BTS One Shots [Requests Close...

By JungshookiEsha

23.7K 408 54

Random updates :p And requests are closed for now. Will be working on requests that I have already received More

Drunk Night (Jimin x Reader)
Babysitter (Kids!BTS x Babysitter!Reader)
Party Meeting (Jungkook x Reader)
Home At Last (Yoongi x Reader)
Lil' Meow Meow? (Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader)
Britain's Got Talent (BTS x Reader)
Siblings《Babysitter Pt. 2》(Kids!BTS x Babysitter!Reader)
Unexpected Talents + Love (Seokjin x Reader)
My Fallen Angel (FallenAngel!Taehyung x Reader)
I'll Always Protect You (Jimin x Pregnant!Reader)
Scars Run Deep (Arrogant!Jimin x Abused!Reader)
My Forever《Unexpected Talents + Love Pt. 2》(Seokjin x Reader)
Our Pinocchio (BTS x Angel!Reader)
I'm Here (Yoongi x Reader)
Zookeeper (Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader)
Sister Shock (Yoongi x Reader)
Not-So-Real Bodyguard (Innocent!Jungkook x Delinquent!Reader)
Filter (Jimin x Reader)
My Time (Jungkook x Reader)
Inner Child (Taehyung x Reader)
Moon (Seokjin x Reader)
Goodbyes《Babysitter Finale》(Kids!BTS x Babysitter!Reader)
Coming Together 《Sister Shock Pt. 2》(Yoongi x Reader)
Unexpected Binding Ties (Yoongi x Reader)
it's been a while...

Better Off (Namjoon x Reader)

712 14 2
By JungshookiEsha

"Babe, I'm home!" Namjoon called from the door.

You ran down to the foyer and saw Namjoon bringing in his luggage. You smiled happily and jumped onto him, making him drop his luggage. He wrapped his own arms around you tightly and you nuzzled your face into his neck. You missed his scent these past few months and having him in your arms again felt perfect.

You eventually pulled away slowly, leaving a bit of space between both of your faces. Namjoon took this opportunity to lean in for a kiss. You gladly accepted it, feeling his full plump lips on your own. You pulled away after a minute, hugging him tightly again before you hopped down from his arms. You helped bring in his bags into the house as you asked about his trip.

For a few months, he had to travel around the world for his job. He asked if you wanted to go with him but you declined, not wanting to distract him from his work. Besides, you also had a child to take care of. It would've been harder for the both of you to take care of your baby while you were somewhere completely unknown to you.

He's been on a lot of work trips before. He was even on one before you realized you were pregnant. For the first few months of the pregnancy, Namjoon wasn't there to help you. And he went on another business trip when you were close to giving birth. You luckily had Namjoon's friends to help you. More specifically, his best friend Yoongi.

Yoongi was there when you gave birth to your daughter, Namjoon was on the other side of the world and wouldn't have been able to make it. He was with you everyday, helping you with your pregnancy, taking you to your countless doctor visits. 

As you brought a few of Namjoon's bags into your bedroom, you could hear Namjoon going into the baby's room. "Hey there, sweetie." Namjoon said sweetly.

"Dada!" Your daughter shouted, reaching up to Namjoon.

"Yeah, Dada's home. And now we're going to spend so much time together. You, me, and Mama." He tickled, causing a few giggles to leave her mouth.

You went to the doorframe and leaned against it, watching how happy both Namjoon and your daughter was. A sad smile came onto your face as you saw the huge smiles on their faces. You went back into the bedroom, your eyes pricking with tears. You quickly wiped them away, knowing that they hold regret. 'How am I supposed to tell him?'

You heard footsteps behind you and you made sure there were no tears. You cleared your throat and forced a smile, turning to see Namjoon holding your daughter. You took your daughter from Namjoon's arms and pecked his cheek before leaving the room, letting him unpack his things. You went into the kitchen with your daughter, putting her in her highchair as you cut some fruits for her to eat.

When you finished, there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Namjoon asked from the bedroom.

You went to the door and peeked through the window. A huge smile made its way to your face as you opened the door, excited about the appearance of your favourite people. "(Y/N)!" They all shouted, hugging you.

