried to stir him away from reality.

'Of course Yoongi will never like you,you're a pathetic and ugly rat,"His sobs grew louder as his unconscious mind keep on telling him the sad truths he doesn't want to hear.

'You're really hopeless aren't you,why did you even think he was going to like you,you're weak,'He began to hiccup as he grabs the ends of his hair and tug on them,begging them to stop.

"Jiminie!!"His train of thoughts stopped as his eyes shot open to a sight of his best friend,taehyung running after him,with a worried and concerned look plastered on his face with a tinge of anger.

"Taetae?"He voiced was hoarse from all the crying as he let out a loud sniffle,revealing his tear-stained, red face to the male.

"Oh my gosh Jimin,I was so worried," The other omega pounced on him wrapping his arms tight around him.

"Tae,..how did you find me?"Jimin burried his face into his shoulder,still letting out small hics as he began to speak.

"I managed to pick up your scent,it wasn't really that hard considering the fact that you were the only one in this forest," Taehyung began to stroke the blonde's hair,his fingers intertwining in the locks,soothing the other male,calming him down.

"Jiminie,I heard what Yoongi said to you,and I just want to tell you that he's talking bullshit.Don't listen to him.He doesn't know what he's talking about," Taehyung nuzzled into his hair.

It was clear that they share an intimate platonic relationship,nothing  romantic going on the two considering the fact that they're both close friends.

"But Tae,"Jimin glaced into his eyes,his gaze deepening into male's crystal blue orbs."I Don't know why but Everything hurts,"He began to clutch his chest, the place where is heart was at, as more tears escaped his eyes.Taehyung understood what he  meant.It wasn't easy for a wolf,especially an omega to be rejected.They seem to lose control of their senses as their wolf goes haywire and inflict damage on themselves knowing that the mate bond was breaking.It was a natural instinct after all.It depends on some people on how they deal with it.Some may be able to cope with their loss while others couldn't and drown in this sea of madness and depression.Taehyung seriously didn't't want Jimin to face the latter.

"Jimin,I know this may be hard but listen to me,"Tae's fingers  began to brush against his face,wiping the tears away.

"Yoongi's just not worth your time okay,he may have rejected you but that doesn't mean it's the end.I don't want you to suffer anymore as I know what your wolf is going to do to you.Jimin please,you have to stay strong.Show him and the others that you aren't what they think you are.You aren't weak,"Tae whispered as he wrapped his arms tighter around the male.

Jimin could only nod as he embraced the hug.

The two males stood there,the feel of comfort enveloping around them as the cold air brushed them in the night.


Jimin had returned home,thanks to taehyung and Jungkook accompanying him on the way back.After biding the other two goodbye,he quickly scavenged through the piles of his aunts magic books,searching for a particular book kind with the spell he needed.Yes,the spell he needed to keep his emotions and wolf at bay.To tame it from attacking him internally as it knew that it was already messing up his mind and making his body grow weaker along with the amount of pain he was starting to face on his limbs.

His eyes paused on a leather book with golden linings with the words "Spell for self care remedies-Wolves Edition".Immediately,he flipped open the book,eyes scanning through the words as he flipped the pages for a certain cure he needed.

"Spell to combat mate rejection,"
"Note:The effects of this spell is temporary and it may last longer depending on the hierarchy system"

His eyes went wide at the certain page as he began to grab the items needed to cast the spell,two candles and some moondust.After getting the candles from his room and the moondust from the bottle his aunt left in the study,he began to place them in the correct position in order for the spell to take place-With each candle placed on both sides and some moondust gathered in his hands,he began to read the chant aloud,eyes sparkling as he goes:

"Resist the hunter,
Never fall prey for him,
Fear the guardian,
Who watches over him,"

The young male soon finished the verse as he blew the moondust into the flames of the candles,erasing them.He smiles contentedly at the finished spell,knowing that the pain would be erased for a while,with the words taehyung said to him earlier repeatedly chanting in his head.

'I must learn to resist him even if my wolf longs for him,'He thought to himself as he began to keep away his supplies and books before returning to bed.

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