Can't Move On [COMPLETE]✔

By DisneyFan100

5.1K 79 129

*I DO NOT OWN THE ART SHOWN* It's been two years sense Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps signed the papers that... More

Authors Note
Broken Glass
This Old Empty House
Dammit, Judy
Sweet Cheese and Crackers.
Murder On My Mind
I Miss You
Best Man//END

Marry Me

479 6 9
By DisneyFan100

AN- Really enjoyed writing this chapter. Hope you enjoy reading It.

"Hey, Wilde," Terry Molt, Nick's boss, called to the red fox," Think you can help us out till six? One of the other guys cant make it."

Nick gave a sigh and said," Sorry, Boss, no can do. I have to pick up my kits this afternoon."

Terry gave a groan," Wilde, I need another guy for this evening if we want this job done. Cant you spare a few hours?"

"I'm sorry, sir," Nick continued," But I cant."

"I can cover for him," Finnick said, coming into the conversation.

Terry shook his head," Alright. Whatever."

Nick gave a look to the wolf as he turned his back," He needs to get off my back if he even want me here at all."

"Nick, my boy, he is a new boss, things are going to change," Finnick said.

The red fox shook his head," I'm tired of Change, Finnick."

The smaller fox looked down a little and said," You go on ahead and pick up to fluff balls."

Nick nodded his head with a smile as he walked toward his truck.
"You guys got everything ready?" Judy asked Amber and Todd," Daddy will be here soon."

"Not for long, I hope," Jason said with a groan," Everytime that fox comes here-"

"Can this wait till they are not in earshot?" Judy asked with a look of annoyance. Jason never made it a secrete that he didnt like Nick, because he was a fox. That was one of the bunny's flaws Judy would look passed. There were even times, when he was drinking, that his comments about Nick would turn into comments about the kits, and whenever that was said, Judy was first to put a foot down.

"I'm only being honest, Darlin," Jason replied.

"Maybe a little too honest," Judy said back. It was then that Nick's truck was heard pulling into the yard.

"Daddy!" The kits yelled, running for the fox.

"Hey guys," Nick said with a wide smile, hugging his babys," Todd, you have to have grown at least three foot sense I last seen you."

"Nope," the youngest kit laughed," Same size."

"Amber, my girl, what is happening, fluff?" Nick said, folding on of the small bunny's ears over her eye.

"I'm fine, daddy," the oldest kit chuckled.

"You remember-" Judy started, but was cut off by Nick.

"Todd has to take his medicine, and Amber has softball practice tomorrow afternoon. Carrots, I have the memory of an elephant, trust me."

Judy gave a small laugh and said," Ok, kits, one more hug goodbye."

Amber and Todd gave their mama a hug, giving her a kiss before going toward their dads truck," I'll see you Monday," Nick said, getting into the truck.

Putting the vehicle in Drive, Nick started down the road, looking at Judy through the rear view mirror. It has been two years sense those damned papers were signed, but Nick still missed her. Everytime he saw the bunny, another memory of the two would pop up.


Nick and Judy were on their one year anniversary date, celebrating a night that Nick had all planned out, from the suspenseful beginning, to the happy ending.

"So, Mr. Fox," Judy said from the passenger seat of the car," What do you have planned for this beautiful night?"

"If you must know, officer Hopps," Nick replied," Our first stop is for food. I am starving."

Judy chuckled," Wow, such ramonce in your voice."

"Its a gift, Carrots," Nick said with a wink.

The truck then pulled into the valet area of a fancy resturant," Nick, do you have any idea how expensive this place is?"

The fox chuckled and said," My dear, tonight, money is the least of my worries. All I want tonight is to make sure my bunny has the best night ever."

Judy's heart melted as Nick kissed her hand, and exited the vehicle," Take it easy," Nick told the valet, handing over the keys, then linking arms with Judy as the two entered the restaurant.

Nick verified the reservations, and the two took a seat, Nick lost in thought, staring at Judy.

"What?" The bunny asked, blushing.

"Do you have any earthly idea how beautiful you are?" Nick asked.

Judy smiled to the fox," Nope, but you have a way of making me feel beautiful."

"I'm glad I have that effect on you," Nick said, giving the bunny a kiss.

After their meal in the restaurant, Nick had one more stop. The moment he had been waiting for for the passed three months. The fox pulled into the Central Zootopia Park, and held Judy's hand, leading her the top of a hill that oversaw the river, and beyond the river was a forest of trees, and above all of that was the beautiful night sky, full of stars.

"Nick, this is beautiful," Judy said in amazement.

The fox smiled and said," I'm glad you like it."

Judy then looked up and grabbed the foxs shirt sleeve," Look!"

Nick looked up and saw a single star shoot across the sky," Wow. Shooting star," Nick said.

"Make a wish you dumb fox," Judy laughed.

"What more could I wish for?" Nick asked," All I need is right here."

Judy put a hand over her heart and smiled," I love you, Nick."

"However," Nick said," There is one thing I would wish for. If I could have any one thing right now, i know what it would be. It's actually what tonight is all about."

Judy raised a brow," and just what is that?"

Nick smiled and pulled out a small black box," Its for this beautiful bunny to Marry me."

Judy then had a look of shock as Nick opened the box, revealing a diamond ring," Nick..."

"Judith Hopps," Nick said with a loving smile," Will you marry me?"

Judy began crying years of joy as she said," Yes! Yes!"

The bunny hugged Nick tightly, giving him a passionate kiss on the lips," Judith Wilde does have a nice ring to it."

"Daddy, why are you crying?" Amber asked, looking up at her father.

Nick didnt even realize there was a tear rolling down his face, but played it off with a smile," These are tears of joy, baby girl," Nick said, putting an arm around his daughter," You know you and Todd are my whole world."