You laughed and heard Namjoon running to the front door. They all looked to Namjoon and began shouting, all of them going up to Namjoon and hugging him. You closed the door as they greeted each other, going into the living room together. You closed the door, about to go back into the kitchen when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned and saw Yoongi, who was scratching the back of his neck. "Why aren't you joining the others? It's been so long since you all spent time together." You told him with a soft smile.

"I wanted to talk to you," he mumbled.

Your smile fell, knowing exactly what he was talking about. You took a deep breath, "Make it quick then. We don't want anyone hearing."

Yoongi took in a deep breath himself, trying to think about how you would react to what he had to say. "I was thinking about telling Namjoon the truth."

Your eyes widened, "No! We promised not to tell him." You whisper-shouted.

"(Y/N), he's my best friend. I feel guilty about lying to him for so long. If I can't tell him, you have to."

You looked down and shook your head, "He can't know. What happened that night was a mistake, it shouldn't have happened."

"We were drunk, (Y/N). We didn't know what we were doing. He'll understand that if we just explain it to him."

Tears were building in your eyes, "But--"

"Yoongi, what's taking you so long?" Your conversation was interrupted by Namjoon. You both turned to him, Yoongi smiling at him while you avoided eye contact with him.

"I'll be there in a minute. I was just telling (Y/N) about this recipe my mom created." Yoongi lied, Namjoon nodding and going back into the living room. He knew something was wrong but didn't want to question you.

"(Y/N), I know you love him more than anything. But if he doesn't try to understand what happened, you can stay with me. We can raise Hyun-Jae together and Namjoon can visit her when he wants to. We're going to tell him. If you don't want to, I will. He'll tell me his decision and I'll tell you if you need to come with me, okay?"

You were about to breakdown in tears but nodded, Yoongi hugging you soon after. He let go of you, going into the living room with the boys. You went into the kitchen, seeing Hyun-Jae's face a mess. You laughed at how cute and silly she was, cleaning her face as she laughed too. You were happy with how things were, even if a few things were a lie.

Eventually, night fell. Most of Namjoon's friends had left, only Yoongi staying behind. They were talking about their childhood and a bunch of memories they made with each other. They both were having fun, joking around and laughing. But Namjoon brought up something that made Yoongi uncomfortable, "I'm so happy that you were here with (Y/N) during her pregnancy."

Yoongi looked down and forced a smile, "Y-Yeah. It was the least I could do for my best friend. Taking care of his wife was something any best friend would do. I couldn't let you down like that."

Namjoon smiled, "And I'm happy you guys became so close, too. You both are practically best friends now."

Yoongi's guilt began crawling onto him. He had to tell Namjoon the truth. "Hey, you wanna go on a walk? I need some fresh air." Yoongi suggested, hoping that Namjoon would agree.

"Yeah, sure. We've been inside all day, might as well stretch our legs a bit." Namjoon stood up, stretching his entire body. "(Y/N), Yoongi and I are going on a walk. We'll be back soon."

You came out of the kitchen and watched as Namjoon and Yoongi put on their shoes. Namjoon smiled at you and shyly sent a flying kiss to you. You chuckled at him and waved them off, Yoongi sending you a sad look before closing the door behind him. You knew that Yoongi was going to tell Namjoon about what happened two years ago. He deserved to know anyways.


"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Namjoon asked.

Yoongi was taken aback by the sudden question and forced a smile, shaking his hands in front of him. "Namjoon, what are you talking about? I just thought that--"

"I know that you and (Y/N) are hiding something from me. What is it?"

Yoongi wasn't sure what to say. He didn't think Namjoon was suspicious about anything but it seemed like he figured something out when you and Yoongi were talking earlier. So Yoongi took a deep breath and explained everything. "Two years ago, when you went on your first real business trip, there was a party. We told you about it but I didn't tell you everything."

"What happened there?" Namjoon asked, wanting Yoongi to continue talking.

And he continued, "(Y/N) came to the party too. We were all happy to see her and we all hung out. But throughout the party, the two of us kept drinking. We became so drunk that we ended up..." Yoongi hesitated, looking to Namjoon for a second before closing his eyes. "We ended up sleeping together."

Namjoon felt angry, clenching his jaw as Yoongi tried to recompose himself. "When we woke up, we knew right away what happened. We looked around the room to see if we used protection but there was nothing there. And we knew that we went that far because (Y/N) told me that she felt pain in her legs. A few weeks later, she was supposed to get her period. She didn't and she called me. She did a pregnancy test and it was positive. We weren't sure how to react. We began thinking that it could've been yours since she told me that you both did it before you left. So we didn't jump directly to any conclusions. It wasn't until after Hyun-Jae was born. We asked the doctors to do a DNA test and they did. We went back a few days later and they told us that I was the father." Yoongi finished explaining, looking up to Namjoon for any reaction.

Namjoon seemed to have been staring forward in shock, his body only moving on its own. Yoongi had to continue what he had to say. He had to tell Namjoon what he had told you. "I'm sorry, Namjoon. I really am. But if you don't want (Y/N) around anymore, tell me. She'll move in with me and we'll raise Hyun-Jae together. You can visit if you'd like but just know that (Y/N) does love you, more than anything. It's up to you what you want to do now. We'll respect your decision and won't hold it against you."

Namjoon thought for a second, trying to think of what he wants to do. He loved you too, even after hearing what happened. He tried to think of what would make him happy, what would make Yoongi happy and, most importantly, what would make you and Hyun-Jae happy. Everything, for the past two years, was a lie to him. He didn't know what to do but he somehow came up with a decision.

One Month Later...

"Hyun-Jae, come over here! It's time for your shower." You chased after your daughter, trying your best to catch her.

"She gets the energy from you," you heard from the kitchen. You decided to take a breather and went into the kitchen, seeing Namjoon standing there with a smirk on his face.

You went up to him and playfully slapped his shoulder. He chuckled and kissed your head, causing you to pout slightly. Namjoon chuckled and pecked your lips, causing a small blush to creep onto your cheeks. Your daughter ended up running into your leg, giving you the chance to pick her up. She pouted when she came face-to-face with you, to which you responded with booping her nose. She giggled and hugged you tightly. Namjoon reached down and kissed her head before you went to the bathroom.

When you finished, you dressed Hyun-Jae in her pajamas and put her to sleep. She tried running out of bed a few times but you kept stopping her, noticing how her eyes were closing. "But I want to say goodnight to Dada!" She pouted tiredly.

You laughed and shook your head, "Fine. Let's go." You picked her up and carried her to the living room.

"Hyun-Jae wanted to say goodnight before she went to sleep." You said, putting Hyun-Jae down so she could run to Namjoon.

Namjoon scooped her up in his arms and kissed her cheek, "Goodnight, princess."

"Goodnight, Dada!"

You left Namjoon and Hyun-Jae alone, going into the kitchen to get something to drink. "She really loves him," you suddenly heard, causing you to jump. You turned and saw Yoongi sitting at the kitchen table, doing something on his phone.

"You scared me!" You told him, only causing him to laugh in response. You then decided to respond to what he said, "Of course she does. Even if he wasn't around much, she still thinks that he's her father."

"When should we tell her?" Yoongi suddenly asked.

You sighed and looked down, "When she's older. Then she'll understand and make a decision about what she wants."

"Dada, are you leaving now?" You suddenly heard Hyun-Jae cry.

You and Yoongi went into the living room and saw Hyun-Jae clinging onto Namjoon. "Yes, princess. I'll be back soon. You're going to be with Mama and Uncle Yoongi, okay? I'll be back next week."

Namjoon gave Hyun-Jae to you, kissing her head and yours one last time before leaving. Yes, Namjoon made the decision of leaving Hyun-Jae to you and Yoongi. He would visit every week for a few hours, and that was enough for him. He knew that it would be better if Hyun-Jae was raised by her real father and know why she acted in specific ways.

Was Namjoon sad? He was at first but he eventually realized that this was for the better. For himself, for Yoongi, for Hyun-Jae, and even for you. To him, this was the best case scenario. In his mind, you were better off like this.

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