"What about mommy?" Todd asked from the backseat.

Nick looked to his son from the rearview mirror and said," Yeah....mommy too."
"I swear,why cant you two meet at a parking lot like normal divorced couples? No, you have to DRAG that fox to my house," Jason commented.

"He is the father of my children," Judy said," He is entitled to them on his days with them, and I dont see why it matters where we meet."

"Because everytime he comes here, it remind me that those damn kits are part fox."

Judy groaned," Jesus, will you leave them out of this? And what do you mean 'it remind you'? Todd is a fox. That is clearly seen."

"Well, I can easily ignore those pricks," Jason commented, opening a beer," You just dont have to worry about me claiming either of them as my own."

Judy shook her head," If Nick is a problem, then I will handle it."

Jason nodded his head," See that you do, Judy."

Judy then went into the kitchen. Sometimes, Jason was a serious dick. He had a problem with keeping his mouth shit when he should, especially when it came to Nick. Sometimes, the bunny would feel like she had enough of it. However, there were three main problems with even the thought of leaving:
1. She had nowhere to go. Her sister, Faith, lived in Zootopia, but her apartment would be too small for her and the kits. Mrs. Otterton? She has had too much going on in her life to worry about Judy. Nick? Why would she even think Nick WOULD help her? He was over her, and having her move in would just complicate his life, which was something she didnt want to do.

2. Her job. Living back with Nick, there was too much distance between their house and the ZPD for her to make it on time, which was why they bought the car. However, sense moving in with Jason, they car is used more for beer runs or late night parties for Jason, so Judy would walk to work, and with the distance they lived, she only had to walked an hour to make it.

3. Number three was the biggest reason of all. Though he did have his bad sides, and sometimes he scared the bunny, Judy loved him. When he wasnt drinking, Jason was the sweetest mammal she had ever met. The problem with that was that there were very few days he wasnt drinking.

Judy replaced her fown with a smile and walked back into the living room to see Jason watching a football game," Who's winning?" The bunny asked, sitting beside him.

"The lions," Jason responded," Can you get me a beer, sugar?"

Judy nodded her head and fetched the beverage before sitting down again. The two sat together, watching the game.
"Nick Wilde?" Amber's Coach, Coach Richards, shaking the foxs hand.

"Yessir," Nick said.

"Alright. Amber, go ahead and get ready," The badger said," That's a hell of a kit you got there. One of my best players."

"Its in a Wilde's blood to be the best at everything we do," Nick said on a joking manor.

"Then she is living up to the name," the coach said," Nice to meet you, though."

"Likewise," Nick. responded.

The fox then walked back to the bleachers where Todd was sitting, waiting for his father return," Daddy, why is everyone so quiet here?"

Nick was going to answer, but was cut off by a surprise guest," Because the party just got here," Finnick said with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" Nicl asked the fox.

"Heard you would be here with the Fluff balls," Finnick said," And, also, I'm paying for lunch."

"Its 3PM," Nick pointed out.

"Then I'll pay for dinner," Finnicl said," Nick, do not try to get rid of me. It isnt going to happen."

Todd laughed at the small bickering between his daddy and uncle Finnick. The young fox always knew it was nothing but fin whenever the two got together," Uncle Finnick, I lost a tooth last week."

The small fox smiled," Is that so? That means you'll be getting grown up teeth soon. You'll be looking like your father over here."

The kit laughed, and hugged his dad," I like that idea," Todd said, causing Nick to smile.

The three then watched ber and the rest of the team practice their plays for the next two hours, and then, went to the vehicles," You did good, sweetheart," Nick smiled," You keep playing like that, and your entire future will be set."

"Thanks, daddy," the bunny said.

"So, where we chowing at?" Finnick asked.

"PIZZA!!!" Amber and Todd cheered with high Hopes.

"I guess that's your answer," Nick chuckled.

The flour mammals ate at the nearest Pizza parlor, then, Nick drove the kits back to his house. It was a little passed 9PM when he decided to put them to bed," Ok, guy, time for sleep."

"Daddy," Amber said," Can I ask a question?"

"Sure, baby," Nick said," What on your mind?"

"Do you and mama still love eachother?"

Nick had a thoughtful look on his face and said," Sweetheart....its a little complicated."


Nick sighed," I love your mother very much," Nick said," But, though I love mommy, mommy loves Jason."

"I dont like Jason," Todd said.

"Why not?" Nick asked, raising a brow.

"Because he always says bad things about you," the young fox said," why does he say bad things about you?"

Nick forced a chuckle and said," Because Jason doesnt like me too much."

"But you are the coolest daddy ever," Amber said," How could anyone NOT love you?"

"That's how life is," Nick said, giving both of his kits a kiss on the head," Goodnight guys."

"Goodnight, daddy," the kits said, falling fast asleep within minutes.

Nick sighed as he sat down on the couch in his living room and looked to the door where, just behind it, his kits were sleeping soundly.

"The older they get, the more questions they are gonna ask," Nick told himself," They are growing up too fast, and I am not there enough to see it happen."

Nick has done everything in his power to always be there for the kits. Whenever th err e is an emergency, or Amber has a softball game, Nick always finds time to make it. The fox had never missed his weekend with them. He called their house every night to say goodnight to kits kits. All Nick wanted to do was be a better father than what he was given, and so far, everyone thinks he is doing a damn food job at it, but in Nick's eyes. The way he feels about it, he just wished he could be there more.

AN- HOLY SHIT!!!! 2200 WORD COUNT! I havent done that on MONTHS. Pretty proud of myself tonight. Lol. Anyway, hope you guys liked the chapter. Some plot development going on. Hope your ready for the next chapter. Will be up soon, I hope. Till then....

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